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Welcome to the Diocese of Scranton Office for Parish Life 2021 celebration of National Marriage Week!
The past year has been difficult for all of us, and marriages have not been spared the many extra stressors the pandemic has brought to our lives. We invite you to take the week of February 7-14th to reconnect with each other in an intentional way. We encourage the two of you to commit to doing something loving for one another, and/or to do something enjoyable together, during every day of National Marriage Week! Please see below for some ideas and suggestions.
For the grand finale of the week, on World Marriage Day (and St. Valentine’s Day), February 14th, we will offer a live, virtual marriage enrichment event with Chris and Linda Padgett and Joel and Nora de Loera! Visit www.dioceseofscranton.org/parish-life/community/marriage to learn more about our presenters or to register for the event.
Marriages are one of the cornerstones of our church, and we need the witness of your sacramental vocation now more than ever!
Complete Diocesan National Marriage Week Resources (printable PDF)
Recursos completos de la Semana Nacional Diocesana del Matrimonio
(PDF imprimible)
Diocesan National Marriage Week Flyer (printable PDF)
Folleto de la Semana Nacional Diocesana del Matrimonio (PDF imprimible)