Lackawanna County
Mental Health Homeless Program
Address: 600 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton PA
Phone Number: (570) 342-1296
Description: Located in the St. James Manor building, the Mental Health Homeless Program, offers transitional housing to eight (8) male residents within a four (4) double occupancy apartment setting. Each resident must have a mental health diagnosis provided by a mental health professional. The program is licensed through the Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and licensed as a Community Residential Rehabilitation setting. The program provides case management services and is staffed 24/7 365 days a year. The goal of the program is to assist individuals with a mental health diagnosis transition into permanent stable housing and maintain independent living skills.
Citizen’s Re-entry Program
Address: 600 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton PA
Phone Number: (570) 342-1296
Description: Located in the St. James Manor building, the Citizen’s Re-entry Program, offers transitional housing to eight (8) residents, male or female, within a single occupancy setting. Each resident must have a mental health diagnosis and have been referred from Lackawanna County Prison. The program provides case management services and is staffed 24/7 365 days a year. Case managers work closely with local providers including county probation, to ensure each resident is obtaining independent living skill goals. The goal of the program is to assist individuals with housing needs, while involved in the criminal justice system, and to discharge residents to a safe permanent housing environment.
St. James Manor
Address: 600 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton PA
Phone Number: (570) 342-1296
Description: This program offers housing to four (4) individuals that have experienced homelessness, however, can reside in an independent apartment setting, with limited case management services. The rental rates for these apartments are below fair market value. The building is staffed 24/7 365 days a year, as well, if services are needed from staff on site.
Luzerne County
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Gabriel House
Bridge to Independence – Hazleton
The primary objective of the Bridge to Independence Program is to develop and enhance life skills that will enable program participants to live independently and attain self-sufficiency. Partnered with Luzerne/Wyoming Counties Mental Health/Developmental Services, the Bridge to Independence Program located in Hazleton, provides housing and supportive services. The target population for placement in the program is young adults, ages 18 –26 who have mental health concerns.
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Catholic Social Services operates 2 Rapid Re-Housing programs in Luzerne County. Specifically the programs provide rent assistance and supportive services for a period of 12 months. At the end of the 12 months full rent payments become the responsibility of the participant household. To be eligible families and individuals must be literally homeless, meaning they must be living on the street or in an emergency shelter at the time of intake. Participants must also agree to follow all program and lease rules throughout the duration of the program.
Both RRH Programs provide direct comprehensive supportive services through at least monthly (generally bi-weekly) home visits provided to each participant by the program’s case manager, as well as indirectly through referrals to our leveraging partners and other human service providers.
Monroe County
Shepherd’s Maternity House
- Address: 2102 Laurel Road E. Stroudsburg, PA 18302
- Phone Number: 570-476-1428
- Description: Transitional Housing for Pregnant Women and Newborn Babies
Capacity: 8 adults-8 babies
Provides housing (up to 18 months), care, counseling and education as an alternative to abortion for pregnant women ages 18 years of age or older
Instruction given on maternal, prenatal and postnatal care as well as nutrition
Taught parenting skills, life skills and job training
- Supervisor: Kathy Chelednik