Resources on Becoming Stewards of God’s Gifts
- Anslinger, Leisa. 30 Days on Stewardship: Reflections and Inspirations on Sharing God’s Gifts. Twenty-Third Publications, 2018
- Anslinger, Leisa. Grateful Disciples: Your Parish Stewardship Guide. Catholic Life and Faith, 2016.
- Francis. Evangelii Gaudium: Apostolic Exhortation of the Holy Father Francis to the Bishops, Clergy, Consecrated Persons and the Lay Faithful on the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s World. USCCB, Vatican: 2013.
- Hueckel, Sharon. The Disciple as Steward. The Catholic Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana, 1994. (Note the suggested song list on p. 23, if you seek to incorporate music into your stewardship formation.)
- Morneau, Robert F. Embracing a Generous Life: The Joyful Spirituality of Stewardship. Twenty-Third Publications, 2013.
- Morneau, Robert F. Embracing Hospitality: 10 Reflections on the Virtue of Welcoming. Twenty-Third Publications, 2014.
- USCCB. Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response. United States Catholic Conference, Inc. 1993.
- Winsman, Albert L.; Donald O. Clifton, and Curt Liesveld. Living Your Strengths: Discover your God-Given Talents and Inspire Your Community. Gallup Press, 2008; 2013.
Additional Resources:
- Bishop Bambera’s Pastoral Letter: Wounded and Loved, Re-Gathering the Scattered
- Samuel Silent Reflection Prayer
- Grateful Disciples’ Links: and