The Cathedral of Saint Peter Parish will sponsor its inaugural Cathedral Cash Bingo on Sunday, October 2 at the Diocese of Scranton Pastoral Center, 330 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton.
Doors open at 1 p.m. and the first game will be played at 2 p.m. (20 games, 4 specials, $100 prize per game). Free parking and handicap parking will be available.
Purchase your tickets today for $25 by calling the Parish Office at 570.344.7231 or online at The event will also feature food, a variety basket raffle, and a 50/50 raffle.
Join us for an afternoon of food, fun, and fellowship!
Saturday, October 15 from 9:00AM to 2:30PM at the Diocesan Pastoral Center in Scranton.
Please call the Office for Parish Life 570-207-2213 to register.
The Office for Parish Life encourages parish leaders to consider application for the Diocesan Certificate in Lay
Ministry for January 2020! The Diocesan Certificate in Lay Ministry is a ministry formation program designed to equip and advance the servant leadership capacities of individuals serving their parish in areas such as:
Through independent online study with the University of Dayton’s Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation
(VLCFF), as well as regional skills workshops and opportunities for prayer and reflection, Diocesan Certificate candidates enrich their knowledge base, while also learning practical tools for effective parish ministry in their faith communities.
Starting with our New Candidate Orientation Retreat on Saturday, January 25, 2020, the Office for Parish Life anticipates welcoming new candidates into the Diocesan Certificate in Lay Ministry program in the New Year.
Prospective candidates are encouraged to contact Kitty Scanlan, Coordinator for Lay Ministry Formation, at 570-
207-2213, ext. 1157 or by email at for application information, materials, and application submissions.
The Office for Parish Life will offer a Retreat on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at the Diocesan Pastoral Center,
330 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton. The day will begin at
9:30 a.m. and end at 2:30 p.m. The faithful of the Diocese
are invited to share in this day of prayer.
The day will include the 12:10 p.m. Mass celebrated in St.
Peter’s Cathedral. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be
available prior to Mass, and lunch will be served after
Mass. More details to follow. The fee is $30, which includes lunch. To register, call Jacki Douglas at the Office
for Parish Life, 570-207-2213 x-1100 or e-mail
The FOCCUS Premarriage Inventory Facilitator Training and refresher option scheduled for 4/4/2020 has been cancelled.
The training will be held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center from 9AM to 3PM, a light lunch will be included.
The Full Training fee is $100 for an individual or $150 for a couple. For those who have already taken the 5-hour training and have a FOCCUS Facilitator Manual and a Certification number, but want to refresh their knowledge about FOCCUS Facilitating, the refresher option fee will be $50 per person. (Anyone trained in FOCCUS can use the same skills for REFOCCUS.)
If you, parish staff, or Sponsor Couples in your parish are interested in this training or refresher, please contact Jennifer Housel, Director for Community and Family Development, (570) 207-2213 x1104,