MARCH 20 — The Diocesan Charismatic Renewal will hold a Regional Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m. at Queen of the Apostles Parish Hall, 715 Hawthorne St., Avoca. The speaker will be Karen McLain, Diocesan Liaison to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Coordinator of the CCR Conference.

Music will be led by Ted Mike.

Refreshments will be provided.

All are welcome.

Cardinal John O’Connor Council 12967, Avoca, PA

Knights of Columbus John O’Connor Council 12967, Avoca, PA offers a Unique Opportunity for Prayer and Reflection Saturday, March 25, 2023 at Queen of the Apostles Parish, Avoca, PA.  We can all attest that days of reflection can rejuvenate our spirituality.  A retreat leaves a lasting impact on participants’ relationship to their faith.  Part of Council 12967 program is to provide support in Faith.  We call it Faith in Action.

Fr. Sy Peterka, CM will be the Retreat Director for the day.  This day will include a 9am welcome with donuts and coffee followed by an opening talk by Rev. Peterka.  There will be quiet time before the Blessed Sacrament in Church with an opportunity for Reconciliation (Confession).  At Noon we will have lunch followed by the second talk and then Rosary and quiet time in the Church.  The day is concluded at 3pm with benediction.  The regular parish Saturday Vigil Mass will be at 4pm.  Fr. Peterka will celebrate the Mass and preach.

Again, the Day of Reflection, @ 715 Hawthorne St., Avoca, PA will be held from 9am to 3pm on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at Queen of the Apostles Parish.  All are welcome.  We look forward to seeing you then and growing in faith together.  To register call Phil Rodney, GK @ 570-862-8776 or Queen of the Apostles Rectory @ 570-457-3412

K of C Council 12967, Avoca, PA is one of 17,000 Knights of Columbus councils that make up the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization.  Founded in 1882 to assist working-class and immigrant Catholics in the United States, today the approximately two million members of the Knights put their faith into action through a broad range of charitable causes locally, nationally and internationally with financial contributions and hands-on service.


What?         Lenten Day of Spiritual Reflection

Sponsored by our Knights of Columbus for all men and women.

715 Hawthorne Street, Avoca, PA

When?       Saturday, April 2, 2022 from 9AM to 3PM.

Led by?       Rev. Sy Peterka,cm

Contact who?  Bob Ryzner, Grand Knight:  570-855-2096 or call Rectory 570-457-3412 if you wish to attend.

(The day will begin at 9am with Breakfast followed by an opening talk.

After the Talk there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament with quiet time for reflection and Confessions available.

12 Noon we will have hoagies for Lunch followed by our 2nd talk.

After the talk we will have the Rosary recited in the Church with quiet time and Confession available.

Day will conclude at 3pm with Benediction and closing reflection.

Mass at 4pm will take place in the Church for those who wish to remain.

Please Spread the Word!)

(Council 12967, Avoca, PA is sponsoring this Lenten Event.  Our council is one of 17,000 Knights of Columbus Councils that make up the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization.  Founded in 1882 to assist working-class and migrant Catholics in the United States, today the approximately two mission members of the Knights put their faith into action through a broad range of charitable causes locally, nationally and internationally with financial contributions and hands-on service.)

 Queen of the Apostles Parish “Hope and Peace Mission 2020” is coming soon with Music and Evangelization. The necessity for spiritual renewal is a constant challenge to every Christian. We can never say “I’ve done all I can do.” The road to eternal life stretches out before us. But we are not traveling it alone. Jesus is with us and came to show us the way.

Remember the Dates: February 8th and February 9th when Marty Rotella will integrate his gift of music with a unique preaching style at our 3 Weekend Masses. Special Mission services will take place Sunday evening February 9 (6pm), Monday evening, February 10 (6pm), and Tuesday evening, February 11 (6pm) and will be conducted each day at 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.

The Theme for our Mission is: “HOPE AND PEACE WITH MUSIC AND GOOD NEWS.”  We ask that you pray for these days of renewal and that you would encourage and invite others to join us for these special Parish days of reflection and prayer with Music and Good News.