october 2024

11octAll Day12Ezra 10:4 Men's Discernment Retreat

Event Details

Registration is now open for our Ezra 10:4 Men's Discernment Retreat! October 11-12, 2024 6 p.m. The Ezra 10:4 Retreat is open to men 18+ who are interested in learning more about discerning the vocation to priesthood. Led by Fr. Alex Roche, Director of Vocations and Seminarians for the Diocese of Scranton, this preached retreat includes Sacred Scripture, Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, prayer, fellowship, and both group and one-on-one discussion. This retreat is free to attend.


october 11 (Friday) - 12 (Saturday)


Holy Family Spiritual Renewal Center, 151 Old Newport St, Nanticoke