Sharing God’s Gifts in Service
to Others
Our grateful response to all that God has given us is to share our blessings with others to build up the Kingdom of God. The Development Office offers the opportunity for parishioners and friends to share their gifts in support of the mission of the Diocese of Scranton to promote life, justice, and peace in northeastern and north central Pennsylvania.
Gifts to the Diocese provide direct support to our brothers and sisters in Christ through vital Diocesan ministries and services in 11 counties which depend on the generosity of donors to fully serve all those in need. Giving opportunities include the Diocesan Annual Appeal, the Annual Vocations Golf Classic for Seminarian Education, and the Diocese of Scranton Scholarship Foundation for Catholic Education. Many parishioners also consider supporting their parish and the Diocese by making an IRA charitable gift or by leaving a legacy gift through their estate plans.
Parish Support
Our greatest blessings – our families, our parish communities, and our local communities are closest to us each day. As good stewards of God’s gifts, parishioners have the opportunity to share their time, talent and treasure in support of their families and their parish. Your parish relies on the weekly offertory to pay its bills and staff and support the many programs within the parish. It also relies on your personal involvement, through sharing of your gifts and talents, to grow together as disciples of Jesus Christ. To find more information about the ministries of a specific parish, please access the Parish Directory
National and International Campaigns
A number of opportunities exist to support efforts that go beyond our local parish and the Diocese.
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith and other Pontifical Mission Societies, for example, support projects identified by the Pope as meriting critical, international support.