ROARING BROOK TOWNSHIP – Warm socks may seem like an easy way to stay cozy in wintertime, but for some people they are a luxury and not to be taken for granted.
During its annual “Socktober” collection, Saint Eulalia Parish collected 637 pairs of socks to be donated to four local organizations that assist people experiencing homelessness.
“It’s nice when you can identify that there are needs in your community, and in a small way, help to alleviate and bring comfort to people,” Lisa Cummings, chairperson of the parish Social Concerns Committee, explained.
Saint Eulalia Parish began its “Socktober” collection four years ago after speaking with organizations that help the less fortunate.
“They said the most important thing they need is socks because their feet get wet and they don’t have any place to launder them. They throw them away and get a new pair eventually so that they can stay warm and dry,” parishioner Helen Hilborn added.
All of the socks donated will be given to Saint Anthony’s Haven, a shelter run by Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton; Keystone Mission; Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen and the Community Intervention Center in Scranton.
Many of the socks donated were made of heavy-duty material that will make a difference.
“It’s a small way, as we always say, to be the hands and feet of Christ,” Cummings explained.
The “Socktober” collection is the first of many fall and winter projects that have been identified by the parish. The next big project is Saint Eulalia’s Sleigh, which provides Christmas presents to the children of prisoners, residents of Saint Mary’s Villa, five families at the Catherine McAuley Center in Scranton as well as parish families in need of assistance.
“This is a really generous parish,” Hilborn ended by saying.