Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration 2025
Every summer, the diocese holds a Wedding Anniversary Celebration for couples celebrating their 25th and 50th years of marriage in Saint Peter’s Cathedral, where couples renew their wedding commitment. This year’s Mass will be held on June 1, 2025 at 2:30PM.
Mark your calendar if you are celebrating your 25th or 50th Anniversary in 2024, or share this news with others who may be doing so. Stay tuned for additional information about this year’s Wedding Anniversary Mass.
For more information or to register, click HERE.
“The earth is filled with harmony and trust when the alliance between man and woman is lived properly. And if man and woman seek it together, between themselves, and with God, without a doubt they will find it.”
–Pope Francis, April 15, 2015, General Audience, Saint Peter’s Square
For an opportunity to enrich your marriage, watch (or re-watch) the presentation(s) offered during our National Marriage Week celebration.
Chris and Linda Padgett (English)
To learn more about Chris and Linda, visit: https://chrispadgett.com/
Joel and Nora de Loera (Spanish)
To learn more about Joel and Nora, visit: https://www.facebook.com/joelnoradeloera/
Daily living the sacrament and vocation of marriage can be a challenge. God, the Universal Roman Catholic Church, and the Diocese of Scranton support you in this beautiful goal. Listed below are many resources you can access in order to enrich and support your marriage. If your marriage is in crisis or is hurting, please see our recommended resources for hurting marriages.
For further help or information, please contact the Office of Parish Life.
Ongoing Marriage Support and Resources
For articles and ideas about marriage at ALL stages En español, Por Tu Matrimonio
Sponsored by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Follow this link to access the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ list of Marriage Enrichment resources: https://www.dioceseofscranton.org/parish-life/community/marriage/enrichment/
“The complicated thing about money in a marriage is that it’s often tied up with power. We may believe that the person who makes the most money is more valued or should have the greater say in financial decisions. We need to remember that spouses perform many tasks for which they are not paid. They contribute to the marriage and common life in different ways. At times one spouse may be ill or unemployed and not able to contribute financially or in other ways. Spouses need to feel valued and respected in their own home, regardless of how much money they bring in.”
– M. Gary Neuman and Melisa Neuman, http://www.foryourmarriage.org/finances/
Compass Catholic Ministries: a website devoted to financial management from a Catholic perspective. www.compasscatholic.org
Financial Playbook for Married Couples – https://www.moneygeek.com/financial-planning/finances-after-marriage/
Interfaith Marriages
www.sandiego.edu/interchurch is a terrific resource for discussion starters and recommendations for many aspects of combining faith lives.
REFOCCUS: An instrument to help couples identify and communicate about issues important to their relationship. FOCCUS, Inc., 3214 N. 60th St., Omaha, NE 68104, Phone: 888-874-2684 www.foccusinc.com
Susan Vogt webpage on marriage
Vibrant Faith at Home: This website, written by Catholic and mainline Protestant parish ministers, offers reflections and prayer experiences for couples at all stages as well as for families and individual adults. There are a variety of topics available. Everything you need is free and easily accessible, including links to helpful resources.
www.MarriagePreparation.com includes a variety of resources to build healthy marriages –no matter how many years you have been married.
“Forgiveness: healing the hurts in marriage” is an article on forgiveness in married life.
For Better, for Worse, for God by Mary Jo Pedersen, Loyola Press – This is a book that relates the spirituality and theology of marriage to everyday life; with reflection and discussion questions throughout the book.
Hold Me Tight by Dr. Sue Johnson, Little, Brown & Company – This is a book that explains the scientific research behind romantic relationships and how married couples can communicate better to stay together. See also, Dr. Sue Johnson’s videos: “What Is a Healthy Marriage?” (3:52) and/or “The Laws of Love” (13:50)
Marriage Enrichment Retreats
Taking the time to get away from it all with your spouse can be immeasurably beneficial for your marriage. Enjoy the chance to focus on one another and your relationship, to prioritize and nurture your loving commitment.
Click here for more information.
Good News for Newlyweds Newsletter
The Newlywed Newsletter is sent out, for a two year time period, to interested couples who have been to one of our PreCana Days of Reflection. The Newsletters contain information and links to other resources that you may find helpful in your own marriage.
Click here for more information.
Celebrating Anniversaries
Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration
Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Celebration 2025
Every summer, the diocese holds a Wedding Anniversary Celebration for couples celebrating their 25th and 50th years of marriage in Saint Peter’s Cathedral, where couples renew their wedding commitment. This year’s Mass will be held on June 1 at 2:30PM.
Mark your calendar if you are celebrating your 25th or 50th Anniversary in 2022, or share this news with others who may be doing so. Stay tuned for additional information about this year’s Wedding Anniversary Mass.
Official Papal Blessing
Are you celebrating a major Wedding Anniversary? Are you interested in obtaining an Official Papal Blessing to help honor this important milestone?