A figurine of the baby Jesus is seen as people gather in St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus led by Pope Francis at the Vatican Dec. 12, 2021. Children brought their Nativity figurines of baby Jesus to be blessed by the pope. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – With Christmas just over a week away, Christians should prepare for Jesus’ birth by serving those in need rather than focusing on what awaits them under the Christmas tree, Pope Francis said.

“We are so busy with all the preparations, with gifts and things that pass,” the pope said Dec. 12 during his Sunday Angelus address. “But let’s ask ourselves what we should do for Jesus and for others! What should we do?”

Many children along with their families came to St. Peter’s Square with their baby Jesus figurines for a traditional blessing by the pope.

Assuring them that he would bless their statues after praying the Angelus, Pope Francis greeted the little ones and asked them to take “my Christmas greetings to your grandparents and all your dear ones.”

In his main address, the pope reflected on the Sunday Gospel reading from St. Luke which recalled the crowds of people who, after being moved by St. John the Baptist’s preaching, asked him, “What should we do?”

Their question “does not stem from a sense of duty” but from their hearts being “touched by the Lord,” and their being enthusiastic for his coming.

Just like the preparations people make to welcome a guest to their home by cleaning and preparing “the best dinner possible,” Christians must do “the same with the Lord,” he said.

St. Luke’s Gospel, the pope added, also encourages one to ask, “What should I do with my life? What am I called to? What will I become?”

“By suggesting this question, the Gospel reminds us of something important: Life has a task for us. Life is not meaningless; it is not left up to chance. No! It is a gift the Lord grants us, saying to us: Discover who you are, and work hard to make the dream that is your life come true!”

The pope encouraged Christians to prepare for Christmas by continuously asking God what should they do for themselves and others in order to contribute to the good of the church and society.

St. John the Baptist’s answers, he said, responded to each individual in a way that fit his or her situation in life, a reminder from the Gospel that “life is incarnated” in concrete situations.

“Faith is not an abstract theory, a generalized theory; no!” he said. “Faith touches us personally and transforms each of our lives. Let us think about the concreteness of our faith. Is my faith abstract, something abstract or concrete? Does it lead me to serve others, to help out?”

Pope Francis said there are several ways people can serve others during Advent, including by doing “something concrete, even if it is small” to help others,” especially by visiting the lonely, the elderly, the sick or someone in need.

Then the pope added to the list: “Maybe I need to ask forgiveness, grant forgiveness, clarify a situation, pay a debt. Perhaps I have neglected prayer and after so much time has elapsed, it’s time to ask the Lord for forgiveness.”

“Brothers and sisters,” he said, “let’s find something concrete and do it!”


Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton and Friends of the Poor collaborated for the annual “Christmas Gifts for Kids” toy distribution on Dec. 14 and 15, 2021. (Photos/Eric Deabill)

DICKSON CITY – Nearly 1,200 children in the greater Scranton area will have presents under the tree Christmas morning thanks to the generosity of the community and an ongoing partnership between Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton, Friends of the Poor and the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots Program.

“It is truly an honor to be able to serve families and their children,” Mary Theresa Malandro, Diocesan Secretary for Catholic Human Services & Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Social Services, said. “We do not want to see any child go without a gift on Christmas.”

On Dec. 14 and 15, more than 500 families who pre-registered were able to visit LCBC Church on the Scranton Carbondale Highway to select toys for their children as part of the “Christmas Gifts for Kids” program.

Parents were able to shop for their own toys inside LCBC Church during the toy distribution. The toys were all separated by age range to help parents find the perfect present.

Last year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, gifts were pre-bagged for families and given out via a drive-thru system. This year, Catholic Social Services and Friends of the Poor were thrilled to announce that parents would once again be allowed to select their own gifts.

“Parents know their children better than anyone and for them to be able to come into this environment and feel like they’re shopping and selecting the gifts they know will put a smile on the face of their children is very fulfilling,” Malandro added.

One of the core values for both organizations is dignity. Both agencies feel that allowing families to make their own choices is more empowering and personal.

“Coming in and choosing the toys that they’re going to give their children is a big part of that. No parent wants to be just as surprised as the kids when they open up a gift on Christmas morning,” Meghan Loftus, President and CEO of Friends of the Poor, explained.

When the doors opened to the first families at 9 a.m. on Dec. 14, a large room was filled with presents separated by age groups. From dolls and trucks for younger children – to scooters and sports equipment for older kids – there was plenty for families to choose.

“It is truly an honor and a joy,” Brady Funkhouser, Operations Manager with Friends of the Poor, said about assisting all of the families. “This is what Christmas is all about. Everyone I speak to is just so grateful for the opportunity that they have to have something for their kids at Christmas. It is an awesome feeling.”

In an effort to promote social distancing and allow for a smooth and timely selection of gifts, parents signed-up for a 15-minute time slot in which to select their gifts when they registered for the “Christmas Gifts for Kids” program.

Organizers say every child is expected to get at least two or three gifts.

“We were able to collaborate with other agencies in the community and make sure that we weren’t duplicating who they had already registered so we could reach more people and make sure there is no child in Scranton without a gift underneath their tree,” Loftus said.

All of the agencies involved in the toy distribution explained how this project is a collaborative effort.

“We couldn’t do it without the support of the community and the volunteers who take time off from work to help the families shop and help people pick out toys. We’re both small teams but we’re making a really big impact and that’s because of the volunteers that we have,” Loftus added.

Malandro added that since the Diocesan Annual Appeal supports the work of Catholic Social Services, this project is just another example of how donations help their agency serve the community.

“This is serving those in need. I’m passionate about that,” she explained.

In addition to the toy giveaway in Scranton, Catholic Social Services also sponsored several other toy distributions this year. Hundreds of other families in the Carbondale and Hazleton areas also received toys as well in separate distributions.

The Blessed Virgin Mary, portrayed by Serafina Higdon of Saint Faustina Parish, presents the baby Jesus to the people of Bethlehem.

NANTICOKE – A beloved holiday tradition at Saint Faustina Kowalska Parish returned this year with an in-person audience – much to the delight of a thankful community.

On Dec. 3 and 4, the parish presented the play “Miracle of Bethlehem,” depicting the birth, life and death of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at the Saint Faustina Cultural Center. In 2020, the production took place virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The reviews of this year’s performance were quick and immediate.

“I think it was wonderful. I had a great time. I have a great time every year,” Christie Davison said.

Jesus, portrayed by Ted Mike of Saint Therese Parish in Shavertown, carries the Cross during the play’s depiction of the Passion of Christ.

“I had the goosebumps and the tears,” Dorothy Hudak added. “It was extraordinary. It just brings Christmas into your lives. The ending is breathtaking.”

The play features dozens of actors. Many belong to the parish and its youth ministry program. The play also uses live animals from Endless Dreams Animals in Benton.

Ted Mike portrayed Jesus in this year’s production for another year.

“It’s one thing to talk about the Christmas story. It’s one thing to see it on TV but to sit here in person and see the actors and see all that is going around, see the animals … it registers and it touches your heart,” he explained.

Judy Minsavage directed this year’s production once again. Throughout the past year, she has fielded many questions from people curious to know if the play was going to return to a live performance. She believes the play helps many rediscover the joy of Christmas.

Ted Mike portrays Jesus Christ at the Resurrection during the play ‘Miracle of Bethlehem’ on Dec. 4, 2021. (Photos/Dan Gallagher)

“I really do feel that is what the Miracle of Bethlehem is really all about. It’s getting the people back into going to church, celebrating the Christmas holiday as well as telling the story and the true meaning of Christmas,” she said.

That message resonated with many of the people who turned out for the performance.

“There’s been so much commercialism in the holiday that we forget the true meaning (of Christmas), and the true meaning of it is we’re celebrating a birthday. It’s one of the most miraculous birthdays that ever occurred,” Jerry Hudak explained.

“It’s like we’re right there with them,” Shelly Marcella added. “This is the true meaning of Christmas. This play brings out the joy in me. I just love this play.”

When the first production of “Miracle of Bethlehem” took place more than ten years ago, it was held outdoors. The weather didn’t always cooperate.

“When we first saw ‘Miracle of Bethlehem’ it was held in a field. I recall being all wrapped up in my parka and hat,” Chester Zaremba said. “When we saw it the first time, the conclusion was so dramatic that it burned a hole into you.”

For those who helped pull off the production, they are happy to know that it helps to bring their parish – and entire community – together.

“I feel sorry for the people who didn’t attend because they don’t know the treasure that they’re missing,” Jerry Hudak said.

CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton filmed this year’s performance of “Miracle of Bethlehem” and is making the performance available to everyone in the Diocese of Scranton. The showing premiered on Dec. 15. The following are the dates for the rebroadcast: Dec. 16 at 10:30 a.m.; Dec. 21 at 8 p.m.; Dec 22 at 10:30 a.m.; and Dec. 27 at 10:30 a.m.


The first Advent Service of Word and Song service was held at Holy Family Parish in Luzerne on Dec. 9, 2021. (Photo/Catholic Television)

LUZERNE – Musicians from three local parishes came together once again this year to the delight of crowds in two counties.

This year marks the twelfth year that Holy Family Parish in Luzerne, Saints Anthony and Rocco Parish in Dunmore and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish in Dunmore have collaborated for an Advent Service of Word and Song.

This year’s theme was “Light and Life to all He brings.”

The first service was held Dec. 9 at Holy Family Parish in Luzerne while the second service was held Dec. 12 at Saint Anthony of Padua Church in Dunmore.

“Separately, we’re all pretty good but together we’re really great,” Linda Houck, music director, Holy Family Parish, said. “It brings the Gospel message and the Advent message of hope to so many more people than we could reach independently.”

Father David Cappelloni helped to develop the partnership more than a decade ago. He was first pastor at Holy Family until 2007 before moving to Saints Anthony and Rocco Parish. He  suggested bringing the music ministries together.

“It is really a great sound and there’s not many places that can produce that kind of sound with that number of people. People are excited to be a part of it,” Father Cappelloni said. “It does remind us of what we can do when we come together to make a joyful noise for God.”

Each year, scripture readings and songs are chosen around the theme of the Advent service.

“The music tries to uplift us and to remind us what the purpose of the scripture is,” Father added.

Donna Piekanski, a musician from Holy Family Parish, enjoys being a part of the joint choir.

“It’s hard not to cry because it brings joy. You want to give that joy to everybody,” she said.

If you missed the recent performances, the collaboration is being featured on this month’s “Our Faith Our Diocese” program on CTV: Catholic Television. The next airing of the program will be Monday, Dec. 20, at 11:00 a.m.

Jordyn Glover, a senior at Holy Cross High School, helped Mary, Mother of God Parish design this billboard which has been put up at the intersection of North Main Avenue and Providence Road in Scranton. The billboard, which reads, “Families Need a Stable Background,” is an invitation to the community to return to church this Christmas. (Photo/Eric Deabill)





SCRANTON – With thousands of drivers passing by it each day, a Scranton parish hopes a new billboard will remind them of the importance of Christmas.

Mary, Mother of God Parish has put up the billboard at the intersection of North Main Avenue and Providence Road in North Scranton, aiming to catch their eye and  invite them to church.

“We have to work very hard to come up with new and creative ways to get the message out, to get the invitation public. We put campaign-style signs all over North Scranton in visible places which said, ‘Shopping for a church this Christmas’ with our very visible, massive church that most people recognize if they live in the city of Scranton. The billboard was the next step up,” Father Cyril Edwards, pastor, said.

The billboard features the words “Families Need a Stable Background.”

It features a drawing of the parish along with the manger scene in front.

Father Edwards asked Advanced Placement Art students at Holy Cross High School in Dunmore for help in designing the billboard.

Senior Jordyn Glover responded.

“I just always loved to draw, even with chalk, simply on a sidewalk, even with a rock,” Glover explained. “I just wanted to showcase Jesus and Mary.”

With the billboard in place, Father Edwards is hoping it has an impact.

“In a day where the Advent season is lost to secular shopping, if we’re not reaching the family, we’re wasting our time. If it’s not about the stable, then we’re just shopping for presents. It has to be about celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ,” Father Edwards explained.

Glover was excited the first time she saw her billboard on full display.

“It was really amazing,” she said. “I just like driving by it now. It’s really amazing that something I did is out there.”

Father Edwards says if the billboard helps to bring one person back to church – or even make Jesus present in the minds of people – the effort will have all been worth it.

“The church exists to evangelize,” he noted. “If it just catches a few eyes, oh yeah, I need to get going back to church … it is worth it.”


Parishioners of Saint John the Baptist Church in Larksville take pride in the dough they use to make their popular pierogies. (Photos/Dan Gallagher)

LARKSVILLE – For parishioners at Saint John the Baptist Parish, it is all about the “pinch.” The perfect “pierogi pinch” that is.

Beginning on Oct. 25 – and continuing every Monday morning through Dec. 6 – dozens of parishioners gathered in the basement of their church to prepare all of the delicious dumplings that were to be sold for the parish’s annual Advent Pierogi Sale.

“Pierogi are kind of synonymous with Christmas, just like the Christmas tree and the manger,” Rev. Gerald J. Gurka, pastor, Saint John the Baptist Parish, said.

With their fingers deep in dough, each volunteer explained why they loved coming together to make the thousands of pierogies necessary.

Volunteers work hard to pinch each pierogi to make sure it doesn’t  leak when it is cooked.

“Everybody loves to be together. It really is a mission of love. We get to share our good pierogies with people all around the valley,” parishioner Rose Feddock said.

For many in the room, making pierogies is also a beloved family tradition.

“I think it’s passed on from generations. Their parents or great-grandparents, they all made the pierogies,” she added.

The pierogi pinching party always brings back personal memories for Father Gurka. He believes the beloved tradition helps to unite the past and present.

“My mother would always make pierogies on the Sunday before Christmas so you have those wonderful memories and I think pierogies bring back those wonderful memories to people with their loved ones that are no longer here,” he said.

The basement of Saint John the Baptist Church in Larksville was busy recently on Monday mornings as volunteers came together to make pierogies for the parish’s annual Advent pierogi sale.

Bob Lewis, longtime volunteer, said the pierogi pinching parties have become a well-oiled operation.

“We all have a specialty here. Everyone knows their job and it just goes really smooth,” Lewis explained.

But – what is the secret to the perfect pierogi? What makes people come back year after year to Saint John the Baptist Church? Is it the dough, the filling, or the perfect pinch?

Unfortunately, the volunteers won’t tell.

“That’s a secret. The ingredients are a secret and only Father Jerry knows!” Lewis joked.

What is known is one of the benefits of the pierogi pinching parties. All ages are involved, including many young people.

Josephine Krzak and her sister, Virginia, were eager to help this year.

“My grandparents are here and it’s fun,” Josephine explained. “It’s not work, like chores or anything, it’s being with friends.”

The young women helped wherever they were needed, from passing out supplies to bringing the pinched pierogies over to be cooked.

Father Gurka is thankful to all of the parishioners who volunteer their time to help the parish. Each Monday, some arrive as early as 3:30 a.m. to get the stoves and supplies ready.

“That’s a lot of sacrifice and a lot of love for parish and I think they extend that love to the tables of the people when they take the pierogis home with them,” Father Gurka ended by saying.


Following the release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report in August 2018, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera made a promise that he would be open and transparent in the way that the Diocese of Scranton handles occurrences of child sexual abuse. That commitment remains true.

In August 2018, the Diocese published on its website a list of all clergy, staff and volunteers who had been credibly accused of child sexual abuse. Since that time, additional names have been added to the online list as necessary, with public notification.

The Diocese was recently notified by the Franciscan Friars, Holy Name Province, that the name of a friar who had previously been stationed in ministry within the Diocese was being included on its listing against whom credible sexual abuse/misconduct claims have been made. As a result of this information, the

Diocese of Scranton has also decided to add the following name to its original list of credibly accused individuals:


Hennessy, Placid (OFM)

If you are aware of additional allegations of wrongdoing or any information that should be included on this list, please contact our Victim Assistance Coordinator, Mary Beth Pacuska at (570) 862-7551 or Father Gerald W. Shantillo, V.G., S.T.L., Vicar General, at (570) 207-2269. If you have suffered abuse by clergy or anyone working on behalf of the Diocese, you are encouraged to immediately contact law enforcement and/or Mary Beth Pacuska.



A group of dancers in the procession to Saint Nicholas Church make their way through the streets of Wilkes-Barre. (Photos/Mike Melisky)

WILKES-BARRE – Masses and special processions were held throughout the Diocese of Scranton on Dec. 12 to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

More than 300 people took to the streets of Wilkes-Barre for a procession that started on Old River Road and ended up at Saint Nicholas Parish on South Washington Street. Throughout the entire procession, a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe was hoisted high on a rose-covered platform as the faithful danced, sang and threw rose petals in her honor.

Andrea Perez, who is originally from Mexico, calls the procession a beloved tradition.

“The Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus and that is why we love her,” she explained. “We are from Mexico and she appeared in Mexico.”

Hundreds of people celebrate the 1 p.m. Mass at Saint John Neumann Parish in South Scranton for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The annual Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe commemorates the appearance of the Virgin Mary to a Mexican Indian peasant – now venerated as Saint Juan Diego – in December 1531 in Tepeyac, near present-day Mexico City. The Blessed Mother’s appearance is believed to have resulted in millions of conversions to Catholicism, and her message of hope continues to inspire those of Hispanic descent.

“For us, this is one of the biggest events,” Gilberto Vasquez, parishioner of Saint Nicholas Church, said. “She is the mother of Jesus and our mother too!”

The procession featured every age group. Yasmin Guzman, a young adult herself, says she has been participating since she was little.

“We do this all together as a family tradition and it’s been going on from generation to generation,” Guzman said.

Bishop Joseph C. Bambera blesses the statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe at Saint Nicholas Church.

Father Fidel Ticona of Saint Nicholas Parish was not surprised by the large crowd that turned out for the procession or the 5 p.m. Mass that followed with the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton.

“Our Blessed Mother holds a special place in our hearts, especially among the Hispanic community. She is our intercessor. She is our friend. She is our mother who walks with us, who understands our joys and also our needs and sufferings,” he said.

In addition to the Mass at Saint Nicholas Parish, Bishop Bambera also celebrated Mass for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – which took place on the Third Sunday in Advent – at Saint John Neumann Parish in Scranton.

Long before sunrise, beginning at 3 a.m., parishioners of Saint John Neumann Parish also held a procession from the Cathedral of Saint Peter to Saint John Neumann Parish. The bishop joined the faithful for a Mass at 1 p.m.

“We gather today in joy and gratitude to celebrate many things: our cultural roots, our traditions, but most especially our faith – a faith that reminds us all that with faith in God, all things are possible,” Bishop Bambera noted in his homily.

Bishop Bambera also shared words from Pope Francis, in which he said, “because she is the handmaid of the Lord, she became a servant of her brothers.”

“It would be well for us to learn from her example and to reflect upon our relationship with Jesus and the simple gifts that he comes to bring: the gift of life, the gift of each new day, the gift of faith and peace at our center and the gift of joy, born from our service of our brothers and sisters,” the bishop said.

Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrations also took place at Saint Matthew Parish in East Stroudsburg, Annunciation Parish in Hazleton, Holy Name of Jesus Parish in West Hazleton, Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary Parish in Jermyn, Saint Joachim Parish in Meshoppen and Saint Boniface Parish in Williamsport.



HANOVER TOWNSHIP —The new year will bring with it a new addition to the landscape of Catholic cemeteries covered by the umbrella of care offered by the Diocese of Scranton.

As of New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, 2022, the historic Saint Mary’s Cemetery in Hanover Township will be among those under the direction and management of the central office of Scranton Diocesan Cemeteries, which is supervised by Dominic Rinaldi.

Diocesan cemeteries are classified as such due to the number of their annual interments — and the full-time staff required to manage them — being deemed too great for a single parish to maintain.

According to Rinaldi, the transition of Saint Mary’s from a parish to Diocesan cemetery was necessitated by last summer’s linkage of the Wilkes-Barre parishes of Our Lady of Fatima and Saint Nicholas.

The city parish communities, which are in close proximity of each other, are now under the pastorship of Father Joseph Verespy, who assumed the pastorate of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, with its worship site of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church, as he continues to serve as pastor of Saint Nicholas Parish.

“Saint Mary’s Cemetery has for decades been a place of prayer, loving remembrance and hope in the promise of resurrection and eternal life,” Father Verespy commented, regarding the cemetery’s new designation. “While the operation of the cemetery will be carried out under the direction of the Diocese of Scranton, faithful can be assured that Saint Mary’s will continue to be tended to with the same care and reverence as always.”

Rinaldi stated that his office was notified of the cemetery’s transition in July, at which time it was determined that Saint Mary’s would join the five other active Diocesan cemeteries of Cathedral in Scranton; Saint Catherine’s in Moscow; Holy Cross in Old Forge; Mount Olivet in Wyoming; and Calvary in Drums.

“Since then, an analysis was conducted with employees regarding policy, procedure, software and capital needs,” Rinaldi said, further commenting that area funeral directors were apprised of the change in the cemetery’s status on Nov. 1.

While there are still some operational and personnel issues that need to be resolved, the Diocese of Scranton is committed to making the transition as smooth as possible for the families, employees, parish communities and all other stakeholders.

The director of Diocesan cemeteries indicated that there are currently seven full-time employees at Saint Mary’s Cemetery, which will increase the total number of full-time Diocesan cemetery staff members to 29.

“With the addition of Saint Mary’s to the Diocesan cemeteries, it will bring the total of interments at these cemeteries to more than 2,000 annually,” Rinaldi explained.

Established in 1881, Saint Mary’s Cemetery is located on Main Street in Hanover Township on 110 acres of land, with its graves and other interment sites currently serving as the final resting place for approximately 90,000 deceased.

Second only to Cathedral Cemetery as the largest in the Scranton Diocese, Saint Mary’s conducts some 500 interments annually.

Also noted is that Resurrection Cemetery in Montoursville, Lycoming County, transitioned from a Diocesan to parish cemetery on Sept. 1 and is currently under the direction of Father Glenn McCreary, V.E., pastor of Resurrection Parish in Muncy.

As Director of Diocesan Catholic Cemeteries, Dominic Rinaldi can be contacted at the Diocese of Scranton Chancery Administration Building, 300 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, PA 18503, or by phone at (570) 558-4310.


MILFORD – Parishioners at Saint Vincent de Paul Parish spent their Thanksgiving giving back to the people in their community.

The parish prepared and served 170 takeout meals on Thanksgiving Day to members of their Pike County community.

Using the manta, “many hands make light work,” the parish had a number of volunteers who helped to prepare and package the meals for distribution.

The following pictures capture some of the generous spirit of parishioners who volunteered to help their community through the assembly line that was established to package the meals and the other shows the volunteers who put the finishing touches on the meals.