Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Every year on Ash Wednesday, the prophet Joel sets the stage for the sacred season of Lent. “Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning. Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God. For gracious and merciful is he, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment” (Joel 2:12-13)

The prophet challenges us to reflect upon the essence of our lives as Christians and as authentic disciples of Jesus. He reminds us that pious actions and rituals, from the ancient practice of rending garments to express sorrow for sin, to the imposition of ashes on our foreheads, provide little support for our lives of faith unless they are rooted in – and flow from – the depths of our hearts where God is found.

Faithful from the Diocese of Scranton participate in Ash Wednesday Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton on March 2, 2022. This year, Ash Wednesday is on Feb 22, 2023. Ash Wednesday Masses at the Cathedral of Saint Peter this year will be held at 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 12:10 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.

Rather, the humble acknowledgement of our need for God – the courage to set aside our own sense of righteousness in order to trust more deeply in God’s merciful presence – and the willingness to be used by God in building the Church and in caring for the suffering, broken world in which we live reflect the movements of our hearts that lead to true conversion.

Ash Wednesday and Lent, by their very nature, provide experiences for prayer and reflection to support us in the noble endeavor of conversion. This year’s celebration is no exception, as the Church provides us with two blessed opportunities that have the power to fortify us in our resolve to become one with Christ and to participate in the proclamation of his message of salvation.

This past year on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Corpus Christ Sunday – the Church in the United States initiated a three-year period of Eucharistic Revival. Its purpose is to both restore and refresh our understanding of this great mystery of our faith in which Jesus, our Savior and Lord, is truly present in the Sacrament of the Eucharist – his very Body and Blood. In announcing this time of revival, the Bishops of our land envisioned that it would lead to “a movement of Catholics across the United States, healed, converted, formed and unified by an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist – and sent out in mission ‘for the life of the world.’”

In so many ways, the vision of this Eucharistic Revival reflects the heart of the season of Lent. I would encourage you, then, to take advantage of the times that have been set aside in your parish communities for Eucharistic adoration. Like no other experience, prayer in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord has the power to change our lives and to fill us with the peace that only God can give. In gratitude for the singular gift of the Eucharist in the life of the Church, I will celebrate a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament in each of our twelve deaneries throughout the weeks of Lent. I look forward to praying with many of you as we seek God’s healing grace.

The second opportunity that the Church provides for our Lenten journey builds upon the first and our encounter with Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Several years ago, Pope Francis announced that a Synod of Bishops would convene at the Vatican in October 2023, the theme of which will be For a synodal Church: communion, participation and mission.

In focusing upon the notion of synodality, the Holy Father reminds us that by virtue of our Baptism into Christ, all of us are called to be active participants in the life of the Church through discernment, participation and co-responsibility.

During the last year, thousands of you responded to the call of Pope Francis by sharing your hopes, concerns and dreams for the Catholic Church in preparation for the 2023 General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Yet, far from being a temporary or one-time experience in calling the Church to participate in the Synod process, the Holy Father has asserted repeatedly that the very mission of the Church requires the entire People of God – you and me – to be on a journey together, with each member playing his or her crucial role in building up the Body of Christ, united with each other. Nothing captures the spirit of our Lenten sojourn more than this!

Brothers and sisters, the season of Lent provides us with many grace-filled opportunities to grow in our faith. May we use these days well as we walk together with our brothers and sisters preparing for Baptism and full initiation into the Church. Like them, may we renew our commitment to change our hearts, through the healing gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. May we be filled with awe and comforted by Jesus’ presence in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist – strengthened for mission – and ready to assume our responsibility in proclaiming the mercy and love of Christ for our world. In so doing, we will surely find our way to life and peace.

Faithfully yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L.
Bishop of Scranton

SCRANTON – For twenty consecutive years, independent audits have found the Diocese of Scranton to be in full compliance with U.S. bishops’ policies to prevent sexual abuse of children by clergy and other church personnel.

The Diocese recently received its 2022 compliance certification from StoneBridge Business Partners, a private auditing firm based in New York, which has been contracted to conduct compliance audits of the nation’s 195 dioceses.

The Diocese of Scranton has passed audits of its child protection procedures, policies and records every year since the policy was adopted by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in 2002.

The USCCB spells out the policies that dioceses must follow in its “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.” The Charter is a comprehensive action plan for addressing allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy. It also includes guidelines for reconciliation, healing, accountability and prevention of future acts of abuse.

The findings are a result of a review of data collected for the 2021/2022 Charter audit period. The annual audit evaluates each diocese’s efforts to ensure the protection of children, including criminal background checks and educational awareness programs on recognizing and preventing abuse.

Among the information reported to the auditors in this most recent period: 8,639 students currently enrolled in Catholic schools in the Diocese or in parish religious education programs have received Safe Environment training.

A total of 230 priests who are in active ministry, along with 79 permanent deacons and 18 seminarians and candidates for the Diaconate have also received that training.

More than 559 educators and administrators in Diocesan schools, more than 869 employees of the Diocese of its parishes across 11 counties and 2,670 volunteers at schools, parishes and Diocesan facilities have also received valuable information to keep children safe. Many more individuals have also completed training on Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse in Pennsylvania.

In receiving the latest compliance audit results, the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, stated, “Our 20 year compliance record with child protection audits highlights the commitment that the Diocese of Scranton, along with its parishes and schools, has in ensuring the protection of children. While many steps have been taken to address clergy sexual abuse, we must continue to listen, care for and walk with survivors. Every one of us must remain committed to safeguarding and strengthening our policies against the sexual abuse of minors.”

The Diocese of Scranton’s Safe Environment Office ensures that Charter standards are continually met.

For more information on the Diocese of Scranton’s Safe Environment Program, or for a full overview of all policies and protocols, visit

SCRANTON – With just five days left in the anti-hunger cook-off and fundraising marathon known as Rectory, Set, Cook! the 2023 fundraising total was hovering around $150,000 at press time, with the goal of surpassing last year’s total raised – $171,000 – well within reach.

This year’s all-digital event showcases 24 teams consisting of at least one – but up to five – collared chefs from across the Diocese cooking (or attempting to cook) a specially selected dish or dishes on video. Each $10 donation for a video represents one vote for the participating pastor chef or chefs.

Each pastor chef has been working hard to get out the votes primarily for the purpose of fighting local hunger, given all sponsorship dollars and 50 percent of voting dollars raised will benefit Catholic Social Services’ anti-hunger efforts. The other half of voting dollars raised will stay with the pastor chef’s or chefs’ parish and can be designated toward a priority project or a charitable cause of the pastor chef’s choice.

Event director Sandra Snyder of the Diocese of Scranton’s Development Office is thrilled with the results so far and notes that there has not been a day without donations since the event launched on Jan. 10. Donations have come in at all hours of the day, every day, with the vast majority of gifts from in state but also – so far – representing 27 states. The most out-of-state donations have come from New York, New Jersey, Florida and Texas, Snyder said. Gifts have come from as far away as Anchorage, Alaska, Snyder said, noting the geographic reach really speaks to the generosity of the universal church.

Snyder also said the competition at the top of the leaderboard has been especially intense, with Fr. Jim Paisley, of St. Therese/St. Frances Cabrini Church in Shavertown, last year’s winner, leading the pack at press time, having raised about $16,000 singlehandedly. In second place were Team Bradford – Fr. Jose Kuriappilly, Fr. Dan Toomey and Fr. Shinu Vazhakkoottathil. Following in a very close third place were the retired priests of Villa St. Joseph, whose team consists of Msgr. Jack Bendik, Msgr. Vincent Grimalia and Fr. Charles Cummings.

“This year’s competition has been especially invigorating,” Fr. Paisley said. “As part of the top five, I am in great company with my brother priests who rose to the occasion and succeeded in raising the funds needed to take a bite out of hunger. Those who will benefit by the fruits (meats and vegetables) of our labors are the true winners of the 2023 ‘Rectory, Set, Cook’ campaign.”

Members of the top five teams will receive Master Pastor Chef hats for 2023, which are more about bragging rights and fun than priests competing for valuable prizes, Snyder said, adding that she expects a few come-from-behind surprises. Last year, the 10th-place finisher entered the leaderboard at 11:59 p.m. on the final day, she said, so anything can happen.

Also in the top five as of press time was Msgr. David Tressler of St. Ignatius Parish in Kingston and Holy Family Parish in Luzerne. He baked two pies this year under the watchful eye of his young niece Julia.

“Rectory, Set, Cook! is a great way to help those in need in our communities and diocese,” he said. “It allows our people to see the priests in a more relaxed mode.”
The event also has helped parishes to bond as a family, Fr. Kuriappilly, who cooked several versions of his Indian meal to feed his parish school’s students and teachers, noted.

“Our parish is so happy to be watching videos and tasting new foods and voting for a great cause, to help the hungry and needy,” he said. “This has united us in a very special way and generated much enthusiasm among everyone, especially for our school kids.”

The official winners will be those with the most dollars raised by midnight on Fat Tuesday, Feb. 21.

Votes can be cast on clicking on the Rectory, Set, Cook! icon on


SCRANTON – All of the faithful in the Diocese of Scranton are invited to a Lenten Holy Hour with the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, to commemorate the diocesan phase of the National Eucharistic Revival.

These gatherings will take place in each of the twelve deaneries of the Diocese of Scranton so there is a Holy Hour in your community in which you can join the bishop in praying for a renewal of our devotion to Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist!

The goal of the National Eucharistic Revival is to renew the Church by enkindling a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

What is a Holy Hour?

A Holy Hour is a period of time (usually around an hour) spent in prayer before our Lord Jesus Christ present to us sacramentally in the Eucharist. This involves silent personal prayer, meditation, readings from Sacred Scripture, hymns, spoken prayers and litanies, and can even involve popular devotions such as recitation of the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet. As Catholic Christians, there are many different ways to pray, and a Holy Hour is a great time to be in the very presence of Jesus and to pray in whatever manner is most fruitful for our spirituality.

What is Eucharistic Adoration and Exposition?

Eucharistic adoration is praying before the Lord Jesus who is truly present to us in the Eucharist. This usually takes place during a period of Eucharistic exposition when a consecrated host, the Blessed Sacrament, is placed in a monstrance (from the Latin word meaning “to show”). This tradition in the Catholic Church began in the Middle Ages when the faithful did not feel worthy enough to consume Holy Communion at Mass. Instead, they would faithfully gaze upon the consecrated host as the great mystery of God’s love revealed to us in Christ and offer their prayers. While the frequent reception of Holy Communion at Mass is encouraged today, the Church still considers this tradition of Eucharistic Adoration an indispensable part of Catholic faith and spirituality.

What will happen during each Holy Hour?

This Lenten Holy Hour with Bishop Bambera commemorates the diocesan phase of the National Eucharistic Revival in which the bishops of the United States hope to rekindle in Catholics a living relationship with the Lord Jesus in the sacrament of the Eucharist. The evening begins with Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by a period of silent, personal prayer and contemplation. Vespers, or Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours, will then be offered with hymns, psalms and readings pertaining to the Eucharist. Bishop Bambera will give a homily on the Eucharist during Vespers, and the Holy Hour concludes with Benediction, or the Blessing of the Faithful with the Eucharist.

Why should I go to this Holy Hour?

The word “Eucharist” comes from the Greek word meaning “to give thanks” and this season of Lent is the perfect time for each of us to recognize our own brokenness and to express our gratitude for God’s grace manifested in the death and resurrection of Jesus. We are not alone on this Lenten journey: we join our prayers during these Holy Hours with the faithful all over the Diocese of Scranton, united with our Bishop, the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, as well as Catholic all over the United States in praying for a renewal in our devotion to the Holy Eucharist.


(OSV News) – The experience of the sacrament of penance in the Roman rite will be slightly different this Lent, thanks to approved changes in the English translation set to take effect in a few weeks.

Starting Ash Wednesday – which takes place this year on Feb. 22 – the prayer of absolution will include three modifications, so that the revised version will read as follows:

“God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and poured out [formerly “sent”] the Holy Spirit for [previously “Holy Spirit among us for”] the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church may God grant [instead of “give”] you pardon and peace
And I absolve you from your sins in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

The new text was adopted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops during its Spring 2021 meeting, with the Vatican’s Dicastery (then-Congregation) for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments approving the text in April 2022. As of April 16, 2023, the Second Sunday of Easter known also as Divine Mercy Sunday, the revised formula for absolution is mandatory.

“The essential part of the absolution formula has not changed,” said Father Andrew Menke, executive director of the USCCB’s Secretariat for Divine Worship, during an Oct. 25, 2022, webinar co-sponsored by his office and the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions.

During his presentation, Father Menke admitted the bishops had debated whether the minor changes were worth undertaking.

However, he said the consensus favored striving for a more accurate translation from the Latin.

Father Menke noted penitents “who can be a little scrupulous” might panic if priests – many of whom “have said this prayer literally thousands of times” – inadvertently use the old form of absolution.

“They might be concerned (that absolution) doesn’t count,” he said. Yet he stressed that “the heart of the sacrament” remains intact, and the absolution is still valid.

While not a major alteration, the update to the text nonetheless offers “a wonderful opportunity to reiterate and teach the importance of the sacrament of penance as a staple for living the Christian life,” Father Dennis Gill, director of the Office for Divine Worship at the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, told OSV News ahead of a Jan. 31 webinar he plans to give on the topic. “It’s also a wonderful opportunity to catechize about the sacrament itself.”

Father Menke noted in his October 2022 webinar that the updates are part of a broader effort by the Vatican to ensure accuracy in the translation of liturgical texts.
“It’s not due to anything against the Latin texts,” he said. “It’s based on the fact that the Holy See instructed the bishops of the world at the beginning of the 21st century that our translations needed to be more accurate.”

Liturgical texts have been revised throughout church history under papal direction: St. Pius V modified both the breviary and the missal in response to the Council of Trent, while St. Pius X, Pope Pius XII and St. John XXIII, who convened the Second Vatican Council, all significantly furthered such efforts.

The updates do not imply that “the (older versions) are heretical,” Father Menke told OSV News Jan. 30. “It’s just that church authorities have determined we might do better.”

The translation process is a rigorous one, with plenty of opportunities for bishops to review and reconsider the proposed updates, he added.


SCRANTON – During Lent, the Cathedral of Saint Peter offers several ways in which the faithful can deepen their relationship with Jesus and come to know Him in a more intimate way.

CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton will make many of these opportunities available to the faithful through television broadcasts and livestream opportunities.

Every Sunday during Lent, the Cathedral will be hosting Lenten Evening Prayer at 6 p.m.

Evening Prayer is part of the Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office. In the Liturgy of the Hours, the Church fulfills Jesus’ command to “pray always.”

Through this prayer, the people of God sanctify the day by continual praise of God and prayers of intercession for the needs of the world.

During Lent, CTV plans to broadcast both the Sunday 5 p.m. Mass live as well as the Sunday Evening Prayer that will begin directly thereafter.

The first broadcast of the Sunday 5 p.m. Mass and Evening Prayer will take place on Sunday, Feb. 26, 2023.

PITTSTON — The Pittston Deanery in Luzerne County announces its five-week “Road to Resurrection 2023” Lenten series, which will be held at Greater Pittston area parish churches on the Wednesdays of March.

This year’s theme for the weekly Lenten series of liturgical gatherings to be hosted throughout the Deanery will focus on the National Eucharistic Revival movement.
The Pittston Road to Resurrection spiritual offerings will include Bishop Joseph C. Bambera’s visit to the Deanery as part of his Diocesan-wide celebration of Lenten Holy Hours during the holy season

During the fourth week of the series, the Pittston Deanery will host Bishop Bambera as guest homilist for a Holy Hour and Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday, March 22, at 7 p.m. at Corpus Christi Parish in West Pittston. Confessions will be available at 6:15 p.m.

Road to Resurrection celebrations, including guest priest homilies, begin each Wednesday evening during March at 7 p.m., preceded by the offering of the Sacrament of Reconciliation for 45 minutes.

The remainder of the weekly schedule is as follows:

March 1 — The Gathering Rite, hosted by Our Lady of the Eucharist Parish, North Pittston; guest homilist: Father Joseph Evanko, V.E., pastor of Saint Jude Parish, Mountain Top, and Episcopal Vicar of the Southern Region of the Diocese.

March 8 — Liturgy of the Word, hosted by Saint Maria Goretti Parish, Laflin; guest homilist: Father Alex Roche, parish pastor.

March 15 — Liturgy of the Eucharist, hosted by Saint Monica Parish, West Wyoming; guest homilist: Father Peter Tomczak, parish pastor.

March 29 — The Sending Forth, hosted by Nativity of Our Lord Parish, Duryea; guest homilist: Father Michael Bryant, parish pastor.

SCRANTON — The Scranton Deanery in Lackawanna County announces its six-week “Road to Resurrection 2023” Lenten series, which will be held at various parish churches on Thursdays at 7 p.m. during Lent.

The faithful are invited to immerse themselves in scripture from the Gospels as they are guided through the events surrounding Jesus’ death and resurrection.

All of the faithful are welcome to participate in the following schedule:

February 23 — Saint Ann’s Basilica, 1233 Saint Ann Street, Scranton
March 2 — Saint Paul of the Cross Parish, 1217 Prospect Avenue, Scranton
March 9 — Saint Patrick Parish, 1403 Jackson Street, Scranton
March 16 — Prince of Peace Parish, 123 West Grace Street, Old Forge
March 23 — Immaculate Conception Parish, 801 Taylor Avenue, Scranton
March 30 — Divine Mercy Parish, 312 Davis Street, Scranton


February 16, 2023

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments effective February 16, 2023:

Reverend Binesh Joseph Kanjirakattu, from residence, Ascension Parish, Forest City, and Saint Katharine Drexel Parish, Pleasant Mount, to Assistant Pastor pro tem, Holy Rosary Parish, Hazleton, and Holy Name of Jesus Parish, West Hazleton.   

Reverend Michael J. Piccola, to Administrator pro tem, Holy Rosary Parish, Hazleton, and Holy Name of Jesus Parish, West Hazleton.  Father will remain Pastor, Saints Cyril and Methodius Parish, Hazleton.

SCRANTON – With big smiles on their faces, three men from the community programs of Saint Joseph’s Center eagerly handed out programs as people arrived at the Cathedral of Saint Peter for the Diocese of Scranton’s annual Mass for Persons with Disabilities Feb. 12, 2023.

The trio of hospitality ministers – Joe, John and Matt – jumped at the chance to be involved in the special Mass that recognizes and celebrates the gifts that every person contributes to the life of the Church.

“They’re here. They want to be here. They are so excited about getting out and experiencing this with the Church,” Sister Sandy Grieco, I.H.M., Pastoral Care Coordinator with Saint Joseph’s Center, said.

Joe, John and Matt from Saint Joseph’s Center served as Ministers of Hospitality and Gift Bearers during the Mass for Persons with Disabilities Feb. 12, 2023. (Photo/Eric Deabill)

For the last several years, many residents of Saint Joseph’s Center have been unable to attend the Mass for Persons with Disabilities in-person because of health concerns.

“They pray together and want to be together. They have a spirit that nobody else has,” Sister Sandy added. “They have a goodness in their heart. They may not understand every word but they know the spirit. There is an unconditional love amongst them all.”

The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, served as principal celebrant and homilist for the Mass that was attended by more than 200 people. During his homily, the bishop reflected on his trip last year to Ghana, emphasizing how those with disabilities were warmly included in huge outdoor community celebrations of faith.

“Far from being a burden to those who brought them, the presence of those with disabilities was welcomed and their participation was quite obviously a blessing, not just for them but particularly to all who gathered with them,” Bishop Bambera said. “The respect, love and acceptance that was extended to these cherished brothers and sisters was palpable. They were one with everyone else!”

Bishop Bambera also reflected on recent words of Pope Francis during a gathering in Rome for the International Day for Persons with Disabilities. The bishop said while Pope Francis indicated that making churches accessible with things like wheelchair ramps is important – the Church must also concentrate on making sure people’s needs for “belonging” are also met so they can experience the fullness and blessing of the Lord.

In addition to Saint Joseph’s Center, individuals from The Arc of Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Order of Alhambra also participated in the Mass.

“We encourage people with intellectual disabilities and support them and let them know they are not forgotten in our culture and society,” Ada Magni, scribe of the exchequer and deputy supreme director of The Order of Alhambra, local caravan Alhamar #4, stated.

The local Order of Alhambra does many things including providing scholarships to students studying special education, helping financially challenged special needs children attend summer camps and supporting the Special Olympics.

“We bring cheer to them but they bring cheer to us,” Magni explained.