SCRANTON – In a world filled with noise and distractions, Nancy Layo finds peace and comfort in praying the rosary.

“I feel like I’m holding onto Mary’s hand when I’m praying the rosary,” Layo said. “It keeps me connected to God through Mary.”

The same is true for Ann Laird.

“For me, it has provided a sense of calm, a sense of purpose, and I feel much closer to our Lord through the Blessed Mother,” Laird added.

Both Layo and Laird, who are parishioners and members of the worship team at Mary, Mother of God Parish in North Scranton, have dedicated their Friday mornings this month to praying the rosary with fellow parishioners in their church.

“It is good for us to say our own prayers but for us to get together and pray is also powerful,” Layo said.

The Catholic Church dedicates the month of October to the Holy Rosary. This year, this month takes on added significance because parishes in the Diocese of Scranton are participating in a Rosary Crusade, leading up to a large Rosary Rally that will take place on Nov. 16, 2024, at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton.

The Rosary Crusade, which is now underway, will look different in each parish. Some will celebrate Mass or schedule a special Holy Hour for the intention of an increase in family prayer. Others will have parishioners gather more often to recite the rosary – or ask families to sign a pledge card to recite the rosary as a family.

“We’re excited because there are so many beautiful things about the rosary. It is such a common, uniting element that we have in our faith,” Mary Hallman, Diocesan Secretary for Parish Life, explained. “The whole purpose of the (Rosary) Crusade is for families to pray more.”

The Rosary Rally planned for Nov. 16 is being held to commemorate the first Rosary Rally held by Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., in the United States seventy-five years ago. That 1949 rally was held in Scranton and brought together 50,000 people.

Father Peyton devoted his priestly life to spreading devotion to Mary and encouraging family prayer, especially the rosary. He used radio, television, and film, and 540 Rosary Rallies worldwide to accomplish his mission.

“He harnessed the media and look at where we are today. We have ways to pray the rosary that he could have never imagined. There are apps for it. You can go online. One of my personal favorite things is I go on YouTube, and I can hear the voice of Father Peyton and pray the rosary along with him, just like people did all those years ago,” Hallman said.

Father Peyton, whose cause for sainthood was officially opened in 2001, has a connection to Scranton. After immigrating to the United States, a young Peyton served as the janitor for the Cathedral of Saint Peter before answering the call to the priesthood.

The Rosary Rally planned for Nov. 16 is open to everyone. There will be a special emphasis on getting families to attend together. There will be many special events taking place, including book signings, a screening of the movie ‘Pray,’ Eucharistic Adoration and a reflection on Mary using the artwork of the Cathedral of Saint Peter.

The centerpiece of the Rosary Rally will take place at 1:30 p.m. when all in attendance will recite the rosary together.

“We’re asking people to come together in the same spirit as they did with Father Peyton,” Hallman excitedly stated.

Whether you’re a lifelong devotee or have never picked up a rosary, Father Cyril Edwards, pastor, Mary, Mother of God Parish in Scranton, believes the Rosary Rally will be an opportunity for people to learn, grow, and experience the beauty of communal prayer. Together, he believes participants will lift their voices to heaven and draw closer to God.

“There is plenty to pray for,” the longtime pastor said.

For more information on the Rosary Rally that will take place on Nov. 16, visit the Diocese of Scranton website at

WILKES-BARRE – With colder nights on the horizon, construction is now underway on the new, permanent location for Mother Teresa’s Haven, an emergency shelter for men experiencing homelessness, which is operated by Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton.

Located at 39 East Jackson Street, directly above Saint Vincent de Paul Kitchen, the new facility will provide stability and essential services for those in need.

Construction is underway on the new permanent location for Mother Teresa’s Haven shelter, which will be located on East Jackson Street in Wilkes-Barre. (Photo/Eric Deabill)

“I’m like a little kid as Christmas is approaching,” Joe Mahoney, Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Social Services, said while touring the facility Oct. 10. “I’m so ready to have our people move into this space. Panzitta Enterprises, our construction contractor, has been wonderful to work with on this whole project.”

For several decades, Mother Teresa’s Haven has been ‘nomadic’ in nature, operating out of various churches in Wilkes-Barre. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been housed in the basement of Saint Mary’s Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Having a permanent site will not only enhance the quality of services offered but will also enable better coordination with other local providers.

“CareerLink is right behind us. There are health services and mental health services within walking distance,” Mahoney added.

The shelter will also be able to coordinate services with Saint Vincent de Paul Kitchen, along with its food and clothing pantries.

Construction is underway on the new permanent location for Mother Teresa’s Haven shelter, which will be located on East Jackson Street in Wilkes-Barre. (Photo/Eric Deabill)

“If somebody comes in without a pair of shoes, we’re going to be able to go downstairs and immediately solve that problem,” Harry Lyons, program director for Mother Teresa’s Haven, said.

The new shelter will have space for 20 beds and will also feature showers and laundry facilities for the first time.

“To be able to wake up in the morning and take a shower is not only a matter of hygiene and health, but basic human dignity,” Lyons added.

Construction is expected to be completely around Thanksgiving, just in time for the winter months, when the need for support is often most noticeable. The new shelter will be handicap accessible with access available via elevator.

Since Catholic Social Services owns the building, managers will also have flexibility to extend hours as weather conditions warrant.

Construction is underway on the new permanent location for Mother Teresa’s Haven shelter, which will be located on East Jackson Street in Wilkes-Barre. (Photo/Eric Deabill)

“If there is a foot of snow on the ground, or if it is four degrees out, I’m going to be able to make the decision that we are going to stay open that day and not put people out into the cold,” Lyons explained.

Community members – from county and city leaders to Bishop Bambera and local parishes – have been extremely supportive of the project. Funding from the ongoing Catholic Ministries Appeal will help the new shelter operate.

“This is really a community project,” Mahoney said. “This is where we need to be.”

PITTSTON –– Our Lady of the Eucharist Parish will host its 67th annual Novena to Saint Jude, patron saint of hopeless cases and things despaired of, at Saint Mary, Help of Christians Church, 535 North Main St., Pittston.

The well-known and time-honored Saint Jude Novena begins Saturday, Oct. 19, and concludes on the Feast of Saint Jude, Monday, Oct. 28.

Mass, homily, Novena prayers and veneration of the relic of Saint Jude will be held Monday through Friday at noon & 7 p.m.

Saturday devotions are offered at noon & 4 p.m., and the Sunday Novena is held at 11 a.m. & 5 p.m.

Recitation of the Rosary and Sacramental confessions (except Sunday) precede all Novena devotions.

This year’s scheduled celebrants/homilists for the Saint Jude Novena include: Saint Joseph Oblate Father Gregory Finn, Monsignor Joseph Quinn, Monsignor John Bendik, Father Sam Ferretti, Father Michael Boris, Monsignor John Jordan, Saint Joseph Oblate Father Paul McDonnell and Father Joseph Elston.

Novena prayer cards are provided. For more information, contact the parish office at (570) 654-0263.

WILKES-BARRE – While they each had diverse stories and styles, the three main speakers at the 2024 ‘Be A Catholic Man’ Conference all had a similar message.

Each speaker challenged the men attending this year’s conference to be proactive in embracing their Catholic faith and to become spiritual leaders in their homes and communities.

“Strong men, strong families,” Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers told thecrowd. “Strong families, strong church.”

John Edwards speaks during the ‘Be A Catholic Man’ Conference Oct. 5, 2024, at Holy Redeemer High School in Wilkes-Barre. (Photos/Mike Melisky)

Burke-Sivers is the author of five books and hosts several shows on EWTN. He explained that leadership is rooted in service.

“You’re not the ‘boss’ of your house,” he told the crowd. “You’re the head of the house because you are the chief servant.”

Father Bill Casey, who is also a frequent guest on EWTN and a nationally renowned speaker, explained that every person is created for heaven, that nothing is impossible with God, God has a plan for each life and is always faithful to his promises.

“Make the most of the gift of life and the gift of the time that God has given to you,” Father Casey said. “History has proven that time and time again, God always raises up the greatest saints in times of crisis in his church and the present age will be no different.”

John Edwards, founder and executive director of Pew Ministries, a Catholic apostolate with the mission of bringing Jesus Christ to all people, told a very personal story about how his addiction to drugs and alcohol landed him in prison.

Edwards said it was at that lowest point in his struggle with addiction that he realized Jesus came to him with love and mercy.

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers speaks during the ‘Be A Catholic Man’ Conference Oct. 5, 2024, at Holy Redeemer High School in Wilkes-Barre. (Photos/Mike Melisky)

“God doesn’t care about what you’ve done. He cares about what you have the potential to do,” Edwards said. “Every one of the Apostles was broken … I met Jesus and Jesus did something for me that I could not do for myself, and he can do it in every one of our lives.”

Approximately 370 men attended this year’s conference, which was held Oct. 5 at Holy Redeemer High School in Wilkes-Barre. This year was the ninth annual ‘Be A Catholic Man’ Conference.

“The speakers are unbelievable. They are national speakers, and I have never been disappointed,” Mike McFadden, a parishioner of Saint Lawrence Parish in South Williamsport, said. “I learned a lot about humility.”

Jack Walsh, who lives in Hershey, made the 90-minute trip to participate in this year’s conference.

“When you get in a group like this at a men’s conference, where you’re surrounded by guys that believe the same things and feel strongly in their faith, it’s very moving and important,” Walsh said.

Walsh brought his son, Mark, who is a junior at Messiah University, to this year’s conference for the first time. Mark, 22, was particularly inspired by Edwards’ personal story of putting his life back together after his arrest – and took away an important message.

“No matter what I’m going through, you can always have faith in the Lord, and if you believe, you can get back up,” Mark Walsh explained.

The conference concluded with Mass, celebrated by the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, who reflected on this year’s conference theme, ‘Come, follow me.’

“Following Jesus demands that for those of us who say ‘yes’ to his invitation, we’re willing to allow him to reshape our priorities, our actions and our very identity,” Bishop Bambera explained. “Authentically following Jesus requires a realignment of our lives with his teachings and example, embracing his values and making them our own.”

SCRANTON – Over the course of nine nights, hundreds of people filled the pews of Divine Mercy Parish for what has become a popular tradition in Lackawanna County.

Between Oct. 5-13, the Minooka-based parish hosted the well-known Candlelight Rosary Novena each night to celebrate the Marian month of October.

Faithful from across the Diocese of Scranton participate in the 45th annual Candlelight Rosary Novena at Divine Mercy Parish in Scranton Oct. 7, 2024. (Photo/Dan Piazza)

With parishes in the Diocese of Scranton currently involved in a Rosary Crusade, parishioner Joe Moceyunas described this year’s services as “very moving.”

“Once you experience it, it puts a whole different spin on your life and you’re very gracious and thankful for everything that God does,” he said. “It’s just amazing to see the faith that brings everybody here to pray to God.”

While the Candlelight Rosary Novena has now been taking place for 45 years in various parishes, Kathy Moceyunas feels it brought the Divine Mercy parish community even closer together.

With the theme for this year’s Rosary Novena, “In God We Trust,” Moceyunas found herself praying for our world.

“It really is a very prayerful moment, and it takes away from our busy lives. We come together and pray to the Blessed Mother. It’s just beautiful from start to finish,” she said.

During each night of the event, people recited the rosary together, crowned the Blessed Mother, reflected on a Gospel passage, prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and used candlelight during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

“I think it touches their hearts,” Deacon Carmine Mendicino, the Candlelight Rosary Novena’s long-time director, said. “No one leaves the church, even after it is over, they want to stay until the last song is finished and then they stop and talk to one another and share their feelings. It’s beautiful.”

The candlelight ambiance, combined with heartfelt prayers and music, creates a moving experience for all attendees – including many men – which Mendicino says was very evident this year.

“Many men come to this, and they are touched in a very special way,” Mendicino added. “I think it’s something that Mary has brought to all of us that we might enjoy.”

Father Paul McDonnell, O.S.J., Pastor of Divine Mercy Parish, said the nightly event was a beautiful way to honor Jesus through his Blessed Mother.

“They’re bringing the gift of faith into this church and if that moves me as a mere human being, as a priest, imagine what it does to the heart of Christ and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” Father McDonnell said.

BEACH LAKE – In a special celebration that blended nostalgia with hope for the future, Catholics in rural Wayne County celebrated the 100th anniversary of Saint Bernard Church on Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024.

The day began with a joyous 10:30 a.m. Mass celebrated by the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, who emphasized the church’s role as a cornerstone of the community.

Parishioners of Saint John the Evangelist Parish gathered to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Saint Bernard Church in Beach Lake on Sept. 29, 2024. (Photo/Dan Piazza)

“We are intimately connected with every soul who has worshiped in this place beginning with those that were here 100 years ago, and those of us today,” Bishop Bambera said. “We are bound together through the Eucharist that we celebrate on this altar and because of words of faith that we proclaim: ‘Christ has died, Christ is Risen, and Christ will come again.’”

Joseph Ehrenhardt has been attending Mass at Saint Bernard Church regularly since 1976. He calls the church a “close-knit community.”

“The church was built 100 years ago, before the (Great) Depression. When it was finished, they went through the depression. They went through World Wars and conflicts … yet the faithful were always here praying for peace and praying for the community,” he said.

Like many, Ehrenhardt discovered Saint Bernard Church because of the many resort communities in northern Wayne County. When he retired, his family moved to the community permanently and became more involved in his church community.

“We take in a lot of people from the resort areas every year and they’re part of our community here,” he added.

Over the years, Saint Bernard Church has become known for its welcoming spirit, drawing in people from all walks of life. Parishioners shared stories of how the church has been a refuge during times of need and a place of celebration during moments of joy.

“It is an anchor of the community,” parishioner Patrick La Tournous said. “There is a great amount of charity that comes out of here, whether it is through prayer or the practical sense.”

Gale Reers, who is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and has taught faith formation classes for 25 years, was inspired by the anniversary celebration.

“I feel that this community at Saint Bernard’s is very friendly. It is like a second home. Everybody in the parish is welcoming,” Reers explained. “We’re celebrating the past, present and future and God has blessed us in many ways including all the wonderful priests that we’ve had over the years to guide us.”

Saint Bernard Church is currently a worship site of Saint John the Evangelist Parish in Honesdale. As many parishioners reflected on the anniversary of their church community, they expressed gratitude not only for the building – but for the opportunity to be part of something greater.

“The church is a reflection of the community and in particular, the Catholic community. Some churches have to develop a fellowship, but it seems to be natural here and it’s great,” parishioner David Ford explained. “The faith of the Christian community is strongly embedded. It’s one of the reasons why we’re so happy and comfortable here and I can’t see that changing. I see it just getting better over time.”

Following Mass, the anniversary festivities concluded with a community gathering at Lukan’s Family Resort in Hawley.

WILKES-BARRE – Two long-time Catholic educators in the Diocese of Scranton, who have spent their careers instilling the values of compassion, integrity, and a love for learning in their students, were recognized for their accomplishments at this year’s Diocesan Teachers’ Institute Mass on Sept. 16, 2024.

Heather Feher and James Renfer were each presented with the Saint John Paul II Award by the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, inside Saint Nicholas Church.

Two long-time Catholic educators in the Diocese of Scranton were presented with the Saint John Paul II Award for 25 years of dedicated service to Catholic education in the Diocese of Scranton on Sept. 16, 2024, at Saint Nicholas Church in Wilkes-Barre. Participating in the presentation are, from left: Charlene Haggerty, Assistant Superintendent of Catholic Schools; James Renfer, Wyoming Area Catholic School, Exeter; Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton; Heather Feher, Saint Nicholas/Saint Mary School, Wilkes-Barre; and Kristen Donohue, Diocesan Secretary for Catholic Education/Superintendent of Catholic Schools. (Photo/Mike Melisky)

The award recognizes 25 years of dedicated service to Catholic education in the Diocese of Scranton.

“I believe in Catholic education,” Feher said. “I love being able to pass my values onto the children.”

For the last 18 years, Feher has taught kindergarten at Saint Nicholas/Saint Mary School in Wilkes-Barre. She previously spent six years teaching kindergarten at Gate of Heaven School and one year teaching pre-school at Saint Mary’s Byzantine School.

Feher said she loves teaching kindergarten because the kids are excited about coming to school each day.

“I like when they accidentally call me ‘mommy.’ Now that I’m getting older, I’ve been called ‘grandma’ twice this year,” she joked. “I also love it when they come back from Holy Redeemer High School and visit us all right before they graduate. I love when I see them all grown up.”

Renfer started his teaching career in 1999 teaching sixth-through-eighth grade at Sacred Heart School in Dupont. He then moved to Wyoming Area Catholic School, where he taught fourth grade for 13 years, and for the last five years has been teaching eighth grade.

“It’s important that we keep the faith going in the schools,” Renfer said.

As their fellow educators applauded them after the awards presentation, both Feher and Renfer said their success is a direct reflection of the incredible educational community that surrounds them.

“We’re all very close. They’re wonderful people,” Renfer said of his fellow Catholic educators.

“We are a family,” Feher added. “We’re very close. I’ve made a lot of good friends.”

WILKES-BARRE – As he began his presentation to teachers in the Diocese of Scranton, Dr. Brett Salkeld struck a deal with his audience.

“If I can convince you that math can be taught from a Catholic point of view, will you come along with me for the ride?” he asked.

Dr. Brett Salkeld served as the keynote speaker for the 2024 Diocesan Teachers’ Institute on Sept. 16 in Wilkes-Barre.

The crowd filled with hundreds of educators, seated inside the Holy Redeemer High School auditorium, willingly agreed.

Over the next hour, Dr. Salkeld explained how faith can be integrated into math – and many other aspects of a school curriculum – from literature and language, to science, art, and even health.

“Kids naturally want to ask the big questions,” he said. “We have to be willing to engage in the big questions.”

For example, in his math analogy, Dr. Salkeld focused on a question most teachers have heard before: “Why do we need to study math?

He said simple answers like “to graduate,” “to gain marketable skills,” and “to be a productive citizen,” all miss the mark.

“In a Catholic school, if a student asks, ‘Why should I study math,’ we can answer something like, ‘You are created to know and love God and God’s works, and math is a unique and powerful way to explore the beauty and order of creation.’”

He even acknowledged a simpler answer, “because you can,” would suffice.

“There is nothing else we know in creation that does math and it is amazing that human beings do math,” he said. “Math is a tool in our toolkit to take care of creation. You’re using math to develop some potential that God built into creation.”

Dr. Salkeld served as the keynote speaker for the 2024 Diocesan Teachers’ Institute. He based his presentation off his book, “Educating for Eternity: A Teacher’s Companion for Making Every Class Catholic,” which explained every subject can – and should – be taught from a Catholic worldview.

During his presentation, Dr. Salkeld, who serves as the Archdiocesan theologian for the Archdiocese of Regina, Canada, said teaching every subject from a Catholic perspective does more than just prepare students for the job market, it forms people who can change the world.

He also stressed that it should not be just “one more thing” to do in the classroom. Using the approach authentically, no matter what the class or age being taught, is a way to explain and model eternal truths to students.

However, he stressed, especially as his presentation drew to a close, that educators should not simply “add things that feel forced or contrived.”

“The point isn’t to add ‘Catholic’ to check a box. Teaching from the Catholic point of view does not require mentioning God or the church in every single class,” he said.

“Do it when it is appropriate and when it makes sense. Do it when it is authentic. Sometimes when you’re just doing quadratic equations, if you’re pursuing the truth, that is fine.”

WILKES-BARRE – As he gathered with Catholic educators and administrators to kick off the 2024-2025 school year, the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, reminded each of them of the unique role they play in our diocese.

Bishop Joseph C. Bambera delivers the homily for the Diocesan Teachers’ Institute Mass on Sept. 16, 2024, at Saint Nicholas Church in Wilkes-Barre. (Photos/Mike Melisky)

“More than you realize, you have a treasure to share with our children,” Bishop Bambera said, emphasizing the incredible privilege they have to share the gift of faith and the Eucharist with their students.

“It is faith that serves as the foundation for all that we teach – rooted in servant leadership – that we both are called to model and instill in the lives given to our care. That sets us apart and gives us our unique Catholic identity,” he added.

During his homily for the Diocesan Teachers’ Institute Mass on Sept. 16, 2024, the Bishop asked the hundreds of educators gathered inside Saint Nicholas Church to reflect on the mission statement of our Diocesan School System.

“Many of the children and families who come into our lives are poor. Some are materially poor, but far more are spiritually and emotionally poor. Yes, they come seeking an education. But they also come looking for meaning and purpose in their lives,” Bishop Bambera said. “Parents come with hopes for their children. And children come trusting in you to love and respect them and to give them a way forward in life.”

Several priests, including many that have direct connections to specific schools, concelebrated the Diocesan Teachers’ Institute Mass.

Before the celebration of Mass began, Kristen Donohue, Diocesan Secretary for Catholic Education/Superintendent of Catholic Schools, provided a brief welcome.
“Today, we celebrate positive moments and reflect on the opportunities for growth, professionally, spiritually, and emotionally,” she said. “We recognize the true joy it is to be part of one of the greatest missions of the church – Catholic education.”

Prior to the final blessing at the Mass, the Catholic educators and administrators recited the ‘Prayer of Commitment,’ asking God to strengthen their commitment to the ideals of Catholic education. Part of the prayer asks God for the courage to fulfill their duties each day.

“I place my trust in you, O God, and ask for the grace to fulfill my duties faithfully and conscientiously each day,” the educators said together. “Enable me to be your worthy disciple as I proclaim in word and deed your message of truth, justice, and peace through this commitment to Catholic education with the Diocese of Scranton.”

In addition to celebrating the Diocesan Teachers’ Institute Mass each year, Bishop Bambera has made it a priority to visit every Catholic school each school year, celebrating Mass with students and visiting classrooms.

Bishop Bambera has already celebrated Mass with Holy Cross High School in Dunmore and Holy Family Academy in Hazleton this year. The Masses will continue throughout the school year, ending in early May 2025, at Epiphany School in Sayre and Saint Agnes School in Towanda.

Pictured after the Mass with Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders on Sept. 28, 2024, are from left: Reverend Mark J. DeCelles, Diocesan Director of Permanent Diaconate Formation; William Chechel; Daniel B. Cosacchi; Stephen O. Muntzenberger; Jeffrey R. Kovaleski; Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton; Paul M. Zwolan; Thomas J. Krzan; Kevin J. Martin; Justo Paula-Martínez; and Deacon André F. Kabacinski, Coordinator of the Candidate Advisor and Pastoral Formation Programs.

SCRANTON – In a special Mass held at the Cathedral of Saint Peter on Sept. 28, 2024, eight men were officially admitted as candidates into the Diocese of Scranton’s Permanent Diaconate Formation Program.

The Mass, attended by clergy, family, and friends, marked a transformative moment for both the candidates and the Diocese.

The candidates are: William Chechel, Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Brodheadsville; Daniel B. Cosacchi, Ph.D., Saint Gregory Parish, Clarks Green; Jeffrey R. Kovaleski, Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Dickson City; Thomas J. Krzan, Saint Jude Parish, Mountain Top; Kevin J. Martin, Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Brodheadsville; Stephen O. Muntzenberger, Saint Jude Parish, Mountain Top; Justo Paula-Martínez, Saint Teresa of Calcutta Parish, Scranton; and Paul M. Zwolan, Saint Therese Parish, Shavertown.

“It was a very exciting day for me and all the other candidates,” Chechel said. “It has been maybe a ten-year process of me discerning.”

“I’ve always had a closeness to God and always felt that it was important to share his Word on salvation,” Kovaleski added.

The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, served as principal celebrant for the Mass, emphasizing the importance of service, humility, and commitment to the Church during his homily.

“You are being given the opportunity to deepen your resolve to follow the Lord Jesus and to serve the People of God. Just as the first disciples, you have been chosen for this role,” Bishop Bambera said. “With this formal recognition of your candidacy, you enter a new and deeper phase of formation to prepare you for the singular seal of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Holy Orders.”

During the Rite of Admission to Candidacy, each aspirant was called by name and presented himself before Bishop Bambera. Each man made a promise to complete his formation and form his heart and mind in service to the Church.

The candidates, aged between 38 and 61, represent a diverse array of backgrounds, professions, and life experiences. Among them are educators, mechanics, and company managers, all united by their desire to serve as permanent deacons.

In the Diocese of Scranton, the Permanent Diaconate Formation Program takes five years to complete. The first year, which is considered the aspirancy year, focuses heavily on discernment – not only for the men – but for the Church as well.

“The Rite of Candidacy means that these men have heard the call of God and are responding to it, and that the Church has formally entered into their process of discerning a call to serve as deacons,” Father Mark DeCelles, Director of the Permanent Diaconate Formation Program, explained. “Deacons, in a special way, share in Jesus’ ministry of being a leader and an example of service.”

The new candidates will spend the next four years studying and training before their ordination as permanent deacons. Permanent deacons may preach, proclaim the Gospel, prepare couples for marriage, witness marriages and conduct funeral services, in addition to other duties.

Following Mass, the candidates and their families joined Bishop Bambera for a reception in the Diocesan Pastoral Center.

Thomas Krzan began the discernment process after receiving a personal invitation from the clergy of his parish.

“The Holy Spirit was able to pull me out of my comfort zone and I’m glad that he did and I’m glad that I answered the call,” he said.

Through the diaconate program, Krzan is hoping to be able to touch those who feel forgotten or left out.

“We’ve been doing a lot of work in the nursing home and people really appreciate that we’re there. They thank us for coming and they sometimes applaud that we’re there, so it’s the poor and forgotten that I’m looking forward to helping,” he explained.

Justo Paula-Martínez feels the same way.

Through the help of an interpreter, Paula-Martínez, who is a native Spanish speaker, said the service work he is already doing in his parish has been very fulfilling.

“In our church, we have a program with the CIC (Community Intervention Center). We take food to the homeless and the needy and I love working with the people and serving the people,” he said. “I just hope to serve all, that the people get to know me, but I get to know them.”