SCRANTON – With temperatures barely breaking 20-degrees and gusty winds making it feel much colder, more than 150 people braved the frigid conditions to show support – and pray – for Scranton’s immigrant and refugee communities Monday, Feb. 17, 2025.

Faith leaders from the Catholic Church, Temple Hesed, and the Islamic Center of Scranton were among those offering prayers on Courthouse Square for the continued dignity and respect for all people.

“In recent weeks, our community has been overshadowed by anxiety and fear, yet tonight we come together to re-affirm our commitment to compassion,” Alexandra Marroquin said in welcoming the crowd to the event. “Let us stand united, drawing strength from one another and the values we hold dear.”

Community members hold signs during an interfaith prayer vigil in downtown Scranton Feb. 17, 2025. (Photo/Eric Deabill)

The crowd sang the hymn, “All Are Welcome,” after an opening prayer and listening to excerpts of a statement from Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Migration.

The vigil was sponsored by several community organizations, including the Scranton Area Multifaith Ministerium; Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary; Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton; Saint Teresa of Calcutta Parish; Saint Ann’s Passionist Monastery; Temple Hesed; Islamic Center of Scranton; Marywood University; and The University of Scranton.

Rev. Jonathan Kuhar, pastor, Saint Teresa of Calcutta Parish, read Bishop Bambera’s recent statement on immigration, “Upholding the Dignity of All,” and offered a prayer that everyone may hear the cry of refugees, immigrants, the homeless and the lost.

“Grant us now the grace of hospitality, bless our eyes that we may see the needs of our brothers and sisters, and fill our hears with the wisdom we need to recognize the human dignity of all people, and bless our hands so that we may continue to have the honor of doing your work in this world,” Father Kuhar prayed.

Representatives of the Jewish community said the biblical directive of welcoming the stranger is mentioned 36 times in the Torah, more than any other commandment.

“We, like many of you here, believe that revelation is not something that happened ‘once upon a time’ and is something of the past,” Rabbi Daniel J. Swartz of Temple Hesed said. “It is continuing to unfold with all of us today. When we listen to Scripture, we listen to it not as someone listening to someone else’s words, but as someone who is being addressed by those words.”

After about 30 minutes, the group walked to Saint Luke’s Episcopal Church on Wyoming Avenue and continued the prayer service inside hearing the recent words of Pope Francis and three personal reflections from those who have migrated to the United States.

Ushu Mukelo came to the United States after spending 12 years in a refugee camp in Uganda. He said the bible demands us all to take action on this issue.

“We must respect the dignity of every human being,” Mukelo said.

SCRANTON – On Feb. 11, the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, celebrated a special Mass in honor of the World Day of the Sick, an annual observance in the Catholic Church dedicated to offering prayers and support for those suffering from illness.

Held at the Cathedral of Saint Peter, the Mass brought together parishioners and individuals seeking comfort in their time of need, all united in faith and hope.

Bishop Bambera anoints a woman with holy oil during the Liturgy of the Anointing on Feb. 11, 2025. (Photo/Mike Melisky)

The World Day of the Sick, established by Pope John Paul II in 1992, invites Catholics worldwide to pray for the sick and reflect on the role of suffering in the life of faith. The day also calls attention to the importance of healthcare workers who extend care and compassion to those who are ill.

In his message to the world’s sick, Pope Francis said “hope amid suffering” leads to God.

While the Holy Year 2025 refrain, “Hope does not disappoint,” can be difficult for those suffering from illness to embrace, the Holy Father said Christians are called to recognize God’s closeness even in moments of weakness or despair.

Sickness “becomes an occasion for a transformative encounter” when one is open to God, he wrote in his message for the 33rd World Day of the Sick.

“Suffering always brings with it a mysterious promise of salvation, for it makes us experience the closeness and reality of God’s consoling presence,” the pope wrote in his message.

SCRANTON – Despite a snowstorm into the early morning hours, the Diocese of Scranton still celebrated its annual Mass for Persons with Disabilities on Feb. 9 at the Cathedral of Saint Peter.

The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, served as principal celebrant and homilist for the Mass, which is held in advance of National Disability Awareness Month in March.

Clients of Saint Joseph’s Center serve as gift bearers during the Mass for Persons with Disabilities on Feb. 9, 2025. (Photo/Mike Melisky)

“My brothers and sisters with disabilities, more than you realize, your unwavering trust in God and your example of acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude and selfless love provide us all with priceless lessons for how best to live as disciples of Jesus,” Bishop Bambera said during his homily. “Simply put, you teach us that like Isaiah, Paul and Peter, we are all a part of God’s plan. Each of us is treasured by God, for being just the way we are. And each of us is more than well equipped to give witness to God’s merciful presence among us and to bring hope and peace to our corner of God’s world.”

In a beautiful display of inclusivity, many individuals with special needs participated in the Mass, serving as greeters, lectors, altar servers and gift bearers.

The Mass for Persons with Disabilities has become a beloved tradition in the Diocese of Scranton, emphasizing that all people – including those with physical, sensory, and intellectual disabilities – are deeply loved by God and called to contribute to building His Kingdom.

During this Jubilee Year, the Bishop also shared the words of Pope Francis, which he said could be especially directed to people affected by illness or disability.

“Everyone knows what it is to hope. In the heart of each person, hope dwells as the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite our not knowing what the future may bring… Even so, often we find people who are discouraged and pessimistic about the future, as if nothing could possibly bring them happiness … But God’s word helps us find reasons for that hope,” Bishop Bambera quoted.

Partners in the annual Mass for Persons with Disabilities include Saint Joseph’s Center in Scranton and the Order of the Alhambra.

As 2025 celebration came to an end, those in attendance were reminded we must celebrate the dignity of those with disabilities but also call on the wider community to recognize the immense value of every person, as we all work together to build up God’s Kingdom on earth.

SCRANTON – The Cathedral of Saint Peter hosted an Ecumenical Celebration of God’s Word on Jan. 22, 2025, as part of the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

This year’s service was particularly significant, as it centered around the powerful theme: “Do You Believe?”, a question that invites all Christians to reflect on the shared foundations of faith and the call to unity in Christ.

“As we come together, we give thanks for what we share in common – a common Creed – a common profession of faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior,” the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, said.

Rev. Scott Sterowski, Diocesan Coordinator for Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations; Most Rev. Anthony Mikovsky, Prime Bishop, Polish National Catholic Church, Scranton; Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton; Pastor Rodney Harraway, First Congregational Church of West Pittston; Rev. Craig A. Miller, Bishop, Upper Susquehanna Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. (Photo/Mike Melisky)

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, celebrated worldwide from Jan. 18-25, serves as a time for Christians from various denominations to come together in prayer and dialogue, acknowledging the bonds that unite them in Christ and the work still needed to heal divisions.

“May what we do during this noon-time hour, be a sign to our world in some small way, of our desire to fulfill the great prayer of the Lord Jesus, that we would all be one,” Bishop Bambera added.

Bishop Bambera served as leader of prayer for the Ecumenical Prayer Service. As chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on Ecumenism and Interreligious Affairs, Bishop Bambera has long been a leader in promoting dialogue and cooperation among Christian denominations.

The service, which included prayers, hymns, and scripture readings, was attended by more than 100 Christians from several denominations, all coming together to pray for greater understanding and collaboration.

Rev. Scott Sterowski, Diocesan Coordinator for Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations, delivered the sermon at the prayer service.

He began by acknowledging this year, 2025, holds additional significance as it marks the 1700th anniversary of the historic Council of Nicaea, a pivotal event in the early Church that helped shape the foundation of Christian doctrine and unity.

Convened in 325 AD by Emperor Constantine, the Council sought to address theological disputes, particularly the nature of Christ’s divinity, and resulted in the Nicene Creed, a central declaration of Christian faith still recited in many Christian liturgies today.

The anniversary of the Council of Nicaea underscores the important work of ecumenism and the shared commitment of preserving the core truths of the Christian faith in a divided world.

“We celebrate this day of unity, of togetherness, as members of the Body of Christ, asking the question, ‘what is faith?’ Faith, of course, is a gift of the Spirit, poured forth into our hearts, a theological virtue. Before we can come to believe, we must receive this gift from God,” Father Sterowski stated.

Noting that “full unity” has not yet been achieved, Father Sterowski said it will happen “in God’s time.”

“That is the deepest desire of the heart of Christ, for His Body, the Church, that we dwell together as His people, as one,” he added.

DALTON – A sense of warmth and sisterhood filled the air of the Transfiguration Retreat Center during the last weekend in January as roughly 90 Catholic women gathered for the second annual ‘Bold and Beloved Retreat.’

The event, which ran from Jan. 24-26, was organized by the Diocesan Office for Parish Life and supported by donations to the Catholic Ministries Appeal.

Women from parishes across the Diocese of Scranton came together to grow in faith and meet like-minded sisters in Christ.

The second annual ‘Bold and Beloved Retreat’ brought together roughly 90 women from parishes across the Diocese of Scranton on the weekend of Jan. 24-26, 2025. (Photo/Dan Piazza)

“It’s really refreshing to take a step back from the craziness of life and just rest in God’s love and be supported by other women who are here for the same reasons,” Megan Kinney, a parishioner of Saint Boniface Parish in Williamsport, said.

Kinney said she enjoyed being able to spend quiet time in Eucharistic Adoration and reconnect with friends she made at other retreats.

“I love being able to learn from other women who have gone through different journeys in the Catholic faith, who may be in a different season of life, who can really be good examples for me,” she added.

Over the course of the weekend, six local women, each with her own profound conversion experience, shared their personal journeys of finding God’s love and mercy.

Gianna Moulton, a parishioner of Saint Therese Parish in Shavertown, was one of the presenters, who shared her conversion story from being a “lukewarm Catholic” after learning more about church teachings.

“I truly feel I can’t pour into my marriage, my children, my job, any of my friendships, without putting God as the priority,” Moulton explained.

The speakers had a variety of backgrounds – including healthcare, law enforcement, and working on a college campus – just to name a few.

Mary Hallman, Diocesan Secretary for Parish Life, said each woman was inspiring because they were “really vulnerable, being honest, and sharing where their struggles have been.”

This year’s retreat, inspired by the life and legacy of Saint Catherine of Siena, a Doctor of the Church and tireless advocate for the faith, provided the women motivation to “set the world on fire.”

“Saint Catherine is such a good example. She was a ‘do-er,’” Laurie Coffee, a parishioner of Holy Child Parish in Mansfield, said. “I think of her kind of like a combination of Martha and Mary because she did it all. You need to be able to do the contemplative in order to be able to do things.”

As the retreat ended, Coffee returned to her home in Tioga County feeling empowered to live her faith even more boldly than before.

“There are things that we all experience, but we experience them in different ways,” Coffee said. “The bottom line, the most important thing is how we find Jesus, how we come to Him, and how we make Him the center of our life.”

EAST STROUDSBURG – Notre Dame Elementary School marked a memorable Catholic Schools Week 2025 with a powerful display of generosity.

Throughout the week, students, families, and teachers collected hundreds of cereal boxes, which were meticulously organized into an impressive domino display inside the school gymnasium.

“We feel that it is an exciting, fun thing for the kids to do, as well as teaching them about giving to other people, and taking care of the needy,” principal Sister Dorothy Kibler, I.H.M., explained.

On Jan. 30, the entire school gathered to watch – and loudly cheer – as the boxes toppled over onto one another in a grand spectacle.

Hundreds of cereal boxes donated by students from Notre Dame Elementary School are lined up in a domino display inside the school gym on Jan. 30, 2025. (Photo/Dan Piazza)

“I love it. It’s probably the best week so far,” sixth grader Anastazja Nowak said.

All the cereal boxes used in the domino chain were donated to the food pantry at Saint Matthew Parish, where they will help feed people in need. The event was part of Notre Dame Elementary’s ongoing efforts to foster a sense of community service in their students.

“I try to give back as much as I can to my community, be as nice as I can, the best person I really can be,” sixth grader Arthur Gonzales explained.

When she heard students preparing for the big event on their weekly podcast – using the word ‘domino’ very intentionally – she began thinking about how important Catholic education can be in creating a ‘domino’ effect of serving others in the spirit of Christ.

“Our Catholic education will hopefully have a domino effect in our world, a domino effect on how we treat our friends, how we are with our families, and how we go out into our world,” the long-time educator and principal explained.

Founded on strong Catholic values, Notre Dame Elementary has long been known for its dedication to student success and academic excellence. The school prides itself on its nurturing environment, where each child’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs are met.

“It really prepares them for everything,” parent Jessica Corcoran stated.

“They use a very student-centered teaching style, and they provide individualized instruction,” parent Peng Zhang added. “They use all sorts of activities to train the students and educate them and make sure that they develop good behaviors … most importantly, they teach love.”

SCRANTON – Dressed in colorful costumes and proudly pulling carefully created floats, the youngest students at All Saints Academy took center stage during a special event to mark Catholic Schools Week 2025.

On Jan. 29, pre-K and kindergarten students at the Scranton-based elementary school paraded around their gym, participating in a ‘furry friends’ parade.

“Pre-school and kindergarten students had the opportunity to build a float for one of their stuffed animals, their furry friends,” principal Brittany Haynos-Krupski explained. “You saw Ghostbuster floats, birthday floats, you saw Irish step dancing floats, Mario, every possibility.”

In addition to the floats, many of the students dressed up to match the theme of their float – filling the gym with little firefighters, princesses, and many other characters.

Kindergarten and pre-K students from All Saints Academy in Scranton participate in the ‘furry friends’ parade as part of Catholic Schools Week 2025. (Photo/Dan Gallagher)

“I heard so many parents and teachers say it was such a great morning, just to see the excitement in the students’ eyes was priceless,” Haynos-Krupski said.

The event captured the essence of Catholic schools as more than just places of learning, but as close-knit families where every student, no matter their age, is celebrated.

The rest of the student body filled the gymnasium bleachers and loudly cheered as each student and float took their turn in the spotlight.

“When you walk into our building, you feel that sense of family. I have heard from parents, I’ve heard it from people touring our school, I’ve heard faculty and staff. It is that idea of community,” Haynos-Krupski added.

All Saints Academy administrators decided to bring back the ‘furry friends’ parade during Catholic Schools Week this year for the first time since 2020.

Teachers say the event – and all the activities held during Catholic Schools Week 2025 – celebrate the heart of what Catholic schools are all about.

“In a Catholic school, you have the opportunity to teach a child’s spirit as well as their academics,” Amanda Valletta said. “We teach the students to grow in their faith, to become leaders, and that helps them in the real world when they graduate.”

As the parade wrapped up, many of the pre-K and kindergarten students were beaming with pride as their parents and grandparents snapped pictures on their cell phones. For many, it will be a day they remember, and a reminder of the deep sense of love and support that makes All Saints Academy a true family.

MOUNTAIN TOP – During Catholic Schools Week 2025, eighth grade students at Saint Jude School created memories that will last a lifetime.

Among the week’s most anticipated events was the spirited and fun-filled pep rally where eighth grade students face off in a basketball game against their coaches – a tradition that has become a favorite for the whole school.

“It is so much fun. I love Catholic Schools Week because as an eighth grader we get to do all the fun stuff,” student Leah Smith said.

Eighth grade students from Saint Jude School in Mountain Top face off in a basketball game against their coaches as part of a pep rally for Catholic Schools Week 2025. (Photo/Dan Piazza)

Catholic Schools Week is a time for students, faculty, and families to come together to celebrate the values and educational opportunities that Catholic schools provide.

At Saint Jude School, administrators stress it is not just about academics, but also about building strong relationships and a sense of community. The pep rally and basketball game, which are held in the school gym, perfectly highlighted that philosophy.

“We had all our students here in the stands cheering and we had our cheerleaders come out to do their routines. It made for a fun day,” parent Frank Carone said.

Carone is the father of two students at Saint Jude School. He says the competitive basketball match is all about school spirit, camaraderie, and the bond between students, staff, and parents.

“The atmosphere in this gym was just incredible. Kids cheering and yelling, cheering for the eighth graders against the dads, it makes for such a great time, a great atmosphere,” he added.

Sister Ellen Fischer, principal, says the pep rally is something the kids look forward to every year. She agrees it is much more than just a game – it’s a celebration of the Saint Jude School family – emphasizing the significant role that parents play in their children’s education.

“It gives us a chance to focus on the great things that are happening here at Saint Jude School and it’s time for our children to enjoy the week,” Sister Ellen stated.

Saint Jude School’s commitment to creating a family-like atmosphere is evident in everything they do, especially during events like the pep rally. Throughout the entirety of Catholic Schools Week, the Luzerne County-based school held many other activities to celebrate the school’s values of faith, knowledge, and community, all of which were focused on togetherness.

Students, teachers, staff, and families all shared in the fun, creating lasting bonds and reinforcing the importance of supporting one another, both in and out of the classroom.

“We are a family, from before school starts to after school is over, and every minute in between,” teacher and parent Carrie Grandzol said.

Being able to celebrate each other’s accomplishments is what sets Saint Jude School apart.

“You see this in how our teachers and our administration react to our students and you see how our students react to one another as well,” Grandzol added.

CLARKS GREEN – Our Lady of Peace School launched Catholic Schools Week 2025 with excitement and energy, hosting an open house on the first day of the annual celebration.

The open house gave prospective students and their families a chance to explore the school, meet its dedicated teachers, and learn more about the diverse programs that set the school apart – everything from faith-based education to hands-on STREAM experiences.

The open house is special because of the unique role that the school’s 7th and 8th grade students get to play. The student ambassadors got to lead prospective families on tours, offering a firsthand look at what makes Our Lady of Peace School so special.

Eloise Giroux, student council president for Our Lady of Peace School in Clarks Green, helps to lead prospective families on tours during an open house held as part of Catholic Schools Week. (Photo/Dan Piazza)

“It is so much fun,” eighth grader Eloise Giroux said. “They get to meet the teachers, look at the curriculum … Our Lady of Peace is really a great school. It is such a family.”

Giroux has attended the Lackawanna County elementary school for the last eight years and is currently serving as student council president.

“We have so many fun programs, basketball, cheerleading, OLP Players, the theater program,” she explained. “It’s really a great school academically, spiritually, and socially. You learn so many things.”

Leah Steinberg, another eighth-grade student, also served as a student ambassador. She transferred to Our Lady of Peace School in seventh grade, and said the school quickly helped her grow more confident in her faith.

“It is the foundation to our education. I always believe in putting God first and trying to glorify him in anything I can do,” Steinberg said. “It is amazing that I had the opportunity to come here to learn so much about my faith and more about academics.”

Ann D’Arienzo, who has served as principal at Our Lady of Peace School for the last seven years, says students not only practice their faith by praying together, celebrating Mass regularly and having religion classes – but points to service projects that help to build student character and a desire to give back.

“We start as early as pre-school to explain to our students, and to model for our children, how important it is to give back to our community,” the long-time educator said. “Whether it is through coat drives, pajama drives, we put together toiletry kids for those that have been displaced due to weather disasters, they are able to recognize how fortunate they are.”

Members of the ‘Falcon Family Alliance,’ the parent organization that helps to plan activities at the school, were also on hand for the open house.

The group’s co-chair, Mary Ann Morgan, said the open house isn’t just a chance to “show off” to the community, but is important for members of the school community to feel pride in everything they have accomplished.

“I hope parents can feel the school is alive. It’s growing and we’re a community that works together to support each other,” Morgan said.

(OSV News) – President Donald Trump has signed an executive order that aims to expand access to in vitro fertilization, or IVF, a practice the Catholic Church warns is enormously destructive to embryonic human life.
A form of artificial reproductive technology, IVF unites a woman’s eggs and a man’s sperm outside of their respective bodies in a laboratory setting, with one or more embryonic children selected for implantation in the woman’s uterus, and the remaining embryonic children either destroyed or frozen indefinitely.
Trump’s Feb. 18 executive order “directs policy recommendations to protect IVF access and aggressively reduce out-of-pocket and health plan costs for such treatments,” according to a statement issued that same day by the White House.
Dr. Andrew Harper, medical director for Huntsville Reproductive Medicine, P.C., looks on as Lynn Curry, nurse practitioner for Huntsville Reproductive Medicine, P.C., opens IVF cryopreservation dewar in Madison, Ala., March 4, 2024. U.S. President Donald Trump signed an executive order Feb. 19, 2025, to develop policy recommendations to expand access to and affordability of in vitro fertilization. (OSV News photo/Roselle Chen, Reuters)
Costs for IVF, which are “often not fully covered by health insurance,” can range “from $12,000 to $25,000 per cycle” and “multiple cycles may be needed to get pregnant,” said the White House in its statement.
The executive order delivers on “promises for American families” made by Trump, while seeking to address declining fertility rates in the U.S., said the White House.
That drop is part of a global downturn in fertility rates, with 2024 rates at 2.2 births per woman, down from approximately 5 in the 1960s and 3.3 in 1990, according to the United Nations’ World Fertility Report 2024.
The White House statement quoted Trump as saying, “We want more babies, to put it very nicely.”
However pro-family demographers put cold water on an IVF policy leading to a baby boom when Trump floated the idea on the 2024 campaign trail.
Lyman Stone, senior fellow and director of the Pronatalism Initiative at the Institute for Family Studies told OSV News in September that people tend to delay fertility with more reproductive technology options. 
“So you freeze your eggs when you’re 31, and you say, ‘Well, I don’t need to be in any particular rush, because at the end of the day, I’ve got all the time in the world,'” he said. But given some of the inherent difficulties in births to older mothers, that’s not always true, meaning “these two factors more or less cancel out.”
“So the net result is that there are no extra babies,” he said.
IVF treatments are opposed by the Catholic Church because they frequently involve the destruction of human embryos, in addition to other ethical and moral issues.
Out of more than 413,000 artificial reproductive technology cycles recorded in 2021, only 112,088 resulted in pregnancy. Of those, only 97,128 babies were successfully born, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data.
Multiple embryos are typically created for use in an IVF cycle, so the number of human embryos currently created each year by IVF in the U.S. runs into the hundreds of thousands — with the majority typically lost through what fertility clinics on their websites explain as “IVF attrition.”
Bishop Michael F. Burbidge of Arlington, Virginia — who in November 2024 completed his three-year term as chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities — addressed IVF in his Jan. 22 pastoral letter, “The Christian Family, In Vitro Fertilization and Heroic Witness to True Love.”
Citing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Second Vatican Council, papal writings, Catholic bioethicists and journalistic coverage of the IVF industry, while also providing an array of pastoral resources for couples struggling with infertility, Bishop Burbidge warned that IVF poses both an “obvious” and “subtle” threat to human dignity.
He said those threats include the eugenic destruction of millions of embryonic children, the unraveling of the integral bond between childbearing and marital love, the erosion of a child’s right to natural parents, and dangers to health, safety and religious liberty.
In a Feb. 19 statement, Bishop Burbidge described Trump’s executive order as a “disappointing and unnecessary action” that is “incompatible with the president’s evident support for the good of human life and his desire to encourage family formation.”
The order is “likely to unjustly promote IVF in a way that will result in the abandonment or death of millions of embryonic human persons,” said Bishop Burbidge in his statement.
In addition, the expansion of IVF access stands to “involve all taxpayers with a serious moral injustice, provide federal subsidies for already lucrative IVF businesses, and ignore the risks to parents and children of America’s broadly unregulated IVF industry,” he said.
Some pro-life advocacy leaders have begun speaking out against Trump’s IVF executive order. Live Action president Lila Rose, a Catholic, called the proposal “heartbreaking” and said “IVF is NOT pro-life” in social media postings Feb. 18.
“IVF turns children into a product to be created, sold, and discarded — violating their basic human rights,” she said.