Respect Life Mass

12jan11:00 amRespect Life Mass

Event Details

RESPECT LIFE MASS The Annual Respect Life Mass, sponsored by the Wyoming Valley Councils, Knights of Columbus, will be held at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, 116 Hughes Street, Swoyersville, on Sunday, January 12th at the 11:00am Mass. The Knights, along with Pro-Life Representatives, will offer prayer intentions during the Mass for a greater respect of all Human Life and to end abortion.  January is Respect Life month as abortion was legalized on January 22, 1973.  Since then, upwards of 60 million innocent unborn children have been aborted. Fr. Joseph Pisaneschi, Pastor, warmly invites all to attend & to pray for the most vulnerable of Human Lives, those with disabilities, the ill, and the unborn.



January 12, 2020 11:00 am(GMT+00:00)


Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish

116 Hughes Street, Swoyersville

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