Good morning.  It is a pleasure for me to affirm the good work that you and so many others have done is support of human life.

Not long ago, as he has so often done, Pope Francis affirmed that every human person has a reason to hope, because every person “has a place in God’s heart from all eternity.”  Focusing upon the weakest and most vulnerable – the sick, the elderly, the poor and especially the unborn – the Holy Father asserted that every person “has an inviolable right to life” and “is a masterpiece of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.”

Powerful words, aren’t they?  Words that need to be seared into the hearts of every one of us – and many others as well.

Most of us appreciate the Holy Father’s words – because every one of us has been blessed with the faith and wisdom to see the value of God’s gift of life – to recognize that this gift, in whatever shape and form it takes – is not the result of an accident of creation but are the result of God creative and loving presence among us.

Sadly, however, it is quite apparent that this fundamental teaching of our faith hardly resonates with many of our brothers and sisters.  As a Church, we are grateful for the Supreme Court’s decision earlier this year to overturn its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion throughout our land.  Yet, the division that has emerged in our country these past few months is a stark reminder of the fact that so many fail to appreciate the dignity and value of all human life, especially the life of the unborn.

In response to this division, it is incumbent upon us, as a people of faith, to not merely point fingers of derision at those who fail to embrace the teaching of the gospel regarding the value of human life.  To the contrary, as disciples of Jesus, we are called to be light in the midst of darkness – a leaven to transform our misguided world.  As such, it is our responsibility to witness to our beliefs by caring for life – not merely for life in the womb but for all of life and particularly for women and the children they have carried past the time of birth.

Simply put, brothers and sisters, if we desire to live our lives as God-fearing individuals with authenticity, we have no choice.  We cannot merely speak of our respect for human life or self-righteously criticize those whose beliefs may be different from our own.  We must enliven our words with action.  We must both choose and serve life in whatever way we can.

The challenge to defend human life cannot be side stepped in an effort to create a false peace or sense of harmony.  We must be fearless in our defense of the unborn – but also mothers in need, the elderly, the sick, the poor, the disabled, the immigrant and every life that is in jeopardy.

Nor must we ever shrink from confronting life issues in our prayer, in what and how we teach as a Church and in the pastoral care that we offer.  But we must also never shrink from confronting life issues when we vote, in the initiatives and public policies that we are able to influence, in our volunteer efforts and in the daily activities and choices of our lives that can even unwittingly exploit the most defenseless among us.

So continue to embrace the noble cause of this blessed organization.  Don’t let down those treasures of life that God has woven into our lives.

Defend life, even if – and particularly when the world proclaims a different message.  ….

Our task is hardly simple and the road ahead, for all of the strides that have been made in recent years, continues to be challenging and filled with unexpected obstacles.  May we persevere in prayer and through the support of one another.

May we be encouraged by the words of the great Saint John Paul II:

Love and honor the life of every man and woman.  Work with perseverance and courage, so that our time, marked by too many signs of death, may at last witness the establishment of a culture of life, the fruit of the culture of truth and love.


SCRANTON (Nov. 3, 2022) – The Diocese of Scranton has learned in recent days that numerous parishioners have received a publication in their mailbox called the “Pennsylvania Catholic Tribune.”

Purporting itself to be Catholic, the newspaper features politically related content among its many articles. The publication also has accompanying websites, pacatholictribune and/or americancatholictribune, which appear to mention several dioceses in Pennsylvania, including the Diocese of Scranton.

It is important for all people to know that this publication and its accompanying website are neither endorsed by, nor are they affiliated with, the Diocese of Scranton or the Catholic Church.

It should be noted that Canon 216 of the Roman Catholic Code of Canon Law states that no initiative can lay
claim to the title “Catholic” without the consent of the competent ecclesiastical authority – in most cases the
local bishop.

Can. 216 Since they participate in the mission of the Church, all the Christian faithful have
the right to promote or sustain apostolic action even by their own undertakings, according to
their own state and condition. Nevertheless, no undertaking is to claim the name
Catholic without the consent of competent ecclesiastical authority.

The Diocese of Scranton also wants to assure its parishioners that the publisher did not receive mailing
information from the diocese or any of its parishes. The diocese does not sell or provide its contact
information for parishioners to any third party.

Anyone with questions about the legitimacy of a publication they receive in connection with the Diocese of
Scranton can contact Eric Deabill, Diocesan Secretary for Communications, at (570) 591-5001.


SCRANTON – Using a rosary that Father Patrick Peyton once used decades ago, Father Fred Jenga, C.S.C., President, Holy Cross Family Ministries, led the faithful of Scranton in a special recitation of the rosary on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022 at the Cathedral of Saint Peter.

Father Peyton, a candidate for Sainthood, is most known for his famous message, “The family that prays together stays together.” He traveled the world conducting hundreds of rosary rallies with more than 28 million people in attendance.

Pope Francis has declared him Venerable and a possible medical miracle is under review by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome.

Reciting the rosary in Scranton is significant because Father Peyton has a special connection to the Electric City and the very Cathedral where Thursday’s rosary took place. Before being ordained to the priesthood, Father Peyton served as a sacristan at the Cathedral of Saint Peter.

“Today is a powerful, emotional day in my life,” Father Jenga said before leading the rosary. “It was in this very cathedral that an Irishman served as a janitor or a custodian and was able to rediscover his vocation to the priesthood.”

Father Jenga said after becoming a priest, Father Peyton committed years of his life going around the world encouraging people to pray in their homes.

“This is the place where it all started from,” Father Jenga said. “This very space, this man, who used to open the doors of this Cathedral … this man is on the road to sainthood now.”

Holy Cross Family Ministries continues Father Peyton’s ministry to this day, encouraging family prayer and the power of prayer in homes. The organization serves 18 counties and has 27 ministry offices around the world, including in Latin America, Africa, Europe and Canada.

“It’s the gift that this cathedral is giving to the rest of the world because we need a saint for the families and we’ve never needed a saint for the families more than how it is right now,” Father Jenga stated.

WASHINGTON – The Catholic Church in the United States will celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week, November 6-12, 2022.

Across the United States, dioceses, parishes, and Catholic organizations will host events to promote vocations to the ordained ministry and consecrated life. The faithful are encouraged during this week to renew their prayerful support for those currently discerning a vocation to the priesthood, diaconate, or consecrated life.

In his Message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, Pope Francis, reiterating his call for the Church to become increasingly synodal, compared the diversity of vocations in the Church to that of a beautiful mosaic. “As Christians, we do not only receive a vocation individually; we are also called together. We are like the tiles of a mosaic. Each is lovely by itself, but only when they are put together do they form a picture. Each of us shines like a star in the heart of God and in the firmament of the universe. At the same time, though, we are called to form constellations that can guide and light up the path of humanity, beginning with the places in which we live. This is the mystery of the Church: a celebration of differences, a sign, and instrument of all that humanity is called to be.”

Bishop James F. Checchio of Metuchen, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations emphasized that vocational discernment always takes place within a community. “Each year, the CCLV Committee commissions the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate to conduct surveys of those recently ordained and religiously professed in the past year. These studies consistently show that vocations are the fruit of communal accompaniment. The family, healthy and holy friendships, youth group, campus ministry, and the broader parish and diocesan community form supportive environments in which vocations are first nurtured and grown.”

Observance of Vocation Awareness Week began in 1976 when the U.S. bishops designated the 28th Sunday of the year to call attention to the importance of upholding vocations and praying for those discerning a religious vocation and celebrating those who were in ordained ministry and consecrated life. In 1997, the celebration was moved to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord and in 2014, the USCCB’s Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations moved the observance of National Vocation Awareness Week to November to influence youth and young adults by engaging Catholic schools and colleges.


The National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) announces that on Dec. 10-11, the Diocese of Scranton will hold the annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection in parishes throughout the diocese.

Last year, the parishioners in the diocese donated $68,433.29 to the collection. About the upcoming collection, NRRO Executive Director Sister Stephanie Still, a member of the Sisters of the Presentation of San Francisco, said, “The care of our aging religious presents an enormous financial responsibility. It is our privilege to care for those who gave a lifetime of tireless service, and I feel we are deeply blessed by all the U.S. Catholic donors who have steadfastly contributed to this fund.”

Historically, Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests—known collectively as women and men religious—served for little to no pay. With rising health-care expenses, hundreds of U.S. religious communities face a large gap between the needs of their older members and the funds available to support their care. As a result, many now lack adequate retirement savings.

The 2021 appeal raised nearly $28.5 million, and the NRRO distributed funding to 271 U.S. religious communities. Donations also underwrite resources that help religious communities improve elder care and plan for long-term retirement needs.

About the National Religious Retirement Office:

The National Religious Retirement Office coordinates the annual national appeal for the Retirement Fund for Religious and distributes financial assistance for retirement needs to eligible religious institutes. To help address the deficit in retirement funding among U.S. religious orders, Catholic bishops of the United States initiated the Retirement Fund for Religious Collection in 1988.

For more information, visit, or contact Robin Cabral, Campaign Director, by phone at (508) 685-8899 or email at

Retirement Fund for Religious

SCRANTON – Everyone is invited to attend a Jubilee Mass for Women and Men Religious who are celebrating milestone ordination anniversaries in 2022 on Sunday, Nov. 6, 2022, at the Cathedral of Saint Peter in Scranton.

The Mass will be celebrated at 12:15 p.m.

The Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, will serve as principal celebrant and homilist for the Jubilee Mass.

For those unable to attend in person, CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton will provide a live broadcast of the Jubilee Mass.

2 0 2 2 J U B I L A R I A N S


80 Years
Sister Marionette Coll, I.H.M.

75 Years
Sister M. Celesta Sinisi, I.H.M.

70 Years
Sister M. Francis Xavier Grieb, I.H.M.
Sister Maria Goretti Timperio, I.H.M.
Sister Geraldine Marie Dranginis, I.H.M.

60 Years
Sister Mary Pio Ferrario, I.H.M.
Sister Marie C. Moore, I.H.M.
Sister Katherine O’Neil, I.H.M.
Sister Elizabeth M. Pearson, I.H.M.
Sister Janet Rossiter, I.H.M.
Sister Frances E. Russell, I.H.M.
Sister M. Angelique Vannicola, I.H.M.
Sister Marie Estelle Gavel, I.H.M.
Sister Rose Marie Mozzachio, I.H.M.

50 Years
Sister Mary Ellen Coyne, I.H.M.
Sister Anne McDonald, I.H.M.
Sister Patricia Walsh, I.H.M.

25 Years
Sister Maryalice Jacquinot, I.H.M.



80 Years
Sister Miriam Rita Biter, R.S.M.

75 Years
Sister Aileen Mary Flynn, R.S.M.
Sister Maureen Harrison, R.S.M.
Sister Margaretta Phillips, R.S.M.

70 Years
Sister Maureen McCann, R.S. M.

60 Years
Sister Patricia Marie McCann, R.S.M.
Sister Ruth Neely, R.S.M.
Sister Carol Rittner, R.S.M.



50 Years
Sister Teresa Ann Jacobs, S.C.C.



60 Years
Brother Andre Mathieu, C.P.
Father Michael Salvagna, C.P.

50 Years
Father Francis Landry, C.P.
Father Richard Burke, C.P.
Father John Michael Lee, C.P.



60 Years
Reverend John J. Begley, S.J. in Priesthood
Reverend James D. Redington, S.J. in the Society

50 Years
Reverend Ronald H. McKinney, S.J. in the Society

Pope Francis uses holy water to bless the tombs of those buried in the Vatican’s Teutonic Cemetery, a medieval cemetery now reserved mainly for German-speaking priests and members of religious orders, during a visit Nov. 2, 2022, the feast of All Souls. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – As Christians await their death and the final judgment of God, the Gospel tells them what they must do to be welcomed into heaven: love others because God is love, Pope Francis said.

In life “we are in the waiting room of the world,” hoping to hear Jesus say, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father,” the pope said during a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica Nov. 2, the feast of All Souls.

Pope Francis celebrated the Mass with special prayers for the nine cardinals and 148 archbishops and bishops from around the world who died between Oct. 30, 2021, and Oct. 17 this year, including 14 bishops from the United States and four from Canada.

After the Mass, the pope visited the Vatican’s Teutonic Cemetery, a medieval cemetery now reserved mainly for German-speaking priests and members of religious orders.

The Gospel reading at the Mass was St. Matthew’s description of the last judgment when those who fed the hungry, welcomed the stranger and visited the prisoner are welcomed into God’s kingdom, and those who neglected to care for others are sent into “the eternal fire.”

While praying for those who have died, he said, the feast day also is a call to “nurture our expectation of heaven” and question whether one’s strongest desires are for union with God or for earthly status and pleasures that will pass away.

“The best careers, the greatest achievements, the most prestigious titles and accolades, the accumulated riches and earthly gains — all will vanish in a moment,” the pope said.

But the Gospel of Matthew makes clear what will last, he said: love and care for others, especially the poor and those usually discarded by society.

And, he said, the Gospel also explains that God’s final judgment is not like a civil court where the judge or jury sifts through every piece of evidence and weighs them all carefully.

In the divine tribunal, the only thing that counts “is mercy toward the poor and discarded: ‘Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me,'” the pope said. “The Most High is in the least, he who inhabits the heavens dwells among the most insignificant to the world.”

Jesus’ measure is “a love beyond our measures, and his standard of judgment is gratuitousness,” he said. “So, to prepare ourselves, we know what to do: love those who are on his priority list, those who can give us nothing back, those who do not attract us” and do so without expecting repayment.

Too often, Pope Francis said, instead of living the Gospel, people try to water down the words of Jesus.

“Let’s face it, we have gotten pretty good at compromising with the Gospel,” saying, “‘Feeding the hungry yes, but the issue of hunger is complex, and I certainly can’t solve it!'” or “‘Welcoming migrants yes, but it is a complicated issue, it concerns politics,'” the pope said. With little objections “we make life a compromise with the Gospel.”

“From simple disciples of the Master, we become teachers of complexity, who argue a lot and do little, who seek answers more in front of the computer than in front of the crucifix, on the internet rather than in the eyes of our brothers and sisters,” he said. Believers become experts “who comment, debate and expound theories, but do not know even one poor person by name, have not visited a sick person for months, have never fed or clothed someone (and) have never befriended someone in need.”

The Gospel teaches people how to live while awaiting death and God’s judgment — “loving because he is love,” Pope Francis said. God “waits for us among the poor and wounded of the world. And he is waiting to be caressed not with words but with deeds.”

Pope Francis leads the recitation of the Angelus from a window of the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican Nov. 1, 2022, the feast of All Saints. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The saints were not “starched,” picture-perfect conformists, Pope Francis said; they were “countercultural and revolutionary.”

The multitude of men and women honored on the feast of All Saints lived according to the Eight Beatitudes, which made them decidedly out of place in the world, Pope Francis said Nov. 1 before reciting the Angelus prayer.

With thousands of people gathered in St. Peter’s Square, including runners who had participated in the 10k All Saints’ Day race, Pope Francis also encouraged people not only to visit the burial sites of their loved ones the following day, the feast of All Souls, but to go to Mass and pray for them as well.

Talking about saints and the day’s Gospel reading of the beatitudes, Pope Francis focused particularly on “Blessed are the peacemakers.”

Everyone says they want peace, he said, but often what they mean is they want “to be left in peace, to have no problems, just tranquility.”

But, if one reads the beatitudes in the Gospel, he said, they will see that Jesus does not say, “Blessed are those who are at peace,” but blessed are “those who make peace, the constructors, the peacemakers.”

“Indeed, peace must be built, and like any construction it requires effort, collaboration, patience,” he said. And it requires acts of justice and mercy.

While many people today try to convince everyone that only power and force can guarantee peace, the teaching of Jesus and the example of the saints show “peace is not achieved by conquering or defeating someone, it is never violent, it is never armed.”

To begin to sow peace, Pope Francis asked people to look at themselves and ask, “In the places where we live, study and work, do we bring tension, words that hurt, gossip that poisons, controversy that divides? Or do we open the path to peace: Do we forgive those who have offended us, care for those who are at the margins, redress some injustice by helping those who have less? This is building peace.”

At the end of his midday talk, the pope asked for prayers for his trip Nov. 3-6 to Bahrain so that his meetings with local Christians and with Muslim leaders would promote, “in the name of God, the cause of fraternity and peace, which our times so desperately and urgently need.”

And “please,” he said, “don’t forget martyred Ukraine; let us pray for peace, we pray that in Ukraine there would be peace.”

Children sit in a bomb shelter in Rubizhne, Ukraine, June 1, 2022, as the Ukraine-Russia war continues. During the month of November, Pope Francis is asking people to pray for children who are suffering because of poverty, war and exploitation. (CNS photo/Alexander Ermochenko, Reuters)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – During the month of November, Pope Francis is asking people to pray for children who are suffering because of poverty, war and exploitation.

“Let us pray for children who are suffering, especially for those who are homeless, orphans and victims of war. May they be guaranteed access to education, and may they have the opportunity to experience family affection,” the pope said in a video released Oct. 31.

In the video message released by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, the pope explained his November prayer intention: “For children who suffer.”

“An abandoned child is our fault,” the pope said in the message.

“Each marginalized child, abandoned by his or her family, without schooling, without health care, is a cry! A cry that rises up to God and shames the system that we adults have built,” he insisted.

Pope Francis noted that there are millions of boys and girls around the world living “in conditions very similar to slavery.”

Yet, they are human beings with names and faces and an identity that God gave them, he said. And they have a right to an education and “to feel the love of a family so they know that God does not forget them.”

Pope Francis shakes hands with a child during an audience at the Vatican with members of the young adult section of Italy’s Catholic Action, Oct. 29, 2022. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – The COVID-19 pandemic has weakened many parishes, but that community “in the midst of homes, in the midst of people,” is still an essential place for nourishing and sharing faith, Pope Francis told Italian young adults.

The parish is “the normal environment where we learned to hear the Gospel, to know the Lord Jesus, to serve with gratuitousness, to pray in community, to share projects and initiatives, to feel part of God’s holy people,” the pope told leaders of the young adult section of Italian Catholic Action, a parish-based program of faith building and social outreach.

Meeting thousands of young adults Oct. 29, Pope Francis said he knows that in most cities and towns the parish church is not the center of religious and social life like it was when he was growing up, but “for our journey of faith and growth, the parish experience was and is important, irreplaceable.”

With its mix of members, the pope said, the parish is the place to experience how “in the church we are all brothers and sisters through baptism; that we are all protagonists and responsible; that we have different gifts that are all for the good of the community; that life is vocation, following Jesus; and that faith is a gift to be given, a gift to witness.”

Part of that witness, he said, is to show concretely how faith leads to charity and a desire for justice.

In the neighborhood, town and region, “our motto is not ‘I don’t care,’ but ‘I care!'” the pope said.

The “disease of not caring” can be “more dangerous than a cancer,” he told the young people. “Human misery is not a fate that befalls some unfortunate people, but almost always the result of injustices that must be eradicated.”

Pope Francis urged the young people not to be frustrated or put off by the fact that in their parishes “the community dimension is a bit weak,” something “which has been aggravated by the pandemic.”

Learning to see each other as brothers and sisters, he said, does not begin with some parish meeting or activity, but with each person through prayer and, especially, through the Eucharist celebrated and shared in the parish.

“Fraternity in the church is founded on Christ, on his presence in us and among us,” the pope said. “Thanks to him we welcome each other, bear with each other — Christian love is built on bearing with each other — and forgive each other.”