Lackawanna County


Permanent Supportive Housing Program

For chronically homeless individuals with disabilities or disabling conditions residing in Lackawanna County. Program openings are filled through the Coordinated Entry System.

Locations in both Scranton and Carbondale

570-342-1295 for more information in Scranton

570-282-0460 for more information in Carbondale


Luzerne County


Permanent Supportive Housing Program

For homeless families with disabilities or disabling conditions residing in Luzerne County. The program utilizes scattered site apartments within the community. Program openings are filled through the Coordinated Entry System.

  • Mother Teresa Haven PSHP – Wilkes-Barre

Permanent Supportive Housing Program for homeless individuals with disabilities or disabling conditions residing in Luzerne County. Programs openings are filled through the Coordinated Entry System.

39 E. Jackson Street, Wilkes-Barre – (2nd floor above St. Vincent de Paul Kitchen)

Mother Teresa Haven – (570) 825-9948


  • St. Ann’s Expansion – Hazleton, Wilkes-Barre

Located in Hazleton and the Wyoming Valley, the St. Ann’s Expansion Program secures 2-bedroom apartments and 3-bedroom apartments, for occupation by persons who are homeless and have a qualifying disability or disabling condition, along with their families.

St. Ann’s Expansion

Hazleton – 570-455-1521

Wilkes-Barre – 570-822-7118

Transitional Housing

Supportive housing for homeless individuals to transition into permanent housing.

  • Gabriel House – Pittston

The program provides 16 fully furnished apartments for homeless women, three of which can accommodate a homeless woman and child. Rents are calculated at 30% of the participant’s income. Residents may remain in the program for up to 18 months. Case management is provided on site on a weekly basis to program residents and is geared toward assisting residents to attain self sufficiency in order to transition from homelessness to permanent housing.

Gabriel House – 570-602-9796


Rapid Rehousing

Rental assistance programs for homeless individuals and families residing in Luzerne County. The program utilizes scattered site apartments, located and secured by the program participant, within Luzerne County.Programs openings are filled through the Coordinated Entry System.

Holy Family (families)  – Wilkes-Barre – 570-602-9706

RRH-1 (individuals) – Wilkes-Barre – 570-822-7118


Monroe County – Stroudsburg


Permanent Supportive Housing Program

For chronically homeless individuals with disabilities or disabling conditions. Program openings are filled through the Coordinated Entry System.

Shepherd’s Maternity House – 570-476-1428


Shepherd’s Maternity House

  • The Mission of Shepherd’s Maternity House is to provide shelter, care, counseling, and education as an alternative to abortion for pregnant women ages 18 and older.
  • During their stay the mothers are given much needed support in a loving family atmosphere. They are also given the assistance and knowledge to provide that same nurturing, comforting environment for their babies.
  • In some instances, however, it may not be possible for these young women to keep their infants. Since the decision to put a newborn up for adoption is far from easy, impartial counseling is available to help the mother decide through Catholic Social Services.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of adoption are discussed, as are legal concerns. In reaching the best choice, the mother is given guidance, information, time and often, a shoulder to cry upon.
  • If adoption is chosen, she can use the services of Catholic Social Services of Monroe County. Either way, providing a loving home for the infant is paramount.  If the woman chooses to keep her baby, she is given support and help.
  • Day to Day Life these young women will receive instructions on maternal, prenatal, and postnatal care as well as nutrition. They will be given the opportunity to learn parenting skills, and receive counseling and job training. In addition, they will learn how to live together as a family at the maternity home.  Women must provide their own food although there is food donated that all may share.  Women are asked to pay $10.00 a week.
  • Assistance will be provided to help young women who have not completed their high school or vocational school education. Classes will be basic courses, including computer technology, which will help them develop the necessary skills to compete in today’s marketplace.
  • After the birth of their babies, mothers will receive assistance in securing housing, employment, and day-care facilities. Ongoing counseling and support will be available, if required. The new mothers will always know that Shepherd’s Maternity House a program of Catholic Social Services regards them as part of its family.

Shepherd’s Maternity House – 570-476-1428


Susquehanna/Wayne County


Permanent Supportive Housing Program

For chronically homeless individuals with disabilities or disabling conditions. Program openings are filled through the Coordinated Entry System.

Susquehanna/Wayne County – 570-282-0460