WILLIAMSPORT – Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships recently announced its continued support of educational and religious programs at Saint John Neumann Regional Academy with a very generous donation of $150,000 to the Diocese of Scranton Scholarship Foundation.
“The Saint John Neumann fundraising committee is extremely grateful to Blaise Alexander and of his family’s contribution and commitment to the families and students of Saint John Neumann,” Paul Rooney, Saint John Neumann Regional Academy Fundraising Chair, said.
The Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships recently presented a $150,000 check to the Diocese of Scranton to support educational and religious programs at Saint John Neumann Regional Academy. Attending the check presentation are, front row, from left: Aubrey Alexander, Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships; the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton; and Paul Rooney, Saint John Neumann Regional Academy Fundraising Chair. Second row, from left: Kristen Donohue, Diocesan Secretary of Catholic Education/Superintendent; Alisia McNamee, Saint John Neumann Regional Academy Principal; Joshua Lovell, 12th grade student; Kaidance Meixel, 12th grade student; Dr. Chad Greevy, Saint John Neumann Regional Academy Curriculum Director; Michele Long, Assistant Superintendent; and Malissa Heim, Saint John Neumann Regional Academy Director of Admissions and Marketing.
The funding will go a long way to support student scholarships as part of Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program.
“With this EITC donation, we are able to serve many local families who request or who deserve financial assistance or scholarships to our Academy at all levels. This support sets us apart from the other schools around,” principal Alisia McNamee shared.
The Blaise Alexander scholarship funding is earmarked for tuition scholarships for local students, from pre-K to grade 12, who wish to attend Saint John Neumann Regional Academy.
The academy has three locations locally. Its pre-K campus is located at Saint Lawrence Church in South Williamsport. The Saint John Neumann Regional Academy Elementary Campus location houses kindergarten through 5th grade at Saint Boniface Catholic Church, and the 6th through 12th grade classes and Catholic Community Center exist at the High School Campus, 901 Penn Street, Williamsport.
“At Saint John Neumann, we offer competitive courses. We offer Advanced Placement (AP) Courses, Dual Enrollment with multiple local colleges and universities, and unique learning opportunities via online course work for our students,” Dr. Chad Greevy, Curriculum Director, explained. “Additionally, we keep our class numbers smaller than any other school in the multi-county region to provide better one-on-one attention for our students. This individualized learning philosophy is one more way that sets us apart from those bigger guys around us.”
Anyone wishing to donate to Saint John Neumann Regional Academy can contact the Academy via phone at (570) 326-9953 or email admissions@sjnra.org.
Saint John Neumann is a Catholic, faith-centered community dedicated to academic excellence, fostering personal and spiritual growth, the promotion of a life of faith, and the development of leadership expressed in service to others.
“Come check us out, see what we can do for your family,” McNamee encouraged.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Pope Francis was wearing his arm in a sling during his meetings and audiences Jan. 16 after hurting his right arm in a fall.
“This morning, due to a fall at the Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis suffered a contusion to his right forearm, without a fracture. The arm was immobilized as a precautionary measure,” the Vatican press office said.
Pope Francis, wearing a sling on his right arm after a fall, poses for a photo with Edmond Brahimaj, right, leader of the Bektashi community of Muslim Sufis from Tirana, Albania, during a meeting at the Vatican Jan. 16, 2025. The Vatican said the pope injured his arm in a fall and while nothing was broken, the arm was immobilized as “a cautionary measure.” (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
The note was published after Vatican Media had distributed photographs of the 88-year-old pontiff’s morning meetings in which he was wearing a sling that appeared to be made from an elastic bandage tied at his neck. While the photos showed shaking hands with his left hand, other photos showed him using his right hand to sign a document.
He also had fallen in early December, hitting his chin on his bedside table and sporting a significant bruise on the right side of his face when he created 21 new cardinals Dec. 7.
Pope Francis’ voice also has sounded hoarse for weeks. When he met Jan. 9 with ambassadors serving at the Vatican, Pope Francis read only the first paragraph of his prepared text. Explaining that he was “still suffering from a bit of a cold,” he asked an aide, Msgr. Filippo Ciampanelli, to read the rest of his text.
While his voice continued to sound rough, he had read his prepared texts himself since that audience.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – As Christian churches prepare to mark the 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will focus on affirming the Nicene Creed and its expression of the faith Christians share.
Materials for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Jan. 18-25 are prepared each year by the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity and Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.
Pope Francis is scheduled to close the week with an ecumenical prayer service at Rome’s Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls Jan. 25.
The pope and Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople also have expressed a hope to mark the anniversary together in May in Iznik, Turkey, the site of the ancient city of Nicaea.
The theme chosen for the 2025 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, underlining the importance of making a profession of faith, is Jesus’ question to Martha of Bethany: “Do you believe this?”
In the Gospel of John, Martha tells Jesus that if he had been there, her brother Lazarus would not have died. Jesus tells Martha, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live,” and then he asks if she believes. Martha responds with a declaration of faith: “Yes, Lord. I have come to believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world.”
In the materials for the week, the Vatican and the World Council of Churches said the Nicaea anniversary “provides a unique opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the common faith of Christians, as expressed in the Creed formulated during this Council; a faith that remains alive and fruitful in our days.”
The Creed was revised at the Council of Constantinople in 381, which is why many refer to it as the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed.
But the Creed, as recited by Eastern Christians and Christians in the West — Catholics, Anglicans and Protestants — has one important difference, which are the words, “and the Son,” a phrase known as the “filioque.”
Coming after a statement of belief in the Holy Spirit, “who proceeds from the Father,” the filioque was added to the Creed in the West in the sixth century to emphasize the divinity of Jesus and has been a point of disagreement ever since.
In preparing the week of prayer, the Vatican and the World Council of Churches suggested that the filioque be dropped from the Creed when it is recited at ecumenical celebrations.
“While the filioque clause remains part of the liturgical tradition of the Latin and some other Western Churches, Bishops of Rome omit it when reciting the Creed in ecumenical encounters with leaders of Eastern Churches,” the materials said.
The material also provided background on the Council of Nicaea, which was convoked by Emperor Constantine.
“The Church, having just emerged from hiding and persecution, was beginning to experience how difficult it was to share the same faith in the different cultural and political contexts of the time,” the material said. “Agreement on the text of the Creed was a matter of defining the essential common foundations on which to build local communities that recognized each other as sister churches, each respecting the diversity of the other.”
The council, it said, attempted to resolve several differences, including: “the nature of Christ in relation to the Father; the question of a single date to celebrate Easter and its relationship with the Jewish Passover; opposition to theological opinions considered heretical; and how to reintegrate believers who had abandoned the faith during the persecutions in earlier years.”
LOS ANGELES (OSV News) – Four days after Corpus Christi Church was incinerated in the Palisades Fire, Capt. Bryan Nassour of the Los Angeles Fire Department picked his way over a 6-foot layer of rubble in the ashen bones of the sanctuary and recovered the tabernacle Jan. 11.
“I did it because the whole community has been decimated — it looks like a nuclear bomb has gone off and nothing is standing,” Nassour told Angelus, the news outlet of the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Nassour is a member of St. Francis de Sales Church in Sherman Oaks, and his brother belongs to Corpus Christi.
Msgr. Liam Kidney, left, and Msgr. Lloyd Torgerson are pictured at St. Monica Church with the tabernacle recovered Jan. 11, 2025, from Corpus Christi Church, where Msgr. Kidney is pastor. Some days after Corpus Christi was incinerated by the Palisades Fire, Capt. Bryan Nassour of the LA Fire Department crawled through the rubble and found the tabernacle intact. (OSV News photo/Victor Alemán, Angelus)
“My brother lost his home. I have close friends who lost everything but the shirts on their backs, and they belong to that church too. So, if I could save just one thing, let it be this, so they have something to believe in,” he said.
That Saturday morning Nassour, whose station in Pacific Palisades is across the street from Corpus Christi, had been up all night battling other fires. As he sipped coffee at his desk and gazed at the ruined church, he decided to check for valuables. He wanted to protect them from looters and perhaps return something meaningful to the parish.
Scorched bricks, tiles and hunks of debris filled the nave so high that he had to crawl under the top of door frames that no longer had doors. The roof had collapsed, a burned steel frame teetered above the twisted remains of a chandelier. The pews had been consumed. Only the granite altar remained, with the solid brass tabernacle atop it and a cross above. The Blessed Sacrament was intact.
Nassour was astounded to find that the tabernacle weighed more than 300 lbs. His crew helped him get it into the station house.
“It was one of the most uplifting things,” he said. “Not everyone is religious, but they saw that and they’re like, ‘This is awesome.’ We’re doing something – at least one thing – that we can salvage for the community.”
He made many calls before he was able to reach Msgr. Liam Kidney of Corpus Christi to tell him that the tabernacle was safe and undamaged.
“He was in utter disbelief,” Nassour said.
Nassour offered to search for other sacred objects and the priest told him where to find the chalices and patens. Firefighters from Station 69 helped dig for the crushed cabinet. The chalices and patens had been severely damaged. But the firefighters recovered other sacred objects, including three unbroken containers of holy oil.
Brass withstands high heat, but Nassour suspects more was involved in the tabernacle’s survival.
“Talk to any firefighter. In any religious building what usually survives is the cross and certain specific items that are highly religious, unless they’ve been specifically set on fire,” he said.
Gabe Sanchez, a retired FBI special agent who does contract investigations for the Los Angeles Archdiocese, was sent to retrieve the tabernacle. Firefighters helped him wrestle it into his car. He drove it to St. Monica Church, where Msgr. Kidney celebrated Mass for survivors the next day.
At that Mass, the tabernacle stood on a table by the altar. Msgr. Kidney recounted Nassour calling him to ask, “I have found this big gold box. What would you like me to do with it?”
The Corpus Christi parishioners burst into applause.
Nassour was unable to attend because he was fighting fires.
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – While calling himself an “old man” and saying he never expected to be pope this long, Pope Francis said he still has dreams for the future.
“We must not stumble upon tomorrow, we must build it, and we all have the responsibility to do so in a way that responds to the project of God, which is none other than the happiness of mankind, the centrality of mankind, without excluding anyone,” the 88-year-old pope wrote in his autobiography.
The cover of “Hope,” described as an autobiography by Pope Francis, is seen Oct. 16, 2024, the date an Italian publisher announced its worldwide publication Jan. 14, including by Viking in the United Kingdom. (CNS photo/courtesy Viking)
“Hope: The Autobiography” was written with the Italian editor Carlo Musso beginning in 2019. The book was released Jan. 14 in its original Italian and in 17 other languages in about 100 countries. Random House published the book in the United States, and Penguin Random House Canada released it in Canada.
The original plan, Musso said, was for the book to be released after Pope Francis’ death. But Mondadori, the Italian publisher coordinating the release, said the pope decided in August that it should be published at the beginning of the Holy Year 2025, which has hope as its central theme.
In several chapters of the book, Pope Francis directly addresses readers, including when he quotes St. John Paul II’s words during the Jubilee 2000: “Do not be afraid. Open wide the doors for Christ!”
“If one day you are overcome by fears and worries,” he told readers, “think of that episode in the Gospel of John, at the marriage at Cana (John 2:1– 12), and say to yourselves: The best wine has yet to be served.”
“Be sure of it: The deepest, happiest, most beautiful reality for us, for those we love, has yet to come,” he continued. “Even if some statistic tells you the opposite, even if tiredness weakens your powers, never lose this hope that cannot be beaten.”
Much of the book contains familiar stories of Pope Francis’ past, his childhood and relationship with his grandmother Rosa, his vocation and ministry as a Jesuit, his service as archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and his election as pope in 2013.
Pope Francis acknowledged that he has made mistakes during his pontificate, usually because of his impatience, but he defends some of his most controversial decisions, including expanding the possibilities for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to return to the sacraments and, more recently, to authorize the blessing of same-sex or cohabiting couples.
He wrote about both of those decisions in the larger context of how the church should reach out to and welcome everyone.
“All are invited. Everyone,” he wrote. “And so: Everyone inside. Good and bad, young and old, healthy and sick. For this is the Lord’s plan.”
“It is our task as pastors to take others by the hand, to accompany them, to help them to discern, and not to exclude them,” the pope wrote. “And to pardon: to treat others with the same mercy that the Lord reserves for us.”
In late 2023, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith published, with the pope’s approval, “Fiducia Supplicans” (“Supplicating Trust”), on “the pastoral meaning of blessings.”
The declaration said that priests can give brief, spontaneous, non-sacramental, non-liturgical blessings to individuals who are in irregular situations or part of a same-sex couple “without officially validating their status” or blessing their union.
In “Hope,” Pope Francis again said: “It is the people who are blessed, not the relationships.”
The blessing, he wrote, is a sign that the church wants to accompany everyone and that it does not exclude anyone because of “one situation or one condition.”
“Everyone in the Church is invited, including people who are divorced, including people who are homosexual, including people who are transgender,” the pope wrote.
As for his decision in the 2016 exhortation, “Amoris Laetitia” (“The Joy of Love”) to open a possibility for some divorced and civilly remarried people to have access to the sacraments, Pope Francis said that decision “made some people throw their arms up in horror.”
“Sexual sins tend to cause more of an outcry from some people,” he wrote. “But they are really not the most serious (sins). They are human sins, of the flesh. The most serious, on the contrary, are the sins that have more ‘angelicity,’ that dress themselves in another guise: pride, hatred, falsehood, fraud, abuse of power.”
“Homosexuality is not a crime, it is a human fact,” the pope wrote. LGBTQ+ people “are not ‘children of a lesser god.’ God the Father loves them with the same unconditional love, He loves them as they are, and He accompanies them in the same way that He does with all of us: being close by, merciful, and tender.”
Pope Francis also discusses his health and asserts again that he has never thought of resigning, although like his predecessors he had prepared a letter early in his pontificate offering his resignation “in the event of impediment for medical reasons.”
“At the beginning of my papacy I had the feeling that it would be brief: no more than three or four years,” he wrote. “I never imagined that I would write four encyclicals, and all those letters, documents, apostolic exhortations, nor that I would have made all those journeys to more than sixty countries.”
But, he said, “the reality is, quite simply, that I am old.”
Pope Francis wrote that he will be pope as “long as God wishes,” and repeated his plan to be buried in Rome’s Basilica of St. Mary Major and not in St. Peter’s Basilica as most modern popes are.
“The Vatican is the home of my last service, not my eternal home,” he wrote. His burial site is “in the room where they now keep the candelabra, close to the Regina della Pace (Mary, Queen of Peace) from whom I have always sought help, and whose embrace I have felt more than a hundred times during the course of my papacy. They have confirmed that all is ready.”
“Though I know that He has already given me many blessings,” Pope Francis wrote, “I ask the Lord for just one more: Look after me, let it happen whenever You wish, but, as You know, I’m not very brave when it comes to physical pain — so, please, don’t make me suffer too much.”
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – When children are baptized, their parents and the church are giving them the greatest gift ever: the gift of faith, Pope Francis said before baptizing 21 infants in the Sistine Chapel.
“Let us ask the Lord that they grow in the faith, a true humanity (and) in the joy of family,” he said in his brief homily at Mass on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord Jan. 12. Afterward, he led the recitation of the Angelus prayer with visitors gathered in St. Peter’s Square.
Pope Francis baptizes a baby during Mass in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican Jan. 12, 2025, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
Like last year, Pope Francis led the baptismal prayers and poured the water over the heads of the infants and was assisted in anointing the babies by Cardinals Konrad Krajewski, the papal almoner, and Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, president of the commission governing Vatican City State.
When an infant was accompanied by an older sibling, the pope would help the older child make the sign of the cross on the infant’s forehead after he and the parents performed the ritual.
After the fathers lit their child’s candle from the Paschal candle during the Mass, the pope told the parents to always keep the candle in their homes as a reminder of the day.
“And when there is some kind of problem or difficulty, light the candle to ask the Lord for grace for your family,” he said.
Surrounded by Michaelangelo’s stunning frescoes in the chapel, the pope thanked the parents, who are Vatican employees, for bringing their children to be baptized. As he normally does at baptisms, the pope encouraged the parents to do what they had to make sure the babies were comfortable.
“If they are hungry, nurse them, so they don’t cry. If they are too hot, change their clothes,” he said. What is important is that “they feel at ease because today they are in charge and we have to serve them with the sacrament, with prayers.”
In his Angelus address later, he told the crowd gathered in the square that “today’s feast makes us contemplate the face and the voice of God, which are manifested in Jesus’ humanity.”
“So, let us ask ourselves: do we feel loved? Do I feel loved and accompanied by God, or do I think that God is distant from me? Are we capable of recognizing his face in Jesus and in our brothers and sisters? And are we accustomed to listening to his voice?” the pope said.
He also asked Catholics who did not know or remember the date of their baptism to find out.
The date is important, he said, and it should be celebrated “as if it were a new birthday: that of our birth in the Spirit of God.”
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – As wildfires continued to burn, Pope Francis assured the people of Los Angeles of his prayers.
“Entrusting the souls of the deceased to the loving mercy of almighty God, His Holiness sends heartfelt condolences to those who mourn their loss,” said a telegram sent by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, to Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles.
Flames rise from a structure as the Palisades Fire burns during a windstorm on the west side of Los Angeles Jan. 8, 2025. Firefighters battled early Jan. 9 to control a series of major fires in the Los Angeles area that have killed five people, ravaged communities from the Pacific Coast to Pasadena and sent thousands of people frantically fleeing their homes. (OSV News photo/Ringo Chiu, Reuters)
The fires, fueled by dry conditions and warm winds, began Jan. 7. The Los Angeles County medical examiner’s office said 11 people had been confirmed dead as of Jan. 11, the Associated Press reported. More than 150,000 people were ordered to evacuate their homes and thousands of structures, including houses and churches, have been destroyed.
The telegram to Archbishop Gomez, released by the Vatican Jan. 11, said, “Saddened by the loss of life and the widespread destruction caused by the fires near Los Angeles, His Holiness Pope Francis assures you and the communities affected by this tragedy of his spiritual closeness.”
“He likewise prays for the relief efforts of the emergency services personnel and imparts his blessing to all as a pledge of consolation and strength in the Lord,” it said.
WASHINGTON (OSV News) – Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., and Bishop Daniel E. Thomas of Toledo, Ohio, chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on Pro-Life Activities, will be among the speakers at the 52nd annual March for Life, the group said Jan. 9.
DeSantis, a Catholic who ran an unsuccessful bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, signed abortion restrictions in Florida during his tenure. Florida was one of just three states that had abortion-related ballot measures in 2024 where voters did not reject restrictions. Unlike the other nine states with such measures, the Sunshine State requires proposed amendments to its constitution to reach a threshold of 60% to pass.
Pro-life demonstrators cheer during the 51st annual March for Life rally in Washington Jan. 19, 2024. The March for Life Education and Defense Fund on Oct. 10, 2024, unveiled the theme for its Jan. 24 rally and march: “Every Life: Why We March.” (OSV News photo/Leslie E. Kossoff)
President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect JD Vance, who will begin their term just days before the March, were not among the speakers named Jan. 9. Trump addressed the March during his first term, as did then-Vice President Mike Pence. But Trump has since sought to distance himself from the issue, such as taking the campaign position that abortion should be left to the states to legislate after the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision overturned prior precedent declaring abortion as a constitutional right. Trump’s recent stance has disappointed pro-life activists who sought a commitment from him to support a federal 15-week ban.
Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life Education and Defense Fund, and Jennie Bradley Lichter, the group’s president-elect, issued statements thanking the speakers for their participation in the event, which they describe as the world’s largest annual human rights demonstration.
“We are overjoyed to welcome these inspiring pro-life leaders at this year’s 52nd March for Life,” Mancini said. “For the past 52 years, the March for Life has powerfully witnessed to the tragedy of abortion, while calling for stronger protections for women and the unborn. This year’s speakers will address the 2025 theme — ‘Life: Why We March’ which reminds us of the basic truth that every life has inherent human dignity from the start.”
Bradley Lichter said she is “thrilled to be joining the March for Life at this pivotal moment, and I couldn’t be more excited to share the stage this year with dedicated elected officials, pro-life leaders, and other great Americans who will share their testimonies about why they fight for Life.”
“There is nothing else like the March for Life, and this year’s lineup is a reminder of the enduring strength of our movement,” she added.
Other scheduled speakers include Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J.; professional surfer Bethany Hamilton; Lila Rose, president of Live Action; as well as Mancini and Bradley Lichter.
The group said it selected this year’s theme, “Life: Why We March,” to return “to our roots to acknowledge the humanity of each person, while also highlighting the need to protect and support both mother and child through the thousands of resources available to them.”
“Our goal this year is to remind and reignite everyone — politicians, legislators, families, and women – in the truth that every life, unborn and born, has inherent dignity, meaning, and value, and as such is always worth fighting for,” they said.
The 2025 March for Life Rally is scheduled for Jan. 24 on the Washington Monument grounds in Washington.
EDITOR NOTE: Updates, resources, and ways to help those impacted by the fires can be found from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles by clicking here.
LOS ANGELES (OSV News) – A church in Pacific Palisades appeared to be destroyed and more than 60 Catholic schools were closed as several major fires in the Los Angeles area burned overnight into Jan.8.
Images shared with Angelus, the news outlet of the LA Archdiocese, showed only the frame of the Corpus Christi Catholic Church structure remaining as of the morning of Wednesday, Jan. 8. There were also unverified reports of damage to Corpus Christi’s parish school.
A firefighter works near homes during a weather-driven windstorm in Altadena, Calif., Jan. 8, 2025, that fueled ferocious wildfires. The fires tore across the Los Angeles area with devastating force Jan. 8 after setting off a desperate escape for residents from burning homes through flames, ferocious winds and towering clouds of smoke. (OSV News photo/David Swanson, Reuters)
In addition, at least 65 Catholic schools were closed that morning as a result of several fires burning in the LA area, including the Eaton Fire near Altadena and the Hurst Fire in the northern San Fernando Valley.
Catholic school superintendent Paul Escala told Angelus that his department was weighing several factors when deciding which schools should close due to the fires, including proximity to fire, poor air quality and wind damage, staffing challenges and nearby power outages.
“We did not call for a systemwide closure because the area of our district is enormous,” encompassing three counties, Escala said.
In some communities where the impact of the fires was less, “the safest place for kids to be during this kind of emergency is school,” explained Escala.
“School provides the kind of routine and consistency in care that children need during moments of crisis and trauma,” he said.
Escala’s department has asked schools that remained in session Wednesday to avoid outdoor activities in areas with poor air quality and to consider canceling after-school programs.
The church that was destroyed, Corpus Christi, is located in the heart of Pacific Palisades, an affluent neighborhood between Santa Monica and Malibu on the west side of Los Angeles. It was built in the 1950s and has long been home to several Hollywood celebrities, sports stars and other famous Angelenos.
As the fire spread westward toward Malibu, at least 11,000 acres had burned and an estimated 1,000 structures — most of them homes — had been destroyed in the Palisades Fire, according to a morning news conference Jan. 8 with LA city and county officials.
While no deaths from the Palisades Fire have been reported, there were “a high number of significant injuries to residents who did not evacuate” the fire zone.
It was reported that two people had been killed and an estimated 100 structures destroyed by the Eaton Fire, which had burned more than 2,200 acres. One parish and school, St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Altadena, was in the Eaton Fire’s mandatory evacuation zone and under close watch by fire officials.
The Hurst Fire, burning around Sylmar in the northern San Fernando Valley, burned more than 500 acres since starting late the night of Jan. 7.
The fires in the area spread quickly due to Southern California’s extremely dry “Santa Ana winds,” which led to increased fire danger after several months of virtually no rain in the LA area.
“Please keep praying for all those suffering in the wildfires sweeping through Southern California,” Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez posted on social media. “My heart goes out to our neighbors who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Let’s pray for them and let’s pray for our firefighters and first responders. May God keep all of our brothers and sisters safe and bring an end to these fires.”
By mid-afternoon Jan. 8, LA County Fire Chief Anthony C. Marrone said at a news conference that all the fires remained at zero percent containment. He said 29 separate fire departments in LA County are battling the fires. He expressed gratitude “for our first responders, our boots on the ground,” who “will remain on the frontline until we reach full containment, and we ask that you keep all of Los Angeles County in your thoughts and prayers.”
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – More than half a million pilgrims crossed the threshold of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica in the first two weeks after Pope Francis opened it.
From Dec. 24, when the pope inaugurated the Holy Year, to Jan. 7, the Vatican said, 545,532 people from around the world have made the journey along the lengthy boulevard leading to St. Peter’s Square and crossed through the basilica’s Holy Door.
“This is a very significant beginning,” Archbishop Rino Fisichella, the chief Vatican organizer of the Jubilee Year, said in a statement. “The groups crowding Via della Conciliazione are giving an important testimony, and this is also a sign of the great perception of safety and security that pilgrims experience in the city of Rome and around the four papal basilicas.”
A visitor touches the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 2024, after it was opened by Pope Francis during Christmas Mass the night prior to mark the start of the Holy Year 2025. (CNS photo/Lola Gomez)
A tunnel diverting vehicle traffic underground at the beginning of Via Della Conciliazione — the street leading to the Vatican — was completed just before the start of the Holy Year. A pathway extending from the new pedestrian square at the start of the street to the Holy Door also was set up exclusively for pilgrims walking individually or in groups to St. Peter’s Basilica.
Archbishop Fisichella acknowledged, however, that there were some “difficulties” in managing the flow of pilgrims and tourists through St. Peter’s Basilica, a problem that would be studied.
The city of Rome has estimated that more than 30 million people will travel to the city during the Jubilee.
Based on the number of pilgrims that crossed the Holy Door in the first days of the Holy Year, “a steady increase in pilgrim turnout is expected,” the Vatican said in its statement, noting also the many children, youth, adults and elderly who participated in Jubilee celebrations at the diocesan level Dec. 29.
The Vatican said that the “great desire to participate in the Jubilee was also visible in the thousands of people who filled the four papal basilicas on the days celebrating the opening of the Holy Doors, often filling the squares in front of them.”
While Pope Francis opened the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica and another at a Rome prison complex, he did not attend the opening of the holy doors at the other three papal basilicas in Rome: St. Mary Major, St. John Lateran and St. Paul Outside the Walls.
The first major event of the Holy Year is the Jubilee of the World of Communications Jan. 24-26, which will bring to Rome “thousands of journalists, experts and communications workers from all over the world,” the Vatican said.