- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (January 1-2, 2022)
- Collection for the Church in Latin America *
Fourth Sunday in January (January 23-24, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (February 5-6, 2022)
- Operation Rice Bowl
Entire Season of Lent
- Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe
Including Collection for the Church in Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia
Ash Wednesday (March 2, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (March 5-6, 2022)
- Catholic Relief Services
Laetare Sunday, Fourth Sunday of Lent (March 26-27, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (April 2-3, 2022)
- Collection for the Holy Land
Good Friday (April 15, 2022)
- Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Last Sunday in April (April 23-24, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (April 30 – May 1, 2022)
- Catholic Communication Campaign
Sunday between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost (May 28-29, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (June 4-5, 2022)
- Collection for the Holy Father – Peter’s Pence
Sunday nearest the Feast of SS. Peter & Paul (June 25-26, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (July 2-3, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (August 6-7, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (September 3-4, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (October 1-2, 2022)
- World Mission Sunday
Next-to-last Sunday in October (October 22-23, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (November 5-6, 2022)
- Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Sunday before Thanksgiving (November 19-20, 2022)
- Collection for the Care and Education of Priests
First Sunday of each month (December 3-4, 2022)
- Retirement Fund for Religious
Second Sunday in December (December 10-11, 2022)
**** Please note that if a conflict arises in your parish with a date listed above, you are free to take up the collection(s) at a more convenient time.