The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body of laypersons called and gifted to advise the pastor on financial affairs of the parish. They work with the pastor and Parish Pastoral Council in a relationship of support and collaboration.
The Finance Council is composed of the Pastor and not less than three practicing members of the parish who are skilled in financial matters and known for prudent judgment. The Parish bookkeeper/ business manager should not be a member, though his/ her attendance may be helpful and at times required.
The Finance Council meets at least four times a year – they provide a quarterly report to the Parish Pastoral Council and an annual report to the parish and the Diocesan Finance Office.
In order to fulfill their task of securing the “means for the mission” of the parish, the Finance Council members must have access to current fiscal information such as parish financial accounts and records including indebtedness and all monies on account.
Diocesan Finance Council Guidelines