(OSV News photo/Bob Roller)

The Parish Rosary Rally Captain oversees the Rosary Crusade and is the liaison between the parish and the diocesan Office for Parish Life.

Click here to register as a Parish Rosary Captain

With the resources provided by the Office for Parish Life, the Rosary Captain will guide the parish in the following ways:

  • Raise awareness for the Rosary Crusade and the need for family prayer
  • Work with parish staff and existing parish ministries and prayer groups to plan for and coordinate the Rosary Crusade in the parish, integrating what already exists into the Rosary Crusade
  • Encourage families to commit to praying the rosary; distribute, collect, and record pledges using pledge cards provided by the diocese
  • Identify a family to represent the parish at the Rosary Rally on November 16 at the Cathedral of St. Peter, Scranton.
  • Invite and encourage parishioners to attend the Rosary Rally on November 16, 2024 at the Cathedral of St. Peter, Scranton.
  • Arrange and promote a parish Holy Hour for Family Prayer
    • Click here to register the parish Holy Hour for Family Prayer
  • Arrange and promote a parish Mass for Family Prayer
    • Click here to register the parish Mass for Family Prayer
  • Promote parishioner participation in the Rosary Crusade