SCRANTON – Faith is most powerful when it is shared.

That is why the Diocesan Office for Parish Life is working to equip parishioners with the skills and confidence to share the Good News of Jesus Christ more effectively.

Between Aug. 8-10, 2024, more than 80 people participated in Genesis Mission workshops aimed at helping participants confidently evangelize in their everyday lives.

“It was an honor that we were able to get this type of program in our Diocese,” Enrique Olmedo, a parishioner at Saint Teresa of Calcutta Parish in South Scranton, said. “It was a very good opportunity that we got today.”

The workshops began on Aug. 8 at Saint Lawrence Parish in South Williamsport, followed by two more workshops Aug. 9 & 10 at the Diocesan Pastoral Center in Scranton.

“I think today’s workshop met a very important need in the life of our Diocese,” Father Cyril Edwards, Pastor of Mary, Mother of God Parish in North Scranton, stated. “I hope it will give them more confidence and knowledge in how to approach people who maybe used to go to church, or people who have never had a church, but are in need of a relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Genesis Mission’s international co-founders, Father Jon Bielawski and Michele Thompson, traveled to northeastern Pennsylvania to lead each workshop.

“One of the key things that we teach is that evangelization is about listening to the other person,” Father Bielawski said. “You have two ears and one mouth. You should be doing twice as much listening, and you do the listening first, and then you speak into what the other person said.”

During the workshops, participants learned simple, relational and loving ways to share the Gospel message.

“Even for the most sensitive or shyest of people, the Lord will use them to engage with others if they’re willing,” Thompson added. “We take them through a journey. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit.”

Those attending the local workshops included pastors, parish staff members, catechetical leaders and even parishioners.

“Every baptized person is a unique individual that can use their own uniqueness to share the Lord. It’s not about smart answers or eloquence – it’s about having a conviction of who Jesus is and being authentic.”

Regina Wright, who recently joined the Diocesan Office for Parish Life team as Manager of Parish Renewal, thinks the Genesis program will be able to help many people. She called the program “transformational” after seeing it work in the Syracuse area.

“This gives you the confidence that you can talk to people and share Jesus with them” Wright explained.

With the introductory workshops completed, participants will now have the opportunity to continue the Genesis Mission journey through a six-week course of study that will further equip them for mission.

“I think it’s very important that people can share the richness of the Catholic faith with each other and also listen to others,” she added.

Evangelization efforts conducted by the Diocesan Office for Parish Life are made possible with assistance from the Diocesan Annual Appeal that is conducted each year. For more information on other parish renewal activities, call (570) 207-2213.

CARBONDALE – With the start of school just a few days away, Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton hosted a backpack and school supplies giveaway that benefited 102 children.

The event, held Aug. 9 in the basement of Saint Rose of Lima Church, was filled with excitement as families arrived to find an array of backpacks filled with essential supplies. From crayons and notebooks to pencils and folders, every item will help students start their academic year with confidence.

Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton distributed 102
backpacks to children and families in need in Carbondale on Aug. 9,
2024, at Saint Rose of Lima Church. Participating in the distribution
were, from right: Dominique Jordan, Supervisor of the CSS Carbondale
Office; Jolette Lyons, CSS Director of Relief Services; Richard Ward,
CSS volunteer; Cindy Bethea, CSS volunteer; and Jessica Bruno, CSS
volunteer. (Photo/Eric Deabill)

“We always try to look to see what we can do to help the community. We love this community and we’re invested in this community,” Jolette Lyons, Director of Relief Services for Catholic Social Services, said. “Every kid should be excited to go back to school and sometimes families struggle with getting supplies to go back.”

This is the first year that Catholic Social Services organized the back-to-school giveaway in Carbondale.

Staff members say it became a priority after listening to the parents that they serve in their local food pantry.

“One of the women that comes in has six children and she said she was going to have a really hard time getting school supplies this year and I think that is what really rushed us to do something this year,” Dominique Jordan, Catholic Social Services Carbondale Office Supervisor, explained.

Each backpack was tailored to the needs and grade level of the child. A total of 69 backpacks for young children, filled with a notebook, crayons, scissors, glue, ruler, pencils, and folder, were meticulously put together. More than 30 other backpacks, all for older students, contained three notebooks, three folders, pens, pencils, and highlighters.

The giveaway was made possible through the generous contributions of local churches and community members.

“Our Lady of the Rosary Parish did a collection for us through the month of July. Everyone who could brought in bookbags and all the supplies. They collected a good amount for us,” Jordan said.

“Lighthouse Christian Ministry and local families and volunteers also dropped items off. It has been great,” Lyons added.

The impact of the event extended far beyond just providing supplies. For many families, the giveaway offered a sense of relief and support as they prepare for the new school year. With the rising costs of education-related items, Catholic Social Services provided not only tangible help, but also a reminder of the strength and unity within the whole Carbondale community.

“Parents want their kids to be excited to go to school. They want to give their kids the best things, so if we can help them, we feel privileged to be able to do that,” Lyons said.

For more information on how to get involved with Catholic Social Services in Carbondale or to support future initiatives visit or contact their office at (570) 282-0460.

SCRANTON – In a significant step to provide lasting financial support for Diocesan ministries, the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, has announced the inaugural officers of the newly established Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Scranton.

The executive committee appointments set the stage to help build endowment funds to secure long-term funding for Diocesan religious, educational, and charitable ministries.

The Catholic Foundation, announced publicly in March 2024, will work with donors to contribute cash donations, estate gifts, IRA contributions, and gifts to endowment funds that will provide long-term support for the work of the Catholic Church in our 11-county Diocese.

Bishop Bambera, who has been a driving force behind the Foundation’s creation, emphasized the importance of selecting the first Foundation officers.

“Appointing the first Foundation board members is more than just a formality; it is a pivotal moment for laying the groundwork for the Foundation’s success,” Bishop Bambera said. “The diverse backgrounds and collective expertise of all of these individuals will be instrumental in guiding our efforts and ensuring that we remain true to our mission of fostering faith and charity.”

The Foundation’s first executive officers serving on the Executive/Nominating Committee of the Catholic Foundation Board are:

  • Chairperson: Christopher DiMattio, Senior Vice President, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management, and a parishioner of Saint Catherine of Siena Parish, Moscow.
  • Vice Chairperson: Richard Mutchler, President, BioSpectra, Inc., and a parishioner of Saint Luke Parish, Stroudsburg.
  • Secretary: Bryan J. Frantz, DMD, MS, Owner, Perio Health & Dental Implants, and a parishioner of Cathedral of Saint Peter Parish, Scranton.
  • Treasurer: Nancy J. Marr, Founder/President Emerita, Marr Development Companies, and a parishioner of Resurrection Parish, Muncy.

In addition to these key positions, James Bebla, executive director of the Catholic Foundation, has announced the formation of two committees to address specific areas of need and opportunity within the community.

  • Development/Stewardship Committee: Chaired by Attorney Jonathan Spohrer, this committee is responsible for developing and recommending fundraising strategies and will assist in fundraising efforts for the initial major gifts campaign. The committee will also assist in developing gift and donor agreement templates and policies. Other committee members include: Marianne Chester, Paula Minichello, and Mark J. Sobeck.
  • Finance/Investment Committee: Chaired by Ralph H. Meyer, this committee will review investment policies, guidelines and performance and oversee management of the investment portfolio, financial reports, and audits, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding investment, financial and distribution policies and guidelines. Other committee members include: Michael W. Cavage, John Graham, and Kathleen Lambert.

Those individuals appointed to the Foundation’s Executive Committee are looking forward to serving the community with integrity and purpose.

“God has provided so many gifts throughout our lives and this Foundation provides an opportunity to share those gifts so that Catholic programs in the Diocese of Scranton will continue for generations,” Chris DiMattio, chairperson, said.

“I am looking forward to serving, with the team Bishop Bambera has assembled, to build a system that can provide support to these critical areas of ministry to our Diocese through future generations,” Richard Mutchler, vice chairperson, added. “I am proud to be a part of the first generation of the Board of Directors and I look forward to promoting the excellent opportunities, available to every member of the Diocese, by responding to God’s call to tithe by supporting this critical mission.”

“The creation of the Catholic Foundation truly marks a transformational moment for the Diocese. The Foundation will ensure the future financial stability of educational, spiritual, and service ministries, thus fulfilling the mission of the Diocese,” Dr. Bryan Frantz added. “I am truly honored to serve as an officer on the Foundation Board. It’s a privilege to work with the Bishop and experience his leadership and vision. It’s also wonderful to work with fellow board members from across the Diocese. These are truly committed individuals who are dedicated to ensuring the success of this critical initiative.”

“Being asked to take a leadership role for the new Foundation resulted in an easy answer – of course! Being given the opportunity to use my past career and volunteer experience in a new role as board treasurer, in service to the Diocese and the Foundation’s mission, is humbling,” Nancy J. Marr stated. “I’m looking forward to being a part of the Foundation during its formative years, working with Bishop Bambera and the rest of the board. There is so much potential to make a difference!”

For more information on the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Scranton, visit, or contact James Bebla, Executive Director, at (570) 207-2212 or

SCRANTON – With international priests now making up a fifth of its active clergy, the Diocese of Scranton recently held a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fostering better integration and communication.

From July 15-17, 2024, international priests serving throughout the Diocese came together to participate in a specialized Acculturation and Accent workshop at the Diocesan Pastoral Center in Scranton.

The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, welcomed nearly 20 international priests to the gathering – beginning with sincere gratitude for the sacrifice that each man is making – being so far away from home.

“I want to say thank you for your willingness to do that,” Bishop Bambera said. “We can’t do it without you, so thank you.”

The three-day workshop was led by Dr. Kevin Spence, who is associated with the Saint Meinrad Institute for Priests and Presbyterates. He held numerous hands-on sessions that included information on U.S. speech patterns, pronunciations, cultural differences and communication techniques.

“The workshop was very fruitful,” Father Neftali Feliz-Sena, Assistant Pastor at Annunciation Parish in Hazleton, said. “As international priests, we have our own culture and it is hard to deny what we are, but as we work in another culture, we need to have a better understanding of the other (American) culture.”

A native of Kerala, India, Father Jose Kuriappilly has been ministering in the Diocese of Scranton for five years. Currently serving as Pastor of Saints Peter & Paul Parish in Towanda and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Wyalusing, he said the workshop sessions helped him understand the American language on a deeper level, especially the pronunciation of some words.

“When I became a pastor, I talked to my people openly saying, ‘I am in a different world and everything is different for me – my language, culture, climate, food, everything is different – so you have to adjust with me and if you have any good opinions or corrections, please just come to me and correct me,’” Father Jose explained. “As I continue to practice, I grow in my language and the culture class
did help me a lot.”

Father Stephen Bosomafi, Pastor of Saint Thomas More Parish in Lake Ariel, found the discussion on differences in pastoral ministry in the United States fascinating.

“Some of the things were eye opening. There are things that sometimes we take for granted and now we are exposed and we know this is not what Americans expect from you,” Father Bosomafi explained. “The tendency is for anyone to say, ‘I want to do things my way,’ but you are here serving the needs of the people … you should meet them at a certain point.”

The three-day course also allowed the international priests to reflect on some of the biggest differences they have experienced between American culture and their homeland.

Expanding on the concept of freedom, Father Neftali said he is always shocked by how Americans leave Mass after the distribution of Holy Communion.

“We don’t do that in our culture. The Mass doesn’t end until the priest or deacon says, ‘The Mass is ended, go in peace,’” he said. “After communion, you might see half the church empty. That was shocking for me, seeing that reality.”

For Father Jose, socialization with parishioners – especially children – has caused him a little tension.

“Sometimes I notice, some kids after the Mass, they come and hug us, but I am afraid at times,” Father Jose explained, noting the importance of safe environment policies instituted in the United States. “You have to be careful.”

Feedback from the participating priests was overwhelmingly positive, many expressing appreciation for the program’s comprehensive approach.

The priests said the sessions show the Diocese of Scranton is committed to helping international priests fully engage with and serve their communities.

“I think that is something to be commended and we appreciate what the
Bishop is doing,” Father Stephen said.

“We appreciate the closeness, as well, from the priests of the Diocese and also from the Curia – the Bishop, Vicar General and Vicar for Clergy – they are so close and they show us respect and they are so grateful that we are here. That is very meaningful,” Father Neftali ended by saying.

SCRANTON – ‘Freedom’ was the primary focus and theme of the 2024 Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference, held Aug. 2-4, at The University of Scranton.

Hundreds of people from all over the country filled the Byron Center each day for engaging speakers, music and prayer opportunities.

Conference organizers say they hoped attendees would recognize the freedom to live their lives in the spirit of the Lord and be free from anything that affects them – including fear, anxiety, depression or addiction.

“We want to know in our daily lives that God can conquer all of that,” Karen McLain, Coordinator of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Scranton, explained.

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal is known for its active style of worship. Conference attendees not only sing, but stand, clap and raise their hands.

“The Renewal is simply Catholics who love the Lord Jesus as Lord of our lives, and we believe that the Holy Spirit is still active in our lives every day, that He still moves, that He still works, and He still speaks to us in different ways than we might hear at Mass or other liturgies,” McLain added.

This year’s speakers included Msgr. William John-Lewis, Father John Gordon, Maria Vadia, and Fausto Franco.

Vadia, founder of The Glory of God Foundation, has visited more than 30 countries, bringing a message of faith, salvation and healing.

“We need to treasure the Word of God, because the Word of God is truth, the Word of God is fire, the Word of God is a hammer, the Word of God is a mirror,” she told the crowd. “It is a sword, it is living water. The Word of God is alive and active.”

Many travelled hundreds of miles to participate in the conference.

“I love the community that is here. I love the opportunity to worship and praise the Lord with everybody,” Roni Buczynski, a parishioner of Saint Paul VI Parish in Connecticut, said. “It fills your heart with joy to praise the Lord and it just lifts you up to another place and takes you out of the everyday. It’s a little taste of heaven on earth.”

“I look forward to this conference every year. I’ve been coming since 1990 and I get my spirit so rejuvenated here,” Robert Lauricella, a parishioner of Saint Mary Parish in Maryland, added. 


SHAVERTOWN – In advance of the United Nations World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, which is held annually on July 30, Saint Therese Parish in Luzerne County raised awareness about the millions of victims of human trafficking around the world.

After each Mass on the weekend of July 27-28, the parish held a ‘Red Sand Project Ceremony.’

As parishioners exited the church in silence, they were invited to pour red sand into the cracks of a “sidewalk” setup on the church plaza. By doing so, they remembered those in our society who fall between the cracks.

The project was put together by the Social Concerns Committee of the parish.

Globally, one in three victims of human trafficking is a child, and the majority of those trafficked children are girls.

The reasons for child trafficking are numerous. Some of the most prominent are: poverty, armed conflicts, dysfunctional families, lack of parental care, and unaccompanied minors fleeing their homes.

HONESDALE – The Honesdale Knights of Columbus generously donated towards new flooring for the Saint John the Evangelist Parish Catholic Family Community Center.

Many events are held in this location including the Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast, Honesdale Head Start, Saint Dominic’s Academy, Saint John the Evangelist’s Faith Formation Program, and the local boy scouts also will benefit from having this new flooring installed.

Members of the Honesdale Knights of Columbus Chapter recently participated in a check presentation to Father William Langan. Pictured, from left, are: David Swendsen, Louis Johannes, Joe Poltanis, Matt Smith, Don Vivacqua, Jennifer Suhosky, and Mike Jones.

SCRANTON – A new community garden, built on Catholic Social Services property in the 600-block of Wyoming Avenue, is not only adding beauty to the neighborhood, but it will also provide food to those in need.

On June 4, 2024, as part of Scranton City Pride, Catholic Social Services joined forces with United Neighborhood Centers and Scranton Tomorrow to install Pine Brook’s first community garden outside of Saint James Manor.

“United Neighborhood Centers offered assistance, including soil, tools, help with planting, and they even have the master gardeners coming out to do a skills class with us,” Shannon Caufield, Director of Residential Programs with Catholic Social Services, said.

With help from students at the Career Technology Center of L a c k a w a n n a County – in addition to some grant funding – several new garden beds were built and set up adjacent to the building’s parking lot.

“W e received some funding that permitted us to get some garden beds. We worked with the CTC, where they were able to build the garden beds for us as part of their senior project, and we just paid for the cost of the lumber and they came and installed them,” Caufield explained.

Residents, staff and even community members got their hands dirty – spreading out soil and putting the first plants in place.

Prior to the garden beds being installed, residents of Saint James Manor had been planting vegetables right in a dirt patch that existed.

Saint James Manor houses critical social service programs that support Scranton’s disenfranchised populations – including Saint Anthony’s Haven Emergency Shelter for those experiencing homelessness, a Mental Health Counseling Program which
provides transitional housing for individuals who are experiencing homelessness as a result of mental health issues, and the Citizens’ Re-Entry Program for the formerly incarcerated.

“They really did take ownership of it. They took care of it. It gave them something to do, some pride as well,” Caufield added. “When this opportunity came up to expand, we obviously said yes, immediately. The residents love it. Because many of them are experiencing homelessness, they need something to give them ownership and pride and this offers them that opportunity.”

In addition to regular garden beds, the CTC students also created several raised garden beds for anyone who might be in a wheelchair or have trouble bending down. When not growing vegetables, Catholic Social Services officials might add flowers to keep the area looking nice.

“We’re very excited … We’re looking forward to providing some fresh produce to our residents who can’t afford it as well as the local community,” Caufield said.


Diocese of Scranton

This month is a good time to consider making your will or reviewing your will to see if any changes need to be made. Here are three reasons to motivate you to write your will this August.

  1. It’s an important legal document that everyone should have.

All adults should have a will — it’s an essential document that states how you wish to distribute your property and protect your loved ones. 

  1. It provides peace of mind to you and your family.

Creating a will prevents family conflict, eliminates confusion, and ensures your assets go to the people you most want to have them. It also gives your family guidance and reassurance that they can fulfill your wishes. With a will, you can plan ahead for those who are in your care — for example, you can name a legal guardian for your minor children and choose who should care for your pets.

  1. It lets you create a legacy that lasts beyond your lifetime.

A will provides a wonderful opportunity to provide a legacy of kindness and goodwill after your lifetime.  Leaving a gift for a charitable organization in your estate plans ensures that you can make a positive impact on causes close to your heart for years to come.

Already made your will?

If you already have a will, it’s important to keep it updated. Estate attorneys recommend reviewing your will every three to five years or whenever you have a big life event (like getting married, moving or having a grandchild).

Do you need help making your will?

The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Scranton has materials to assist you with making your will. For more information,  contact Jame Bebla, executive director, at 570-207-2212 or 

EAST STROUDSBURG– A Lay Carmelite community that was founded in February 1999 in the Poconos by four parishioners of Saint Matthew Parish is celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary this year.

Named ‘Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Lay Carmelite Community,’ the group has had enthusiastic and robust participation from the start.

Peter Cooney delivers a lecture on the history of the Carmelite Order July 20 at Saint Matthew Parish in East Stroudsburg.

Now numbering fifty members, more than forty of whom are active participants, the Community includes individuals from every parish in the Stroudsburg deanery.

Community founders were Ed Lawler, Harriett Eitzenberger and her deceased husband, Herm, and Marge Cantalupo.

In addition to the Lay Carmelite community in East Stroudsburg, the Diocese of Scranton has another one in Pittston.

The East Stroudsburg Chapter meets on the third Saturday of each month from 8:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. at Saint Matthew Parish, 78 Ridgeway Street, East Stroudsburg. For additional information, contact Eileen at (570) 977-8796 or Gerry at (570) 424-2879.

The Pittston community, named ‘Our Lady of the Mountains Lay Carmelite Community,’ meets on the third Saturday of each month from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. at the Oblates of Saint Joseph Seminary, 1880 Highway 315, Pittston.
For additional i n f o r m a t i o n, contact Linda at (570) 862-2940 or Chris at (570)

L a y C a r m e l i t e s are lay people who share in the mission of the Carmelite Order. The call to Carmel is a call to seek God’s will in the ordinary circumstances of everyday life. This roots a Lay Carmelite in a love of those with whom they live and work.