ROARING BROOK TOWNSHIP – With religious education classes poised to resume at many parishes in the coming weeks, the Diocesan Office for Parish Life provided catechists the chance to come together and learn new faith formation tools earlier this month.

Catechist Camp 2019 took place during the week of August 3-9, 2019 at various parishes in every region of the Diocese of Scranton.

Jacki Douglas, the new Diocesan Director of Word and Lifelong Faith Formation, says the one-day events focused on empowering those involved in catechetical ministry or family-oriented faith formation.

“Being a catechist is a tough ministry because you don’t always work on yourself,” Douglas said. “What we are trying to do here is give them a day to work on their faith journey and while they’re working on their faith journey, bring back practical things they can do in the classroom with their kids.”

Dozens of people took part in the varying Catechist Camp sessions, which were held at Resurrection Parish in Muncy, Saint John Parish in East Stroudsburg, Saint Eulalia Parish in Roaring Brook Township and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Swoyersville.

“While we’re trying to make their job a little bit easier, we’re also trying to fill them up and give them a day to have an encounter with Christ,” Douglas said. “What is better than to talk with somebody that knows exactly what you’re going through? They know your struggles but they know your joys!”

At the session at Saint Eulalia Parish, catechists from a number of parishes in Lackawanna and Wayne counties got a chance to take part in interactive sessions.

“I usually learn at least one or two really important aspects that I can take back and share with my catechists and it invigorates me. It gets me started for the new year. It energizes me! It gets me back on track,” Mary Kennedy of Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of Peace Parish in Hawley said.

Kennedy said she came to Catechist Camp looking for inspiration and confidence and learned a lot from the event.

“There’s a lot of sharing that goes on. People will give ideas or suggestions that I may not have thought of because we’re all so diverse. I learn as much from the other people attending as I do from the presenters!” Kennedy added.

As she gets ready for her second year teaching religious education, Becky Rinella of Saint Thomas More Parish in Lake Ariel decided to attend Catechist Camp.

“It’s nice to see what other people do, get some more input and different ideas,” Rinella said.

Rinella, who also teaches high school, attended Catechist Camp because she wanted to meet new people and get some questions answered.

“I came last year and it was a lot of fun. It’s nice to see what other people do and you can always learn something new!” Rinella said.

Some of the breakout sessions during this year’s Catechist Camp focused on social justice issues like the death penalty, creating mission trips with a purpose and finding the extraordinary in ordinary life.

Father Brian J.T. Clarke also presented a general session to all attendees titled, “To Every Creature: Preaching the Good News to All.” Father Clarke highlighted the upcoming Extraordinary Mission Month in October. The theme chosen by Pope Francis is “Baptized and Sent: The Church of Christ on Mission in the World.”

“We’re hoping this is something the catechists and DRE’s (Directors of Religious Education) really embrace. They can really take what Father Clarke is speaking about and really bring it back and really make it an important month in the curriculum year for their classes,” Douglas said.

As the new year of religious education begins for the region’s youth, catechists like Mary Kennedy say she feels blessed to work with children.

“It is truly a gift from God and he has called me to do it and I am honored and thrilled to have the opportunity,” Kennedy said.





SAYRE — Margaret Barry and her husband, Joseph, appreciate the value of Catholic education for their children.

“My family has a long history with Epiphany School. I graduated in 1984 from Epiphany. I think the most important thing Epiphany offers is an education where faith is in action everyday,” Margaret Barry said.

As the 2019-2020 school year gets underway across the 20 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Scranton, the Barry family is just one of many that are thankful for the opportunities available.

“It’s obviously a great academic education but it definitely provides an opportunity for our students to live their faith,” Margaret Barry added.

“The financial sacrifice is worth it because the students here get a great education, starting in kindergarten through sixth grade. They go from learning about history as early as kindergarten and first grade with Sister Ann, all the way up through fourth, fifth and sixth grade with the national parks and STREAM programs and just great science and arts programs,” Joseph Barry said.

With the new school year beginning, the Diocese of Scranton welcomes Mrs. Kristen Donohue as its new Superintendent of Catholic Schools. Donohue assumed her new role in July and will be responsible for ensuring the academic excellence of the more than 4,500 students in the Diocese’s school system.

As she waited for the school year to begin, Donohue used the summer months to visit every building, meet with administrators and focus on new technology initiatives that will be rolled out in the coming months.

“Principals and teachers have been completely immersed in the new initiatives over the summer and are really excited to be able to share these learning opportunities with our students,” Donohue said.

Mrs. Donohue previously served as Principal of Western Wayne Middle School, taking on the dual role of Curriculum Director for the Western Wayne School District. In addition to her administrative roles at both the high school and intermediate levels, Donohue brings nearly a decade of teaching experience to her new position.

Mrs. Donohue will work collaboratively with Mr. Jason Morrison, Diocesan Secretary of Catholic Education/Chief Executive Officer, who is responsible for all administrative aspects of Catholic Education in the Diocese, including enrollment, development, academic success and financial stability.

“The model that the Bishop has developed for the Diocese as it relates to our leadership is working exactly as it should. Kristen’s experience and especially her depth of expertise in academics, I see it every day and it really will make us much better!” Morrison said.

The new school year brings new and exciting opportunities for students in every building. Each Diocesan school has received a new Padcaster, which transforms an iPad into an all-in-one mobile production unit. Complete with microphones, a portable green screen and teleprompter, the students will be able to capture their activities and share them.

“Parents will be able to see first-hand how their students are taking part in promoting the education they’re receiving in the Diocese,” Donohue said.

During the summer months, administrators and faculty members were involved in numerous days of training and professional development.

Representatives from all 20 schools attended the NCEA New Directions STREAM 3.0 Conference in June in Parsippany, New Jersey.

“What is really important to us is not just that we have the technology but that we use it,” Morrison said. “Our goal is to ensure that the technology is utilized to enhance growth and educational outcomes for our students.”

Another key area of change during the 2019-2020 school year will surround student assessment.

The Catholic School System in the Diocese of Scranton has partnered with NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) to measure student growth and proficiency in subject areas including reading, math and science.

“Our teachers will have the opportunity to use data that speaks to the individual student in order to really drive instruction that is meaningful and rigorous,” Donohue said.

The new assessments will help provide feedback to teachers to address the needs or concerns for students who may need additional help, while also challenging students who have proficient understanding of the subject material.

“It looks not just at assessment but it looks at growth for students which is really differentiating and honing in on the individual as opposed to how we’re doing across the board,” Morrison said.

“All teachers who teach the student will have the opportunity to look at this data and use it for their instruction so even if they’re teaching social studies, they’ll have the ability to know what each student is capable of and where to really hone in on helping each student,” Donohue added.

As the school year begins, school administrators are excited to welcome students back.

“We’re grateful and we understand and appreciate the sacrifice that parents make to send their children to our schools,” Morrison said. “Our promise is to allow all children to achieve their God-given potential!”

While the Diocese has schools located in varying geographic regions, from Sayre to Stroudsburg, Williamsport to Jessup, Donohue believes that is a strength and sets the Diocesan education system apart.

“It’s a unique, advantageous opportunity to have all the schools in the different geographic areas because it speaks to the importance of understanding the value that each community can bring,” Donohue said.

Our schools welcome the opportunity to show anyone firsthand the outstanding facilities and committed faculty that strive to help students become life-long learners. For more information on our schools, including how to enroll and tuition assistance, you can contact the Catholic Schools Office at (570) 207-2251 or visit

The annual Mass in Italian will be celebrated at 10 a.m. on Sunday, September 1, at Saint Peter’s Cathedral, in Scranton. All are welcome to attend.

The liturgy is celebrated in conjunction with La Festa Italiana, which occurs over the Labor Day weekend, Friday through Monday, August 30 through September 2, on Courthouse Square, one block away.

This year’s principal celebrant is Father David Cappelloni, La Festa chaplain. Bishop Joseph C. Bambera will preside and give the homily.

Concelebrants will be priests from the Diocese of Scranton. Deacons from the Diocese will also participate.

The Mass will be broadcast live by CTV: Catholic Television and will be rebroadcast on Tuesday, September 3, at 8 p.m., and Wednesday, September 4, at 10 a.m. It will be available for viewing later in the week on the Diocesan website at

This year’s Mass is dedicated to the late Bishop Robert C. Morlino, a Dunmore native who was raised in SS. Anthony and Rocco Parish there. A graduate of Scranton Preparatory School, he was ordained for the Society of Jesus.

Subsequently he became a priest of the Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan. On July 6, 1999, St. Pope John Paul II appointed him the Ninth Bishop of Helena, Montana. He was then appointed the Fourth Bishop of Madison, Wisconsin, on May 23, 2003 and installed on August 1, 2003.

Bishop Morlino served as chairman of two committees of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and chaired the Board of Directors of The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) which conducts research, consultation, publishing and education to promote human dignity in health care and the life sciences.

Bishop Morlino served as principal celebrant and homilist for the Italian Mass in Scranton in 2017. He died in Madison on November 24, 2018.

This year’s Italian Mass is also being offered in memory of Pat Aita, Dora Amendola, Frank J. Blasi, Rev. Joseph Cipriano, John “Jack” Costanzi, Dr. Peter Cupple, Rep. Sid Kavulich, Marie Lalli, Sylvio Mele, Ed Pisano and John Valvano.

Music ministry for the Italian Mass will be provided by the choirs of SS. Anthony and  Rocco Parish, Dunmore; Holy Family Parish, Luzerne; and UNICO Scranton Chapter, accompanied by a brass quartet, all directed by Joseph Moffitt. Dominick DeNaples, mandolin; Patrick Loungo, Nicholas Luongo, Lou Cossa, guitar, and Monica Spishock, timpani, will also accompany.

Ashley Yando-DeFlice is the cantor. The guest vocalist is Olivia DiMattio

Dr. Ann Cerminaro-Costanzi is the leader of prayer. The lectors are Kevin Phelan, retired Chancellor of the Diocese of Madison, and Sister Catherine Iacouzze, MPF. The Prayer of the Faithful will be led by Karen A. Clifford, Frank Castellano and William R. Genello.

Offertory gifts will be presented by Scranton Controller Roseann Novembrino, Scranton Police Chief Carl Graziano, UNICO National President Frank and Linda DeFrank, Atty. Guy Valvano, Robert W. Pettinato, Robert DiMattio, Mrs. Rose Blasi and son Frank T. Blasi and Jennie Wentline.

James Baress, Patrick Caramanno, Joshua Cillo, Stephen Eboli, Jonathan Eboli, Anthony Santoli and Guy M. Valvano are the ushers.



Benefits the Women’s Resource Center

September 8, 2019
2pm – 4pm
Blessed Sacrament Parish
215 Rebecca St.
Throop, PA

The Women’s Resource Center provides comprehensive services for female and male victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking in Lackawanna and Susquehanna Counties. Services include a crisis hotline, crisis counseling, emergency shelter, safe housing, legal services, support services, community education, and advocacy.

This benefit is hosted by the Social Concerns Committee of Blessed Sacrament and Holy Cross Parishes.  Admission is $20.00 or a comparable gift from the wish list. There will be a buffet offered consisting of Salad, Roll, Pasta, Meatballs, Broccoli Bacon Salad, Fresh Fruit Tray, Dessert, Coffee, and Water. There will also be a Basket

Raffle and a 50/50 Raffle. Please RSVP by August 30, 2019 to 570-489-5125.



Gift Cards for Groceries, Gas Cards, Colts Bus Passes, Phone Cards, Gift Cards for Car Repair, Retail Gift Cards, New Car Seats, Children’s Pajamas, New Women’s Socks, New Women’s Underwear, Women’s Pajamas, Hair Care Products for Women of Color,Journals/Notebooks, Pocket Calendars, Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash, Tampons, Pads, Hairbrushes/Combs, New Hair Dryers, New Towels, New Washcloths, New Bed Sheets & Pillowcases, Cookware-Pots & Pans, Utensils and Silverware, Plates, Cups, Bowls, Backpacks for Boys & Girls, School Supplies, Flash Drives, New Small Household Appliances, Laundry Detergent, Laundry Baskets, Dry and/or Canned Pet Food (Smaller Bags), and Cat Litter.


Pictured left to right are: Jack Leone, Caleb’s father; Chris Dunlap, Notre Dame Club president, Kelly Watson, club member; Mike Dorman, club vice president; Danielle Leone, Caleb’s mother and Caleb front center.


The Notre Dame Club of Greater Williamsport recently purchased a specialized exercise bike for Caleb Leone of Jersey Shore, Pa.  Caleb was injured during a football practice last year and suffers from seizures and a stroke which paralyzed the right side of his body.

Many faithful say young people are the future of the Church. That isn’t the case. Young people are a part of the Church right now and they are leaving their mark each day.

At the conclusion of Mass for this year’s World Youth Day in Panama, Pope Francis’ last words were for the young people of the Church. “We are on a journey,” the Holy Father reminded them. “Keep walking, keep living the faith and sharing it…you are not the tomorrow, you are not the ‘meantime,’ you are the Now of God.”

Do you know a religious education or Catholic school teacher that has helped you deepen your faith or your child’s faith? Is there a young person in your parish that is making a difference in your community? Do you know someone who is living a life of faith and service to our Diocese and our world at large?

The Catholic Light is launching a new effort to recognize the young people who are actively and fully engaged in the Catholic Church through a new effort called the Diocese of Scranton’s 20 Under 40.

We believe that good news should be shared and that our faithful young people deserve special recognition. We are asking Pastors, Parish Life Coordinators and everyday parishioners to nominate the young people and dedicated volunteers in their midst.

The final 20 will be featured in a fall edition of The Catholic Light and through Diocesan social media accounts.


-Nominee must be between 18 and 39 years of age as of December 31, 2019

-Nominee should be committed to serving others and providing leadership to his or her parish, school and/or the Diocese of Scranton

-Individuals may nominate themselves for recognition

-If nominating multiple individuals, separate forms should be completed for each nomination


-Demonstrates impact to their field/ministry/community

-Brings recognition and pride to the work of the Diocese of Scranton

-Ability to uphold and enhance the core values and mission of the Diocese of Scranton

Candidates must be willing to submit a headshot, if selected, which can be published


Contact Eric Deabill, Diocesan Secretary for Communications and Editor-in-Chief, The Catholic Light
(570) 591-5001 or


The deadline for submissions will be Friday, September 20, 2019

Participants from the Diocese of Scranton posed for a photo with the Most Reverend Mark J. Seitz, Bishop of El Paso and Episcopal Moderator of NPM.  Pictured above from left to right are Marge Stahura; Joanne Stahura; John Schoonover; Joan Schoonover; Bishop Seitz; Nancy Valtos; Marilee Beyer; Joan Roginski; Liz Powell.  Absent from the photo is Tom Wierbowski.


Nine church musicians from our Diocese recently attended the 42nd Annual Convention of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM) in Raleigh, North Carolina held on July 16-19, 2019.  The theme of the convention was “That You May Be Healed,” and thousands of liturgical musicians from all over the country as well as abroad participated in the event which featured keynote presentations by the Rev. J. Michael Joncas, Marie Monville,  Sr. Judith Kubicki, John Flaherty, as well as institutes in music and liturgy, workshops by prominent liturgical composers, concerts and exhibits.




FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – July 29, 2019                                                                     Contact: Al Gnoza   717-585-1548



(HARRISBURG)–Pennsylvania’s Catholic bishops are asking the Trump Administration to maintain and even possibly expand the U.S. refugee resettlement program. Eric Failing– the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, which represents the bishops across the state—sent a letter to President Trump today in response to reports that the President is considering curtailing or even eliminating the program. The letter asks that it be maintained at current levels, but Failing also says that the bishops believe that the resettlement program should be restored to previous historic norms of 95,000 refugees per year.

“Refugees fleeing persecution overseas go through extensive background checks and health screenings,” Failing wrote in his letter. “This lengthy process can take two years or more to complete. Research, such as that done by the CATO Institute, has consistently found that refugees are neither a security risk nor a financial burden to the US or to the local economies.”

A refugee is a person who has fled their country of origin and is afraid to return because of persecution on a variety of grounds that include race and religion. Many Catholic charities in Pennsylvania begin working with refugees as soon as they are scheduled to arrive in America. Failing cited a typical refugee service that operates out of Harrisburg. It finds the refugees a safe home priced within the family’s budget, then furnishes the home and puts food in the refrigerator. The service then helps the refugees get jobs and find child care.

“It is incumbent upon us who are blessed with countless gifts and opportunities in the United States to care for our least fortunate brothers and sisters elsewhere,” Failing said to conclude his letter. “Let us not forget the words of our Savior when he told us, ‘Whatever you did not do for one of these least brothers of mine, you did not do for me’ (Matthew 25:40).”


Pennsylvania Catholic Conference is the public affairs arm of Pennsylvania’s Catholic bishops and the Catholic dioceses of Pennsylvania.


Pictured are: Row 1 from left to right: Mary MacIntire – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Hunter Wesolowski – St. Theresa’s, Shavertown; Jessenia Robles – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Jackeline Retana – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Molly Devine – St. Gregory’s, Clarks Green; Karla Carrasco – St. Mathhew’s, East Stroudsburg; Matthew Kasperek – St. Luke’s, Stroudsburg. Row 2: Jen Robles – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Lily Seymour – Our Lady of Snows, Clarks Summit; Lilly Reilly – St. Paul’s, Scranton; Nardin Mikhail – St. Luke’s, Stroudsburg; Emmslie Hernandez – St. Nicholas’s, Wilkes-Barre; Lucy Specht – Our Lady of the Snows, Clarks Summit; Sadie Henzes – St. Gregory’s, Clarks Green. Row 3: Sarah MacIntire – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Alyssa Kovalchick – Nativity of the BVM, Tunkhannock; Ashlynn Urbanski – Queen of the Apostles, Avoca; Sophia Bere – St. Jude’s, Mountain Top; Frances Donohoe – Our Lady of Snows, Clarks Summit; Keyla Carrasco – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Caroline Stampien – St. Gregory’s, Clarks Green; Elizabeth Gordon – St. Peter’s, Wellsboro; Anna Kosierowski – St. Gregory’s, Clarks Green. Row 4: Alenah Thomas – St. Catherine’s – Moscow; Gabriella Randazzo – St. Therese’s, Shavertown; Derrek Foytack – St. Eulalia’s, Elmhurst; Thomas Elias – Nativity of the BVM, Tunkhanock; Gwenn Strasser – St. Luke’s, Stroudsburg; Peyton Roberts – St. Eulalia’s, Elmhurst; Hannah Farber – St. John the Evangelist, Pittston; Jonathan Robles – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Abbigail Schultz – St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Swoyersville; Emma Gibson – St. Gregory’s, Clarks Green; Sean Robbins, Youth & Young Adult Minister at St. Matthew’s; Mia Beviglia – St. Catherine’s, Moscow. Row 5: Annabelle Callis – St. Patrick’s, Scranton; Aubrey Jumper – St. Jude’s, Mountain Top; Liam Naughton – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Maximilano Vega – Ss. Peter & Paul, Towanda; Magnolia Jones – St. Gregory’s, Clarks Green; Johnny Watkins – St. Paul’s, Scranton; Kyra Hayden – St. Jude’s, Mountain Top; Abbe Truschel – St. Jude’s Mountain Top; Patrick Zamojski – St. Maximilian Kolbe, Pocono Pines; McKenzie Torres – St. Luke’s, Stroudsburg. Row 6: Will Granci – St. Gregory’s, Clarks Green; Jefferson Jones – St. Gregory’s, Clarks Green; Justin Peeney – St. Luke’s, Stroudsburg; Ben Bowen – St, Joseph Marello, Pittston; Juan Lugo – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Michael Fellin – St. John Bosco, Conyngham; Sam Matrisciano – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Tyler Osipower – St. Therese’s, Shavertown; Aaron Lemos – St. Matthew’s, East Stroudsburg; Aidan Jenkins – St. John the Evangelist, Pittston. Row 7: Michael Watkins – St. Paul’s, Scranton; Matt Kreciewski, Our Lady Queen of Peace, Brodheadsville; Giuseppe Carbone – Our Lady Queen of Peace, Brodheadsville; Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop, Diocese of Scranton; Raymond Sabatini – St. Jude’s, Mountain Top; Katie Ruch – St. Therese’s, Shavertown; Dominick Costantino, Diocesan Vocations Program Coordinator. Row 8/Background: Will Warnken – Our Lady Queen of Peace, Brodheadsville; Matt Hayden – St. Jude’s, Mountain Top; Stephen Hineline – St. Catherine’S, Moscow; Shannon Kowalski, Diocesan Coordinator for Youth & Young Adult Ministry; Fr. Brian JT Clarke, Pastor of Christ the King, Archbald.

DALLAS, PA (JULY 17, 2019) – A total of 47 high school students and 13 student team members recently took part in the International Student Leadership Institute (ISLI) at Misericordia University between Monday, July 8, and Thursday, July 11, 2019.

The four day retreat is a peer-facilitated leadership retreat. It is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills necessary to excel in both leadership and membership roles in task-oriented groups. The program also empowers students with the skills necessary to make decisions, develop positive communication skills and learn self-motivational skills.

The International Student Leadership Institute is organized by the Diocese of Scranton’s Office for Parish Life and some of the funding is provided by donations to the Diocesan Annual Appeal.


Statement of Bishop Joseph Bambera on Current Immigration Situation

July 18, 2019

The image of Oscar Alberto Martinez Ramirez, and his 23 month old daughter, Angie Valeria, both of whom drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande from Mexico to the United States will remain in many people’s hearts and minds for years to come.

When we preach about love and human dignity, we are talking about our moral values. As Catholics, we do not have the privilege of compromising our moral values to match our pre-existing stereotypes or beliefs. When we preach a pro-life ethic, we must stand by this value to defend the unborn, the immigrant, the imprisoned, and all those who are left in vulnerable positions by their government or social circumstances. We cannot rank one of these groups above the others. The Catholic Church is called to seek out those silences and give voice to the voiceless.

We have a responsibility to all people, regardless of race, religion, or immigration status. It is not our role to condemn a family for leaving their country of origin in search of a better future for their children. It is our role to love these people as members of one human family. We must continue to advocate for safe spaces for migrants and especially for children. The privately run detention centers where children are waiting to be reunited with their families are not acceptable. It is time for our leaders to set aside partisan politics and to fix a broken system.  At the center of our faith is mercy without judgment; our pro-life values teach us to protect the innocent at all costs. These children deserve more from America.

Recently, vigils were held in support of migrant families across the Diocese, in communities including Scranton, Stroudsburg and Wellsboro. As these events show, we are called to fight for justice for immigrants and for comprehensive immigration reform. Today and always, we are called to continue the fight for all who are vulnerable: for the unborn, for the struggling mother, and for the father who faces an impossible decision to leave his homeland.

I ask you to continue not only your prayers, but your efforts to speak up against injustice and protect the basic humanity of migrants and refugees.