Pennsylvanians for Human Life through The VOICE of JOHN invites you to join us in a celebration of Life.  The event will honor the memory of Monsignor Arthur Kaschenbach, a priest who spoke with courage in defense of human life.  Through his priesthood he was always faithful to the ministry of The VOICE of JOHN and PHL.

The event will recall a day that will go down in infamy, the legalization of abortion in 1972.  With prayer and music, we will celebrate the overturn of Roe, as we honor the lives of almost 65 million children who have died from abortion.  The event will take place on the 50th year anniversary of the Roe vs Wade decision, Sunday January 22nd at 2 PM, at St John Bosco Church, route 93 in Sugarloaf.

We are pleased to announce the featured speaker for the event:  Elizabeth Leon, writer, speaker, and musician from Ashburn, Virginia and the author of “Let Yourself Be Loved: Big Lessons from a Little Life”, the story which explores the heart of a mother carrying a baby to term with the certainty of death.  John Paul Raphael lived only 28 hours and 10 minutes.  She and her husband, Dr  Ralph Leon, are the parents of ten children—5 of hers, 4 of his, and their son, John Paul Raphael.    Elizabeth will share videos of her little boy and the holy mysteries of her son’s life.

The event is intended to inspire, educate and motivate us as we move forward in a “World Post Roe”,  Dr Frank Polidora will preside as master of ceremonies.  Music by Shannon Marsyada.  The event is free of charge, donations will be welcome.  Light refreshments will be served.  The event chairperson is Nancy Zola and will conclude with a pro-life rosary for anyone wishing to remain.

For more information, contact Maryann Lawhon at (570)-788-JOHN (5646), or Carol Matz at 570-956-0817/


Veteran’s Day
Friday, November 11, 2022
Concert time: 7 PM

The Hazleton Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra

Saint John Bosco Church
GPS: 573 State Route 93
Sugarloaf, PA

Free admission
Donations appreciated.



Mass at 8 a.m. St John Bosco Church:

boarding of bus, 08:30 to 08:45

0845 bus leaving St John Bosco Church upper level parking lot at 0845

1100  rally at the capital

1200  1 mile March for Life at the Capital

12:30 to 2:00   Lunch at the Capital:  boxed lunches will be provided which includes a variety of sandwiches, chips, cookie and a beverage.  After the march proceed directly to section B of the cafeteria where your lunches will be ready.

*1:30 PM    first tour group   PLEASE BE PROMPT, check in at the tour guide desk and be 15 minutes early for your tour.

*2:00 PM    second tour group:  PLEASE BE PROMPT, check in at the tour guide desk and be 15 minutes early for your tour.

Maryann has contacted State Rep Rob Schnee and Senator Gordnor who hope to meet with us.  This is a great opportunity for us to learn to lobby for our cause.  They will both contact us to arrange to meet with us while we are there.  Senator Gordnor will be in session and in caucus.  State House goes back into session that day.   We will have the opportunity to witness how our judicial system works.

Dependent on their schedules, we will announce a departure time.  (about 3:30 PM)

Bus drop off and pick up at the Capital is a short distance from the rally site:  Commonwealth Avenue between North and Walnut Streets behind the East Wing of the Capital.

Approximate cost of trip is $23 which is all inclusive (includes bus, gratuity, lunch and tours).  Cost will be announced in upcoming announcements.

“Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell” 

April 2-6, 2022

Fr. Pio Mandato will preach at all weekend Masses at St. John Bosco Church, April 2-3, to introduce the Lenten Retreat.

Afternoon of Eucharistic Adoration, Sunday, April 3, 12:30-6 PM.  Closing Service at 6 PM.  You are encouraged to make a half-hour visit to the Blessed Sacrament on Sunday afternoon and join us for the closing service.

Fr. Pio will also celebrate and give a brief homily at the 8 am daily Mass on Monday through Wednesday, April 4-5-6. Rosary follows as usual.  Confessions available.

Sr. Veronica will give a conference of the “Gift of Prayer” after Tuesday morning Rosary at 9 am.  Confessions available.


Lent is a lovely joy filled time of expectation and preparation for the Resurrection of Jesus.

With all the struggles and difficulties, we all have faced the past two years, Lent is a special time of entering into the Joy of the Lord and the Hope He gives to us of being with HIM in His Kingdom. No matter how dire a situation: infinite hope is always available to us.

Traditional Catholic theology has distinguished the “Four Last Things”: Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell. We are encouraged to meditate upon these things frequently. We WILL die, be judged, and are invited to spend all of eternity with the Lord, or we can reject His invitation and be separated from HIM. This Lent we will reflect on the path the Lord invites us to enter into as we reflect on the four last things.



Sisters Veronica and Margaret will play meditative music every night before the conference beginning at 6:30 pm.

Confessions Monday and Tuesday at 6 pm until 6:30 pm.

Monday:  Eucharistic Adoration/Conference/Benediction

Regarding Death – All men are appointed to die once, and after that face the judgment (Hebrews 9:27) — healing service blessings follow conference.

Tuesday:  Eucharistic Adoration/Conference/Benediction/Reconciliation

Regarding Judgment  – Scripture says, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.” (2 Cor 5:10).

Regarding Hell – The teaching of Hell bothers a lot of modern Christians who have had God’s love emphasized to the exclusion of just about everything else about God. For example, they have learned that He is Truth and utterly Holy, that nothing unholy can tolerate His presence, and so forth. No one loves you more than Jesus does, and yet no one warned of Hell and judgment more than Jesus did in parable after parable, warning after warning.

Wednesday:  Closing Mass with dedication prayer to our Lady.

Regarding Heaven – Scripture says, “Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is.” (1 John 3:2).

St. John Bosco Church


Grey Dog Cash & Car Raffle

Tickets available at Parish Office or by calling 570-788-1997, Ext. 3

Tuesday, November 3, 2020 – 3-7 PM




Ziti, Homemade Meatballs, Fresh Salad, homemade cake, Italian Bread


For more information: (570) 788-1997 or STJB@PTD.NET