His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments, effective as indicated: 


Reverend Michael S. Drevitch, from Assistant Pastor, Saint John the Evangelist Parish, Honesdale, to Leave of Absence, effective January 2, 2019.


Deacon Stephen B. Frye, from Leave of Absence to Diaconal Ministry, Saint Joseph the Worker Parish, Williamsport, effective January 2, 2019.


His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments, effective as indicated: 


Reverend Michael S. Drevitch, from Assistant Pastor, Saint John the Evangelist Parish, Honesdale, to Leave of Absence, effective January 2, 2019.


Deacon Stephen B. Frye, from Leave of Absence to Diaconal Ministry, Saint Joseph the Worker Parish, Williamsport, effective January 2, 2019.

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointment, effective as indicated: 


Reverend Edward J. Casey, from Assistant Pastor, Our Lady of the Snows Parish, Clarks Summit, to Pastor, Saint Ann Parish, Shohola, and Saint John Neumann Parish, Lords Valley, effective January 3, 2019. 


Reverend Richard W. Beck, to Administrator, pro tem, Saint Ann Parish, Shohola, and Saint John Neumann Parish, Lords Valley, effective November 26, 2018. Father Beck will continue to serve as Pastor of Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace Parish, Hawley. 


Reverend Jose Joseph Kuriappilly, to Assistant Pastor, Epiphany Parish, Sayre, effective November 19, 2018.

Reverend Babu Muttickal, from the Diocese of Kottapuram, Kerala, India, to Assistant Pastor, Our Lady of the Snows Parish, Clarks Summit, effective January 3, 2019.

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments, effective as indicated:


Reverend Thomas J. Major, from Pastor, Saint Ann Parish, Shohola, and Saint John Neumann Parish, Lords Valley, to Pastor, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Dushore, effective November 26, 2018. 

Monsignor David L. Tressler, from Pastor, Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary Parish, Jermyn, to Pastor, Saint Ignatius Loyola Parish, Kingston, effective, November 12, 2018.


Reverend Gerard M. McGlone, to Administrator, pro tem, Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary Parish, Jermyn, effective November 12, 2018.  Father McGlone will continue to serve as Pastor of Queen of Angels Parish, Jessup. 

Monsignor Stephen D. McGough, to Administrator, pro tem, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Dushore, effective November 5 through 26, 2018.