Altus for Women
Catholic Women’s Ministry
Spiritual Moderator: Reverend Arbogaste Satoun
Contacts: Lisa Shov lin (
Tracy Tully (

Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Karen McLain
Liaison / Coordinator
Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Diocese of Scranton
PO Box 3306
Scranton, PA 18505
570-344-2214 (O)
570-983-6251 (C)
Spiritual Moderator: Rev. August A. Ricciardi,  Prince of Peace Parish, Old Forge

Cursillo Movement
Rev. Phillip  Sladicka, V.F., Moderator
Phone: (570) 457-3412
Lay Director, Tim Pawlik, 570-871-0130
School of Leaders,  Pete Lamont
Pre-Cursillo,  George Siracuse
Cursillo Weekend,  Alicia Lynch
Post-Cursillo Chair,  Pat Rodney
Treasurer,  Joe Alinoski
Secretary,  Katie Veety

Diocesan Councils of Catholic Women (D.C.C.W.) 
300 Wyoming Ave.
Scranton, PA 18503-1279
Phone: 570-207-2213
Monsignor James E. McGahagan: Chaplain

Diocesan Retreat League
Director: Monsignor Alexander T. Kulik
Villa St. Joseph
1600 Green Ridge St.
Dunmore, PA 18509-2197
Phone: 570-341-8881

Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Guild
Spiritual Moderator: Reverend Daniel A. Toomey
Gate of Heaven Parish
40 Machell Avenue
Dallas, PA 18612-1611
Phone: 570-675-2121
Coordinator: Maria Pappa
Liaison to I.H.M. Community: Sister M. Celesta Sinisi, I.H.M.
I.H.M. Center – 2300 Adams Ave.
Scranton, PA 18509
Phone: 570-346-5415

Ladies of Charity
Evelyn Raitter, President
33 Oak Dr
Mountaintop, PA 18707
Phone: 570-474-5192

Legion of Mary
Spiritual Director: Reverend David W. Cramer
Phone: 570-267-1366

Marriage Encounter
Contact: Diane and Ed Zindell
14 Evergreen Drive
Jermyn, PA 18433
Phone: 570-876-1610

The Blue Army
Spiritual Director:
Deacon Florian J.Gyza
357 Blackman Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702

Blue Army President:
Cy Corgan
317 Raspberry Road
Duryea, PA 18642

Spiritual Moderator:
Reverend John V. Polednak
Sacred Heart of Jesus
215 Lackawanna Avenue
Dupont, PA  18641-2009
Phone: 570-650-0954 (cell)

Thomas More Society Of The Legal Profession
Joseph A. O’Brien, Esquire
Oliver, Price & Rhodes
1212 South Abington Road
P.O. Box 240
Clarks Summit, PA 18411
Phone: (570) 585-1200

Serra Club Of Lackawanna County
Reverend Samuel J. Ferretti, Chaplain
Villa St. Joseph
1600 Green Ridge St.
Dunmore, PA 18509-2197
Phone: 570-961-1865
Mr. Albert R. Muto, President
13 Wanda St.
Throop, PA 18512
Phone: 570-489-9572

Serra Club Of Wyoming Valley
William Behm, President
179 Forest Rd.
Mountaintop, PA 18707
Phone: 570-474-9592