St. Luke, Stroudsburg
Families/Households Total 1380
Parishioners – Total 3325
Sacramental Participation
- Baptism, Total 23
- First Communion 24
- Confirmation 21
- Marriage, Total 2
- Anointing of Sick (estimate) 102
- Christian Burial 40
Religious Education (w/Youth Group)
- Catholic Elementary School 2
- High School Youth Ministry 17
- Parish Religious Ed – Pre K-Grade 8 152
- Adult Education 15
Financial Status:
- Annual Income: $1,139,211
- Annual Budget: 1,042,097
- 2020 Increase (Decrease) in Unpaid Assessments: 9,168
- Cash on Hand: 230,255
- Current Debt: N/A
- Total Unpaid Assessments: 398,173
- Savings Account: 300,612
- Cemetery Savings Account: N/A
- Annual Appeal Goal: 114,000
Immediate Needs with Cost Implications:
Working through some deferred maintenance, but also in midst of OSV campaign with goal of 100K annual giving increase and 100K for capital improvements.
Parish Staff: (It is anticipated that there will be an assistant pastor appointed)
- Deacon
- Business Manager
- Pastoral Associate
- Communications
- Music Ministry and Organist
- Religious Education Coordinator and Assistant
- Youth Minister
Worship Site and Rectory: St. Luke Church, 818 Main St.
Additional Church/School/Rectory/Convent Buildings: Fr. Francis Barrett Center; Parish Hall below Church
Cemetery Associated with Parish: N/A
Hospital: Shared Hospital call with St. Matthew and St. John Parish — two days a week for St. Luke’s