A Blessed 2022 to you!


The week of February 7-14 is a unique time for parishes and couples to focus on marriage and we have a few items to help you support and celebrate marriage. Don’t let this time to strengthen marriage and reach young adults pass you by.

The observances of National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, Feb. 13) are an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. Our theme for 2022 is “Called to the Joy of Love.”





There are multiple ways in which you can go about strengthening marriages, your own and/or those in your community.  Please discern about which of the resources below may be meaningful, and please share these resources with others!

Prayer for Married Couples



Ideas for Couples Celebrating National Marriage Week: This resource offers some ideas for ways in which you can be especially kind and loving toward your spouse, as well as ways in which the two of you might spend some enjoyable time together.  Consider aiming to use one of these ideas (or some of your own!) each day during National Marriage Week.

Date Night Materials (No cost for couples): Set a date night with your spouse and enjoy together these offerings from Witness to Love.

A Couples’ Novena:  This is a beautiful series of prayers your spouse and you can pray together, one each day from February 5th through February 14th.

Marriage Week Promotional Resources for Couples:  This one link will take you to some of the resources offered separately above, as well as an option to engage with a program for continued marriage formation and to information about support for civilly married couples.



Include this marriage theme in the General Intercessions; here are a few suggestions:

  • Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you live in a communion of perfect love. Strengthen engaged couples, newlyweds and all married couples, wherever they are along the journey, that they may find ways to grow daily in unity and love. We pray to the Lord.
  • Gentle God, teach all married couples to be tender, to forgive and to build each other up. Help them to overcome their difficulties with the grace of your merciful love. We pray to the Lord.
  • Creative God, you see each one of us as beautiful and holy. Help husbands and wives to help each other see and believe in this goodness. We pray to the Lord.

Blessing Married Couples during Mass, from The Book of Blessings:

  • During Mass #107 through #114
  • Outside of Mass #115 through #134



Ideas for Pastors & Parishes World Marriage Sunday 2022: This resource includes the ideas for pastors detailed above, as well as multiple other ways for a parish to celebrate National Marriage Week and World Marriage Day in varied and visible ways.

A Couples’ NovenaThis is a beautiful series of prayers you can post on your social media platforms/website/bulletins, to encourage spouses to pray together (one each day from February 5th through February 14th).

Date Night Materials (No cost for Small Groups or Couples): Consider inviting your parish couples to gather for a date night as a small group and enjoy together these offerings from Witness to Love.

National Marriage Week 2022 Bulletin & Graphic: This resource includes the NMW graphic and an easy to post bulletin announcement.  Both are offered in English and Spanish.

Social Media Graphics: Attractively packaged quotations about marriage, easy to share across social media platforms, etc. – in English and Spanish.

Marriage Week Promotional Resources for Parishes:  This resource includes many of those offered separately above, and includes a link to The Witness to Love Parish Promotional Packet.  That packet (there is a fee) includes promotional materials you could use in reaching couples in your parish in reference to celebrating Sacramental Marriage.


Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration 2022

Every summer, the diocese holds a Wedding Anniversary Celebration for couples celebrating their 25th and 50th years of marriage in Saint Peter’s Cathedral, where couples renew their wedding commitment.  This year’s Mass will be held on June 26 at 2:30PM.

Mark your calendar if you are celebrating your 25th or 50th Anniversary in 2022, or share this news with others who may be doing so.  Stay tuned for additional information about this year’s Wedding Anniversary Mass.