Demonstrators in support of DACA hold signs outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington Nov. 12, 2019. U.S. President Joe Biden Jan. 20, 2021, revoked Trump’s 2017 executive order that authorized massive expansion of immigration enforcement in U.S. and implemented 100-day moratorium on certain deportations. (CNS photo/Jonathan Ernst, Reuters)

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Two leaders of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops applauded President Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day executive action ordering the federal government to keep in place and strengthen the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Biden also pledged Jan. 20 to produce immigration reform legislation.

Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez, USCCB president, and Auxiliary Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville of Washington, chairman of the bishops’ Committee on Migration, said they were prepared to work with the president and Congress on such an “urgent matter of human life and dignity” for immigrants.

In a statement released Jan. 21, the prelates said action on DACA was particularly important for about 800,000 young people who were brought to the U.S illegally as children.

They said the young people who benefit from the program, known as Dreamers, deserve the opportunity to continue working legally in the U.S., access educational opportunities and not fear deportation.

“We welcome the announcement preserving and fortifying DACA,” they said. “For years, DACA youth have been enriching our country. They are contributors to our economy, veterans of our military, academic standouts in our universities and leaders in our parishes and communities. They and their families deserve certainty, compassion, generosity and justice.”

DACA recipients have been living in uncertainty in recent years as former President Donald Trump’s administration sought to overturn the program that was implemented in 2012 and deport them. Immigrant advocates have protested those moves, saying the issue is a matter of justice and that most of the people eligible for DACA would be forced to return to a country they did not know and face untold danger.

DACA was suspended last summer by Chad Wolf, acting Homeland Security secretary. However, a federal district court judge in New York in December ruled Wolf’s action was invalid because he was serving in his position illegally.

Biden’s memorandum was directed at the departments of Homeland Security and Justice. It called for “preserving and fortifying” DACA. It also allows the government to accept new applications to the program.

Archbishop Gomez and Bishop Dorsonville said protecting Dreamers “should be only the first step in the systematic reform of our outdated immigration laws.”

“Now is the time to move forward in a bipartisan manner to fix our broken immigration system,” they added.

Legislation will be necessary to address the status of Dreamers. Their supporters have long called for immigration reform that provides a path to citizenship.

The archbishop and bishop repeated the call for such legislative action, saying the time has come for comprehensive immigration reform not just for Dreamers but others who are in the country illegally.

They advocated for reform that “upholds family-based immigration, honors due process and the rule of law, recognizes the contributions of workers, protects the vulnerable fleeing persecution and addresses the root causes of migration.”

Biden also issued executive orders shortly after taking office, revoking steps by the Trump administration to restrict immigration.

One order mandated that immigrants in the country illegally be counted in the census, reversing a Trump effort to prevent them from being included in the population count. The Trump order has faced numerous lawsuits, however.

A second Biden order rescinded a Trump order calling for wide-scale efforts to find and deport immigrants who are in the country without authorization.

The Department of Homeland Security also announced late Jan. 20 that under a Biden directive, it would pause deportations of some noncitizens for 100 days starting Jan. 22.

The agency said the moratorium will allow it to “review and reset enforcement priorities.” The Trump administration had implemented a plan to deport unauthorized immigrants, including families and longtime residents.


U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during his inauguration at the Capitol in Washington Jan. 20, 2021. (CNS photo/Patrick Semansky, pool via Reuters)

WASHINGTON (CNS) — In his inaugural address Jan. 20, President Joe Biden said he is committed with his “whole soul” to bring this country together.

He pleaded with Americans — having come through a bitter election, a time of racial reckoning and still in the midst of a deadly pandemic — to similarly take up this cause.

“It’s time for boldness because there is so much to do,” Biden said in a 21-minute speech, urging Americans to work together for unity in this historic moment and stressing that the “American story depends not on some, but all.”

The nation’s second Catholic president also urged the nation to recognize that the American story is one of hope, not fear, light, not darkness, and said “democracy has prevailed” despite efforts to shut it down just two weeks previously in the Capitol riots, which took place when Congress was confirming the election results.

On a cold, breezy but sunny day, he spoke with a somber sense of urgency reminding the crowd present — which was small due to both the pandemic and the security lockdown — that “we have come so far, but still have far to go.”

Mixing realism with hope, he said there is much to repair and much to restore but added: “We will press forward.”

And referring to the deep divide within the country, the 46th president said sternly: “We have to be better than this” and promised that democracy will not be driven out as Americans strive to end this “uncivil war that pits us against each other.”

The president called for a moment of silence for all those who had died during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also spoke of the destructive nature of racism and the need to reject political extremism and manufactured facts.

“I will be president for all Americans,” he added, referring to those who voted for him and those who didn’t.

This very different presidential inauguration was obvious from the start with attendees wearing face masks and greeting one another with elbow bumps because of the coronavirus but also because of the increased security presence a stark reminder of the Jan. 6 violence.

Also, although former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton were in attendance, now-former President Donald Trump was not.

Biden was sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts using the family Bible he has used many times before: twice when being sworn in as vice president and seven times as senator from Delaware. It also was used by his son Beau in his swearing-in ceremony as Delaware’s attorney general.

He said in an interview in December with talk show host Stephen Colbert that this Bible has been a family heirloom since 1893.

The inauguration’s invocation was led by Jesuit Father Leo O’Donovan, former president of Georgetown University and current director of mission for Jesuit Refugee Service. The priest, a friend of the Biden family, was the main celebrant at the funeral Mass for Biden’s son Beau in 2015.

In his prayer, the priest quoted Pope Francis and stressed the need to care for one another “in word and deed, especially the least fortunate among us.”

Another Jesuit priest, Father Kevin O’Brien, president of Santa Clara University in California, gave the homily at a Mass at the Cathedral of St. Matthew in Washington just before the inauguration. The Mass was attended by Biden, now-Vice President Kamala Harris, family members and some members of Congress from both sides of the aisle.

In his homily, he also spoke of the need for healing and said the president and vice president will lead this country forward.

“Every day, you will strive to heal our nation’s wounds and reconcile differences and bring us together. You know too well the challenges ahead and the cost of service,” the priest said. “My deepest prayer for you today, as a priest, citizen and friend, is that you always remember that the Lord is near and no matter the sound and fury around you, that God wants to give you peace, a deep-seated peace that will sustain you.”

The theme of healing a divided nation and the role everyone should play in it was prominent throughout inaugural ceremonies. It was highlighted by Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minnesota, who said in the introductory remarks of the inauguration ceremony that this day was one when “democracy picks itself up” after what it went through Jan. 6.

She emphasized that it falls to all Americans to “take up the torch of our democracy, not as a weapon of political arson, but as an instrument for good.”


January 4, 2021

His Excellency, Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, announces the following appointment, effective as follows:

Deacon Stephen B. Frye, from diaconal ministry, St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Williamsport, to diaconal ministry, St. Ann Parish, Williamsport, effective January 4, 2021.


Statement of the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, on Inauguration of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

January 20, 2021

As our Nation inaugurates its 46th President, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and Vice President Kamala D. Harris, I encourage the faithful of the Diocese of Scranton and all people of goodwill to join me in praying for our Nation and its new leaders.

At a time when our country is facing not only a global pandemic, but also division and hostility, we must all pray for peace and unity. No matter our differences, we are one human family, our brothers and sisters keepers.

As Catholics, we are called through Baptism to imitate the servant leadership of Jesus Christ. May our Merciful God grant all of our leaders the wisdom, courage and compassion to protect and defend religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the rights of all citizens, especially the most vulnerable.

Together, let us pray to our Heavenly Father that President Biden, a native son of Scranton, may have the strength and courage to carry out his duties and lead our nation in ways of peace.


January 20, 2021

As our Nation inaugurates its 46th President, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., and Vice President Kamala D. Harris, I encourage the faithful of the Diocese of Scranton and all people of goodwill to join me in praying for our Nation and its new leaders.

At a time when our country is facing not only a global pandemic, but also division and hostility, we must all pray for peace and unity. No matter our differences, we are one human family, our brothers and sisters keepers.

As Catholics, we are called through Baptism to imitate the servant leadership of Jesus Christ. May our Merciful God grant all of our leaders the wisdom, courage and compassion to protect and defend religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the rights of all citizens, especially the most vulnerable.

Together, let us pray to our Heavenly Father that President Biden, a native son of Scranton, may have the strength and courage to carry out his duties and lead our nation in ways of peace.


Sister Anna Nguyen, SCC, sorts sandwiches made by parishioners at Saint Nicholas Parish in Wilkes-Barre. The parish receives a Social Justice Grant from the Diocesan Annual Appeal to provide sandwiches to four local shelters on a monthly basis. (Photos/Chris Dolan)

WILKES-BARRE – The love that Sister Anna Nguyen, SCC, shows for the poor is evident in the way that she is able to inspire others to join her in service.

Sister Anna, a Sister of Christian Charity and director of social ministries at Saint Nicholas Parish, brings together dozens of people on a monthly basis to make sandwiches for several local shelters in Luzerne County.

“I feel very, very happy to give,” Sister Anna explained on a recent morning as volunteers filled the lower level of Saint Nicholas Parish to make sandwiches. “I feel thrilled.”

With the help of a Social Justice Grant from the Diocesan Annual Appeal, Saint Nicholas Parish is able to help bring the Gospel message alive, helping the less fortunate in the community.

Members of the Saint Nicholas Parish Social Concerns Committee work to package sandwiches for residents of four shelters in the Luzerne County area. The parish receives a Social Justice Grant from the Diocesan Annual Appeal to help fund this important ministry.


Wearing both gloves and masks to protect others from COVID-19, volunteers made ham and cheese and chicken salad sandwiches for individuals who are staying at Ruth’s Place, Keystone Mission, the McCauley House and the Kirby House.

“We’re feeding the Lord. Whatsoever we do to the least of His brothers and sisters, we’re feeding the Lord,” the Rev. Joseph Verespy, pastor of Saint Nicholas Parish, said. “In a simple thing like a ham and cheese sandwich, God’s life is touching us and we’re touching God’s life.”

Due to the coronavirus, the sandwich-making ministry was temporarily paused between April and July, not due to a lack of volunteer interest, but because many of the shelters were not able to accept the donations in the early days of the pandemic.

When volunteers resumed their efforts in August, there was a renewed sense of mission and purpose. Parishioners know their small efforts make a big impact.

“We’ve been doing three locations where people in need are and we’ve added a fourth location,” parishioner Rich Burns said. “Most of us have had an opportunity to deliver the sandwiches and baked goods and those kinds of things.”

Thanks to generous donors to the Diocesan Annual Appeal, parishes are able to apply for grants that help pay for social concern ministries. The theme of this year’s Appeal is Bound Together in Hope.

Father Verespy says the theme is very fitting because many people are looking for hope during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I look for hope in all little events, kind words and simple gestures. It is like the little flower coming up through the crack in the sidewalk. There is always hope!”


SCRANTON – The 2020 Diocesan Annual Appeal: Bound Together in Hope has raised $3.4 million in gifts and pledges reaching 75% of the $4.5 million goal. More than 16,500 donors have made donations to the Appeal and 15 parishes have surpassed their Annual Appeal goal. A chart listing the progress toward Appeal goals for all of our 118 parishes is shown at the bottom of this page.

New this year was the Annual Appeal Commitment Weekend, a special online giving opportunity that began on the weekend of November 20 & 21. This fundraising effort raised more than $100,000.

“I deeply appreciate the support of our Diocesan Annual Appeal from so many parishioners throughout the Diocese at a time when many are facing financial struggles of their own,” Bishop Joseph C. Bambera said. “The generosity of parishioners to help their parish reach its Annual Appeal goal is vital to our ability to serve those in need especially now as we respond to the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.”

Bishop Bambera added, “If you haven’t given yet to the Appeal, I would be most grateful if you would consider making a gift at this time so that we may continue to provide hope to all those who rely on the life-giving ministries of our Diocese and our parishes.”

For parishes that have not yet reached goal, the Diocesan Development Office staff is currently working with pastors and parish life coordinators, Appeal lay and clergy chairs and Appeal parish representatives to conduct special Appeal collections, make contact with past donors and present information on the ministries supported by the Annual Appeal at weekend Masses.

“I offer my heartfelt gratitude to our Appeal regional chairs, parish representatives, pastors, parish life coordinators and parish staffs who closely work with us to continue to forward the mission of our local Church,” Jim Bebla, Diocesan Secretary for Development, said. “We have some more work to do to reach goal but I am confident that we will be successful.”

Diocesan ministries supported by gifts to the Annual Appeal include Catholic Social Services; parish social justice and faith formation programs; Catholic education in our Catholic schools and parish religious education programs; care for our current and retired priests and support for seminarians preparing for the priesthood; parish life and pastoral planning efforts; and communication programs such as The Catholic Light and Catholic Television.

Parishioners and friends who have not yet made an Appeal gift are asked to consider a donation at this time. Gifts of any amount are welcome. Interested donors may make a gift to the Diocesan Annual Appeal by visiting to give online, by calling the Diocesan Development Office at 570-207-2250 or by sending a donation to: Diocesan Annual Appeal, 300 Wyoming Ave., Scranton, PA, 18503

January Appeal Goals


The Vatican health service began vaccinating employees, residents and retirees with the COVID-19 vaccine Jan. 13, 2021, in a makeshift clinic set up in the atrium of the Vatican audience hall. Pope Francis and retired Pope Benedict XVI have both said they will be vaccinated. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)

VATICAN CITY (CNS) – Both Pope Francis and retired Pope Benedict XVI have received the first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 after the Vatican started vaccinating its employees and residents Jan. 13.

Matteo Bruni, director of the Vatican Press Office, confirmed the news Jan. 14.

While it was reported widely that Pope Francis received the vaccine Jan. 13, the retired pope’s secretary, Archbishop Georg Ganswein, told Vatican News that Pope Benedict received his shot the morning of Jan. 14.

The archbishop had told the German Catholic news agency KNA Jan. 11 that the 93-year-old pope, who lives in a converted monastery in the Vatican Gardens, and his entire household staff wanted to be vaccinated as soon as the vaccine was available in Vatican City State.

He told Vatican News that the retired pope has been following the news “on television, and he shares our concerns about the pandemic, about what is happening in the world, about the many people who have lost their life because of the virus.”

“There have been people he knows who have died because of COVID-19,” he added.

Archbishop Ganswein said the retired pope is still very sharp mentally but that his voice and physical strength have weakened. “He is very frail and only can walk a little with a walker.”

He rests more, “but we still go out every afternoon, despite the cold, in the Vatican Gardens,” he added.

The Vatican’s vaccination program was voluntary. The Vatican health service was giving priority to its health care workers, security personnel, employees who deal with the public and older residents, employees and retirees.

In early December, Dr. Andrea Arcangeli, director of the Vatican health service, said they would begin with the Pfizer vaccine, which was developed in conjunction with BioNTech.

Pope Francis had said in a television interview broadcast Jan. 10 that he too would be vaccinated against the coronavirus as soon as it was available.

He said that he believed that from an ethical point of view, everyone should take the vaccine because those who did not would not only put their own lives at risk, but also the lives of others.

In a press release Jan. 2, the Vatican’s health services department said it purchased an “ultra-low temperature refrigerator” for storing the vaccines and said it expected to receive enough doses to cover “the needs of the Holy See and Vatican City State.”

The Vatican reported its first known case of infection in early March, and since then there have been another 25 reported cases — including 11 Swiss guards in October.

Pope Francis’ personal doctor died Jan. 9 of complications caused by COVID-19. Fabrizio Soccorsi, 78, had been admitted to Rome’s Gemelli hospital Dec. 26 because of cancer, according to the Italian Catholic agency SIR, Jan. 9.

However, he died because of “pulmonary complications” caused by COVID-19, the agency said, without providing further details.


Every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation we pray the Nicene Creed, our Profession of Faith. One of the articles states, “We believe in one holy Catholic and apostolic church.”

It is worthwhile from time to time to meditate on the words of our prayers and our Profession of Faith. The Catholic Catechism is a good place to begin a reflection on the four marks of the Church: one, holy, Catholic and apostolic. Our belief in the unity of the Church is meant to be lived each day as we cooperate with the grace of God.

The modern ecumenical movement began for Catholics at the Second Vatican Council. There was a lot of excitement and enthusiasm as Catholics and other Christians gathered for prayer and began to learn what we have in common and where we are different. As time goes on, we periodically need to re-energize our interest in promoting the unity of the Church and the will of Jesus for the unity of his disciples.

On May 25, 1995, Pope Saint John Paul II issued his encyclical Ut Unum Sint. Twenty-five years later, Bishop Joseph Bambera, serving as chairman for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, issued the statement: “This anniversary should serve as a reminder that the way of ecumenism is the way of the Church, and that all Catholics are called to espouse a strong commitment to building Christian unity.”

Pope Saint John Paul, who worked tirelessly to build ecumenical relationships, described the impulse of working for unity between Christians as “a duty of Christian conscience enlightened by faith and guided by love.”

We rejoice that Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis have continued to advance this singular mission between the Catholic Church and other Christian communities. May this anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s call for Christian unity serve as a unique pastoral opportunity to build bridges by continuing to reach out with love to all of our brothers and sisters in Christ. “May He heal our wounds of division and help us grow closer in unity.”

This year, the Scranton Diocese will broadcast a virtual prayer service for Christian unity on Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 12:10 p.m. Father Russell McDougall, C.S.C, of King’s College will serve as the homilist.

All Christians have a responsibility for the sake of the Gospel to pray for unity, develop ecumenical friendships, and cooperate for the common good.


SCRANTON – The theme of this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which will take place from January 18-15, is: “Abide in my love…you shall bear much fruit.” (John, 15)

This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the commemoration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will take place in a slightly different manner.

The annual Ecumenical Service of Prayer will be broadcast on Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 12:10 p.m. on CTV: Catholic Television of the Diocese of Scranton. At the same time, it will also be made available on the Diocese of Scranton website and across all Diocesan social media platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Rev. Russell McDougall, C.S.C., rector of the Holy Cross Community at King’s College and former rector of the Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem, will serve as homilist.

The recent document from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, “The Bishop and Christian Unity: an Ecumenical Vademecum,” reminds the faithful that, “Our Lord’s Prayer for the unity of his disciples, ‘that they may all be one,’ is tied to the mission that he gives them, ‘so that the wor d may believe.’ (Jn 17:21).”

The annual week of prayer is an opportunity for every person to examine and renew their commitment to promote the unity that Our Lord desires.

The Ecumenical Directory states, “…rather than begin with our relations with other Christians, it is necessary for Catholics … to examine their own faithfulness to Christ’s will for the church and accordingly to undertake with vigor the task of renewal and reform. This inner renewal disposes and orders the Church towards dialogue and engagement with other Christians.”

During this special week, the faithful can ask themselves questions including: Do we pray for unity and work to overcome disunity within the Catholic community and with other Christians?  How do our parishes, deaneries and our diocese express unity and cooperation in mission?

To begin to achieve such noble ends, parishioners can participate in ecumenical prayer opportunities, programs and joint projects, especially in service of the poor. The faithful can also actively take membership in regional ministeriums to strengthen our commitment to the realization of Jesus’ prayer for unity.

About the homilist:

Holy Cross Father Russ McDougall, originally from northwestern Indiana, received his B.A. and M.Div. from Notre Dame University, and S.S.L. from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. He made final vows in the Congregation of Holy Cross in 1990 and was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1991. He has served in parochial ministry at Holy Cross Parish in Nairobi, Kenya; as formation director, academic dean and lecturer in Old Testament at the Queen of Apostles Philosophy Centre in Jinja, Uganda; and most recently as rector of the Tantur Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem. Currently he serves as lecturer in theology and campus minister at King’s College in northeastern Pennsylvania and as superior/director of the local Holy Cross community at King’s.