7:00 p.m. – Solemn Mass with Bishop Bambera

March 10 – 18
Masses: 12 Noon & 7:00 p.m.
Novena Preacher: Fr. Brian Crawford, O.S.J. (Oblate vocation director)

7:00 p.m. – Solemn Mass with Bishop Bambera

FEAST OF THE HOLY SPOUSES will be held at the Oblates of St. Joseph Chapel, Route 315, Laflin, on Sunday, January 21, 2024, with a special Mass at 3:00 pm. This annual celebration honors the spousal role of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Joseph exalting the sanctity of marriage and family life within our modern world.

This Feast was officially approved in 1989 by the Vatican for the liturgical calendar of the Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph. This year’s celebrant and homilist will be Rev. Anthony J. Generose, pastor of Most Precious Blood & Queen of Heaven Parishes, Hazleton. Fr. Generose also serves in the Tribunal Office of the Diocese of Scranton.

The public is invited to participate, a social will follow the Mass. For more information, contact the seminary office at 654-7542.

The Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph will host their 41st Annual labor Day Weekend Triduum and Labor Day Mass in honor of St. Joseph the Worker during the upcoming holiday weekend, Sept. 1-4, at their Chapel of St. Joseph, located at 1880 Route 315, Laflin. Masses during the Triduum (Sept. 1-3 / Friday – Sunday) will be celebrated at 12 Noon and 7:00 p.m., followed by devotional prayers to St. Joseph as patron saint of laborers.

Guest celebrant and preacher for this year’s Labor Day Triduum will be Father Gustavo Lopez, O.S.J., a member of the Oblate Congregation (USA Province) currently ministering as an assistant pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, in Bakersfield, CA.

A special Mass is set for Labor Day morning honoring St. Joseph the Worker on Monday, Sept. 4th, at 11:00 a.m., concelebrated by the local Oblate priests. At the conclusion of the Mass, bread will be blessed and distributed to the faithful as a symbol of the fruit of our labor. All Noon Masses celebrated during the Triduum & Labor Day morning will be broadcast live on JMJ Catholic Radio 104.5 FM.

For more information, contact the main office at (570) 654-7542 or by email: osjseminary@comcast.net

The Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph, located at 1880 Route 315, Laflin, is preparing for the annual Triduum and special Labor Day Mass honoring St. Joseph the Worker. A three-day preparation of Masses over the Labor Day weekend will be held Sept. 1 – 3 (Friday – Sunday) with Masses each day at 12 Noon and 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel of St. Joseph. Devotions to St. Joseph will be offered after every Mass, especially for workers and the unemployed. A blessing with the first-class relic of St. Joseph Marello, Founder of the Oblate Order, will conclude the devotions. A special Mass is scheduled for Labor Day morning, Monday, Sept. 4th, at 11:00 a.m., honoring the Patron Saint of Workers. Bread will be blessed and distributed following the Mass to all the faithful attending as a symbol of the fruit of our labor.

          Guest celebrant and preacher for this year’s celebration will be Father Gustavo Lopez, O.S.J., an Oblate of St. Joseph priest ministering in the U.S.A. Province as an assistant pastor at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Bakersfield, CA. Fr. Gustavo is a native of Whittier, CA and was ordained a priest in 2009. Besides his parochial duties, he also works in deliverance/exorcism ministry and as a prison chaplain for the Diocese of Fresno.

The Triduum Masses at Noon and Labor Day morning will be broadcast live on JMJ Catholic Radio 104.5 FM. For further information, contact the main office at (570) 654-7542 or email: osjseminary@comcast.net

Founder of the Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph

Wednesday, May 31, at 7:00 p.m.

Oblates of St. Joseph Chapel
1880 Route 315 – Laflin

Guest Celebrant & Homilist: Very Rev. Joseph G. Elston, V.F., Pastor, St. Joseph Marello Parish, Pittston

Social to follow the Mass.


The Annual Novena to St. Joseph will be held at the Oblates of St. Joseph Chapel, Route 315, Laflin, beginning on Saturday, March 11, with Masses and devotions held each day beginning at 12 Noon and 7:00 pm. This year’s novena preacher is Father Mark Ward, a Passionist priest from St. Ann’s Monastery, Scranton. Father Ward, a native of the Buffalo, NY area, entered the formation program of the Passionist after high school graduation in 1965, receiving numerous degrees of higher education from a diversity of universities before his ordination to the priesthood in 1976. Father Ward’s priestly ministry has brought him to serve in New York, Massachusetts, West Virginia, Pittsburgh, PA before moving to St. Ann’s Monastery, Scranton, in 2018. Besides assisting at the basilica, he offers pastoral assistance in churches throughout the diocese and serves as spiritual director of the Passionist Associates of St. Ann.

Before every Mass during the Novena, confessions will be heard and the rosary will be prayed by the faithful in attendance. Following the novena devotions, a blessing will be offered with the first-class relic of St. Joseph Marello, Founder of the Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph. All 12 Noon Masses will be broadcast live on Catholic Radio 104.5 FM and on the Facebook: http://www.osjseminary.com

The Novena will conclude on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Monday, March 20th, with a special Mass at 12 Noon celebrated by the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., Bishop of Scranton, concelebrated by Oblate and diocesan priests. Fr. Paul McDonnell, OSJ, invites the faithful of the Greater Pittston area to participate in this year’s Novena & Feast of St. Joseph. For further information, contact the seminary office at 654-7542.


FEAST OF THE HOLY SPOUSES will be held at the Oblates of St. Joseph Chapel, Route 315, Laflin, on Sunday, January 22, 2023 with a special Mass at 3:00 pm.

This annual celebration honors the spousal role of the Blessed Virgin Mary & St. Joseph exalting the sanctity of marriage and family life within our modern world. This Feast was officially approved by the Vatican for the Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph in 1989.

Celebrant and homilist for this year’s celebration is Rev. Jeffrey D. Tudgay, Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Scranton and Pastor of St. Peter’s Cathedral. The public is invited to attend and a social will follow the Mass.

For more information, contact the seminary office at 570-654-7542.

Marian Devotion Ministries

Marian Devotion Ministries will conduct our Fatima Rosary Journey for 2022 continuing through October. Rallies and Rosary events are scheduled monthly. Marian Devotion Ministries is dedicated to promoting devotion to Jesus and Mary through praying the Rosary. Rosary events are held various locations in the Diocese and include the Rosary with Chanted Scriptural Mysteries, Litanies, Fatima Prayers and Hymns. To host an event in your parish, contact Ernie Pappa at 570 241-8171 by phone or text, or by email at singtomary@aol.com.


                                              Upcoming in October & November

October 31st Monday at 6 PM Oblates of St Joseph, Concluding Rosary for the Month of the Holy Rosary

November 4th First Friday Blue Army Reparation Vigil, Mass and Benediction, Oblates of St. Jos, 8 PM

November 21st Third Monday Marian Devotion at 6 – 7 PM , Oblates of St Joseph, Pittston