Pope Francis greets a child as he arrives for his general audience in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican Aug. 10, 2022. (CNS photo/Vatican Media via Reuters)
VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The passing of time in one’s life is meant to be lived as a God-given grace and not a meaningless pursuit to preserve one’s youthfulness, Pope Francis said.
Men and women are “apprentices of life” who amid trials and tribulations “learn to appreciate God’s gift, honoring the responsibility of sharing it and making it bear fruit for everyone,” the pope said Aug. 10 during his weekly general audience.
“The conceit of stopping time – of wanting eternal youth, unlimited well-being, absolute power – is not only impossible, it is delusional,” he said.
The pope continued his series of talks on old age and reflected on Jesus’ farewell to his disciples during the Last Supper, in which he promised to “prepare a place” for them.
The time of life that remains for the disciples, the pope said, mirrors that of old age, which is “the fitting time for the moving and joyful witness of expectation” for one’s true destination: “a place at the table with God, in the world of God.”
Old age, he continued, should not be lived “in the dejection of missed opportunities” but in seeing that “the time of aging that God grants us is already in itself” one of God’s great works.
“Our life is not made to be wrapped up in itself, in an imaginary earthly perfection,” the pope said. “It is destined to go beyond, through the passage of death – because death is a passage. Indeed, our stable place, our destination is not here, it is beside the Lord, where he dwells forever.”
True fulfillment in one’s life, he added, can only be found in God, and “old age brings closer the hope of this fulfillment.”
Old age, the pope said, departing from his prepared remarks, does not need to beautify itself to show its nobility. Instead, it serves as a reminder of one’s mortality and is an invitation “to rejoice in the passing of time” which “is not a threat, it is a promise,” the pope said.
Pope Francis encouraged Christians, especially the elderly, to live their final years of life “in the expectation of the Lord” because in old age, Jesus’ promise becomes “transparent, projecting toward the Holy City of which the Book of Revelation speaks.”
“The elderly are a promise, a witness of promise,” the pope said. “And the best is yet to come. The best is yet to come: It is like the message of elderly believers: the best is yet to come. May God grant us all an old age capable of this!”
The altar is seen at St. Francis Xavier Church the day after worshippers were attacked by gunmen during the Pentecost Mass, in Owo, Nigeria, June 5, 2022. Reports said at least 50 people were killed in the attack. (CNS photo/Temilade Adelaja, Reuters)
LAGOS, Nigeria (CNS) – Nigerian officials identified six suspects arrested in connection with the June 5 attack that killed 40 people at St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo.
Maj. Gen. Jimmy Akpor, defense department spokesman, said all were linked to the Islamic State West Africa Province group. He said the arrests were made through a joint effort of military and defense officials.
Akpor said a preliminary investigation showed that “Idris Abdulmalik Omeiza was the mastermind of the terror attack on the Catholic Church in Owo as well as the attack on a police station” in Kogi state June 23. In the second attack, a police officer was killed and weapons were stolen.
Omeiza is sometimes known as Bin Malik. Police also arrested Momoh Otohu Abubakar, Aliyu Yusuf Itopa and Auwal Ishaq Onimisi for the Owo attack, in which attackers sneaked into a Pentecost Mass with explosives. Akpor confirmed Aug. 10 that the four were arrested Aug. 1.
On Aug. 11, Akpor said officials had arrested two more suspects: Al-Qasim Idris and Abdulhaleem Idris.
Officials did not release a motive for the attack.
Ondo Gov. Oluwarotimi Akeredolu said the owner of the house where the attackers stayed before the June 5 attack in Owo also had been arrested.
Nigerian Catholic officials have decried violence against Catholic targets and urged government authorities crack down on armed groups that are carrying out kidnappings and attacks on faith communities.
August 4, 2022
His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointments, effective August 16, 2022:
Reverend Andrew Amankwaa, from Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of Snows Parish, Clarks Summit, to Parochial Vicar, Most Holy Trinity Parish, Susquehanna and St. Brigid Parish, Friendsville.
Reverend David W. Cramer, from Pastor, Most Holy Trinity Parish, Susquehanna, to Pastor, St. Eulalia Parish, Elmhurst.
Father Michael Amo Gyau, from the Diocese of Sunyani, Ghana, to Parochial Vicar, Christ the King Parish, Archbald.
Father Paschal Mbagwu, from Nigeria, to Administrator, St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Pocono Pines.
Reverend Kevin M. Miller, to Administrator, Most Holy Trinity Parish, Susquehanna. He will continue to serve as Pastor, St. Brigid Parish, Friendsville.
Deacon John C. Jorda, to diaconal ministry, Our Lady of Victory Parish, Harvey’s Lake. He will continue in diaconal ministry, Gate of Heaven, Dallas.
Deacon Ronald D. Maida, to diaconal ministry, St. Brigid Parish, Friendsville. He will remain in diaconal ministry at Most Holy Trinity Parish, Susquehanna.
The Supreme Court is seen in Washington June 15, 2022. (CNS photo/Tyler Orsburn)
WASHINGTON (CNS) – The Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade “presents a historic opportunity to reshape society for the better,” said the chairmen of U.S. bishops’ committees on pro-life activities, religious liberty, marriage and family, and domestic policy.
“The injustice of abortion has loosened its grip on our nation’s Constitution,” they said in an Aug. 1 joint statement. “We call on Congress to seize this hopeful moment by coming together around the dignity of every human person and the common good.”
“This begins with the recognition that every human life is an inestimable gift from God with an inalienable right to life deserving of full legal protection,” they said. “We must also recognize that the family — founded upon the love and mutual self-gift of husband and wife — is the first building block of society, and that raising children is both a great gift and a lifelong responsibility.”
The joint statement was issued by the chairmen of four U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ committees: Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori, Pro-Life Activities; New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, Religious Liberty; San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone, Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth; and Oklahoma City Archbishop Paul S. Coakley, Domestic Justice and Human Development.
“The health, safety and support of the family should be the focus of all good policymaking,” they said.
However, the bishops said, the House has been focused on bills to codify Roe into federal law; require the U.S. government to recognize the validity of same-sex marriages; and create a statutory right for people to access birth control and protect a range of “contraceptive methods,” including chemical abortions.
All of these measures will soon be taken up by the Senate.
They also noted the House is advancing appropriations bills that exclude long-standing provisions prohibiting federal taxpayer funding for abortion and protecting the conscience rights of health care providers.
Meanwhile, they said, Congress has taken no action since Dobbs on measures the USCCB has previously endorsed and continues to support, all of which they said would help to build up a culture of life.
These include:
— The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, which prohibits employment practices that discriminate against making reasonable accommodations for qualified employees affected by pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions.
— The Adoption Tax Credit Refundability Act, which would help low- and middle-income families adopt children by making the current credit fully refundable.
— An expanded child tax credit, including for pregnant women, and a federal paid family leave policy.
“A principled commitment to being pro-life entails a commitment both to protecting all human life, especially the most vulnerable, and to advancing policies that help families to flourish,” the bishops said. “As we accompany every family with prayer and support, those led by single or adoptive parents are close to our hearts.”
They pointed to what they said was “one positive note”: lawmakers’ “meaningful consideration of needed investments in care for our common home in a possible reconciliation framework,” referring to what is now being called the Inflation Reduction Act, which would allocate $369 billion to address climate change.
Among other provisions, the proposal would extend and expand many existing renewable energy credits and create new tax credits for investments in clean energy technologies or energy production. The House has passed the bill and it now awaits a Senate vote.
“Care for creation is also integral to care for human life, and we encourage continued efforts to advance proposals that will protect our common home and promote the well-being of human life and the environment for years to come,” the bishops said.
But with regard to the measures the USCCB supports that would protect all human life and help pregnant moms, single mothers, adoptive families and other families in need, they said that “since Dobbs, too many in Congress have ignored bills that would advance these worthy goals and have focused instead on bills that would attack them.”
“Such legislation places no value on the lives of children until their moment of birth, severs sex and marriage from their meaning, promotes using people as means to ends, and would strip rights of conscientious objection from those who oppose these hallmarks of the throwaway culture,” the bishops said.
They urged “all our elected officials to take action to reach consensus and pass” on the measures they outlined, from an expanded child tax credit to a federal paid family leave policy.
They also called for “further supports for the health and well-being of pregnant and parenting women, assistance with nutrition and affordable housing, environmental restrictions on chemicals that cause birth defects, and provisions to assist low-income families.”
“These are building blocks of our vision for ‘Standing with Moms in Need,'” they said, referring a statement the USCCB issued earlier this year, as the nation awaited the outcome of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
The “Standing with Moms in Need” vision “upholds the truth that every human life is sacred and inviolable — a society in which the legal protection of human life is accompanied by profound care for mothers and their children.”
“Families and individuals, civil society, businesses, nonprofits and religious groups, government officials at all levels — and especially members of Congress — should ask themselves how they are supporting families at this moment, particularly around welcoming new life and raising children through adulthood,” the four USCCB committee chairmen said Aug. 1.
“Catholic social teaching shows the way to a better place — a society marked by justice, mutual support, civility, friendship, mercy and love — than where Congress is now leading,” they added. “We pray that Congress will rise to meet this generational moment.”
Bishop Bambera, center, poses with seven international priests from Ghana who are currently serving parishes in the Diocese of Scranton following the celebration of Mass on Aug. 1, 2022. (Photo/Dan Gallagher)
SCRANTON – In less than one week, the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, along with Father Gerald Shantillo, Vicar General, and Father Brian J.T. Clarke, Director of the Pontifical Missions Office for the Diocese of Scranton, will begin a journey that will take them more than 5,000 miles from home.
The trio will travel to Africa, participating in a pastoral visit to the Diocese of Sunyani in Ghana.
For many years, the Diocese of Sunyani has generously shared its priests with the Diocese of Scranton. Currently, there are seven priests from Ghana ministering in the parishes of northeastern and north central Pennsylvania.
“It really means a great deal for me, on behalf of the clergy and the faithful of our diocese, to go to the Diocese of Sunyani and to share with their bishop and with all of their people, our deep gratitude for their presence here. It’s a sacrifice to travel halfway around the world and to live in a land that you don’t necessarily understand and know as well as your own home,” Bishop Bambera said.
On Aug. 1, Bishop Bambera invited all of the priests from Ghana who are currently serving in the Diocese of Scranton to join him in celebrating the 12:10 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton.
As he reflected on the day’s Gospel from Saint Matthew, where Jesus multiplies the loaves and fishes, Bishop Bambera expanded on the importance of the Eucharist and all priests who make it available to the people.
That includes our brothers from Africa who so generously minister among us.
“We give thanks for all those priests from Ghana and throughout other parts of the world who are generous enough to share with us their ministry, to keep the Eucharist alive and available to all of our people,” the bishop said. “In turn, nourished by the sacrament of the Lord’s Body and Blood, each one of us can go forth and proclaim our belief in the Kingdom of God.”
Bishop Bambera, Father Shantillo and Father Clarke will be on their pastoral visit to the Diocese of Sunyani from Aug. 10-19. During the trip, Bishop Bambera is scheduled to celebrate several Masses with the faithful of the Diocese of Sunyani.
Depending on communication capabilities, Bishop Bambera plans to send updates home to the Diocese of Scranton regarding his visit as often as possible. Those messages will be shared with the faithful of the Diocese on the Diocese of Scranton website and social media channels.
Jackie Barba, 14, cuts and prepares chicken inside the Wyoming Valley Catholic Youth Center on Aug. 3, 2022. (Photos/Eric Deabill)
WILKES-BARRE – Every Wednesday this summer, young adults have been coming together inside the Wyoming Valley Catholic Youth Center to “cook up” something special.
This week, the kids made Italian Chicken, stuffing and green beans to share with other kids in their community who might be less fortunate.
The preparation and cooking is new to many of them.
“First, we had to cut the chicken and make sure there was no excess skin. Then we had to season it and cook it,” Jackie Barba, 14, of Wilkes-Barre said.
This effort is known as the “For Kids, By Kids” Food Program.
It was an idea developed from youth involved in community service through the Luzerne County Juvenile Wellness Court.
John Prater, 16, left, and fellow student, Fox Barba, 12, begin to package the meals that they prepared.
Other kids, like John Prater, who attends the Catholic Youth Center on a regular basis, wanted to participate in the effort.
“I’ve always had a passion for cooking. I’ve always liked cooking. I’ve always liked the idea of cooking for other people,” the 16 year old said.
Each week, the kids prepare and package up 150 meals that are donated to the community outside Kistler Elementary School.
“They may depend on our meals to help them through the day because you never know what is going on in somebody’s life. They may really need that meal,” Prater said. “They may want to give it to somebody else that they know who really needs it. Just the knowledge that you may be helping someone is enough to keep me going and keep cooking.”
With inflation at its highest level in decades, the students know their efforts are making a difference.
“It is kind of hard right now,” Fox Barba, 12, of Wilkes-Barre explained. “With gas prices that are high, they can’t really afford much food because they need to get to work and that is a lot of money for gas.”
Students involved in the “For Kids, By Kids” food program distribute meals outside Kistler Elementary School in Wilkes-Barre.
Besides helping the hungry in the community, the program is also teaching the young adults life-long culinary skills.
The kids taking part range in age from 12 to 18.
While this is the first year for the “For Kids, By Kids” food program, Mark Soprano, executive director of the Wyoming Valley Catholic Youth Center, hopes it will not be the last.
“This is a pilot program. We have funding for this summer. We don’t know what next summer is going to bring and it’s certainly something we want to do again next summer and even expand on the program so we’re always looking for other funding sources to help support the program and more volunteers. We hope to grow this program. We’re serving 150 meals today. We hope we can double that for next year,” Soprano explained.
For more information on the “For Kids, By Kids” program, contact Soprano at the Wyoming Valley Catholic Youth Center, 36 South Washington Street, Wilkes-Barre, or call (570) 823-6121.
Reverend Edward Michelini said his final morning Mass at Peter and Paul Church in Towanda, Pennsylvania on July 27th, 2022.
Faithful members of his daily congregation gathered after the Mass for a photo with their devoted pastor who will be dearly missed.
Scranton Catholic Charismatic Conference Celebrates Its 40ᵗʰ Year! August 5 -7ᵗʰ
The Scranton Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) is proud to announce that the
Catholic Charismatic Conference, celebrating its 40ᵗʰ year, will be held IN PERSON at the
University of Scranton August 5, 6, 7ᵗʰ! Anointed worship, inspiring speakers, mass, Eucharistic
adoration, and fellowship will make up the weekend culminating with the closing liturgy by the Most
Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton.
Weekend speakers include Father Anthony Mario Ozele, PhD, Alice Hartle, Bob Valiante, and Father
Trevor Nathasingh. Registration is available for the entire weekend ($65 total) or individual
sessions (see day rates and schedule below). Adults are welcome to attend any or all of the
sessions. Covid vaccination is recommended but not required.
“If anyone needs to experience the love of God, I encourage them to come! We expect a Spirit-filled
weekend of Praise and Worship, Signs and Wonders,” says Karen McLain, CCR Liaison and Coordinator.
For more information about CCR and to register for the Catholic Charismatic Conference, VISIT
https://ccrscranton.org/conference or via Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CCRScrantonDiocese),
CALL 570-344-2214, or EMAIL office@ccrscranton.org.
Speaker Bios:
Father Anthony Mario Ozele, PhD was for many years a Parochial Vicar, as well as a professor of
Religion at Saint Francis College, in Brooklyn, New York. He is presently the Director of
Evangelization, and Pastor of St. William’s Catholic church in his home diocese of Warri, Nigeria.
Rev. Ozele is the author of such books as Why Catholics Honor Mary, Christian Maturity (Dynamics of
Growing in the Faith), Secrets of Effective Prayer, Victorious Living in a Dangerous World, and
most recently, Return to the Altar
He is involved with organizing workshops on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA),
Catechetical Seminars, Retreats, Revivals, Bible Study Sessions, and preaching at Conferences
around the world. In 2006,
Rev. Anthony Ozele was featured in Fishers of Men, an 18-minute DVD that is a major resource in a
vocational recruitment project sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
(USCCB), and the winner of the 2007 Gabriel Award.
Alicia Hartle serves as executive director of Pentecost Today USA (the National Service Committee
of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the US) and is a founding member of an ecumenical household,
Oakland Prayer Group, Abba’s House, Unbound Pittsburgh-Greensburg, and Catholic Women’s Fellowship
ministries. Born into the fire of Renewal in the Pittsburgh area, she has worked in ministry and
business development on local, national, and international levels. Knowing God and making Him known
are her greatest passions.
Bob Valiante and Sue Valiante have been married for fifty-nine years; they are parents of one
child, Maria. The Valiante’s live in Moosic, Pa. Bob has been involved in the Charismatic Renewal
of the Catholic Church for forty-nine years. In that time, he has served in various capacities. He
is a past coordinator of the Service Team for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of
Scranton, a founder and former coordinator of the annual Catholic Charismatic Conference of the
Diocese of Scranton, which is in its fortieth year. Bob served as Pastoral Associate in his parish
for seven years. A frequent speaker at days of renewal, conferences, retreats, parish missions, and
regional gatherings; Bob shares his gift of exhortation. He is a former Liaison to the Bishop and
Coordinator of the Charismatic Renewal for the Diocese of Scranton, and a former member of the
Service Committee of the Association of Diocesan Liaisons.
Father Trevor Nathasingh was called to conversion, from a Hindu/Muslim background, over 30 years
ago, Fr. Trevor Nathasingh joined the Catholic Church and was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on
June 18th, 1989 for the Archdiocese of Port of Spain. Fr. Trevor, as he is fondly called, currently
serves as the Parish Priest of The Laventille/Morvant Pastoral Area, in the North West of Trinidad.
The seeds planted during his period of conversion as a covenanted member of a Lay Charismatic
Community and his years in the Seminary have begun to bear fruit. Fr. Trevor’s charism of teaching
and preaching throughout his home country of Trinidad, the Caribbean Islands, North and South
America, Africa and the United Kingdom at crusades, missions, revivals and Life in the Spirit
Seminars have made him one of the most outstanding Caribbean Catholic Evangelists.
Fr. Trevor remains committed to the growth of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, for the building up
of the people of God. Fr. Trevor continues to dedicate himself to a life of service in order “to
proclaim without compromise the action of the Holy Spirit at work in the Church today.”
Day Rates:
Friday night $15 Saturday
All Day $35
Morning $15
Afternoon $10
Evening $10 Sunday $15
August 5 to 7, 2022
5:00 pm TRAVELERS’ MASS in Byron Center.
Fr. Gus Ricciardi: Celebrant and Homilist
6:00 pm EXPOSITION begins in the Moskovitz Theatre, 4th Floor of the
DeNaples Center. 5:00-7:00 pm DINNER DeNaples Center
7:00-7:30 pm MUSIC MINISTRY leads and teaches songs. 7:30-8:45 pm Prayer and Praise
8:50-9:45pm SESSION I – Rev. Anthony Ozele
6:30 – 9:00 BREAKFAST
9:00-9:30 am PRAYER AND PRAISE – Deacon Poyo, leader 9:35-10:20 am SESSION II – Alicia
10:35-11:20 am SESSION III – Rev Trevor Nathasingh
11:30 – 2:00 pm LUNCH
2:00- 2:30 pm Prayer and Praise
2:30-3:15 pm SESSION IV – Rev. Anthony Ozele
3:15-3:30 pm` TRANSITION – PRAISE
3:30 pm LITURGY – Celebrant … Rev. August RIcciardi
Homilist … Rev. Trevor Nathasingh
7:30–8:25 pm Prayer and Praise
8:25-9:40 pm SESSION V – Alicia Hartle – and Team Ministry
RECITATION of Rosary; approx. ½-hour after closing session. Location is in front of library: (in
case of rain, it will be held in the Byron Center)
7:00 am TRAVELERS’ MASS John Long Center: Celebrant & Homilist: Rev.
Anthony Ozele
6:30-9:00am BREAKFAST
9:00-9:30am Prayer and Praise
9:30-10:10am SESSION VI – Rev. Trevor Nathasingh
10:25-11:00 am SESSION VIII – Bob Valiante
11:05-1:30 pm LUNCH
1:30 – 1:45 pm Prayer and Praise
1:45 pm LITURGY: Celebrant & Homilist….Bishop Joseph Bambera
Pope Francis greets residential school survivor Vicki Arcand of the Alexander First Nation during a welcoming ceremony at Edmonton International Airport July 24, 2022. The pope was beginning a six-day visit to Canada. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
MASKWACIS, Alberta (CNS) – The words “I am sorry” are powerful.
For Tammy Ward of the Samson First Nation, those words from Pope Francis brought tears as she listened on the Muskwa, or Bear Park, Powwow Grounds.
“It’s just very powerful,” Ward told The Catholic Register, Toronto-based newspaper, after Pope Francis finished delivering his historic apology on Indigenous land for the Catholic Church’s role in residential schools and other wrongs done on the church’s behalf. “For me, it’s the healing.”
Ward leaned into her 21-year-old daughter, Aleea Foureyes, for comfort as Pope Francis confessed the sins Catholics committed against Indigenous Canadians in residential schools.
“In the face of this deplorable evil, the church kneels before God and implores His forgiveness for the sins of her children,” Pope Francis said, invoking St. John Paul II’s 1998 bull, “Incarnationis Mysterium.” “I myself wish to reaffirm this, with shame and unambiguously. I humbly beg forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against the Indigenous peoples.”
Pope Francis delivered his apology on the treaty land of the Ermineskin and Samson Cree Nations, the Louis Bull Tribe and the Montana First Nation, as part of his “penitential pilgrimage” to Canada. The site was near one of Canada’s largest residential schools.
For 49-year-old Ward, it brought memories of her relationship with her parents.
“I always thought my parents didn’t love me. I was always wondering why they were silent,” she said.
Years later she understood how a childhood spent institutionalized in residential schools had left her parents unprepared for family life.
It was a day full of emotion as Indigenous people responded to Pope Francis’ presence among them.
Ted Quewezance, an elder from the Keeseekoose First Nation in Saskatchewan, had overseen the ground-penetrating radar search for unmarked graves that uncovered 42 possible graves near the Fort Pelly residential school and another 12 at St. Philips residential school. He spoke to the crowd of about 5,000 about the long process of reconciliation.
“The pope’s apology is not asking for instant trust,” Quewezance said. “Today I am willing to extend my hand to the pope and to the bishops.”
But Quewezance warned about the politicization and bureaucratization of reconciliation efforts by governments and churches.
“Reconciliation in Canada is all about recommendations, reports. It’s not about action,” he said.
Quewezance prefers to replace the word reconciliation with “real-conciliation.”
“Reconciliation implies there is a time we would like to go back to,” he said.
Jonathan Buffalo didn’t just come to hear Pope Francis. He came to dance. Indigenous dance, he said, is a path to healing.
“I dance with pride and honor. I dance for my people, my ancestors, my elders,” said the young administrative assistant at the Samson Cree Community Wellness Centre.
Buffalo said he hopes non-Indigenous Catholics hear what the pope has said and read the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report, to know the truth about residential schools.
“It has to be talked about for people to understand (intergenerational trauma),” said Buffalo, whose mother is a residential school survivor.
Showing up to hear Pope Francis apologize once more was an act of hope for 78-year-old Norman Meade, who brought his 8-year-old granddaughter, Everlee Meade, with him to Maskawacis.
“I do have hope. I always have hope,” Meade said. “When we walk together — the pope is leading us that way — things are better.”
Meade is still working on his wife Thelma Meade’s claim file, seeking compensation for her years in the Presbyterian-run residential school in Birtle, Manitoba. He said getting records from government offices has proved to be a painfully slow process.
A doctor holds a stethoscope in this illustration photo. (CNS photo/Regis Duvignau, Reuters)
WASHINGTON (CNS) – The chairmen of four U.S. bishops committees said July 27 that proposed regulations from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on abortion, transgender services and other procedures threaten the Catholic Church’s ability “to carry out our healing ministries” and others’ ability “to practice medicine.”
They called the proposed regulations — a 308-page document released July 25 by HHS — “a violation of religious freedom and bad medicine.”
“They mandate health care workers to perform life-altering surgeries to remove perfectly healthy body parts,” the bishops said. “Assurances that HHS will honor religious freedom laws offer little comfort when HHS is actively fighting court rulings that declared HHS violated religious freedom laws the last time they tried to impose such a mandate.”
They added: “The proposed regulations announce that HHS is also considering whether to force health care workers to perform abortions against their will or lose their jobs. We call on HHS to explicitly disavow any such intent.”
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops released the joint statement from Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, chairman, Committee on Pro-Life Activities; Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman, Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development; Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco, chairman, Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth; and Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, chairman, Committee for Religious Liberty.
The proposed HHS regulations would apply to implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s Section 1557, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex – including pregnancy, sexual orientation and gender identity – in covered health programs or activities.
In 2020, the Trump administration put in place a final rule that eliminated the general prohibition on discrimination based on gender identity and also adopted abortion and religious freedom exemptions for health care providers. But the courts blocked this rule change.
In 2021, shortly after he was inaugurated, President Joe Biden issued an executive order declaring that his administration would apply the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2020 ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County in all areas of government — including the ACA.
In a 6-3 ruling, the court held that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity is necessarily also discrimination “because of sex” as prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Biden administration’s so-called “transgender mandate” required that doctors and hospitals perform gender-transition procedures on any patient despite any moral or medical objections of the doctor or health care facility.
Last year a number of Catholic health care organizations filed a lawsuit challenging the mandate. A federal court blocked it mandate last August, granting the plaintiffs’ request for a permanent injunction.
The court permanently enjoined HHS, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra and all HHS-related divisions, agencies and employees “from interpreting or enforcing Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.”
Also last year, lawyers for the plaintiffs discovered a 74-page legal memorandum attached to a court filing from a consortium of 30 sexual rights groups revealed that HHS had promised to revise its mandates on health plan coverage and performance to include surgical abortion, cross-sex hormones, gender-transition surgeries, gender-affirming cosmetic surgeries and voice modification — along with a host of expanded services dealing with fertility treatments, contraception, abortifacients and sterilizations.
Once the newly released HHS proposed regulations are published in the Federal Register, a period for public comment will begin. HHS said this period will be 60 days after publication. As of July 27, the HHS proposal had not yet been published on the website https://www.federalregister.gov.
“Catholics have been called to care for the sick since the earliest days of our faith,” said the USCCB committee chairmen. “Today, the various agencies and social service ministries of the Catholic Church taken together are equivalent to the largest nonprofit health care provider in the country.”
The church does “this work in fulfillment of the direct command of Jesus Christ and in imitation of his divine ministry here on earth,” they said.
“Catholic health care ministries serve everyone, no matter their race, sex, belief system or any other characteristic,” the bishops continued. “The same excellent care will be provided in a Catholic hospital to all patients, including patients who identify as transgender, whether it be for a broken bone or for cancer, but we cannot do what our faith forbids. We object to harmful procedures, not to patients.”
The bishops said they “will continue to review these proposed regulations and will file more thorough comments at the appropriate time.”