Pope Francis holds palm fronds as he celebrates Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican April 10, 2022. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Jesus obeyed the most challenging of commandments: to love one’s enemies; and he invites humanity to do the same by breaking a vicious cycle of evil, sorrow and hatred with love and forgiveness, Pope Francis said on Palm Sunday.

“As disciples of Jesus, do we follow the master, or do we follow our own desire to strike back?” he asked in his homily April 10.

Pope Francis began Holy Week with Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Square with an estimated 50,000 people – the first time large numbers of people could participate since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic two years ago.

He also made a heartfelt appeal for a cease-fire by warring parties and the start of a “real negotiation,” even if it requires “some sacrifice for the good of the people.”

“What kind of victory will it be to plant a flag on a pile of rubble?” he said after the Mass and before leading the Angelus prayer. “Put down the weapons. Let an Easter truce begin.”

Clearly referring to the invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces, the pope did not specifically name which conflict he was talking about, saying Christ died to be victorious over sin and death, “not over someone and against someone else.”

However, he denounced this “endless” war, which “daily places before our eyes heinous massacres and atrocious cruelty committed against defenseless civilians. Let us pray about this.”

A war aiming for victory according to the logic of the world, the pope said, “is only the way to lose.” It is better to let the victor be Jesus, who carried the cross and died to free people from evil and so life, love and peace might reign.

Because of ongoing difficulty walking and his doctor’s advice to rest, Pope Francis did not take part in the traditional procession to the obelisk in the center of the square but was driven by car to the altar before the start of the ceremony.

Dozens of young people carried palm branches, and bishops, cardinals and the pope held “palmurelli,” large woven palms. All the pilgrims in the square were given olive branches donated by Italian olive oil producers and several people also held large rainbow “peace” flags or smaller flags of Ukraine and other countries.

After blessing the palms and listening to the Gospel reading of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, the young people, bishops, cardinals and deacons processed to the steps of St. Peter’s Basilica for the main part of the Mass, which included the reading of the Passion.

In his homily, Pope Francis highlighted how Jesus “obeyed the most demanding of his commandments: that we love our enemies.”

“How often we spend time looking back on those who have wronged us! How often we think back and lick the wounds that other people, life itself and history have inflicted on us,” he said.

Instead, Jesus teaches humanity “to break the vicious circle of evil and sorrow. To react to the nails in our lives with love, to the buffets of hatred with the embrace of forgiveness,” he said.

When people resort to violence, he said, they forget about God, their father, and “about others, who are our brothers and sisters. We lose sight of why we are in the world and even end up committing senseless acts of cruelty.”

“We see this in the folly of war, where Christ is crucified yet another time,” the pope said. “Christ is once more nailed to the cross in mothers who mourn the unjust death of husbands and sons. He is crucified in refugees who flee from bombs with children in their arms. He is crucified in the elderly left alone to die; in young people deprived of a future; in soldiers sent to kill their brothers and sisters.”

If people want to see if they truly belong to Christ, “let us look at how we behave toward those who have hurt us,” the pope said.

The Lord asks people respond the way he does: by showing “compassion and mercy to everyone, for God sees a son or a daughter in each person. He does not separate us into good and bad, friends and enemies. We are the ones who do this, and we make God suffer,” the pope said.

“Brothers and sisters, in the course of this week, let us cling to the certainty that God can forgive every sin, bridge every distance and turn all mourning into dancing,” the pope said.

With Jesus, things are never over, and it is never too late, he said.

“With God, we can always come back to life. Take courage! Let us journey toward Easter with his forgiveness,” he said.

“Gazing upon our violent and tormented world, he never tires of repeating: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”

At the end of the Mass, the pope rode in the open popemobile to wave to and greet the crowd in the square and along the long boulevard leading to the main square, again the first time since before the pandemic began.

CANTON – Inspired by the story of Goya Foods and Shannon Hasse of Texas sending 15,000 rosaries and thousands of pounds of food to Ukraine, a parishioner of Saint Michael Parish in Canton has also decided to take action.

Lynette Ambruch wrote to the President of Goya Foods offering her help in sending more rosaries to the war-torn nation. She heard back from Goya Foods and the company has agreed to ship and distribute rosaries collected by the parish!

Ambruch has extended the invitation for anyone in the Diocese to send her rosaries by April 24 to be included in the shipment.

“We love God and we’re doing what God wants us to do. We’re helping someone who needs it,” Ambruch said.

Within the first few days of putting out the call for assistance, the local jewelry maker said she has already received more than 2,000 rosaries and her phone keeps ringing.

“I even have people that aren’t Catholic contacting me. They say, ‘I’m not Catholic and I don’t have a rosary, but what can I do?’” she said. “They just want to help but just don’t know how to.”

Rosaries can be dropped off before or after Mass in any of the three beautiful churches associated with Saint Michael Parish or at the parish office through Sunday, April 24. Broken rosaries are also welcome and will be repaired prior to shipment.

Saint Michael Church, 107 N. Washington Street, Canton, is open on Sunday from 9:00 a.m. until 10:45 a.m., Saturday from 3:15 until 4:45 p.m., Monday and Wednesday from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m., and Thursday from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Saint John Nepomucene Church, 133 Exchange Street, Troy, is open on Sunday from 11:00 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. and Tuesday from 5:15 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.

Saint Aloysius Church, corner of Green Street & Division Alley, Ralston, is open on Sunday from 7:45 a.m. until 8:45 a.m.

The parish office is located at 106 N. Washington Street, Canton. Hours are Monday & Wednesday from 8 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. and Thursday from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. There is a bowl on the front porch where donations can be placed if the office is closed.

Dozens of people gathered April 1 at Saint Lawrence Parish Hall in South Williamsport for a Lenten soup dinner to benefit those impacted by the war in Ukraine.

SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT – The Parishes of Saint Boniface and Saint Lawrence held a Lenten soup dinner April 1 which will benefit people who are suffering in Ukraine.

Fifteen meatless soups were prepared and donated by parishioners. Seventy-five guests brought their own bowls and spoons to join together at the Lenten table.

A good will offering resulted in more than $2,100 being raised.

Volunteers decorated the Saint Lawrence Parish Hall for the event and served all those who gathered between 6-8 p.m. after Stations of the Cross.

Fathers William Corcoran and Robert Antonelli spearheaded the church gathering to benefit those who are impacted by the war in Ukraine.

Some of the items recently collected in the Hazleton area to be donated to the people in Ukraine.

HAZLETON – Catholic Social Services in Hazleton, 200 W. Chapel Street, continues to serve as a collection drop-off site for material donations to help our brothers and sisters impacted by the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The items will be passed along to one or more organizations in Philadelphia that are providing assistance to those in need.

In conjunction with the group, “City of Hazleton Outreach to Ukraine,” Catholic Social Services is accepting nonperishable items, including dry rations, such as freeze-dried or dehydrated foods, granola or energy bars, and other non-liquid items. Baby food is also needed, but it must be in pouches and not jars.

Medical supplies and personal hygiene items, including new underwear, thermals, bras, socks, diapers, wipes, blankets, linens, pain relievers, and medical aids, such as crutches, canes, wheelchairs, walkers, are being accepted.

Donations can be made weekdays (Monday-Friday) between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

In addition to Catholic Social Services, which is a member agency of the Greater Hazleton United Way, other collection sites include Hazleton City Hall, Northeast Counseling Services and the Lackawanna College Campus.

The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, delivers the homily during the Healing Mass for Survivors of Abuse April 7 at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton.

SCRANTON – Acknowledging that most people will never know the depth of pain that survivors of sexual abuse endure, the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, presided at a Healing Mass for Survivors of Abuse on April 7. The liturgy was held at the Cathedral of Saint Peter.

“As Bishop of this local Church, I continue to apologize for the pain that has been inflicted upon far too many of you by leaders of our Church. I once again ask for forgiveness from the countless numbers of you who have suffered so much,” Bishop Bambera said. “And as I have shared many times before, I pledge to do all within my power to keep our Churches and schools safe for our children and for all of our people to worship, to pray, to learn and to grow in their faith.”

The Diocese of Scranton has celebrated a Healing Mass for survivors of abuse for four years.

“It is vital that we continue to pray for survivors of abuse. Why? Because there is still pain. A few years of public prayer can’t change a lifetime of suffering. So many survivors continue to be burdened by nightmares of inhuman behavior on the part of those who should have been trustworthy but were not,” the bishop continued.

The Healing Mass took place at the beginning of April, a month dedicated to child abuse prevention efforts. During the Mass, the faithful prayed for church leaders to continue working to protect the most vulnerable from harm and for those who have suffered abuse that they may have the courage to tell their story and find the necessary support.

During his homily, the bishop explained some of the lessons he has learned from his conversations with abuse survivors.

“They’ve taught me that if the Church is truly intent upon creating safe environments for its children and all of God’s people, the Church – and especially Church leaders – must never forget or allow time to numb us to the pain that was so willfully inflicted on innocent lives by those who postured themselves as God’s representatives and ministers of his love and mercy,” Bishop Bambera said.

He continued, “While the Church has become much more cognizant of the need to eradicate this horrific behavior from its ranks once and for all, this crisis is not over! Far too many of our members continue to suffer. And only our recognition and acknowledgement of their pain can truly prompt us to change and to create a Church deserving of people’s trust.”

Emphasizing that “time doesn’t always heal,” the bishop encouraged anyone who is struggling to give God room to step into their lives.

The Diocese of Scranton’s Child Protection and Safe Environment Policy requires mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse and the immediate removal of someone credibly accused of abuse. It also emphasizes transparency and pastoral case in abuse cases.

The policy also requires that all clergy, employees and volunteers who will encounter children while working or volunteering for any diocesan institution and/or program will undergo the relevant state and federal criminal background checks. The policy also includes ongoing education for children and youth, as well as for adult staff members and volunteers, designed to help prevent abuse from happening.

Information on the Diocese of Scranton’s Child Protection and Safe Environment Policy can be found online at dioceseofscranton.org/child-protection-victim-assistance

SCRANTON – The Diocese of Scranton continues to listen to your thoughts and opinions as we answer the call of Pope Francis to participate in the local listening phase of the 2023 Synod on Synodality. It is our hope that you will prayerfully consider each question and offer feedback about your experience as a member of the Diocese of Scranton.

The Synod survey is available on the “Synod on Synodality” page of the Diocese of Scranton website (dioceseofscranton.org) through April 29, 2022.

Since last October, thousands of people in all 11 counties of the Diocese of Scranton have participated in the online synod survey or individual parish listening sessions.

If you have already taken the survey, please spread the word – including to family and friends that may no longer attend Mass. A key component is listening to those voices who are easily ignored or marginalized.

Lainey Conway listens as Wilkes-Barre mayor George Brown reads a proclamation in her honor on April 7, 2022. (Photos/Eric Deabill)

WILKES-BARRE – Four students from Holy Redeemer High School received recognition April 7 for their quick thinking and bravery after coming to the aid of their bus driver who had a medical emergency last month.

Kaden Ayre, Lainey Conway, Max Filchak and Ryan Martinelli each received keys to the city of Wilkes-Barre, along with proclamations from the Pennsylvania Senate.

“We gather today to celebrate you and to publically acknowledge our pride in your actions,” Holy Redeemer principal Doreen Dougherty said in welcoming everyone to the ceremony. “Not only did you chart a course on March 21 during the bus incident but you blazed a trail, recognizing an issue existing, you acted decisively, definitively, cooperatively in the midst of a hazardous situation.”

On March 21, a total of 13 high school and elementary school students from Holy Redeemer and Saint Nicholas/Saint Mary School were on a Rinehimer bus, headed from Wilkes-Barre to Mountain Top, when the driver began experiencing a medical emergency on Blackman Street in Wilkes-Barre Township.

That is when the four Catholic school students jumped into action.

“We worked almost like it was rehearsed, everyone just got to work,” Conway, who was responsible for calling 911, explained. “Kaden and Ryan went to help the driver; they unbuckled him so they could get to the brake. We started rolling backwards so they stepped on the brake. We hit the car behind bus but we would have kept rolling if they didn’t step on the brake.”

Martinelli, 17, a junior, was sitting in the very back of the bus listening to music when the emergency started to unfold. His first instinct was to assist the driver as he dashed to the front of the bus.

“I loosened his jacket, took off his seat belt to see if he could get some air because it looked like he was having trouble breathing and then apply pressure to the brake to stop us from rolling backwards because we had hit the car behind us at that point,” he said.

Martinelli is a member of the United States Navy Sea Cadet Corps. Prior to the incident, he had received training on responding to car accidents that was held by both active and retired police officers.

“I felt calm during the event,” he added.

Scott Henry of Rinehimer Bus Lines presents a framed newspaper article to Ryan Martinelli as a gift for helping his bus driver.

While Martinelli was attending to the driver, Ayre held the brake pedal down to keep the bus from rolling backward.

“Buses don’t have park on them, it’s only a foot brake. We didn’t know that until we had the bus driver out of the seat,” Ayre said. While the incident lasted only about a minute, the teen added, “I think God was with us that day.”

While Ayre and Martinelli were attending to the driver, Filchak got the other students off the bus and out of danger.

“I didn’t really think at all, I was just on my toes,” Filchak explained.

Family members of each student, along with classmates, lawmakers and the media attended the recognition ceremony.

“It is such an honor and privilege to join you today in what I deem a celebration of community, a celebration of the Holy Redeemer School, a celebration of faith and a celebration of young men and a young woman who showed us all what it is to be a true hero,” Sen. Lisa Baker, R-Lehman Township, said.

“The courage that you showed on March 21, I want you to continue that through your high school education, through your college education if you go to college, or in the military, whatever your chosen field is, continue that courage and as you get out into the workforce, continue that courage,” Wilkes-Barre mayor George Brown added.

Kristen Donohue, Catholic Schools Superintendent in the Diocese of Scranton, also lauded the students’ actions.

Max Filchak recieves a “Key to the City” of Wilkes-Barre from Mayor George Brown during a ceremony at Holy Redeemer High School.

“I know God’s presence was working through you, as your quick thinking and calm approach to an extremely complicated situation kept your classmates safe and provided the rapid medical attention for the bus driver,” Donohue stated. “Your teamwork and confidence is truly remarkable. We are incredibly proud of each of you.”

Scott Henry of Rinehimer Bus Lines also attended the recognition ceremony. He said the bus driver is recovering thanks to the valiant efforts of the students.

“My brother and I were raised Catholic. We’re thanking Saint Christopher for putting you guys on the bus that day,” Henry said.

While each of the students say they appreciate the attention and recognition they’re getting, they don’t belief their actions were “heroic” in nature.

“We just did what we had to do,” Conway said.

“I don’t know if I deserve it. I just did what I thought was right. I reacted to the situation how I knew how to,” Martinelli added. “I’m confident that many of my peers would do a similar thing if they were in that situation.”

Kaden Ayre, one of four students who jumped into action to help his bus driver on March 21 discusses the events with media members.

WILMINGTON, Del. – The Most Rev. William E. Koenig, Bishop of Wilmington, Del., celebrated the Rite of Institution to the Ministries of Lector & Acolyte on Saturday, March 19 at Saint Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland.

Jan Carlo Perez received Ministry of Lector.

William Asinari, Thomas Dzwonczyk, and Andrew McCarroll received Ministry of Acolyte.

Lectors proclaim the Scriptures at liturgical celebrations and serve as catechists. Acolytes serve at Eucharistic celebrations and bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound.

Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their formation to serve our local Church as a Diocesan Priest!

Andrew McCarroll (kneeling left), a member of Saint Robert Bellarmine Parish in Wilkes-Barre, receives Ministry of Acolyte.
Jan Carlo Perez (kneeling right), a member of Saint Matthew Parish in East Stroudsburg, receives Ministry of Lector.
Thomas Dzwonczyk (kneeling left), a member of Saint John Vianney Parish in Montdale, receives Ministry of Acolyte.
William Asinari (kneeling left), a member of Saint John the Evangelist Parish in Honesdale, receives Ministry of Acolyte.





SCRANTON – From our earliest memories, we can all remember being taught those precious words, “Hail Mary, Full of Grace.” This year’s Catholic Women’s Conference will delve deeply into the meaning and beauty of those words and the special relationship all women have with Mary, the Mother of God. We pray to her for the safety of our children and our families, to protect the unborn, to guide us as we navigate an increasingly complex and harsh world. The conference will help attendees explore their own special relationship with Mary and realize the beauty and grace of being a woman in modern times.

This year’s keynote speaker, Colleen Carroll Campbell, will share her incredible journey of success as a presidential speech writer, the youngest op-ed columnist for the St. Louis Post Dispatch as well as her numerous appearances in television, radio and print to being a sleep deprived mother of twins wondering if she could do it all.

Her spiritual journey led to her acclaimed book, “The Heart of Perfection.” In her work she explores the perfectionism that was almost her downfall.

‘Tiger Moms,’ ‘Helicopter Coaches,’ and ‘Work Martyrs,’ along with today’s social media where everyone seems to have a perfect life, people are stressed and unhappy, feeling that imperfection is failure. In exploring how to be kinder and gentler with herself and her family, she discovered that she had become a spiritual perfectionist. By studying scriptures and the lives of the saints, she found the tools to live a grace-filled life that is the gift of God’s love.

As mothers and caregivers, women say a prayer to the holy mother each time their children leave the house, pick up the car keys, or leave for college.

For most, those prayers are answered with the safe return of our children, the sound of the car pulling in the driveway, the quick text from a college freshmen telling us everything is ok. Featured speaker Debra Hadley was living such a life when tragedy struck. Her young adult daughter died of a sudden epileptic fit. While trying to process her own grief and that of her family, her teenage son was killed in an automobile accident with three of his friends, throwing not just Deb into despair, but her whole community. Deb will share her heartfelt message of love and her journey from the depths of despair to rediscovering her faith and restoring her will to live and to reach out to others.

Dunmore native Megan Murphy, a Catholic speaker, teacher, and evangelist will talk about the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary, which all focus on Our Mother, Mary. As each prayer of the rosary is said, a candle will be lit. When the rosary is completed, the room will be aglow with an illuminated candlelit rosary. Guiding the participants through the day will be Olyphant native and founder of the “15 Minute Rosary” Natalie Gubala-Magdon. Mass will be celebrated by the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton. Worship artist Molly McManus will provide inspirational music throughout the day. Participants can also enjoy a continental breakfast, lunch and shopping at the Catholic Vendor Marketplace.

Cost to attend the conference is $45 for in person ($50 after May 29). Student tickets are $20, and women religious are welcome free of charge.

Volunteers are always needed and those who sign up for four hours at the conference will receive a free ticket. For more information and to register, visit cwcnepa.com


Theresa Maxis, Torn Woman, a portrait of Mother Theresa Maxis, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, was unveiled at Marywood University on April 5, 2022. (Photo/Eric Deabill)

SCRANTON – Even though she has been deceased for more than 125 years, the life and memory of Mother Theresa Maxis lives on at Marywood University.

Dozens of people gathered April 5 for the official unveiling of Theresa Maxis, Torn Woman, a portrait created by Sister Helen David Brancato, IHM.

“We’ve known about this portrait for many, many years because we know the sister from the IHM Congregation in Philadelphia who actually did the portrait,” Sister Mary Persico, IHM, President of Marywood University, said.

Born of unwed parents in 1810, Mother Theresa Maxis co-founded the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM), together with Father Louis Florent Gillet, a Redemptorist priest from Belgium, to educate girls of the Michigan frontier.

“She suffered from classism, she suffered from racism, she suffered from sexism,” Sister Mary Persico added. “We can join her sufferings to the sufferings of people all over the world today.”

In 1829, she became a founding member of the Oblate Sisters of Providence, the first congregation of African American women religious in the United States. Despite poverty, Mother Theresa Maxis and her IHM Sisters established schools and sheltered orphans. Under her leadership, the IHM order and its social services expanded from Michigan and Pennsylvania. She died in 1892.

“We have such an affinity here at Marywood for Theresa Maxis and all the good that she has done in the world,” Persico added. “She really worked for the empowerment of women and Marywood was founded as a university for women. We thought this would be a really good place to have her portrait.”

Mother Theresa Maxis’ legacy lives on today in North America, South America and Mexico with close to 1,000 IHM Sisters and more than 240 associates who labor in her spirit, committed to the eradication of the oppression of women, the shaping of just social justice and the building of a culture of peace.

The portrait, which was unveiled at Marywood University, is on display to the public in the Archives Room, Second Floor of the Learning Commons, on the University’s campus.