NANTICOKE – For more than a decade, performing the ‘Living Way of the Cross’ to a room filled with family, friends and parishioners has been a Lenten tradition for young adults at Saint Faustina Kowalska Parish. After last year’s performance was cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizers were determined to bring it back this year.

The ‘Living Way of the Cross’ is a prayerful journey through the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It features members of the parish youth ministry program and would traditionally take place on Palm Sunday at the Saint Faustina Parish Cultural Center.

Because large crowds are still being discouraged and physical distancing is still a necessity, the parish has spent considerable time over the last few weeks recording scenes with individual students. The program is currently being edited together and will be shown on social media as well as CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton.

“It is a gift, a real gift,” Father James Nash, pastor, Saint Faustina Kowalska Parish, said. “It is very, very meaningful. I know our people are looking forward to it.”

Because this year’s production will not be a live presentation and all of the actors were filmed separately, except in a few places, that meant the entire script had to be entirely re-written.

“We had to change everything that we did so that everyone is safe,” Sandy Repak, Saint Faustina Kowalska Youth Ministry Director, said. “Our kids are amazing. They were very patient because it was one at a time.”

Deyonna Wood will be portraying Mary in this year’s production. While acknowledging that this year’s performance will be much different from past years, she is still excited to see how it all comes together.

“Everyone brings a different aspect of this play together. To see the different age groups come together and put this on as we do, I think they get really excited,” Wood said.

Bill Borysewicz who has been instrumental in coordinating the production and filming all of the scenes for the new version of the ‘Living Way of the Cross’ said he has been “proud beyond belief” at all of the young adults taking part.

“Nobody had scripts. I was feeding them what their lines are right there,” Borysewicz said. “I can’t express how proud I am.”

Father Nash says he always gets energized by the way young adults present the story of Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. He watched as nearly all of the actors filmed their individual roles.

“These young people are putting their heart and soul into it. They want to tell the story. They want the story to be appreciated and understood for what it is,” Father Nash explained. “It reminds us that the Word of God is the Living Word of God and it touches us in different ways.”

‘Living Way of the Cross’ broadcast times on CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton:

Tuesday, March 30 at 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 1 at 10:30 a.m.

Thursday, April 1 at 4:30 p.m.


SCRANTON – Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, along with pastors and parish life coordinators throughout the Diocese are asking parishioners to join together in hope to help reach the 2020 Diocesan Annual Appeal goal.

The Appeal has raised more than $3.8 million in gifts and pledges, bringing the campaign to 84% of the $4.5 million goal. The amount raised is down about $200,000 from last year at this time.

“Thank you to all of our parishioners who have made a gift to the Annual Appeal. I am deeply grateful to you for your willingness to be instruments of God’s presence at a time when many of our parish families have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic,” Bishop Bambera said. “If parishioners are able to help, I ask those who have not yet made an Appeal gift to prayerfully consider making a contribution now so that we can continue to bring hope and comfort to our brothers and sisters in Christ who depend on our Diocesan ministries.”

Annual Appeal efforts are continuing in our parishes during the Lenten Season to invite parishioners to consider support of the Appeal as a way to respond to the call to share God’s gifts with others as part of our Lenten commitment of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Gifts of any amount are welcome and appreciated.

Annual Appeal donations provide much needed support for the following Diocesan and parish ministries:

  • Catholic Social Services programs that serve more than 300,000 people each year
  • Food and clothing pantries and faith formation programs in our parishes that are supported by Diocesan Appeal grants
  • In-person education that is continuing safely in our 19 Catholic schools
  • Seminarian education and care for our retired and ill clergy
  • Parish life and ministry formation programs that now include innovative virtual offerings
  • The broadcast and livestreaming of Mass from the Cathedral of Saint Peter

“Donors to the Appeal may designate their gift to any of these Diocesan ministries,” Jim Bebla, Diocesan Secretary for Development, said. “For example, parishioners may request that their donation be used to support our Catholic Social Services programs that are serving an increasing number of families and individuals in our food pantries and shelters as a result of the pandemic.”

For more information on the Diocesan ministries supported by gifts to the Annual Appeal, to view the Annual Appeal video or to make a donation online, visit Gifts may also be made by calling the Diocesan Development Office at (570) 207-2250 or by sending a donation to: Diocesan Annual Appeal, 300 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, PA, 18503-1279.


Betsy Kondrat, a member of the Sacred Heart of Jesus parish staff, who met the criteria to get a COVID-19 vaccine under Pennsylvania’s Phase 1A regulations, receives her second shot through a Family Pharmacy team member at the parish hall.

PECKVILLE – As part of its outreach to the larger community, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church opened the doors of its parish center recently to the Family Pharmacy in the Mid Valley area. The pharmacy needed space to administer hundreds of COVID-19 vaccinations.

Since the facilities at the pharmacy are limited, the 20-year-old parish center at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, with its large hall and six modern meeting rooms, proved to be a perfect setting for the distribution of first and second-dose shots of the Moderna vaccine.

Father Andrew Kurovsky, pastor, stated, “Our parish motto is ‘The Round Church Where There’s Room for Everyone,’ so it only made sense to open our doors to the larger community and do what we can to reach out during the pandemic to those in need, even beyond our walls. However, while we provide the space, those who qualify and desire vaccines need to contact Family Pharmacy directly.”

A message board at the entrance to Holy Family Hall at Sacred Heart Church in Peckville serves as a “sign of the times” to alert people when their appointments are ready.

This year is special for the growing church community because it is celebrating its 75th anniversary as a parish!


 SCRANTON — What is a parish to do when a global pandemic greatly upsets its long-standing fundraisers, especially those involving food?

Faithful members of parishes throughout the Diocese of Scranton have proven themselves quite innovative and resilient in the face of COVID-19, because after all, the sales must go on.

“When the pandemic hit, everyone’s first reaction was to survive,” Paulette Merchel, co-facilitator of the Women’s Guild at the culturally rich Parish of Saints Peter & Paul nestled in Scranton’s West Side, related. “That meant stocking food, securing masks, washing every vegetable purchased and washing hands incessantly.”

“We found a rhythm to our new lifestyle,” Merchel said of the intimate, close-knit parish rooted in Polish-Catholic traditions and one that, despite its lack of size, continues to be a dynamic beacon of faith and activity for the surrounding community.

Merchel recalled a meeting on July 8 that she and fellow Women’s Guild facilitator Paulette Burton organized to address the situation created by the coronavirus. “With heavy hearts we crossed off all of the events that would not meet safety requirements.”

That meant the suspension of popular pierogi and hoagie sales and a basket raffle, which translated into the curtailment of parish fellowship that was historically enjoyed without much thought.

“After some prayer we had to accept two caveats,” Merchel said. “We’re not going to be able to raise a typical amount of money, but we will do our best and be grateful for the results, and we have to accept change and creatively redesign a calendar without some of the traditions and expectations.”

The determination and generosity of parishioners and friends have resulted in tremendous success for Saints Peter & Paul’s “pandemic activities,” according to Merchel.

Based on the model of minimal gathering, the parish doubled the output for its “Blessing Bag” project, providing sample-size self-care products for the homeless and an increased number of coats collected for those in need.

The Advent sales of pierogi and soup gave way to an authentic Christmas Cookie Sale, featuring homemade baked goods carefully prepared in the personal kitchens of parishioners. A take-out meatless soup sale, offering clam chowder and one specialty soup following the weekend Masses during Lent, is currently replacing the traditional Lenten pierogi sales.

“Brian Rogers, our soup chef, manages it with a handful of helpers in the kitchen,” Merchel remarked.

She continued by referring to the Women’s Guild as the organizational engine that drives the many events indicative of the thriving soul of an aging parish.

“With the help of all parishioners, we handle the administrative facet of the parish’s activities,” emphasizing the ministerial pillars of community and service, she said. “We have a tremendous labor force, both men and women alike. I just serve as one of the organizers.”

At Saint Maria Goretti Parish in Laflin, the time-honored homemade pasta & sausage dinner has been coveted and enjoyed by parishioners and supporters for more than 40 years; however, it never experienced anything like it did in 2020.

Last year at this time, the March version of the popular Italian-style dinner, which the parish serves twice annually in the spring and fall, was all set for dine-in and take-out service. Then the coronavirus outbreak took hold.

Saint Maria Goretti had to adapt rapidly, shifting gears to provide a take-out-only option for a dinner fundraiser that traditionally sells 1,000 tickets.

Mary Ann Schmitt, who has served on the parish staff for the past 15 years recalled, “Our walk-in business was certainly hurt by it, but people were very understanding and the take-out dinner went very well.”

The parish, consequently, was much more prepared for the all-take-out dinner held again in the fall, which still resulted in more than 800 to-go meals being sold.

Schmitt credited a cooperative effort on everyone’s part to create a smooth transition from the well-known dine-in event.

“Our volunteers who have been putting the dinner on for years were wonderful,” she remarked. “They came up with their own system and answered the challenge.”

This year’s pasta/sausage fundraiser on March 21 will also offer the ever-popular basket raffle that is being added to “pick up the slack” since the parish’s annual craft show and purse bingo are currently suspended due to the pandemic.

Parishioners and volunteers at Our Lady of Victory Parish in Tannersville successfully navigated the COVID-19 waters to prepare 3,000 pierogi for a pre-Lenten take-out sale with all the safety guidelines in place.

“It was interesting to see our folks come in with all their coverings to guard against the virus and stay separated as they prepared the food,” Father Rich Czachor, pastor of Our Lady of Victory, remarked.

Shortly thereafter, the Pocono parish staged a successful take-out morning meal sale, featuring a breakfast sandwich and side of home fries to go. Father Czachor estimated about 80 patrons showed up for the drive-thru/pick-up event.

Our Lady of Victory is doing its part in providing meals for senior citizens, as the health crisis has closed many restaurants or has kept older people from dining out as much.

“We put on a weekly luncheon for seniors every Thursday,” the pastor said of the program that features a different menu each week. “Folks pre-order and pick up their lunch. Donations are accepted but not required.”

The parish’s traditional “Italian Dinner” in April is once again being planned, but with this year’s version requiring pre-ordering and take-out only. According to Father Czachor, should the Our Lady of Victory summer bazaar be canceled for the second year in a row due to the pandemic, “the food sales will go on” following all of the proper precautions.

“The process for all of these events has changed,” he said, “but the important thing is that we are still getting people together. Parishioners have also donated greatly for these causes, so I think the pandemic has really brought about goodness, generosity and more of a willingness to help.”


WASHINGTON (CNS) – U.S. life has “dramatically changed” due to the yearlong pandemic, and alongside it, racial injustices and political divisions have shaken the nation, yet there is “comfort in God’s promise,” the U.S. bishops’ Administrative Committee said in a March 9 pastoral message.

There also “is much to learn from this global suffering,” it said, adding that going forward, people must build on the many acts of sacrifice and kindness exhibited amid the scourge of COVID-19.

March 11 marks one year since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, “ushering in immense suffering,” the pastoral message said. This was WHO’s first such designation since declaring H1N1 influenza a pandemic in 2009.

To date, 525,000 lives have been lost to the disease just in the U.S., according to data from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Worldwide, the death toll is 2.6 million.

“Many have endured extraordinary hardships: sickness, death, mourning, a lack of food, unstable housing, loss of work and income, struggles with education, separation, abuse, isolation, depression and anxiety,” said the message, approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Administrative Committee during its virtual meeting.

The committee is led by the USCCB president, who is Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez, and is made up of all chairmen of USCCB’s committees and a representative from each U.S. episcopal region. The committee operates as the board of directors.

“We witnessed racial injustices, the diminishment of the poor and the elderly, and painful divisions in our political life,” the Administrative Committee’s message said. “Yet we know, as the Psalms remind us, that we find comfort in God’s promise that gives us life (Ps 119:50).”

The pastoral message pointed to innumerable “acts of sacrifice” and “acts of kindness” that have helped ameliorate in many ways some of the suffering — physical, emotional and financial — the pandemic has wrought.

“We also saw countless acts of sacrifice by health care workers, first responders, chaplains, those who work in our soup kitchens and homeless shelters, mail carriers, agricultural and grocery store workers, friends and even strangers,” the committee said.

“Countless acts of kindness were offered by so many people, which served to remind us that we are all in this together. For all these acts of sacrifice, we are very grateful,” it continued.

“We are also very grateful to our priests, deacons, religious, teachers, catechists and lay ecclesial ministers who have ministered to the people of God during these difficult times.”

Shortly after WHO declared a pandemic, U.S. archdioceses and dioceses, like their counterparts around the globe, adopted wide-ranging plans to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Among the most common preventative measures were urging reception of holy Communion in the hand, suspension of distribution of the Communion cup and exchanging the sign of peace without physical contact.

Bishops issued a general dispensation from the Sunday Mass obligation. With limits on the size of congregations in churches, dioceses also pivoted to using technology to livestream Mass, parish events and meetings.

“In the pandemic, God has once more revealed us to ourselves,” the committee’s pastoral message said. “As Pope Francis reminded us in St. Peter’s square last year, we are not as powerful or as in control as we thought. Rather than being ashamed of this powerlessness, or crushed by the fear of what we cannot control, our interconnectedness and dependence on God has been revealed.

“As Christians, this is a very familiar lesson: St. Paul reminds us to bear one another’s burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ (Gal 6:2). And that law is the law of love.”

The pandemic also has “revived our sense that we are a global community, and that each of us is indeed each other’s keeper,” it said.

“While the growing availability of vaccines is a clear sign of hope that this pandemic, too, will pass, that hope must be given to every human being on the planet by making the vaccines universally available,” it continued. “Richer nations and pharmaceutical companies must work together to ensure that no nation, no person is left behind.”

In the United States, two COVID-19 vaccines received emergency-use approval by the federal Food and Drug Administration in early December and a third one recently received this approval from the FDA.

ABC News reported that to date, 30 million Americans have received a COVID-19 vaccine and said that March 9, the U.S “hit a new daily record for vaccinations with 2.9 million shots in arms in just one day.”

As a result of more people being vaccinated and COVID-19 cases declining, many states are loosening some pandemic restrictions — though cautioning people to still take precautions and continue to use face masks, social distance and regularly wash their hands, because the country is not out of the woods yet. Catholic leaders also have reiterated the need to continue to take these precautions.

“There is so much to learn from this global suffering,” the Administrative Committee said in its pastoral message. “We must build on the kindness and openness that we have witnessed on the local level by creating more social structures that not only heal the fractures and isolation felt by so many during this pandemic but will prevent such divisions from occurring again.

“As Pope Francis has implored, ‘Let us dream, then, as a single human family,’ to a horizon where we are more caring of one another. Let us keep this sense alive and continue the work of promoting the common good.”

The Administrative Committee members said that “renewed by this season of Lent, we … place our confidence in the Lord, who suffered, was crucified and is resurrected.”

“We join our brother bishops in urging everyone to continue to keep God’s love alive in their hearts and in their families and communities,” they said. “And we look forward to welcoming the Catholic faithful back when we all may safely participate physically in the eucharistic celebration of the Mass and gather once more in our parishes.”


Pope Francis releases a white dove near during a memorial prayer for the victims of the war at Hosh al-Bieaa (church square) in Mosul, Iraq, March 7, 2021. The large gold cross at right was made by Iraqi architect Omar Carona. A sculpture of a white dove sits on top of the cross; two hands, representing Mosul’s men and women, hold the Christian symbol. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Despite years of suffering due to war and terrorism, the people of Iraq continue to look to the future with hope, Pope Francis said.

Recalling his recent visit to the country during his weekly general audience March 10, the pope said that while he saw “the opened wounds of destruction,” he also saw “around me the joy of welcoming Christ’s message.”

“I saw the hope of being open to a horizon of peace and fraternity, summed up in Jesus’ words that were the motto of the visit: ‘You are all brothers,'” he said.

In his talk, the pope said he was grateful to God for the March 5-8 visit, a trip that his predecessor, St. John Paul II, had wanted to make.

Pope Francis swings a censer near a partially restored statue of Mary from a parish in Karmless as he celebrates Mass at Franso Hariri Stadium in Irbil, Iraq, March 7, 2021. The Islamic State militants decapitated the statue and cut off its hands. The restoration re-attached the head, but left the hands dangling. Having witnessed or even experienced persecution for their faith, the Christians of Iraq must be careful not to harbor thoughts of revenge, Pope Francis said during Mass. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

“Never before has a pope been in the land of Abraham,” he said. “Providence willed that this should happen now, as a sign of hope, after years of war and terrorism, and during a severe pandemic.”

Affirming the right of the Iraqi people to live in peace, Pope Francis praised the country’s rich history as the “cradle of civilization.”

Nevertheless, despite its cultural significance in the world, Iraq was destroyed by war, which is “always the monster that, as the ages change, transforms itself and devours humanity,” he said.

Departing from his prepared remarks, the pope denounced arms dealers who profit from war and sold weapons to terrorists not only in Iraq, but in other parts of the world suffering from violence.

“Today, who sells weapons to terrorists, who is carrying out massacres in other parts of the world, such as Africa for example? It is a question I would like someone to answer,” the pope said.

The answer to war, he added, is fraternity, which is a challenge for Iraq and “for many regions in conflict and, ultimately, for the entire world.”

Continuing his talk, the pope said the interreligious meeting in the ancient city of Ur, the birthplace of Abraham, was a significant moment that brought together the spiritual descendants of “our father in the faith.”

In Ur, the pope said, “standing together under those luminous heavens — the same heavens (from which) our father Abraham saw us, his descendants — the phrase you are all brothers and sisters seemed to resound once again.”

Recalling his visits to Mosul and Qaraqosh, two cities devastated by Islamic State militants, the pope called for

Pope Francis and Iraqi President Barham Salih arrive for a meeting with authorities, civil society leaders and members of the diplomatic corps in the hall of the presidential palace in Baghdad March 5, 2021. To consolidate peace and ensure progress, the government and people of Iraq must never treat anyone as a second-class citizen and must work each day to promote harmony, the pope said. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)

prayers for the people so that God may give them the strength to rebuild.

He also appealed to those who fled those cities and urged them to “keep the faith and hope. Be weavers of friendship and of fraternity wherever you are.”

“And, if you can, return” to Mosul and Qaraqosh, the pope said.

Pope Francis said that, in Iraq, “despite the roar of destruction and weapons, the palm, a symbol of the country and of its hope, has continued to grow and bear fruit.”

Pope Francis and Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, one of Shiite Islam’s most authoritative figures, meet in Najaf, Iraq, March 6, 2021. The 90-year-old ayatollah, who turns down most meeting requests, issued a statement after the meeting, saying that world religious leaders should work to hold “great powers” to account, calling upon them “to give priority to reason and wisdom, to reject the language of war, and not to expand concern for their self-interests over the rights of people to live in freedom and dignity.”  (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

The same goes “for fraternity: It does not make noise, but is fruitful and makes us grow,” the pope said. “May God, who is peace, grant a future of fraternity to Iraq, the Middle East and the entire world!”


March 5, 2021

WASHINGTON— Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles and president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has been joined by the chairmen of seven USCCB committees in a statement on abortion funding in the American Rescue Plan.

Joining Archbishop Gomez were Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York, chairman of the Committee for Religious Liberty; Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, chairman of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities; Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the Committee on Justice, Peace and Human Development; Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford, chairman of the Committee on International Justice and Peace; Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ, of Oakland, chairman for the Committee on Catholic Education;  Bishop Shelton J. Fabre of Houma-Thibodaux, chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism; and Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville, auxiliary bishop of Washington, chairman of the Committee on Migration.

The full statement from the bishops follows:

“Our nation needs to heal, come together, and help one another. The American Rescue Plan is an important step in the right direction. It should provide much needed assistance for American families and businesses hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic.

“However, we are deeply concerned that this important legislation, as written, risks creating new divisions by abandoning a longstanding bipartisan compromise that respects the consciences of millions of Americans.

“For 45 years, the United States Congress – whether controlled by Democrats or Republicans – has maintained that taxpayers should not be forced against their conscience to pay for abortions. Abandoning this compromise in a time of national emergency only serves to divide people in the very moment we should be united. Please, let us instead focus on delivering the COVID relief so desperately needed.

“We urge President Biden and the leadership on Capitol Hill not to force upon Americans the wrenching moral decision whether to preserve the lives and health of the born or unborn, all of whom are our vulnerable neighbors in need. We ask that our leaders please not pit people against one another in such a way. We ask all Members of Congress to include the same protections against abortion funding that have been present in every COVID relief bill to date, and every annual spending bill for almost half a century.”


L-R IHM Sisters- Giovana Fuentes Bendivez, Mindy Welding, Denise Montagne, Mary Elaine Anderson, and Amanda Del Valle sorting socks for the homeless with THE JOY OF SOX.

Whole communities of consecrated women religious have blessed the Diocese of Scranton. In fact, the sisters were here before Scranton became a diocese.

These dedicated sisters arrived with a mission to serve the needs of the people of northeastern Pennsylvania and change their world for the better. They are celebrating National Catholic Sisters Week, March 8-14, 2021.

For the sisters, it is a time to articulate their charism (their unique spirit), to reach out to new people and to remind the people of our community that they love them and still serve them in any way they can. Sisters invite people to be in touch with them and to reach out in service to others to pay back and to pay forward.

As Sister Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG, Executive Director of the African Sisters Education Collaborative, (ASEC) says in her article, “During Catholic Sisters Week, we celebrate the charism of the sisters, which is the unique gift God entrusted to each congregation to share with humanity. We celebrate their spirituality, a specific divine aspect of God that drives sisters’ altruistic service to humanity and the mission into which God invites them…”

Eldercare has become a primary ministry for the Sisters of St. Cyril and Methodius. Sister Madonna Figura spends time with their dear Sister Susan.

ASEC is a perfect model of the way Sisters meet needs today – i.e. collaboratively. It is something the pandemic is teaching our world, but it something the sisters have known all along.  We are better together!

Whether sisters are in Archbald or Africa, when they come together in prayer, in unconditional love, joyfully reaching out to the smallest needs or the largest endeavors, they CAN change the word! They already have!

It starts with a mission to which God invites them in prayer, the foundation of all good works.  God called, and the sisters began to come to northeastern Pennsylvania – Sisters of Christian Charity, Sisters of Mercy, Franciscans, Religious Teachers Filippini, Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHMs), Sisters of St. Cyril and Methodius – to teach the children the faith and the tools of life-long learning, and to keep them safe.

Sisters opened hospitals and health clinics, day cares, alternative schools, high schools, nursing schools, colleges, and universities. For the little ones, sisters set up day cares, orphanages, adoption agencies, residences and day centers for special needs children and adults, homes for impoverished pregnant women, mother infant homes for young and desperate new moms, shelters for homeless women and children.

A happy, energetic, prayerful community of eight Sisters of Christian Charity who live together at St. Nicholas Convent and staff various ministries in the Wilkes-Barre area. Left to Right: S. Marie Jose, S. Josephine, S. Mary Theresa, S. Anna, S. Maria, S. Ellen, S. Chiara Marie, S. Maria Angeline celebrating Vietnamese New Year.

The needs are still endless, soup kitchens for the hungry, food pantries, Friends of the Poor for those who fall through the cracks. All the communities who came lent a hand in the parishes, helping to build the American church and accompany the people on their journey of faith, on the privileged task of raising children and caring for elders.

Throughout diocesan history, the contemplative Passionist Nuns and the retired elders of all the congregations provided the powerhouse of prayer that sustained the grand collaboration surging among generous women of faith who became the face of God among the people of the diocese.

Today, native African sisters are changing the face of Africa through participation in ASEC, an international collaborative ministry founded by American Sisters. How proud and happy we are to cheer on their marvelous accomplishments through diligent study, hard work, creative energy and trained leadership.

Together, Sisters are a force for good in our world. With the help of God, the support of their communities and the generosity of people of good will, sisters have something to celebrate, during not only this National Catholic Sisters Week, but every day of their lives.

Sister Mary Theresa watches carefully as one of the little students receives ashes during the COVID pandemic.

Celebrate with the Sisters; be in touch with a sister who made a difference in your life, support their ministries and if you feel called, become a sister yourself!

As a symbol that little things count and make a difference in many lives, in celebration of National Catholic Sisters Week, the IHM Sisters are partnering with “The Joy of Sox.” Socks are the number one request from those who are homeless!  It is important for the health and wellbeing of feet to have dry, warm, clean socks.

In collaboration with “The Joy of Sox” can you provide new socks for those who cannot always afford them?

IHMs will collect new socks for the following local agencies: Saint Francis Soup Kitchen, Saint Joseph Baby pantry, McAuley Center for Homeless Women and Children, NEPA Youth Shelter, The Women’s Resource Center, and Friends of the Poor.

Drop donations at the side door of McCarty Hall (1409 College Avenue) just inside the side gate of Marywood University, first house on the left.



“The COVID-19 pandemic has caused tremendous grief and fear in our country and world over the last year, leaving more than 500,000 dead in the United States alone.

“I want to be clear and concise in my pastoral guidance regarding COVID-19 vaccines. Given the grave danger this virus poses, it is morally acceptable to receive any of the current COVID-19 vaccines that have been determined to be clinically safe and effective. This position is supported by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

“People should not delay getting a vaccine. Receiving a vaccine not only protects an individual’s health but also serves the common good by protecting the community – including the weak and vulnerable.

“While fully recognizing the complex moral and ethical issues involved in vaccine development, at this time, most people are not being given a true choice of which vaccine they receive, and likely won’t be able to make such a choice without a lengthy delay.

“Given that risk to public health, the faithful can in good conscience receive any of the current vaccines.”

To view the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s December 2020 Note on the Morality of Using some anti-COVID vaccines, please click here.



HARRISBURG, Pa. — The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference today responded to questions that many people have asked about whether it is permissible to receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

When people have no choice about which COVID vaccine to receive, it is morally acceptable to receive any vaccine they are offered. This is based on the December 2020 guidance from the Vatican, stating that “when ethically irreproachable Covid-19 vaccines are not available … it is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.”

The position of some bishops in Pennsylvania has been inaccurately reported in some news media, resulting in confusion among Catholics and the public.

Our position has never changed, nor has that of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which said, “While we should continue to insist that pharmaceutical companies stop using abortion-derived cell lines, given the world-wide suffering that this pandemic is causing, we affirm again that being vaccinated can be an act of charity that serves the common good.”

In essence, we recognize that at this time individuals are not given a choice of which vaccine to receive and that this should not prevent Catholics from getting vaccinated as soon as possible.  Catholics may in good conscience, receive any vaccine, in order to protect themselves.  Once again, being vaccinated safely against COVID-19 should be considered an act of love of our neighbor and part of our moral responsibility for the common good.

The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference is based in Harrisburg and is the public affairs arm of PA’s Catholic bishops.



SCRANTON (March 4, 2021) – The Diocese of Scranton has once again been found to be in full compliance with U.S. bishops’ policies to prevent sexual abuse of children by clergy and other church personnel.

The Diocese has passed independent audits of its child protection procedures every year since the policy was adopted by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in 2002.

The USCCB spells out the policies that dioceses must follow in its “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.” The Charter is a comprehensive action plan for addressing allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy. It also includes guidelines for reconciliation, healing, accountability and prevention of future acts of abuse.

The audit was conducted by StoneBridge Business Partners, a private auditing firm based in New York, which has been contracted to conduct compliance audits of the nation’s 195 dioceses.

The findings are a result of a review of data collected for the 2019/2020 Charter audit period. The annual audit evaluates each diocese’s efforts to ensure the protection of children, including criminal background checks and educational awareness programs on recognizing and preventing abuse.

Among the information reported to the auditors: 11,526 students currently enrolled in Catholic schools in the Diocese or in parish religious education programs have received Safe Environment training.

A total of 232 priests who are in active ministry, along with 72 permanent deacons and 25 seminarians and candidates for the Diaconate have also received that training.

More than 425 educators and administrators in Diocesan schools, more than 1,160 employees of the Diocese of its parishes across 11 counties and 3,598 volunteers at schools, parishes and Diocesan facilities have also received valuable information to keep children safe.

More than 3,180 individuals also completed training on Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse in Pennsylvania.

In receiving the compliance audit results, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera stated, “This independent verification highlights the ongoing commitment that the Diocese of Scranton, along with its parishes and schools, has in protecting children. Our long record of compliance emphasizes that reliable reporting mechanisms are in place to ensure our zero-tolerance for any misconduct by a bishop, priest, deacon, lay employee or volunteer.”

The Diocese of Scranton’s Safe Environment Office ensures that Charter standards are continually met.

For more information on the Diocese of Scranton’s Safe Environment Program, or for a full overview of all policies and protocols, visit