Pictured in foreground from left are Kitchen Executive Director Rob Williams, Advisory Board member and Campaign Chair Michael Colarusso and Advisory Board President Maria McCool.

Campaign Celebration Event is April 30; RSVPs Required by April 15

With more people than ever requiring its services, Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen in Scranton has begun the 47th annual Host‑for‑a‑Day campaign to support its mission of feeding and clothing individuals and families in need.

For a donation of $100 or more, an individual, family, business, community organization or faith-based group can help to fund a day’s meal. Major sponsorship levels are also available starting at $500.

In effect, each contributor becomes a “host” for a day. Contributors may then select a date on which they or someone they designate or memorialize will be recognized as helping to provide that meal.

Financial contributions to the Kitchen also help to fund other programs such as a Client-Choice Food Pantry and Free Clothing Store and weekly meals at parish locations and high-rise housing buildings in Carbondale and Olyphant and also weekly meals at parish sites in Roaring Brook Township and Archbald.

The Kitchen’s Free Clothing Mobile Trailer visits various locations to bring clothing items to those in need who might not be able to come to the Scranton property.

Also, the Kitchen maintains a “Code Blue” collaboration with the City of Scranton and Keystone Mission. When the temperature gets below 20 degrees, the Kitchen provides hot soup to homeless folks welcomed to shelter at Weston Field.

Rob Williams, Kitchen Executive Director, noted that the Kitchen recently had the highest single month serving counts in its history. In just one month, the Kitchen served nearly 10,000 meals, provided more than 1,000 family servings through the Client Choice Food Pantry and had nearly 1,000 visits to the Free Clothing operations. In 2024, a total of 96,000 meals were provided.

“Now more than ever, our brothers and sisters in need are relying on us for help,” he said. “Fortunately, through donations and the dedication of our staff and volunteers, we are able to provide for those we serve in a dignified and compassionate manner.”

Michael Colarusso, a member of the Kitchen’s Advisory Board, is chairing the 2025 Host-for-a-Day campaign and leading the effort with his fellow board members.

“Considering all the services that the Kitchen provides, you truly realize that it’s only possible thanks to the generosity of individuals and organizations within our community,” he said. “The need is so great and you understand how important the Host-for-a-Day campaign is.”

Recent contributors to the campaign are receiving an appeal directly from the Kitchen through the mail or will be contacted by members of the Kitchen’s Advisory Board.

Host‑for‑a‑Day gifts can also be made by calling the Kitchen at 570-342‑5556, or sending a check to Saint Francis of Assisi Kitchen, 500 Penn Avenue, Scranton, PA 18509. Donations can also be made online at: www.stfranciskitchen.org or facebook.com/stfranciskitchen or text SFAK to 26989.

This year the celebration that concludes the campaign will be held at Fiorelli’s in Peckville on Wednesday, April 30, beginning at 6 p.m. Each contributor and a guest is invited to attend. RSVPs are required by April 15 to confirm attendance and an accurate meal count.

Those who would like to sponsor the reception are asked to call the Kitchen at 570-342‑5556.