CASH BINGO–Sponsored by the Social Concerns Committee of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, 116 Hughes St., Swoyersville, in the school gymnasium on Sunday April 6th.  Doors open at noon and games begin at 1pm.  Admission is $25 and includes 15 regular games  ($100 prize), 4 Specials ($200 prize), and a coverall ($500 prize).  Tickets must be purchased in advance in the vestibule of the church before and after all weekend masses on March 22/23 and 29/30.  Mass times are Saturday 4pm, and Sunday 8:30, 11, and 5:30pm.  Please do not call the rectory.  Door prizes, basket raffles, 50/50 drawing, bake and food sales will also be featured.  There will be NO ticket sales the day of the event.