Diocesan Confirmation Retreat

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What is a Diocesan Confirmation Retreat?

The Diocesan Confirmation Retreat is offered as a way for Confirmation candidates who were unable to attend their parish retreat to complete the requirement of attending a retreat.  A Confirmation retreat helps youth examine their faith and relationship with God.  It explores attitudes towards Confirmation and includes discussions, witness talks, and prayer.

Who should attend the Diocesan Confirmation Retreat?

The Diocesan Confirmation Retreat is for the Confirmation Candidates who are currently preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Spring of 2025, but were/are unable to attend their parish’s regularly scheduled Confirmation Retreat and are looking for a way to make up this requirement.

When and where is the Diocesan Confirmation Retreat?

The Diocesan Confirmation Retreat is scheduled for April 12, 2025, at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 330 Wyoming Ave. Scranton, PA 18503

Registration deadline for this retreat is April 9, 2025.

At this time, there is one scheduled Diocesan Confirmation Retreat.  Additional retreats will be considered if necessary.

What is included in the Diocesan Confirmation Retreat?

The retreat will include lunch, ice breakers, talks, small group discussion and prayer. The retreat will end by 5 pm in case parents and candidates would like to attend the Saturday Vigil Mass at the Cathedral, which begins at 5 pm.

Who will facilitate the Diocesan Confirmation Retreat?

The Diocesan Confirmation Retreat will be facilitated by the Office for Parish Life Youth Ministry and Discipleship team members.

Do adults need to attend with their Confirmation Candidate?

YES!  Each Confirmation Candidate is asked to attend this retreat with their Confirmation Sponsor.  If their sponsor is not available to attend a parent may stand in as proxy. 

What is the registration fee?

The registration fee for the Diocesan Confirmation Retreat is $25/Candidate and $15/sponsor, and includes lunch, snacks, retreat materials, venue fees, and facilitator stipends. The registration fee will be billed to the parish. Individuals registering for the retreat will not be charged.

Is there a capacity limit for the Diocesan Confirmation Retreat?

Yes, no more than 15 Confirmation Candidates will be at each retreat along with their sponsor/parent totaling in 30 individuals.  This limit allows for more intentional small group discussions.

For more information please contact the Office for Parish Life directly at OPLgeneral@dioceseofscranton.org or by phone at (570) 207-2213.