SCRANTON – The Diocese of Scranton will celebrate its annual Mother’s Day Adoption Mass on Sunday, May 12, at 10:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton. This liturgy prayerfully recognizes all mothers, with a special emphasis on adoptive and foster mothers.

The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, will serve as principal celebrant and homilist for the Mass.

The Mother’s Day Adoption Mass is open to the public and all faithful are invited to attend.

CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton will broadcast the Mass live. A livestream will also be provided on the Diocese of Scranton website, YouTube channel and across all Diocesan social media platforms.

In preparation for the Mother’s Day Adoption Mass, Bethany Meola, a stay-at-home mother, who previously served at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in the Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, reflected on the holiday from an adoptive mother’s perspective.

“My first Mother’s Day as a mom was as special as I’d dreamed it would be. My husband got me a bouquet of peonies, a framed picture of our daughter’s handprint and matching shirts: Mama Bear and Baby Bear,” Meola said. “My heart was filled with joy and gratitude, not the least because after six years of infertility and trying to adopt, I finally held my beautiful sleeping daughter in my arms.”

Meola says becoming a mother through adoption has taught her many things.

“First, being an adoptive mother has deepened my sense of being a steward of the gift of life. So often life is treated as something entirely under our control, something we can time precisely or even end when continuing it is undesirable. Experiencing infertility taught me the hard way that no, I’m not the Author of Life; God is,” she continued.

“Second, being an adoptive mother has enriched my understanding of how Scripture uses the language and conception of adoption,” Meola said. “Finally, being an adoptive mother reminds me – especially around Mother’s Day – to pray for mothers in difficult circumstances and for women who long to hold a son or daughter. There are so many mothers in need of prayers and support, not the least being courageous birthmothers.”

Mark your calendars for May 12 and join us for the Mother’s Day Adoption Mass as we pray for mothers, near and far, including Mary, Mother of the Church.

(OSV News) – Pope Francis sat down exclusively with “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell on April 24 for an interview ahead of the Vatican’s inaugural “World Children’s Day.” The CBS interview marks the first time a pope has given an in-depth, one-on-one interview to a U.S. broadcast network, according to the network.

In the brief portion of the interview that aired April 24, topics ranged from the conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine and the plight of children in these areas to climate change and the decline in the number of U.S. Catholics.

Pope Francis greets children as he accepts the offertory gifts during Mass for the feast of Mary, Mother of God, and World Peace Day on New Year’s Day in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Jan. 1, 2024. A portion of a new interview with Pope Francis aired April 24 on “CBS Evening News” with Norah O’Donnell; the full version will air May 19 and 20 ahead of the inaugural World Children’s Day in St. Peter’s Square. (CNS photo/Lola Gomez)

O’Donnell asked Pope Francis about “pictures of starving children coming out of Gaza” and what he thought of those that “call that a genocide.”

The pope replied that he calls a Catholic parish of about 600 people in Gaza every afternoon, where he hears that the situation is “very hard” as “food goes in, but they have to fight for it. It’s very hard.”

In her report, O’Donnell noted that the pope condemned the Oct. 7 attack on Israelis by the terrorist group Hamas and also called on Israel to use restraint. Earlier this month, the pope met with the families of Israelis hostages still held by Hamas. O’Donnell referenced the pope’s past calls for peace and a ceasefire in the region and asked him if he could “help negotiate peace.”

“I can pray, I do,” he replied, “I pray a lot.”

In advance of World Children’s Day, O’Donnell asked about the United Nations’ estimate that “over a million people will be facing famine in Gaza, many of them children.”

“Not only Gaza,” the pope replied, “we should think about Ukraine.”

“Those kids don’t know how to smile,” he lamented. “I tell them something, but they forgot how to smile. And this is very hard when a child forgets to smile. That’s really very serious.”

“Do you have a message for Vladimir Putin when it comes to Ukraine,” O’Donnell asked.

“Please, countries at war, all of them: Stop the war,” the pope said, “look to negotiate. Look for peace. A negotiated peace is better than a war without end.”

When asked about his practice of inviting children to join him in the popemobile and to visit the Apostolic Palace, the pope said that children “always bear a message. They bear a message, and it is a way for us to have a younger heart.”

O’Donnell also asked the pope about those who deny climate change.

“There are people who are foolish and foolish even if you show them research; they don’t believe it,” he replied. “Why? Because they don’t understand the situation or because of their interest, but climate change exists.”

O’Donnell cited a statistic that in the US, only 20% of adults identify as Catholic, down from 24% in 2007. She asked Pope Francis to “speak to those who don’t go to Mass anymore, or maybe don’t see a place for themselves in the Catholic Church.”

“I would say there is always a place, always,” he replied. “If in this parish, the priest doesn’t seem welcoming, I understand, but go and look.”

“There is always a place,” he emphasized. “Do not run away from the church. The church is very big. It’s more than a temple. It’s more. You shouldn’t run away.”

In addition to the brief interview segment that aired April 24, CBS will air more of the interview on “60 Minutes” May 19 and in a primetime special on May 20. O’Donnell revealed that she had also asked the pope about “the migrant crisis, gay rights, women’s role in the church and whether he’s thinking about retirement” in the remainder of the interview.

WASHINGTON (OSV News) – Donations to the annual Catholic Home Missions Appeal “make a real impact on real people” by supporting pastoral ministry in U.S. mission territory and strengthening the church overall, said the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ subcommittee on Catholic Home Missions.

Bishop W. Shawn McKnight of Jefferson City, Missouri, said that as subcommittee chair and as the shepherd of a mission diocese himself, he can attest that parishes and dioceses in mission territory “are places where ministry is marked by the deep commitment of parishioners and the clergy who serve them.”

Bishop Oscar A. Solis of Salt Lake City and clergy from the diocese celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist during Mass July 9, 2023, at the Mountain America Expo Center in Sandy, Utah. An estimated 10,000 people from throughout Utah attended the Eucharistic Rally and Mass, which was the culmination of the diocese’s “Year of Diocesan Revival.” (OSV news photo/Sam Lucero)

“Many often travel many miles through mountains and deserts or arctic terrain to preside or participate at Mass and serve each other and their communities,” the bishop said in a column provided to OSV News. “These Catholics give sacrificially to support their parishes and essential ministries. They are deeply grateful and humbled by your prayers and generous support of the Catholic Home Missions Appeal.”

The appeal takes place during Mass the weekend of April 27-28. Some dioceses have a different date for the collection, but #iGiveCatholicTogether also accepts funds for the appeal.

This collection supports dioceses and eparchies in the United States and its territories where Catholics are too few or too materially impoverished to support local ministry without outside help. Natural disasters or economic hardships caused by unemployment can increase their need.

Gifts to the Catholic Home Missions Appeal provided more than $9.8 million in grants for 2023, according to a news release from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The grants supported mission dioceses by subsidizing vocations work, seminary education, faith formation, evangelization, youth and young adult ministry, family and pro-life ministries and a wide variety of outreach among diverse ethnic or immigrant groups.

Grant recipients included:

— A mentor-driven approach to faith formation in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana, where diocesan renewal initiatives are producing growth, evidenced by a rise in Mass attendance.

— A priestly vocations outreach in the Diocese of Superior, Wisconsin, that, after two years without ordinations, in 2023 yielded the largest ordination class in decades. In the program “Called North,” priests mentor and accompany young men as they discern whether they are called to the priesthood.

— A prison ministry program in the Diocese of Amarillo, Texas, that one diocesan leader wrote is helping to “heal these men from their past failures and give them hope for the future.”

— An annual evangelization congress in the Diocese of Stockton, California, organized by Hispanic/Latino young adults who are leading their peers to Christ. Parish youth write and perform skits to show how following the Gospel transforms real life situations.

— Participation of Catholics from the Diocese of Salt Lake City at World Youth Day and local Eucharistic revival activities.

“Ultimately it is the Holy Spirit who transforms hearts, leads people to Christ, and inspires them to greater virtue,” Bishop McKnight wrote. “Yet the Spirit uses your financial gifts to the Catholic Home Missions Appeal to help bring this about. When you give to the collection in your diocese, no matter how large or small the amount, you are an instrument in the hands of God, bringing faith, hope and love to your neighbors.”

WASHINGTON (OSV News) – The Supreme Court on April 22 heard a case concerning the constitutionality of local laws that ban public camping and their impact on people who are homeless.

The case concerns an ordinance adopted by Grants Pass, Oregon, prohibiting public camping within city limits. The city claimed the ordinance prohibiting public camping – which it defined as sleeping outside and using materials including blankets – applies to everyone, but challengers argued the ordinance criminalized homelessness, violating the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment.

A Los Angeles homeless camp is seen in Echo Lake Park March 24, 2021, amid the coronavirus pandemic. (OSV News photo/Mike Blake, Reuters)

The case, City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson, is the most significant case concerning homelessness to reach the high court in decades.

During oral arguments lasting more than two hours, justices and lawyers grappled with the balance between the civil rights of individuals experiencing homelessness and city officials seeking to regulate public spaces.

Justice Elena Kagan suggested the city’s ordinance may have veered too far from protecting public spaces into criminalizing a basic human function.

“Sleeping is a biological necessity,” Kagan said. “Sleeping in public is kind of like breathing in public.”

In a tense line of questioning, Kagan asked a lawyer for the city where homeless individuals were expected to go.

“Where do we put them if every city, every village, every town lacks compassion? And passes a law identical to this? Where are they supposed to sleep? Are they supposed to kill themselves not sleeping?” she asked.

Meanwhile, some of the court’s justices from its conservative wing expressed concern that implementing such policies was improperly falling to judges rather than state and local lawmakers. Chief Justice John Roberts at one point asked a lawyer for the federal government why “these nine people” – referring to the high court – were the right venue for the question.

The case made for some strange political bedfellows, with some liberal or progressive leaders joining conservatives in backing stricter ordinances.

In a friend-of-the-court brief urging the justices to side with Grant’s Pass, Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., acknowledged problems presented by criminalizing homelessness, but argued that state and local officials are “trapped, at risk of suit for taking action but also accountable for the consequences of inaction.”

Newsom pointed out that the problem of homeless camping is nationwide and requires officials to balance competing concerns. He stated the National Park Service, after attempting to get individuals into long-term housing, ultimately had to clear a homeless encampment in Washington’s McPherson Square near the White House – but noted that the City of San Francisco, facing a similar situation, has its hands tied by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

As some of the arguments in the case centered around how many beds in homeless shelters were available in the city, Becket, a Washington-based religious liberty law firm, filed a friend-of-the-court brief arguing that religious shelters were improperly excluded from the city’s tally of available beds in shelters for the homeless.

“Ignoring the good work of religious homeless shelters flouts basic human decency and common sense,” Daniel Chen, counsel at Becket, said in a statement. “These ministries should not be treated as suspect when they are on the front lines helping solve our nation’s homelessness problem.”

A decision in the case is expected by the end of the Supreme Court’s term, typically in June.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – When Jesus called himself the “good shepherd,” he was telling people not only that he was their guide, but that they were important to him and “that he thinks of each of us as the love of his life,” Pope Francis said.

“Consider this: for Christ, I am important, he thinks of me, I am irreplaceable, worth the infinite price of his life,” which he laid down for the salvation of all, the pope said April 21 before reciting the “Regina Coeli” prayer with visitors in St. Peter’s Square.

Pope Francis waves at people gathered in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 21, 2024, for his recitation of the “Regina Coeli” prayer. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

Jesus was not just saying something nice, the pope said. Each believer should recognize that “he truly gave his life for me; he died and rose again for me. Why? Because he loves me, and he finds in me a beauty that I often do not see myself.”

Many people think of themselves as inadequate or undeserving of love, he said. Or they believe their value comes from what they have or are able to do.

In the day’s Gospel reading, Jn 10:11-18, “Jesus tells us that we are always infinitely worthy in his eyes,” the pope said.

To understand and experience the truth of that statement, Pope Francis said, “the first thing to do is to place ourselves in his presence, allowing ourselves to be welcomed and lifted up by the loving arms of our good shepherd.”

The pope asked people in the square to consider if they find or make the time each day “to embrace this assurance that gives value to my life” and “for a moment of prayer, of adoration, of praise, to be in the presence of Christ and to let myself be caressed by him.”

That time in prayer, he said, will remind a person that “he gave his life for you, for me, for all of us. And that for him, we are all important, each and every one of us.”

After reciting the “Regina Coeli,” Pope Francis told the crowd that he continues to follow the tensions in Israel, Palestine and throughout the Middle East “with concern and also with grief.”

“I renew my appeal not to give in to the logic of vengeance and war. May the paths of dialogue and diplomacy, which can do so much, prevail,” he said. “I pray every day for peace in Palestine and Israel, and I hope that these two peoples may stop suffering soon.”

He also asked Catholics to continue to pray for peace in Ukraine and for the people who are suffering because of the war.



VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Peace can spread and grow from “small seeds” like including someone who is left out of an activity, showing concern for someone who is struggling, picking up some litter and praying for God’s help, Pope Francis told Italian schoolchildren.

“At a time still marked by war, I ask you to be artisans of peace,” the pope told some 6,000 Italian schoolchildren involved in the National Network of Schools of Peace, a civic education program designed to teach the children to care for themselves, their friends, their communities, the world and the environment.

A teacher blows a kiss to Pope Francis at the end of an audience with about 6,000 Italian schoolchildren involved in the National Network of Schools of Peace, a civic education program, in the Paul VI Audience Hall at the Vatican April 19, 2024. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

During the gathering April 19 in the Vatican audience hall, Pope Francis led the children in a moment of silent prayer for their peers in Ukraine and in Gaza.

“In a society still prisoner of a throwaway culture,” he told them, “I ask you to be protagonists of inclusion; in a world torn by global crises, I ask you to be builders of the future, so that our common home may become a place of fraternity.”

The pope drew the children’s attention to the U.N. Summit of the Future, which is scheduled for Sept. 22-23 in New York to draft a “Pact for the Future,” focused on promoting international cooperation and partnerships to ensure “a world that is safer, more peaceful, more just, more equal, more inclusive, more sustainable, and more prosperous.”

While government leaders and experts in a variety of fields obviously must get involved to make that hope a reality, the pope said, the pact will remain “just words on a page” without a commitment by all people of good will to take concrete steps aimed at changing harmful behavior and building communities and societies where everyone feels they are cared for and belong.

“This is a dream that requires being awake and not asleep,” he told the young people. The world can change for the better only when people are out in the world, “not lying on the couch,” using media to create connections and not just waste time, “and then — listen carefully — this kind of dream is realized by praying, that is, together with God, not by our strength alone.”

“Peace, in fact, is not only a silence of weapons and absence of war,” Pope Francis said. “It is a climate of benevolence, trust and love that can mature in a society based on caring relationships, in which individualism, distraction and indifference give way to the ability to pay attention to others, to listen to their needs, to heal their wounds, to be instruments of compassion and healing.”

INDIANAPOLIS (OSV News) – Catholics will come to Indianapolis in the tens of thousands for the National Eucharistic Congress July 17-21 — some as individuals, some as couples, some as groups.

And some will come as families.

“The church is a family of families,” said Gabriela Ross, director of the Indianapolis Archdiocese’s Office of Marriage and Family Life. “It just makes sense for them to be here for the congress!”

Ross serves on the NEC planning team for the congress’s family track.

“We’ve tried to think of everything to make attending the National Eucharistic Congress as easy as possible for families,” she said, including offering free admission for children ages 12 and younger traveling with their family.

Ross spoke with The Criterion, Indianapolis’ archdiocesan newspaper, about the experience families can look forward to at the congress — and how families can prepare and be involved, whether or not they attend.

Families coming together to spend time focusing on the Eucharist is important, said Ross.

“The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith,” she said. “And marriage as a sacrament is an icon of God’s love.

“The vocation of marriage is to baptize and evangelize the family. If marriages are going to succeed in that vocation and mission, then they need the Eucharist as the source of their love, because the Eucharist transforms and purifies the family.”

The NEC website notes the same, stating, that “fostering a love of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist within our homes will have a profound impact on how we love others outside of our homes. … Eucharistic revival happens at the grassroots level, and the domestic church is an essential part of this movement.”

This message will be shared during the morning “Cultivate” family impact sessions during the congress. Speakers include Voluntas Dei Father Leo Patalinghug, founder of the Plating Grace international food and faith movement and host of EWTN’s “Savoring Our Faith” show; John Paul II Healing Center founder Bob Schuchts; and Damon and Melanie Owens, founders of the online Joyful Ever After marriage ministry.

Ennie and Cana Hickman, founders of the Del Rey Collective ministry, will serve as emcees, and popular Catholic musician Steve Angrisano will provide music at each session.

“It’s wonderful for Catholic families to encourage and support each other in their witness,” said Ross. “The family track has taken the time to anticipate a lot of those family needs – nursing, a sensory-friendly room, a family quiet room, volunteers at all entrances and exits, like a checkpoint in case little ones try to wander off.”

While the morning sessions are ticketed and have a capacity limit, all attendees are welcome to enjoy afternoon breakout talks and experiences.

“There are other family workshops beyond the talks,” Ross adds, including a “Catholic home experience that has Eucharistic adoration and activities for the whole family every day,” and an area offering “Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.”

Families also can enjoy some sightseeing in the afternoons. The Indiana Convention Center and neighboring Lucas Oil Stadium — the two NEC venues — are within walking distance of several museums, the canal walk, Monument Circle and more.

Whether planning on attending the congress or not, there are ways for families to be involved and focused on the Eucharist ahead of time, said Ross.

The National Eucharistic Revival website offers resources in English and Spanish for families and children of different ages at Options include videos and activities on eucharistic saints, the Mass, small group discussions and more. Local opportunities can help families on the Eucharist, too.

“Join in a Corpus Christi procession, and invite other families to join you,” Ross suggested. The feast is celebrated June 2 this year.

Families also might participate in one of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage events from May 17-July 16, as eucharistic processions from the northern, eastern, southern and western areas of the United States make stops for adoration in parishes throughout the U.S. before converging in Indianapolis for the congress. Information on the four routes and parish stops can be found at

The most important action families can take is to pray, said Ross.

“Pray the Sisters of Life’s Eucharistic family prayer,” she said, which can be found at “Pray as a family in adoration. Talk with your parish about offering a family adoration experience.”

Ross invited families to include the National Eucharistic Congress among their intentions.

“Pray for the success of the congress, for those in attendance, for those planning the event,” she said. “And pray for renewal, that our country will experience renewed love for the Eucharist.”

Ross encouraged families throughout the country to come to the National Eucharistic Congress.

“This is such a unique moment in the life of the church,” she said. “It really is an incredible opportunity for families that will have a ripple effect. But it takes families to come to create those ripple effects when they go back to their communities and take their lived experience and witness to the faith.”

Ross acknowledges that planning any family trip can have its challenges.

“But in this case, everything is planned out for you — all you have to do is come!”


The University of Scranton announced medalists of its Earth Day Essay Contest for students in grades 5 to 12 at an Evening of Environmental Science event on campus in April. From left: Earth Day Essay Contest first place medalists Edie Hann, grade 9, Scranton Preparatory School; Colin Sickles, grade 5, St. Clare/St. Paul’s Elementary School; and Mark Murphy, director of the Office of Sustainability at the University.

Students from several Catholic Schools won awards at The University of Scranton’s Earth Day Essay Contest – with a theme inspired by the Pope’s call.

Three-hundred and fifty students in grades five to 12 participated in The University of Scranton Earth Day Essay Contest this year, which set a record for participation in the annual competition. Awards were announced at the University’s Evening of Environmental Science Event on campus in April.

This year’s essay theme was “Sustainable Living, Caring for Creation,” which was inspired by Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical letter “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home” and The University of Scranton’s commitment to join a coalition of colleges from around the world to develop, implement and evaluate initiatives around seven ecological goals over a seven-year period to meet the Pope’s call for integral ecology and to gain designation by the Vatican as a Laudato Si’ University.

The first-place winner of the fifth-grade essay contest was Collin Sickles, from St. Claire/St. Paul’s Elementary School. Aubrey Mace, from Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence Charter School and Sophia Norton, from St. Clair/St. Paul tied for second place. Isabella Muso and Taylor Ebersole from All Saints Academy won third place medals.

The sixth-grade student that took first place in the essay contest was Sean Kiernan, from Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence Charter School. The students who tied for second place were Ronan Keating and Katie Doherty, both from St. Claires/St. Paul’s Elementary School. Receiving a third-place awards were Nathan Dennis, from Fell Charter School and Griffin Maynor, from All Saints Academy.

All the seventh-grade essay contest winners were from St Claire/St. Paul’s Elementary School. The first-place winner of the seventh-grade essay contest was Preet Patel. The second-place winners were Madlyn McHale and Sage Michel. The third-place winners were Bennet Budow and Lily Reager. 

The eight-grade first-place winner was Sylvia Fahey, from Howard Gardner Multiple Intelligence Charter School. In second place were Elizabeth Rich, from Holy Rosary School and Raeleigh Reiss, from Howard Gardner. The third-place winner was Jonathan Fitzmaurice, from Holy Rosary School.

The ninth-10th grade essay contest winners were: Edie Hann, first place, Scranton Preparatory School; Anusha Thapa Magar, second place, Holy Cross High School; Anna Tringale, second-place, North Carolina; and Simon E. Madore, third place, Holy Cross High School.

The 11th-12th grade essay contest winners were all from Valley View High School. Coming in first place was Gabby Staback; in second place was Emma Miller and tied for third-place was Noah M. Nocek and Christian Sweeny.

University of Scranton students who work in the Jesuit school’s Office of Sustainability reviewed the essays submitted, in addition to organizing the award ceremony. University students Emily Burgers, an environmental science major from Wayne, New Jersey; Rebekah Thompson, an occupational therapy major from Bedminster, New Jersey; and Emma Warras, an environmental science major from Kinnelon, New Jersey; spoke at the award program. Mark Murphy, director of the Office of Sustainability at the University, has organized the Earth Day Essay Contest for a decade.

Information about next year’s essay contest will be posted to the University’s Sustainability webpage in January 2025.



St. Patrick’s newly confirmed are: Clare Barcia, Isabella De Meo, Lucas Eira, Patrick Fleming, Jack Kahmar, Adrianna Keller, Slawomir Kratochwill, Gianna Lake, Brooke Nielsen, Melissa Padula and Christian Sell. 

Eleven area students from St. Patrick’s Parish in Milford, PA received the Sacrament of Confirmation in a combined service with candidates from St. Vincent de Paul Parish, St. Joseph’s Parish, St. Ann’s Parish and St. John Neumann Parish.

The service, held at St. Vincent de Paul Church in Milford, featured  the Presentation of Candidates by Rev. Joseph Manarchuck, homily by Bishop Joseph Bambera of the Diocese of Scranton, and Laying on of Hands and Anointing with the oil of Chrism by Bishop Bambera. The event was rich in pageantry and liturgical beauty, including the presence and participation of the Knights of Columbus. Concelebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, in addition to Bishop Bambera, were: Rev. Ed Casey, Rev. Joseph Manarchuck and Rev. Sudhir Toppo.

In the Sacrament of Confirmation, candidates (or Confirmandi), are sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, reminded of their participation in the ministry and mission of Jesus, and strengthened to become strong witnesses of Christ.


SCRANTON – The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, will celebrate the Diocesan Scouts Mass on Saturday, April 20, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Peter.

All scouts and their families are invited to attend the liturgy which will recognize the value of scouting.

During the Mass, three scouts are expected to receive the Pope Pius XII medal. The emblem for this award reflects the ideal of the youth’s growing awareness of the Word of God as well as the scouts place in the world.

Seven scouts will also receive the Ad Altare Dei medal, which centers on the Sacraments and equips the scout to take their place as a maturing Catholic.

At Saint Catherine of Siena Parish in Moscow, the value of scouting was also recognized recently as members of BSA Troop 132, Troop 1132 and Pack 126 participated in their annual Scout Sunday Service. Father Thomas M. Muldowney and Deacon Frank Zeranski are pictured at the right with the scouts that attended the Mass.