The Confraternity of Christian Mothers of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Swoyersville, will hold its annual Rummage Sale on Monday, Oct. 10, and Tuesday, Oct. 11, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day in the School Gymnasium, 116 Hughes Street. Lunch will be available as well as a bake sale. Tuesday will also be $2/bag day.
Committee members include, first row, from left: Theresa Schaeffer, treasurer; Susan Bayer, president; Theresa Yurko, vice president; Liz Zdancewicz, secretary; and Mary Zukosky.
Second row, from left: Margaret Bassolino, Maureen Salley, Mary Ann Romamoski, Mary Gaiteri and Arlene Adamchak.
Back row, from left: Mary Jean Simpson, Pat Quinn, Marion Pecovsky, Paula Matthews and Donna Gustave. Other members, but not pictured, include, Judy Bankus, Trudy Brown and Lori Raymond.