St. Brigid Parish, Friendsville
Music Ministry :
The choir is under the direction of Mary Shaughnessy and Fred Brown our organist.
Schedule for Mass, Sacraments, Devotions:
We have perpetual adoration at St. Augustine Church. This is Monday thru Friday with varying start and stop time depending on the day.
Masses and Confessions
- Saturday 4:30PM at St. Francis (confessions from 4 to 4:20)
- Sunday – 8:00AM at St. Francis (confessions from 7:30 to 7:50)
- Sunday – 10:30 AM at St. Augustine (Confessions from 10 to 10:20AM)
- (Weekend Confession times are very flexible depending on need)
- Monday and Friday – 12Noon at St. Francis Xavier
- Thursday – 8:30AM at St. Francis Xavier
- Tuesday & Wednesday – 8:30AM at St. Augustine (often there are a great number of Confessions before/after these two Masses
Baptisms are normally scheduled after each weekend Mass depending on the schedule/church attended by the families.
Parish Pastoral Council: On-going. Started to make good progress then covid put a damper on all progress.
Parish Finance Council: Due to covid monthly meetings were not held. We recently had our first in a long time. The next is scheduled for June 15th. Excellent members on the committee.
RCIA and Adult Faith Formation: RCIA only when individuals are seeking to become Catholic. Adult Faith formation was being held weekly before covid (during CCD class time) Bible Study is held weekly (virtually).
Parish Religious Education for Children and Youth: Amanda Reeves is our DRE. She has been instrumental in getting our program running virtually. In person classes resumed for First Penance/First Holy Communion and Confirmation students. Susie Reichlen was our DRE for many years before she turned over control to Amanda. Susie remains as an active capacity as a teacher and helper.
Youth and Young Adult Ministry: Directed by Amanda Reeves
Marriage Support and Enrichment: Only when parishioners express a need.
Parish Service and Social Concerns : Very active Food Pantry. We also have medical equipment available at Neumann Hall for those who need walkers, wheelchairs, canes, shower seats. These are donated by people who no longer need them and given to those who currently need them.
Welcome/Hospitality/Fellowship: By individuals
Women’s and Men’s Organization: We have an active Altar & Rosary Society