“Following Jesus demands a good dose of courage. Take the path of the ‘craziness’ of our God, who teaches us to encounter him in the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the sick, the friend in trouble, the prisoner, the refugee and the migrant, and our neighbors who feel abandoned.”
+Pope Francis


  • What is Diocese of Scranton Serves (formerly Day of Service)?

A challenge for groups and individuals to serve our sisters and brothers who are in need throughout the Diocese of Scranton on Saturday, October 2 and/or Sunday, October 3.  Although participants will be spread throughout the eleven counties, we will be united in a spirit of service. We will provide an Opening Prayer to start the day and reflection questions for discussion at the end of day. All participants will receive a Free T-Shirt. This effort is being sponsored by the Diocesan Offices for Parish Life and Vocations.


  • How do I participate as a Parish/School Group Leader?
    1. Arrange a service opportunity in your local community for Saturday, October 2 and/or Sunday, October 3. It can be at a local nonprofit organization, your parish/school, local cemetery, etc.
    2. Promote the service opportunity with dates, times, logistics in your parish/school.
    3. Register your entire group by clicking this form: GROUP REGISTRATION

(Please Note: You must register by September 18th in order to guarantee your requested T-Shirt sizes!)

    1. On your service day: Play the Opening Prayer piece on YouTube, be present and support your group members during the time serving, take pictures, lead the discussion questions after the service takes place, and most of all, have fun!


  • How do I participate if I am not connected to a parish/school group? 
    1. Find a service opportunity in your local community for Saturday, October 2 and/or Sunday, October 3.
    2. See if any family members and/or friends want to participate with you.
    3. Register by clicking this form: INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION

(Please Note: You must register by September 18th in order to guarantee your requested T-Shirt size!)

    1. If you need help and/or ideas, contact Shannon Kowalski or Dominick Costantino.


  • Who do I contact if I have a question?

Shannon Kowalski, Diocesan Director of Service and Mission – Shannon-Kowalski@dioceseofscranton.org

Dominick Costantino, Vocation Program Coordinator- Dominick-Costantino@dioceseofscranton.org


*The changes to this year’s initiative came at the recommendation of past participants and group leaders.