Present at the check presentations are, from left: Jordan Cook, Marywood University senior and Warden of the Northeast Board of District Deputies; former Knights of Columbus State Officer George Schneider; and the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton.
SCRANTON – On Thursday, Sept. 16, 2022, members of the Knights of Columbus recently presented the Most Rev. Joseph C. Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, with two charitable donations.
The first, a check for $1,000 came from the Knights of Columbus Christopher Fund for the Bishop’s charitable donations.
A separate $1,766 check from the Pennsylvania State Council of the Knights of Columbus, which will be used for promoting vocations in the diocese, was also presented to Bishop Bambera.
The bishop was very grateful for both of the presentations from the Knights of Columbus – and expressed sincere thanks for all of the work that the Knights have been doing in our parish communities.
To learn more about the Pennsylvania Knights of Columbus State Council, visit their website at pakofc.us.