Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. devoted his priestly life to spreading the devotion to Mary and encouraging family prayer, especially the Rosary. Known the world over as “The Rosary Priest,” Father Peyton began Family Rosary, in Albany, N.Y. in 1942, with the goal of building family unity through daily prayer of the Rosary. He used radio, television, and film, and 540 Rosary Rallies worldwide to accomplish his mission with Family Rosary Rallies that drew 28 million people, including 2 million each at events in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Manila, Philippines. Father Peyton, a Catholic media pioneer, spent the 51 years of his priesthood serving the spiritual needs of families.

Today, Father Peyton’s messages that “The Family That Prays Together Stays Together” and “A World at Prayer is a World at Peace” are still well known around the world. His Cause for Sainthood was officially opened in 2001 and he is currently named Venerable. With your prayers, hopefully he will be recognized as a Saint for Family Prayer!

To learn more about Fr. Patrick Peyton, click here