Glorious weather and smiling faces were the picture-perfect backdrop on Ascension Thursday at St. Patrick’s Church in Milford, PA as 15 eighth grade students and one RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), candidate received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Bishop Joseph C. Bambera, Diocese of Scranton, presided.
As the ordinary minister of Confirmation, Bishop Bambera extended his hand over those who were to be confirmed, praying that the Holy Spirit would fill their hearts, minds and souls with the grace to become perfect christians and witnesses of Christ.
The newly confirmed are: Francesca Antonecchia, Isabella Bixby, Nicholas Carlozzi, Caterina Catizone, Abigail Chudoba, Christopher Fleming, Amir Guillite, Claire Marotta, Ava McAteer, Julia Moskal, James Murphy, Bennett Nielson, John Michael Roberts, Rachel Swinton, Anna Vogel and Christina Beezer.