June 29, 2022

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments, effective as indicated:

Monsignor Dale R. Rupert, from Pastor, Cathedral of St. Peter, Scranton, to Senior Priest and Pastor Emeritus, Cathedral of St. Peter, Scranton, and Diocesan Master of Ceremonies, effective July 26, 2022.

Reverend Jeffrey D. Tudgay, J.C.L., from Pastor, St. Eulalia Parish, Elmhurst, to Pastor, Cathedral of St. Peter, Scranton, effective July 26, 2022.  He will continue to serve as Judicial Vicar and Vicar for Canonical Affairs.

Reverend Shawn M. Simchock, to Parochial Vicar, Holy Family Parish, Luzerne, effective July 1, 2022.  Father will continue to serve as Parochial Vicar, Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish, Kingston.

Reverend Sudhir Toppo, from Heralds of the Good News Mother Theresa Province, India, to Parochial Vicar, Saint John Bosco Parish, Conyngham, effective June 28, 2022.

Reverend Binesh Joseph Kanjirakattu, from Heralds of the Good News Mother Theresa Province, India, to Parochial Vicar, St. Boniface Parish, Williamsport and St. Lawrence Parish, South Williamsport, effective June 28, 2022.

Permanent Deacons:

Deacon Walter G. Janoski, to diaconal ministry, Corpus Christi Parish, West Pittston, effective immediately.  He will continue in diaconal ministry, St. Barbara Parish, Exeter.

Deacon James R. Meizanis, to diaconal ministry, St. Barbara Parish, Exeter, effective immediately.  He will continue in diaconal ministry, Corpus Christi Parish, West Pittston.

Deacon Frank H. Hine, to diaconal ministry, All Saints Parish, Plymouth, effective July 26, 2022.  He will continue in diaconal ministry, St. John the Baptist Parish, Larksville.

Deacon Gerald P. Pernot, to diaconal ministry, Holy Family Parish, Luzerne, effective July 1, 2022.  He will continue in diaconal ministry, St. Ignatius Parish, Kingston.



June 14, 2022

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments, effective as indicated:

Reverend Jacek J. Bialkowski, from Pastor, All Saints Parish, Plymouth, to Pastor, Saint Peter Parish, Wellsboro, and Saint Thomas Parish, Elkland, effective July 26, 2022

Reverend Stephen Kow Bosomafi, from Assistant Pastor, Christ the King Parish, Archbald, to Pastor, Saint Thomas More Parish, Lake Ariel, effective July 26, 2022.

Reverend Jose Joseph Kuriappilly, from Assistant Pastor, Epiphany Parish, Sayre, to Pastor, SS Peter and Paul Parish, Towanda, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Wyalusing, effective July 26, 2022.

Reverend Glenn E. McCreary, V.E., from Pastor, Resurrection Parish, Muncy, to Pastor, Saint Boniface Parish, Williamsport, and Saint Lawrence Parish, South Williamsport, effective August 16, 2022.  Father McCreary will continue to serve as Episcopal Vicar for the Western Pastoral Region of the Diocese of Scranton.

Monsignor David L. Tressler, to Pastor, Holy Family Parish, Luzerne, effective July 1, 2022.  Monsignor will continue to serve as Pastor, Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish, Kingston.

Reverend Jarrod Waugh, C.S.C., from Administrator, Holy Family Parish, Luzerne, to ministry within the Congregation of Holy Cross, effective July 1, 2022.

Special Assignment:

Reverend Jonathan P. Kuhar, to Chaplain of Scouts in the Diocese of Scranton, for a period of five (5) years, effective June 6, 2022.  Father will continue to serve as Assistant Pastor, Saint John Neumann Parish and Saint Paul of the Cross Parish, Scranton.



May 25, 2022

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments, effective as indicated:

Reverend Patrick L. Albert, from Pastor, Our Lady of the Lake Parish, Lake Winola.  Father will remain Pastor, Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Tunkhannock, with care of St. Joachim Church, Meshoppen, effective July 26, 2022

Reverend Robert J. Antonelli, from Senior Priest, St. Boniface Parish, Williamsport and St. Lawrence Parish, South Williamsport, to Administrator pro tem, St. Boniface Parish, Williamsport and St. Lawrence Parish, South Williamsport, effective May 31, 2022.

Reverend William D. Corcoran, from Pastor, St. Boniface Parish, Williamsport and St. Lawrence Parish, South Williamsport, to retirement, effective May 31, 2022.

Rev. Gerald J. Gurka, to Pastor, All Saints Parish, Plymouth, effective July 26, 2022.  Father will remain Pastor, St. John the Baptist Parish, Larksville.

Rev. Edward L. Michelini, from Pastor, Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Towanda and Administrator pro tem, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Wyalusing, to Pastor Emeritus, effective July 26, 2022.

Reverend Joseph J. Mosley, from Pastor, St. Peter Parish, Wellsboro and St. Thomas Parish, Elkland, to Senior Priest, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Carbondale and St. Rose of Lima Parish, Carbondale, effective July 26, 2022.

Reverend Alex J. Roche, S.T.L., from Administrator pro tem, St. Maria Goretti Parish, Laflin, to Pastor, St. Maria Goretti Parish, Laflin, effective May 17, 2022.  Father Roche will remain Director of the Office for Vocations and Chaplain, Misericordia University, Dallas.

Reverend Arbogaste Satoun, to Pastor, Our Lady of the Lake Parish, Lake Winola, effective July 26, 2022.  Father will remain Pastor, Our Lady of the Abingtons Parish, Dalton and St. Patrick Parish, Nicholson.

Monsignor  John J. Sempa, from Administrator pro tem, St. Barbara Parish, Exeter, to Pastor, St. Barbara Parish, Exeter, effective May 17, 2022.  Monsignor will remain Pastor, Corpus Christi Parish, West Pittston.

Reverend Stephen J. Stavoy, from Pastor, St. Thomas More Parish, Lake Ariel, to retirement, effective July 26, 2022.

Rev. Rawel Toppo, from Assistant Pastor, Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Brodheadsville, to Assistant Pastor, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Freeland and Good Shepherd Parish, Drums, effective May 31, 2022.

Priest Personnel Board

Reverend Joseph P. Elston, Pastor, St. John the Evangelist Parish and St. Joseph Morello Parish, Pittston, elected to a 3 year term, effective July 1, 2022.

Reverend Michael J. Kloton, Pastor, Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Freeland and Good Shepherd Parish, Drums, elected to a 3 year term, effective July 1, 2022.




April 25, 2022

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments:

Reverend Michael E. Finn, from Pastor, St. Barbara Parish, Exeter, to Pastor Emeritus, St. Barbara Parish, Exeter, effective May 1, 2022.

Monsignor  John J. Sempa, to Administrator pro tem, St. Barbara Parish, Exeter, effective May 1, 2022.  Monsignor will remain Pastor, Corpus Christi Parish, West Pittston.


March 8, 2022

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera announces the following appointments:

Monsignor John J. Bendik, from Retirement to Administrator pro tem, Saint Andre Bessette Parish, Wilkes-Barre, effective March 8, 2022.

 Reverend Alex J. Roche, S.T.L., to Administrator pro tem, Saint Maria Goretti Parish, Laflin, effective March 8, 2022.  Father will remain Director of the Office for Vocations and Chaplain, Misericordia University.



February 28, 2022

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments:

Rev. Helias De Oliveira, to Assistant Pastor, St. John Neumann Parish and St. Paul of the Cross Parish, Scranton, effective February 18, 2022. 

Rev. J. Duane Gavitt, to Chaplain, Holy Redeemer High School, Wilkes Barre, effective March 8, 2022.  Father will remain Pastor at St. Elizabeth Parish, Bear Creek and St. Rita Parish, Gouldsboro.

Rev. Arun Lakra, to Administrator pro tem, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish and St. Rose of Lima Parish, Carbondale, effective February 27, 2022 to March 8, 2022.  Father will remain Assistant Pastor, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish and St. Rose of Lima Parish, Carbondale.

Rev. Seth D. Wasnock, from Chaplain, Holy Redeemer High School, Wilkes Barre, effective March 8, 2022.  Father will remain Pastor, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish and St. Rose of Lima Parish, Carbondale, effective March 8, 2022.


His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointment:

Clergy Assignment:

Rev. Seth D. Wasnock, from Pastor, St. Maria Goretti Parish, Laflin, and Administrator, St. Andre Bessette Parish, Wilkes-Barre, to Pastor, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish and St. Rose of Lima Parish, Carbondale, effective March 8, 2022.



January 3, 2022

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments:

Clergy Assignments:

 Rev. Brian J.W. Clarke, to Administrator pro tem, Holy Rosary Parish, Hazleton, and Holy Name of Jesus, West Hazleton, effective immediately until February 1, 2022.  Father Clarke will continue to serve as Pastor of Most Holy Trinity Parish, Cresco.

 Rev. Kenneth M. Seegar, from Pastor, Saint Andre Bessette Parish, Wilkes-Barre, to Pastor, Holy Rosary Parish, Hazleton, and Holy Name of Jesus Parish, West Hazleton, effective February 1, 2022.

Rev. Seth D. Wasnock, to Administrator, pro tem, Saint Andre Bessette Parish, Wilkes Barre, effective February 1, 2022.  Father Wasnock will continue to serve as Pastor, Saint Maria Goretti Parish, Laflin,

December 6, 2021

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointment, effective as indicated:

Reverend Brian J. W. Clarke, from Pastor, Holy Rosary Parish, Hazleton, and Holy Name of Jesus Parish, West Hazleton, to Pastor, Most Holy Trinity Parish, Cresco, effective January 3, 2022.



October 28, 2021 

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments, effective as follows:

Reverend Gregory F. Loughney, from Pastor, Most Holy Trinity Parish, Cresco, effective October 28, 2021.

Reverend Sean G. Carpenter, to Administrator Pro Tem, Most Holy Trinity Parish, Cresco, effective October 28, 2021.  Father Carpenter will continue to serve as Pastor, Saint Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Pocono Pines.