Ordination to the Priesthood – 29 June 2024
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul 

By God’s grace, this day, our brother, William Asinari, is to be ordained as a priest for service to the people of God in the Church of Scranton.  For such great a gift, I join with my brother, Bishop Matthew, and this local Church in giving thanks, first, to our merciful and loving God for the particular call to the priesthood that he planted in Bill’s heart – an invitation built upon the universal call to holiness which all of us have received in Baptism.  I offer thanks as well to so many of you who have helped Bill discern and respond to God’s call.  I thank those who have been involved in Bill’s priestly formation – Father Alex Roche, Monsignor David Bohr and priests, deacons, religious and members of the Christian faithful from throughout the Diocese of Scranton and beyond.  I thank the faculty and staff and particularly Father Philip Brown, rector of St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore, who join us today.  I thank Bill’s pastor, Father William Langan and the faith community of this wonderful parish entrusted to the patronage of Saint John the Evangelist where we are privileged to gather this morning.  And to Robert and Cathleen, Bill’s parents, I thank you for your support, your example and the gift of your son to the Church.

Finally, Bill, on behalf of the Church of Scranton, I thank you for saying “yes” to the Lord’s call to serve his Church as priests. 

In the summer of 1993, 31 years ago, I traveled to Denver, Colorado, with several hundred young people from throughout our diocese for World Youth Day with now Saint John Paul II.  Some of you were with me in Denver.  For all the memories that I have of that experience, one will remain with me forever:  the words shared by the Holy Father during the closing Mass.  “Young people – do not be ashamed of the gospel.  Be proud of the gospel.”

Why would he share those words with such committed young people?  Why?  Because the Holy Father understood that those young men and women would be challenged every day of their lives by a world that does not always appreciate, much less live out the values of the Gospel for which Jesus gave his life.  …  And so are we!  …  You know as well as I that we are confronted daily by a world that challenges us set aside gospel values that on the surface might appear too cumbersome, too complicated and out of step with society and culture.

Today’s gospel on this Solemnity of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, speaks directly to this struggle.  Two thousand years ago, in a world that looked very different than our own, the same tension that we experience between love and hate, good and evil, right and wrong confronted Jesus and his disciples.  In the midst of the city of Caesarea Philippi, which was filled with temples dedicated to all sorts of different gods, Jesus reflected upon his mission, the response of the crowds and his hope for a world that would open itself to the power and presence of God.

During his reflections, Jesus asked his disciples to give him a read of the crowds who are following him.  “Who do people say that I am?”  They responded, “John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah.”  Then Jesus turns the tables on his followers and asked, “But who do you say that I am?”   Peter offered the correct answer as he unequivocally stated: “You are the Messiah – the Son of the Living God.”  His confession of faith in Jesus became a turning point in the Lord’s ministry.  From that moment, Jesus focused his efforts on preparing his disciples to lead the Church that he would establish and to proclaim the love, mercy and forgiveness of God, amid countless obstacles and competing values. 

Fast forward to this gathering of disciples.  What about us?  How about you, Bill?  Have we firmly situated our lives upon the foundations established by Peter’s profession of faith?  Perhaps more fundamentally, how do we answer the question that Jesus posed to Peter, “Who do you say that I am?” 

I’d suggest that we take care to respond thoughtfully.  While this parish church is a safe place to be asked the question, think about how you might answer if the question were posed to you, to me or to you, Bill – at work – in school – at dinner with friends – in mixed company.  It’s not impossible that we just might be a bit uncomfortable or, as Saint John Paul warned, ashamed of the gospel – as out of step with certain realities that have become normative in our land and world.

Last year on this Solemnity, Pope Francis invited us to reflect upon Peter and Paul and how they came to terms with the question posed in the gospel.  Peter’s answer to the question of who Jesus was for him “can be summed up in one word:  follow.”  Peter knew what it was to follow the Lord.  Despite his many struggles and imperfections, when Peter first encountered Jesus on the shores of the Sea of Galilee, he immediately left his nets and followed him.  Having followed Jesus, Peter was able to respond to Jesus’ question with words of faith: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”  Yet, discipleship – for Peter – for you, Bill – and for each of us – demands more than an ability to articulate faultless doctrinal formulas.  We first need to know Jesus as both savior and friend, opening our hearts to his words and transforming love, seeing in his life the reasons why we would seek to love selflessly, serve generously, sacrifice daily and trust deeply in God’s plan for our lives.   It’s not by chance that the last recorded words of Jesus to Peter in Saint John’s Gospel were “Follow me.” 

Yet, if the word describing Peter’s answer to Jesus’ question in today’s gospel is follow, for Paul, Pope Francis continued, the word is proclaim – to preach the Gospel.  It’s no surprise that in his second letter to Timothy that takes on something of a final exhortation late in the course of his ministry, Paul affirms that “the Lord stood by me and gave me strength, so that through me the proclamation might be completed” and all might hear of the Lord’s message of salvation.

Pope Francis goes on to note that “Paul tells us by his own life that our answer to the question – ‘Who is Jesus for me?’ – is not a privatized piety that leaves us peaceful and unconcerned about bringing the Gospel to others.”  We grow in faith and in knowledge of the mystery of Christ when we preach and bear witness to him before others.  “The Church cannot live without proclaiming Jesus and sharing with others the embrace of God’s love and the joy of the Gospel.” 

How providential it is that the lives and ministry of Saints Peter and Paul are offered for your reflection today, Bill, as you prepare to be advanced to the Order of Priests. The priestly ministry that will be entrusted to you this day will bear fruit in your life and in the lives of those given to your care only if you understand that your ministry is a gift from God – that it is Jesus whom you must follow and proclaim – and that it is his life and example that you must make your own. 

Only when you come to appreciate and live in the unique relationship with Jesus that is given to you through the mercy and love of God – not earned nor merited – will all that you are called to do and to be as a priest be possible.  That doesn’t mean that because of the Sacrament of Holy Orders you will somehow achieve a level of perfection that exceeds that of the Christian community.  It does mean that while very much aware of our human weakness and frailty, God allows us – with all our imperfections – to speak on his behalf and to act in his name for the sake of his people.   

Bill, today you declare your willingness to do the work of God within the life of the Church.  You affirm your desire to participate in Jesus’ life as Teacher, Priest and Shepherd, by embracing his priesthood and so joining as a co-worker with the Order of Bishops in service of God’s people.  So, trust in the grace of God present in this sacrament and be faithful to the teachings of the Church.

As a priest, the Church will call you “another Christ”.  Remember well, however, that this title has little to do with rank or status among the People of God.  Instead, it carries with it a perpetual challenge to be like Christ.  Always hold in your heart the same selfless commitment to love and service that so characterized Jesus’ ministry.  Live with integrity the life of celibacy, obedience and simplicity.          

Bill, God’s people are looking for the same life of meaning, purpose and peace that you and I seek.  They will look to you for so much.  Yet, more than anything else, they will look to see in you, like the great Saints Peter and Paul whom we honor this day, someone who knows Jesus:  a follower of the Lord who joyfully proclaims by his words and life the hope that is ours through faith.            

So, Bill, join with us as we give thanks to God who calls you as his priest this day.  Know and believe in your heart as you begin this lifelong journey, that God who has begun the good work in you will bring it to fulfillment.