March 10 – 19

Oblates of St. Joseph Chapel
Route 315 – Laflin

Masses / devotions daily at 12 Noon & 7:00 p.m.

Novena Preacher: Fr. Larry Toschi, O.S.J.

Feast Day Mass (March 19) @ 12 Noon with Bishop Bambera & Oblate Fathers

More information, (570) 654-7542

The Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph will host their annual Feast of the Holy Spouses on Sunday, January 19, at 2:00 p.m. in the Chapel of St. Joseph, Route 315, Laflin.

Principal celebrant & homilist will be Rev. Gustavo Lopez, OSJ of Bakersfield, CA, assisted by Fr. Matthew Spencer, OSJ, USA provincial superior, and other local Oblate clergy.

The Mass fulfills the Sunday obligation.

A social will immediately follow the Mass.

This annual feast, approved by the Vatican in 1989 for the Oblate Congregation to celebrate publicly, honors the spousal roles of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Joseph, parents of the Child Jesus. All are welcome to participate.

A Celebration of Healing Mass sponsored by the Enthronement Guild of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary will take place at the Oblates Seminary Chapel on Sunday, September 29 at 4 PM. The Mass will include a healing anointing for participants. Rev. Joseph Sibilano, OSJ, will be the celebrant. The Sacred Heart Singers directed by Ernie Pappa will provide music for the event with a prelude of contemporary selections beginning at 3:30 PM. All are welcome to attend this special liturgy.

Upcoming in September and October

September 9th Monday Evening of Marian Devotions 6-7 PM St. Patrick’s, Nicholson

September 14th Saturday 1 PM Rosary Rally, St Lucy’s Prayer Garden,

September 18th Monday 6 PM Rosary Evening of Marian Devotion, Oblates of St Joseph, Pittston

September 17th Tuesday 6 PM Rosary Evening – Alhambra Caravan, Christ the King Chapel, Kings College, Wilkes Barre

October 12th Saturday 12 Noon – St. Lucy’s Prayer Garden Joined with St. Patrick’s America Needs Fatima – Rosary Rally

October 14th   Monday Evening of Marian Devotion 6 – 7 PM Our Lady of the Abingtons, Dalton

October 19th Saturday 5 PM, St. Mary’s, Dunmore – Fatima Shrine

October 21st Monday 6 PM Rosary Evening of Marian Devotion, Oblates of St Joseph, Pittston


The Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph, located at 1880 Route 315, Laflin, is preparing for the annual Triduum and special Labor Day Mass honoring St. Joseph the Worker. A three-day preparation of Masses over the Labor Day weekend will be held August 30, 31 & Sept. 1 with Masses daily at 12 Noon in their chapel. Devotions to St. Joseph will be offered after Mass, especially for workers and the unemployed. A blessing with the first-class relic of St. Joseph Marello, Founder of the Oblate Order, will conclude the devotions. A special Mass is scheduled for Labor Day morning, Monday, Sept. 2nd , at 11:00 a.m., honoring the Patron Saint of Workers. Bread will be blessed and distributed following the Mass to all the faithful attending as a symbol of the fruit of our labor.

Serving as celebrant and homilist for this year’s Labor Day Mass will be Father Paul A. McDonnell, O.S.J., rector of the OSJ religious community and pastor of Divine Mercy Parish, Scranton.

The Triduum Masses at Noon and Labor Day morning will be broadcast live on JMJ Catholic Radio 104.5 FM. For further information, contact the main office at (570) 654-7542 or email:

Queen of the Apostles Parish Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Divine Mercy, Stockbridge, MA

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Father Phillip Sladicka invites everyone to join him in celebrating The Feast of The Queenship of Mary

Cost:  $60 (Pay in Advance on a First Come Basis)

Includes:  Driver Gratuity, Bottled Water,

Donuts & Snacks & Bus Reservation at Shrine

Dinner (Your Own Treat )

Bus Leaves from the Oblates of St. Joseph Chapel, Route 315 Laflin, Pa at 7:00 AM – Departs Shrine 4:30 PM

For more information & reservations call:
Ann Jake 570-466-4693 or  Parish Office 570-457-3412.

Deadline Date for Reservation & Payment:  August 13, 2024


The Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph will celebrate the Feast Day of their Founder, St. Joseph Marello, on Thursday, May 30th, at their chapel, 1880 Route 315, Laflin, with Masses at 8:00 am, 12 Noon and 7:00 pm.

Following the evening Mass, a reception will be held for all guests hosted by the Oblate Laity Association. A triduum of Masses will be offered on May 27-28-29 at 8:00 am & 12 Noon in preparation for the Feast Day celebration.

Devotions to the Oblate Founder will follow the Masses with the blessing of his first-class relic.


Marian Devotion Ministries

Marian Devotion Ministries is dedicated to promoting devotion to Jesus and Mary through praying the Rosary. Rosary events are held various locations in the Diocese and include the Rosary with Chanted Scriptural Mysteries, Litanies, Fatima Prayers and Hymns. To host an event in your parish, contact Ernie Pappa at 570 241-8171 by phone or text, or by email at

Upcoming in April

April 15th , Monday 6 PM – Evening of Marian Devotion, Oblates of St Joseph, Pittston All are welcome! Blessed Easter to all!!