WASHINGTON (CNS) – The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act heading to President Joe Biden’s desk for his signature will provide relief to Americans in need amid the pandemic, but it lacks “protections for the unborn,” the U.S. bishops said.

Their March 10 statement quickly followed U.S. House passage of the measure in a 220-211 vote. After the Senate passed its version of the bill March 6, it was sent back to the House where members reconciled its changes with the version they approved Feb. 27. Biden was expected to sign it into law the afternoon of March 12.

In a joint statement, Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the chairmen of six USCCB committees praised “positive provisions” that “will save people from extremely desperate situations and will likely save lives.”

But they called it “unconscionable” that Congress passed the bill “without critical protections needed to ensure that billions of taxpayer dollars are used for life-affirming health care and not for abortion.”

Unlike all of the previous pandemic relief bills, Hyde Amendment language was not included in this measure. Hyde outlaws federal tax dollars from directly funding abortion except in cases of rape, incest or when the life of the woman would be endangered.

In addition to Archbishop Gomez, the committee chairmen who signed the statement are: Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, Committee on Pro-Life Activities; Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development; Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford, Committee on International Justice and Peace; Bishop Michael C. Barber of Oakland, California, Committee on Catholic Education; Bishop Shelton J. Fabre of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana, Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism; and Auxiliary Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville of Washington, Committee on Migration.

“As the American Rescue Plan Act was being written, Catholic bishops reached out to every House and Senate office to express our support for providing additional relief to help poor and vulnerable people who are most at risk of harm from this pandemic, and our strong conviction that this relief should also protect the unborn and their right to life,” the bishops said.

“We are grateful this legislation addresses many positive provisions, including unemployment assistance, child and earned income tax credit enhancements, nutrition funding, vaccine distribution funding, health care funding, housing assistance, international assistance to regions stricken by COVID, conflict and hunger,” they said.

But “unlike previous COVID relief bills,” the bishops said, “sponsors of the American Rescue Plan Act refused to include the long-standing, bipartisan consensus policy to prohibit taxpayer dollars from funding abortions domestically and internationally.”

Hyde Amendment language “was needed because this bill includes many general references to health care that, absent the express exclusion of abortion, have consistently been interpreted by federal courts not only to allow, but to compel, the provision of abortion without meaningful limit,” the bishops said.

“The many important, life-saving provisions in the American Rescue Plan Act have been undermined because it facilitates and funds the destruction of life, which is antithetical to its aim of protecting the most vulnerable Americans in a time of crisis,” they added.

In remarks after its passage, Biden said the American Rescue Plan Act “represents a historic, historic victory for the American people. I look forward to signing it later this week.”

“Everything in the American Rescue Plan addresses a real need — including investments to fund our entire vaccination effort. More vaccines, more vaccinators and more vaccination sites,” he said.

No Republican in the House or Senate voted for the bill. Two House Democrats joined their Republican counterparts to vote against it Feb. 27; in the final House vote, one Democrat rejected it.

The measure includes $17 billion for vaccine-related activities and programs and $110 billion for other efforts to contain the pandemic; $130 billion for public schools; and $143 billion to expand child tax credit, child care tax credit and earned income tax credit mostly for one year.

Other provisions include $45 billion to temporarily expand Affordable Care Act subsidies for two years and subsidize 2020 and 2021 coverage; $25 billion for grants to restaurants and bars; $7 billion to allow more loans under the Paycheck Protection Program; $6 billion to increase nutrition assistance; and $350 billion for states and localities.

The bill also provides for checks of $1,400 to go to individuals who earn up to $75,000 a year and heads of households earning $112,500; married couples earning $150,000 will get $2,800. Eligible dependents, including adult dependents, also would each get $1,400.

It expressly provides $50 million for family planning, but as the bishops noted in their statement, and other national pro-life leaders have said, funding allocated in other provisions can be used for abortion.

It directs billions to state and local governments, $219 billion and $130 billion, respectively, “to mitigate the fiscal effects stemming from” COVID-19.

Because the Hyde Amendment is not applied to these funds, state and local governments could use the money to pay for abortion and abortion providers in the name of “responding to or mitigating the public health emergency,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life.

Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, said the “sheer size” of the measure gives it “the potential to be the largest expansion of abortion funding since Obamacare.”

She urged Biden “to honor the wishes of the majority of Americans who don’t want to pay for abortions and to return to his pro-life roots by vetoing this bill until the bipartisan Hyde Amendment and other pro-life protections are included.”


Statement of the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, on the death of University of Scranton President Rev. Scott Pilarz, SJ

“On behalf of the clergy and faithful in the Diocese of Scranton – I wish to express our deepest condolences to The University of Scranton community and the family of Rev. Scott Pilarz, SJ, upon learning of his passing.

“Returning to The University of Scranton to serve a second term as President showed the tremendous love that Father Pilarz had for this community. Since first coming to know him personally in 2003, I have witnessed first-hand his commitment to Jesuit ideals, the mission of The University of Scranton and most especially to the students and faculty of the university. His deep faith, humanity, insight and vision were blessings and gifts he shared freely with all of us. I will miss him as a friend and colleague in ministry.

“I pray that Father Pilarz’s family, friends and the entire University of Scranton community may find peace and comfort in the consoling love of Jesus Christ during this time of tremendous sadness.”

University of Scranton Board of Trustees Statement

Dear Members of the University Community,

I am saddened to report that Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., the University’s 24th and 27th President, passed away today at the age of 61 from complications related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Father Pilarz shared the news of his ALS diagnosis in 2018, promising to “move forward” and “keep working” in service of a university and a community he had grown to love as his home. In the years that followed, he poured himself into the work together with all of you, achieving so many remarkable accomplishments. He challenged us to dream and plan for the University’s future while never forgetting our mission as a Catholic and Jesuit university. He spoke passionately on behalf of others facing ALS, helping to dispel myths as he raised awareness.

Anyone who spent time with Father Pilarz experienced his humor, compassion and genuine humanity. He was a person for others in every sense, devoted to a life of service that exemplifies what it means to be a Jesuit and a priest. Along the way, the depth of his vocation and of his love for all that makes us human inspired countless students, alumni, parents, friends and colleagues to see beyond themselves and to strive for something more.

Over the last year, perhaps the most challenging ever faced in higher education, Father Pilarz guided us calmly and confidently through the pandemic’s chaos, focused always on our students and on the sacred mission to provide them with a transformational Catholic and Jesuit education. He met other challenges head-on as well, harnessing our strengths to serve the needs of the community and the wider world. He championed the University’s response against racism and the sexual abuse crisis facing the Church. He advocated tirelessly for the humanities and for the liberal arts as core to the formation of students.

Through his two terms as President, he transformed campus and advanced our mission. The exceptional success of the Pride, Passion, Promise Campaign made possible the largest and most ambitious projects in the University’s history – everything from the Patrick & Margaret DeNaples Center, John & Jacquelyn Dionne Campus Green and Loyola Science Center, to Christopher and Margaret Condron Hall, and Sandra & Paul Montrone Hall and the hall that would bear his name.

Also during his tenure, Scranton earned national recognition for academic quality, community engagement and student success, achieving record admissions. He expanded international mission and service opportunities and programs, and provided dedicated support for research by new faculty members, among a host of other accomplishments.

As we all mourn his loss, the trustees are keenly aware that, more than anything, Father Pilarz would insist on the University continuing to “move forward” and “keep working” on behalf of our students and mission. In accord with the University’s by-laws,Jeff Gingerich, Ph.D., University Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, will serve as Acting President. As previously announced, Joseph G. Marina, S.J., begins his term as President in June.

Information will be shared soon about ways for the University community to pay their respects. A public viewing is being planned. A funeral mass, while private, will be available for online viewing.

In a special way, please join me in expressing our great sadness to Father’s parents, Ron and Joan Pilarz, who themselves have become part of the Scranton family. Please remember Father Pilarz and his family and many friends in your prayers.

Remember also to care for one another. I want to remind students of the support available on campus through the Counseling Center and Campus Ministries, and faculty and staff of support through the University’s Employee Assistance Program.

Father Pilarz concluded the announcement of his diagnosis by reminding us that we must “find God in all things” and inviting us to do so with him. May he continue to inspire us to follow that example.

May God bless you, may God bless Catholic and Jesuit education, and may God bless The University of Scranton.


James M. Slattery ’86
Chair, Board of Trustees


Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. ’H15 

Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. ’H15, President of The University of Scranton, passed away Wednesday, March 10, in Scranton from complications related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). He was 61.

Father Pilarz served as Scranton’s President for two terms: first as the 24th President from 2003-2011; then as the 27th President from 2018-2021. He was the second-longest- serving President in Scranton’s history. He announced his ALS diagnosis in 2018, committing himself to continued service and to raising awareness about the disease.

During Father Pilarz’s second tenure as President at Scranton, he leveraged the University’s strengths and responsibilities as a Jesuit and Catholic institution to be a source for understanding and positive change in the community and the wider world. He marshaled resources in response to the national call to action against systemic racism, and formed the Task Force on Healing, Reconciliation and Hope as part of the University’s response to the sexual abuse crisis facing the Church. He also established the Gail and Francis Slattery Center for Ignatian Humanities and supported the humanities generally at the University to further advance the liberal arts tradition that is at the core of Jesuit education.

Under his leadership, the University developed and adopted the 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, which includes goals focused on diversity and inclusion, and the humanities. He also led the University’s fundraising efforts to strengthen scholarship endowments to keep Scranton accessible to students and families, and strongly supported efforts to ensure the health and future vitality of Scranton’s Catholic and Jesuit mission and identity.

Most recently, Father Pilarz calmly and competently guided the University’s response to the pandemic, focusing steadfastly on the school’s sacred mission to provide students with a transformational Catholic and Jesuit education. He brought students back to campus during the fall and spring semesters of the 2020-2021 academic year, ensuring extensive health and safety protocols were in place to protect all members of the University community. Throughout the pandemic, he shared his love and support for the University community through pastoral messages of courage, hope and even humor, including classic reflections on campus Christmas tree challenges.

During Father Pilarz’s first term as President, the University earned national recognition for academic quality, community engagement and student success, achieving then record admissions and undertaking the largest construction projects in its history.  He expanded international mission and service opportunities and programs to enhance its Catholic and Jesuit identity. The University also earned the highly selective Community Engagement Classification designated by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Guided by a 2005-2010 Strategic Plan – Pride, Passion, Promise: Shaping Our Jesuit Tradition, Father Pilarz was instrumental in planning and securing resources for transformational capital projects that included the Patrick and Margaret DeNaples Center; the Christopher and Margaret Condron Hall; the John and Jacquelyn Dionne Campus Green; the expansion of the Retreat Center at Chapman Lake, Montrone Hall and the building named in his honor, Pilarz Hall, on Mulberry Street; and the Loyola Science Center.

Father Pilarz’s other accomplishments as Scranton’s 24th President included dedicated support for research by new faculty, and establishing the President’s Colloquy for Presidential Scholars and five endowed chairs to attract top scholars. The University’s progress was supported by the Pride, Passion, Promise Campaign, the most ambitious capital campaign in the University’s history, which surpassed its $125 million fundraising goal.

Prior to Father Pilarz returning to Scranton for his second term as President, he served as President of Georgetown Preparatory School in Washington, D.C., from 2014 to 2018. His accomplishments at Georgetown Prep included leading the community in a celebration of the 225th anniversary of its founding, guiding the development of a comprehensive strategic plan, and working to secure the largest gift in the school’s history.

During his service as President of Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from 2011 to 2013, he spearheaded a strategic planning process and also guided the school into the newly configured Big East athletic conference.

Always a teacher at heart, he found time during his various administrative positions to teach courses and seminars focused on Shakespeare, Renaissance poetry and prose, and Jesuit education.

Earlier in his career, he served as an Assistant Professor of English and Interim University Chaplain at Georgetown University, where he worked on numerous committees and leadership roles for various academic and spiritual programs, and retreats for students and alumni. During his Jesuit formation, he was a visiting professor at St. Joseph’s University, a lecturer in philosophy at Sts. Peter & Paul Seminary at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and an English teacher at Loyola High School, Towson, Maryland.

Throughout his Jesuit service as a researcher, teacher and administrator, he shared his deep love of poetry with all, frequently including quotes from favorite poets in speeches and talks. At The University of Scranton, he selected a quotation from the poet who was the subject of his research, St. Robert Southwell, S.J., to be etched above a prominent entrance to the DeNaples Center. It reads: “Not where I breathe, but where I love, I live.” Father Pilarz chose that same quote as the theme of his second Inauguration at Scranton, capturing a feeling toward the school and its sense of community that he had in common with the entire Scranton family.

The leadership skill of Father Pilarz was recognized through his inclusion among the 38 successful individuals profiled by Ronald Shapiro in The New York Times bestseller Dare to Prepare: How to Win Before You Begin. As a scholar, Father Pilarz delivered numerous papers at scholarly conferences on various aspects of medieval and Renaissance literature. He also lectured and published on topics related to Jesuit education. His book, Robert Southwell, S.J., and the Mission of Literature 1561-1595: Writing Reconciliation, was published by Ashgate Press. He was a professional member of numerous scholarly and academic societies including the Renaissance Society of America, Shakespeare Association of America, John Donne Society and Modern Language Association.

He received multiple awards for teaching, service and scholarship, including the John Carroll Award from Georgetown University for lifetime achievement, the highest honor bestowed by the Georgetown University Alumni Association. He received the Ignatian Award from Scranton Preparatory School, and was awarded honorary degrees from King’s College, Wilkes University, Marywood University and The University of Scranton. He served on the board of trustees of several institutions, including Boston College and Saint Joseph’s University, and as President of the board of his alma mater, Camden Catholic High School.

A proud Polish son of New Jersey and an avid dog lover, Father Pilarz earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Georgetown University, winning three Saint Genevieve Awards for his acting and directing; a master’s degree in philosophy from Fordham University; and a master’s degree in divinity from the Weston School of Theology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. He earned a Ph.D. in English at the City University of New York. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1981, and was ordained a priest in 1992.

A devoted son, brother and uncle, Father Pilarz is survived by his parents, Ron and Joan Pilarz, a sister, Susan, and brother-in-law, Joseph Lappin, Lewisville, Texas, a niece, Carly, nephew, Joey, and grandniece, Marin.

A walk-by viewing for students, faculty and staff will be held in the Byron Recreation Complex on campus on Friday, March 12, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The viewing will be open to the general public as well from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. A private Mass of Christian Burial will take place at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 13. The Mass will be available for viewing online.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to The Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. Scholarship that will provide financial assistance to University of Scranton students in need. Contribution can be sent The Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., Scholarship ℅ University Advancement, The University of Scranton, 800 Linden St., Scranton, 18510.



With Easter quickly approaching, Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton is working to make sure that all families, children and seniors have enough food.

Over the last year, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected many households with unexpected job losses and reduced hours.

“The mission of Catholic Social Services is to serve individuals and families facing hardship,” Mary Theresa Malandro, Diocesan Secretary for Catholic Human Services and Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Social Services, said. “The need for assistance continues to grow and our staff has been working tirelessly to give people a helping hand.”

The numerous offices of Catholic Social Services are planning special Easter-time events to help the community.

While some events are still in the planning process, others have already been scheduled. Additional information will be made available on the Catholic Social Services Facebook page.

In addition to its normal pantry hours, the Catholic Social Services Office in Carbondale will host a special food distribution just before Easter on Tuesday, March 23.

The food distribution will be held from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. outside the Catholic Social Services Office, 34 River Street in Carbondale. Individuals and families can either drive-up or walk-up to receive assistance.

The Easter food distribution is open to everyone in need, no pre-registration is required.

“There are no income limits, no family size limits. We are here to help anyone in need. I turn no one away for food,” Michelle Santanna, Catholic Social Services Carbondale Officer Manager, said. “Please do not be embarrassed. We are here because we know people need help!”

Over the last year, the Catholic Social Services Carbondale food pantry hosted a number of other emergency food distributions. It also expanded its pantry hours to five days a week. In 2020, 7,287 households were served in Carbondale alone. That translates to more than 10,000 children and adults receiving assistance.

“The food insecurity right now is bad enough and when a holiday comes around, people don’t know whether to spend their money on food or something for their children, Santanna added.

In the coming months, Catholic Social Services will be collaborating with the Carbondale Area School District to do a larger food distribution once a month at the high school. The dates and times will be forthcoming.

“We will do it in conjunction with the school district to keep this going for people who need it,” Santanna explained.

The Saint Vincent de Paul Kitchen in Wilkes-Barre continues to operate daily, providing warm, nutritious meals to individuals and families in need. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, meals are currently being served in take-out containers.

The kitchen operates every day of the year, including holidays, and this Easter will be no exception.

Leading up to the holiday, Saint Vincent de Paul Kitchen & Food Pantry is also planning a special food distribution for individuals and families in need.

The distribution is currently slated to take place on Tuesday, March 30. For additional information, please call (570) 829-7796.


Parishes around the Diocese of Scranton are busy preparing for Holy Week Masses and services.

The faithful are invited and encouraged to attend Holy Week and Easter Masses to experience the joy, hope and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.


SCRANTON – Bishop Joseph C. Bambera will serve as principal celebrant and homilist for two Masses on the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, March 19, 2021.

First, the Diocese of Scranton will conclude its own special observance of the “Year of Saint Joseph” with a Pontifical Mass at 12:10 p.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Peter.

The Mass is open to the public, following COVID-19 precautions which include wearing face masks and physical distancing. The Mass will also be broadcast live on CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton and livestream on the Diocese of Scranton website and social media platforms.

For the last year, Bishop Bambera has encouraged the faithful to turn to Saint Joseph, the spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and guardian of the son of God, as a model for their lives.

In the evening, Bishop Bambera will also serve as principal celebrant and homilist for the concluding celebration of the Feast of Saint Joseph at Saint Joseph’s Oblate Seminary in Laflin.

The feast day Mass at 7:00 p.m. will culminate the annual Solemn Novena to Saint Joseph currently being hosted by the Oblates of Saint Joseph religious congregation based in the Pittston-area.

The Oblates’ nine-day Novena honoring their patron saint, which began March 10, continues through Thursday, March 18.

The Novena is offered at the Oblates of Saint Joseph Seminary Chapel, located on Route 315, Laflin. Masses are celebrated daily at 8 a.m., noon and 7 p.m.

The noon-time Novena liturgies are livestream on the Oblates Seminary Facebook page and broadcast live on JMJ Catholic Radio (98.9 FM/750 AM).

Saint Joseph Oblate priests serve as celebrants/homilists for the Novena Masses. Devotions to Saint Joseph conclude each Mass, prior to the distribution of Holy Communion.

Bishop Bambera will preside at the Saint Joseph feast day Mass on March 19, which will also be livestream and broadcast on JMJ Catholic Radio. Feast day Masses will also be offered earlier at 8 a.m. and noon.

No reservations are required to attend the Novena Masses. However, the chapel’s maximum allowed capacity will be strictly observed, in addition to CDC and diocesan COVID guidelines mandating facial masks and proper physical distancing.

Saint Joseph Oblate Father Paul McDonnell, rector of the OSJ religious community, invites all faithful to participate in the Novena and feast day celebrations during the current “Year of Saint Joseph.”

For more information, contact the Oblates main office at (570) 654-7542.


SCRANTON – Parishes around the Diocese of Scranton are busy preparing for Holy Week Masses and services. The faithful are invited and encouraged to attend Holy Week and Easter Masses to experience the joy, hope and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Despite the good news of effective vaccines for COVID-19, safety protocols will remain in place for the remainder of Lent, the Sacred Paschal Triduum and Easter Sunday. The faithful are reminded that the obligation to attend Sunday and Holy Day Masses remains suspended by Bishop Joseph C. Bambera until further notice.

For those attending Masses, parishioners will be required to wear properly-fitting face coverings, remain physically distant from other individuals and practice good hand hygiene. Parishioners who feel ill or suspect they (or another immediate family member) may be infected with the coronavirus are urged to stay home and participate in online/broadcast services to protect others.

The Diocese of Scranton has released a comprehensive set of liturgical directives for parishes. The protocols are all available on the Diocese of Scranton website.

Parishes have been encouraged to pay special attention to the length of Holy Week liturgies and take great care in developing plans to welcome the faithful on Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Some parishes have decided to take reservations while others plan to utilize overflow areas with livestream/broadcast capabilities.


Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Diocese of Scranton will resume the practice of providing blessed palms to the faithful this year.

While parishes are responsible for developing a safe and effective method of distribution, the faithful are reminded of the importance of maintaining a proper six-foot physical distance while receiving palms.

The Diocese of Scranton has also directed that the Passion should be proclaimed in a format that does not require the use of missalettes by the assembly.

Individual pamphlets or bulletins that include the readings may be distributed but must be taken by the faithful after Mass or discarded and not reused for another Mass.


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Bishop Bambera is planning to celebrate the Chrism Mass on Tuesday, March 30, at 4:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Peter.

Due to seating limitations, the Mass will be open to invited guests only.

The faithful from across the 11-county Diocese are invited to participate in the Chrism Mass via a live broadcast on CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton. The Chrism Mass will also be livestream to the Diocese of Scranton website with a link made available on all Diocesan social media platforms.


Thursday, April 1, 2021

This year, the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper will look different in the Diocese of Scranton but its significance will not change.

Due to health and safety concerns, the washing of the feet will not take place this year. Traditionally, the bishop/priest would wash the feet of twelve individuals.

At the end of the Mass, a simple transfer of the Eucharist may take place. The Diocese has directed that the transfer needs to remain indoors and not involve movement of the assembly. The transfer can, however, involve the priest and an adult attendant carrying incense.

Adoration by the faithful at the place of reposition may follow but parish leaders must ensure that all safety precautions, including physical distancing and mask wearing are followed.


Friday, April 2, 2021

Similar to Palm Sunday, the Passion should be proclaimed in a format that does not require the use of missalettes by the faithful. Pamphlets or bulletins that include the readings may be distributed but should be taken home by the faithful or discarded.

On Good Friday, due to health and safety measures, the faithful are being asked not to approach the Cross for private adoration, such as kissing. After physically venerating the Cross himself, a priest is welcome to hold the Cross before the faithful and invite them to adore the Holy Cross in silence.


Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Blessing of the Fire and Preparation of the Paschal Candle may take place. Even though outside, only a small group such as the RCIA catechumens/candidates, along with the priest and an adult server/attendant may gather around the fire. Everyone participating must also be masked and remain physically distant from one another, especially when processing inside the church.

It is extremely important that parishes not use congregational tapers during the Easter Vigil because blowing them out would require everyone to lower their masks and exhale at the same time.

If catechumens and candidates are being fully initiated/received into the Church and confirmed at the Easter Vigil, care must be taken that the priest celebrates these rites safely, including using fresh water for each baptism and/or the use of a separate instrument to anoint an individual with Chrism.


Sunday, April 4, 2021

If it answers a pastoral need, parishes can add additional Masses on Easter Sunday.

Weather permitting, parishes may consider holding outdoor Masses on Easter Sunday if it has already been parish practice last fall.

Liturgical music should continue to be done simply, without large choirs, and the assembly is once again advised that singing is still not recommended at this point, even with a mask.

The faithful can be sprinkled with holy water following the Renewal of Baptismal Promises. Fresh water in a separate container should be used and blessed for this sprinkling.


NANTICOKE – For more than a decade, performing the ‘Living Way of the Cross’ to a room filled with family, friends and parishioners has been a Lenten tradition for young adults at Saint Faustina Kowalska Parish. After last year’s performance was cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizers were determined to bring it back this year.

The ‘Living Way of the Cross’ is a prayerful journey through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It features members of the parish youth ministry program and would traditionally take place on Palm Sunday at the Saint Faustina Parish Cultural Center.

Because large crowds are still being discouraged and physical distancing is still a necessity, the parish has spent considerable time over the last few weeks recording scenes with individual students. The program is currently being edited together and will be shown on social media as well as CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton.

“It is a gift, a real gift,” Father James Nash, pastor, Saint Faustina Kowalska Parish, said. “It is very, very meaningful. I know our people are looking forward to it.”

Because this year’s production will not be a live presentation and all of the actors were filmed separately, except in a few places, that meant the entire script had to be entirely re-written.

“We had to change everything that we did so that everyone is safe,” Sandy Repak, Saint Faustina Kowalska Youth Ministry Director, said. “Our kids are amazing. They were very patient because it was one at a time.”

Deyonna Wood will be portraying Mary in this year’s production. While acknowledging that this year’s performance will be much different from past years, she is still excited to see how it all comes together.

“Everyone brings a different aspect of this play together. To see the different age groups come together and put this on as we do, I think they get really excited,” Wood said.

Bill Borysewicz who has been instrumental in coordinating the production and filming all of the scenes for the new version of the ‘Living Way of the Cross’ said he has been “proud beyond belief” at all of the young adults taking part.

“Nobody had scripts. I was feeding them what their lines are right there,” Borysewicz said. “I can’t express how proud I am.”

Father Nash says he always gets energized by the way young adults present the story of Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. He watched as nearly all of the actors filmed their individual roles.

“These young people are putting their heart and soul into it. They want to tell the story. They want the story to be appreciated and understood for what it is,” Father Nash explained. “It reminds us that the Word of God is the Living Word of God and it touches us in different ways.”

‘Living Way of the Cross’ broadcast times on CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton:

Tuesday, March 30 at 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 1 at 10:30 a.m.

Thursday, April 1 at 4:30 p.m.


SCRANTON – Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, along with pastors and parish life coordinators throughout the Diocese are asking parishioners to join together in hope to help reach the 2020 Diocesan Annual Appeal goal.

The Appeal has raised more than $3.8 million in gifts and pledges, bringing the campaign to 84% of the $4.5 million goal. The amount raised is down about $200,000 from last year at this time.

“Thank you to all of our parishioners who have made a gift to the Annual Appeal. I am deeply grateful to you for your willingness to be instruments of God’s presence at a time when many of our parish families have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic,” Bishop Bambera said. “If parishioners are able to help, I ask those who have not yet made an Appeal gift to prayerfully consider making a contribution now so that we can continue to bring hope and comfort to our brothers and sisters in Christ who depend on our Diocesan ministries.”

Annual Appeal efforts are continuing in our parishes during the Lenten Season to invite parishioners to consider support of the Appeal as a way to respond to the call to share God’s gifts with others as part of our Lenten commitment of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Gifts of any amount are welcome and appreciated.

Annual Appeal donations provide much needed support for the following Diocesan and parish ministries:

  • Catholic Social Services programs that serve more than 300,000 people each year
  • Food and clothing pantries and faith formation programs in our parishes that are supported by Diocesan Appeal grants
  • In-person education that is continuing safely in our 19 Catholic schools
  • Seminarian education and care for our retired and ill clergy
  • Parish life and ministry formation programs that now include innovative virtual offerings
  • The broadcast and livestreaming of Mass from the Cathedral of Saint Peter

“Donors to the Appeal may designate their gift to any of these Diocesan ministries,” Jim Bebla, Diocesan Secretary for Development, said. “For example, parishioners may request that their donation be used to support our Catholic Social Services programs that are serving an increasing number of families and individuals in our food pantries and shelters as a result of the pandemic.”

For more information on the Diocesan ministries supported by gifts to the Annual Appeal, to view the Annual Appeal video or to make a donation online, visit www.annualappeal.org. Gifts may also be made by calling the Diocesan Development Office at (570) 207-2250 or by sending a donation to: Diocesan Annual Appeal, 300 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, PA, 18503-1279.


Betsy Kondrat, a member of the Sacred Heart of Jesus parish staff, who met the criteria to get a COVID-19 vaccine under Pennsylvania’s Phase 1A regulations, receives her second shot through a Family Pharmacy team member at the parish hall.

PECKVILLE – As part of its outreach to the larger community, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church opened the doors of its parish center recently to the Family Pharmacy in the Mid Valley area. The pharmacy needed space to administer hundreds of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Since the facilities at the pharmacy are limited, the 20-year-old parish center at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, with its large hall and six modern meeting rooms, proved to be a perfect setting for the distribution of first and second-dose shots of the Moderna vaccine.

Father Andrew Kurovsky, pastor, stated, “Our parish motto is ‘The Round Church Where There’s Room for Everyone,’ so it only made sense to open our doors to the larger community and do what we can to reach out during the pandemic to those in need, even beyond our walls. However, while we provide the space, those who qualify and desire vaccines need to contact Family Pharmacy directly.”

A message board at the entrance to Holy Family Hall at Sacred Heart Church in Peckville serves as a “sign of the times” to alert people when their appointments are ready.

This year is special for the growing church community because it is celebrating its 75th anniversary as a parish!


 SCRANTON — What is a parish to do when a global pandemic greatly upsets its long-standing fundraisers, especially those involving food?

Faithful members of parishes throughout the Diocese of Scranton have proven themselves quite innovative and resilient in the face of COVID-19, because after all, the sales must go on.

“When the pandemic hit, everyone’s first reaction was to survive,” Paulette Merchel, co-facilitator of the Women’s Guild at the culturally rich Parish of Saints Peter & Paul nestled in Scranton’s West Side, related. “That meant stocking food, securing masks, washing every vegetable purchased and washing hands incessantly.”

“We found a rhythm to our new lifestyle,” Merchel said of the intimate, close-knit parish rooted in Polish-Catholic traditions and one that, despite its lack of size, continues to be a dynamic beacon of faith and activity for the surrounding community.

Merchel recalled a meeting on July 8 that she and fellow Women’s Guild facilitator Paulette Burton organized to address the situation created by the coronavirus. “With heavy hearts we crossed off all of the events that would not meet safety requirements.”

That meant the suspension of popular pierogi and hoagie sales and a basket raffle, which translated into the curtailment of parish fellowship that was historically enjoyed without much thought.

“After some prayer we had to accept two caveats,” Merchel said. “We’re not going to be able to raise a typical amount of money, but we will do our best and be grateful for the results, and we have to accept change and creatively redesign a calendar without some of the traditions and expectations.”

The determination and generosity of parishioners and friends have resulted in tremendous success for Saints Peter & Paul’s “pandemic activities,” according to Merchel.

Based on the model of minimal gathering, the parish doubled the output for its “Blessing Bag” project, providing sample-size self-care products for the homeless and an increased number of coats collected for those in need.

The Advent sales of pierogi and soup gave way to an authentic Christmas Cookie Sale, featuring homemade baked goods carefully prepared in the personal kitchens of parishioners. A take-out meatless soup sale, offering clam chowder and one specialty soup following the weekend Masses during Lent, is currently replacing the traditional Lenten pierogi sales.

“Brian Rogers, our soup chef, manages it with a handful of helpers in the kitchen,” Merchel remarked.

She continued by referring to the Women’s Guild as the organizational engine that drives the many events indicative of the thriving soul of an aging parish.

“With the help of all parishioners, we handle the administrative facet of the parish’s activities,” emphasizing the ministerial pillars of community and service, she said. “We have a tremendous labor force, both men and women alike. I just serve as one of the organizers.”

At Saint Maria Goretti Parish in Laflin, the time-honored homemade pasta & sausage dinner has been coveted and enjoyed by parishioners and supporters for more than 40 years; however, it never experienced anything like it did in 2020.

Last year at this time, the March version of the popular Italian-style dinner, which the parish serves twice annually in the spring and fall, was all set for dine-in and take-out service. Then the coronavirus outbreak took hold.

Saint Maria Goretti had to adapt rapidly, shifting gears to provide a take-out-only option for a dinner fundraiser that traditionally sells 1,000 tickets.

Mary Ann Schmitt, who has served on the parish staff for the past 15 years recalled, “Our walk-in business was certainly hurt by it, but people were very understanding and the take-out dinner went very well.”

The parish, consequently, was much more prepared for the all-take-out dinner held again in the fall, which still resulted in more than 800 to-go meals being sold.

Schmitt credited a cooperative effort on everyone’s part to create a smooth transition from the well-known dine-in event.

“Our volunteers who have been putting the dinner on for years were wonderful,” she remarked. “They came up with their own system and answered the challenge.”

This year’s pasta/sausage fundraiser on March 21 will also offer the ever-popular basket raffle that is being added to “pick up the slack” since the parish’s annual craft show and purse bingo are currently suspended due to the pandemic.

Parishioners and volunteers at Our Lady of Victory Parish in Tannersville successfully navigated the COVID-19 waters to prepare 3,000 pierogi for a pre-Lenten take-out sale with all the safety guidelines in place.

“It was interesting to see our folks come in with all their coverings to guard against the virus and stay separated as they prepared the food,” Father Rich Czachor, pastor of Our Lady of Victory, remarked.

Shortly thereafter, the Pocono parish staged a successful take-out morning meal sale, featuring a breakfast sandwich and side of home fries to go. Father Czachor estimated about 80 patrons showed up for the drive-thru/pick-up event.

Our Lady of Victory is doing its part in providing meals for senior citizens, as the health crisis has closed many restaurants or has kept older people from dining out as much.

“We put on a weekly luncheon for seniors every Thursday,” the pastor said of the program that features a different menu each week. “Folks pre-order and pick up their lunch. Donations are accepted but not required.”

The parish’s traditional “Italian Dinner” in April is once again being planned, but with this year’s version requiring pre-ordering and take-out only. According to Father Czachor, should the Our Lady of Victory summer bazaar be canceled for the second year in a row due to the pandemic, “the food sales will go on” following all of the proper precautions.

“The process for all of these events has changed,” he said, “but the important thing is that we are still getting people together. Parishioners have also donated greatly for these causes, so I think the pandemic has really brought about goodness, generosity and more of a willingness to help.”