The Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph will celebrate the Feast of their Founder, St. Joseph Marello, on Saturday, May 28th, with Masses at 8:00 a.m. & Noon in their chapel located at 1880 Highway 315, Laflin. The feast day will be preceded by a triduum (three-day spiritual preparation) on May 25-26-27 with Masses at Noon & 7:00 p.m., followed by devotions to St. Joseph Marello and general blessing of his first-class relic. Area faithful are invited to attend the triduum and feast day Masses.

St. Joseph Marello was born in Turin, Italy in 1844, moving to the nearby city of Asti in his childhood years. Eventually, he entered the seminary of the Diocese of Asti and was ordained a priest on September 19, 1868. Ten years later he founded the Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph and later was appointed bishop of the nearby Diocese of Acqui where he served until his holy death on May 30, 1895. His mortal remains are entombed at the Shrine of St. Joseph, adjacent to the congregation’s motherhouse in Asti. He was beatified in 1993 and canonized a saint in 2001 by Pope St. John Paul II. Oblates of St. Joseph brothers and priests serve in 15 different countries throughout the world and have served in the Diocese of Scranton since 1929. For more information about the life of St. Joseph Marello or the upcoming festivities, contact the religious residence at (570) 654-7542 or email:

Marian Devotion Ministries is dedicated to promoting devotion to Jesus and Mary through praying the Rosary. Rallies and Rosary Evenings are held various locations in the Diocese and include the Rosary with Chanted Scriptural Mysteries, Litanies, Fatima Prayers and Hymns. To host an event in your parish contact Ernie Pappa at 570 241-8171 by phone or text, or by email at

                                               Upcoming in November:

St. Lucy’s, Scranton: > First Friday Rosary and Mass, November 5th at 6:30 PM

Music Ministry for Blue Army First Friday Reparation Vigil at the Oblates of St. Joseph Chapel beginning at 8 PM with Recitation of the Rosary, Mass of the Sacred Heart, Benediction, Exposition, Marian Hymns and Vigil Prayers.

Oblates of St. Joseph, Pittston: November 15th -Third Monday of the month Rosary, 6 -7 PM…Fatima Prayers, Hymns, Rosary, Litany and Chaplet of Divine Mercy


An Enthronement Mass will be held on the Feast Christ the King at the Oblates of St. Joseph Seminary Chapel on Route 315 in Pittston on Sunday November 21st  at 7 p.m. Rev. Dan Toomey, Spiritual Moderator of the Enthronement Guild will celebrate the Mass along with. Rev. Joseph Sibilano, OSJ, Oblates Father, will con-celebrate the liturgy. Ernie Pappa and the Sacred Heart Singers Vanessa James and Robert Zito, will provide music for the Mass. A Rosary will be offered before the Mass beginning at 6:30 PM.

The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Apostolate enables individuals or families to consecrate their homes to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Homes may then become an extension of the liturgy whereby members of enthroned households may follow up on their Eucharistic devotion in Church with further prayerful devotion at home

Please contact Maria Pappa, Coordinator of the Enthronement Guild at 570-241-8171 to register to receive a packet for your Enthronement if you are planning to Enthrone your home and family to the Sacred Heart. You may also renew your Enthronement if you have previously received an Enthronement.

All are welcome to attend this special Christ the King celebration.


The Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph will hold their 39th annual Labor Day Triduum (three-day spiritual preparation) honoring St. Joseph the Worker at their chapel located on Route 315, Laflin. Masses will be offered every evening at 7:00pm on Sept. 3-4-5 (Friday – Sunday). Homilies will be offered during the triduum by Deacons Jim Rose, Andre’ Kabacinski and Alan Baranski. Devotions to St. Joseph will follow every Mass with special prayers for all workers and the unemployed.

A special Mass will be offered on Labor Day morning (Sept. 6) at 10:30am with the Very Rev. John V. Polednak, newly appointed Diocesan Vicar for Clergy, serving as principal celebrant and homilist. For more information, contact the office at (570) 654-7542. All are welcome to join in the celebration during this Year of St. Joseph. All Masses will be broadcast live on JMJ Catholic Radio 98.9 FM.

Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Chapter
Our Lady of the Mountains Lay Carmelite Community

Meetings are the 3rd Saturday of each Month from 9am -11am

Oblates of Saint Joseph Seminary
1880 Highway 315
Pittston, PA 18640

Contact persons: Rose Bordi: 570-507-2373 or Chris Gianuzzi: 570-239-8094

Hosted by the Oblates of St. Joseph, Diocesan Sacred Heart Enthronement Guild, and the Legion of Mary; evening of Marian devotion begins at 6 p.m. in the chapel of St. Joseph’s Oblate Seminary, Route 315, Laflin (Pittston). Prayer service includes recitation of the Rosary, sung Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Fatima prayers, hymns, and music for the Scriptural mysteries. All are invited to attend and offer devotional prayers to Mary for world peace.

Hosted at St. Joseph’s Oblate Seminary, Route 315, Laflin. Liturgy of the Hours recited at 1:30 p.m. in the seminary chapel. Fraternity meets regularly on the third Sunday of every month; all professed members of the Secular Franciscans and interested men and women are welcome.

Anyone interested in attending may contact Jim Gaffney at (570-823-7660).