1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (January 1-2, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Church in Latin America *

Fourth Sunday in January (January 23-24, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (February 5-6, 2022)


  1. Operation Rice Bowl

Entire Season of Lent


  1. Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe

Including Collection for the Church in Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia

Ash Wednesday (March 2, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (March 5-6, 2022)


  1. Catholic Relief Services

Laetare Sunday, Fourth Sunday of Lent (March 26-27, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (April 2-3, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Holy Land

Good Friday (April 15, 2022)


  1. Catholic Home Missions Appeal

Last Sunday in April (April 23-24, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (April 30 – May 1, 2022)


  1. Catholic Communication Campaign

Sunday between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost (May 28-29, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (June 4-5, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Holy Father – Peter’s Pence

Sunday nearest the Feast of SS. Peter & Paul (June 25-26, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (July 2-3, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (August 6-7, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (September 3-4, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (October 1-2, 2022)


  1. World Mission Sunday

Next-to-last Sunday in October (October 22-23, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (November 5-6, 2022)


  1. Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Sunday before Thanksgiving (November 19-20, 2022)


  1. Collection for the Care and Education of Priests

First Sunday of each month (December 3-4, 2022)


  1. Retirement Fund for Religious

Second Sunday in December (December 10-11, 2022)


**** Please note that if a conflict arises in your parish with a date listed above, you are free to take up the collection(s) at a more convenient time.