Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. was born in 1909 in Ireland to a devout Catholic family. Praying the Rosary together each night was a routine in the Peyton household and laid a strong foundation for Father Peyton’s faith.
In 1927, at age 18, Patrick decided that he wanted to sell real estate in the United States. He already had family members in America: three sisters, three uncles and other relatives settled in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Greeted by their sister Nellie, Patrick and his brother Tom were mesmerized by “Scranton, the Electric City.” Nellie set up a meeting with Monsignor Kelly, which Patrick declined. For weeks Patrick searched, without success, for employment. Monsignor Kelly tracked him down and offered him a job as a sexton (janitor) in the cathedral – he accepted. Finally, while working in the cathedral, with the silence, peace, and joy of talking to Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother, Patrick experienced a sense of being at home and a place of happiness.
In the spring of 1929, Holy Cross priests from Notre Dame, IN visited Patrick’s new parish in Scranton, PA. Their preaching and presence spurred Patrick to realize and express a desire to become a missionary with Holy Cross. Soon after, both Patrick and his brother entered the seminary.