The Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., will be held on Friday, January 24th, 2020.
Cost is $65.00 which includes bus & buffet dinner. (For sponsoring a student, the cost is $35.)
Please make checks out to “PHL” (by January 12th), and mail to: Chris Calore, 37 Elder St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702.
Bus departs from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, 116 Hughes St., Swoyersville, at 6:15 am, after 5:50 am Mass. We will return home approximately 10:30pm.
For further details, call Chris at 570-824-5621.
The Annual Respect Life Mass, sponsored by the Wyoming Valley Councils, Knights of Columbus, will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, 116 Hughes Street, Swoyersville, on Sunday, January 12th at the 11:00am Mass.
The Knights, along with Pro-Life Representatives, will offer prayer intentions during the Mass for a greater respect of all Human Life and to end abortion. January is Respect Life month as abortion was legalized on January 22, 1973. Since then, upwards of 60 million innocent unborn children have been aborted.
Fr. Joseph Pisaneschi, Pastor, warmly invites all to attend & to pray for the most vulnerable of Human Lives, those with disabilities, the ill, and the unborn.
Sponsored by the Social Concerns Committee
116 Hughes Street
(in the School Building Gym & Cafeteria)
Lunch will be available.
Bake sale…Refreshments…Homemade Haluski…Wimpies
Sponsored by Confraternity of Christian Mothers of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
116 Hughes Street
in School Gymnasium
The Scranton Chapter of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians will hold a meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 beginning at 6:00PM at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish located at 116 Hughes St., Swoyersville. The topic for the evening will be “Making Music in a Beautiful yet Wounded World: An Evening of Reflection on the Season of Lent” led by Sr. Chris Koellhoffer, IHM.
The season of Lent invites us to accompany Jesus as he lives today in a world both beautiful and broken. He calls us to create with our lives new art, songs that speak to both the pain and the promise of our times. Join us this evening with Sr. Chris as we reflect together on being bearers of hope and healing in a world full of madness and mayhem, but also music.
The meeting begins with dinner at 6:00PM, followed by the presentation at 7:00PM, and concludes with Night Prayer. All are welcome to attend. There is no cost for the event, but a free-will offering will be taken up to help offset the cost of dinner. To register, please click here or visit or contact David Baloga at 570-207-2213 ext. 1158 by March 8th.