63rd Annual St. Jude Novena

19octAll Day2863rd Annual St. Jude Novena

Event Details

We will be celebrating the 63rd Annual St. Jude Novena from October 19-28, 2020. There will be two Masses a day: Monday- Friday at 12 Noon and 7PM, Saturday at 12 Noon and 4PM, and Sunday at 11AM and 5PM. The 12 Noon Mass will be live-streamed each day. Most of the homilists are in place: Fathers Ryan Glenn, Jonathan Kuhar, Thomas Maloney, Paul McDonnell OSJ, Kevin Miller, Gerald Shantillo, Shawn Simchock, Jeffrey Walsh, and Seth Wasnock. Bishop Joseph Bambera will celebrate the Closing Liturgy at 12 Noon on October 28, 2020. We will be following Diocesan Directives with regard to mask wearing and social distancing. For more information, call: (570) 654-0263



October 19, 2020 - October 28, 2020 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)


Our Lady of the Eucharist, Pittston

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